subroutine rkc(neqn,f,y,t,tend,rtol,atol,info,work,idid) c-------------------------------------------------------------------------- c c ABSTRACT: RKC integrates initial value problems for systems of first c order ordinary differential equations. It is based on a family of c explicit Runge-Kutta-Chebyshev formulas of order two. The stability c of members of the family increases quadratically in the number of c stages m. An estimate of the spectral radius is used at each step to c select the smallest m resulting in a stable integration. RKC is c appropriate for the solution to modest accuracy of mildly stiff problems c with eigenvalues of Jacobians that are close to the negative real axis. c For such problems it has the advantages of explicit one-step methods and c very low storage. If it should turn out that RKC is using m far beyond c 100, the problem is not mildly stiff and alternative methods should be c considered. Answers can be obtained cheaply anywhere in the interval c of integration by means of a continuous extension evaluated in the c subroutine RKCINT. c c The initial value problems arising from semi-discretization of c diffusion-dominated parabolic partial differential equations and of c reaction-diffusion equations, especially in two and three spatial c variables, exemplify the problems for which RKC was designed. Two c example programs, ExA and ExB, are provided that show how to use RKC. c c--------------------------------------------------------------------------- c USAGE: RKC integrates a system of NEQN first order ordinary differential c equations specified by a subroutine F from T to TEND. The initial values c at T are input in Y(*). On all returns from RKC, Y(*) is an approximate c solution at T. In the computation of Y(*), the local error has been c controlled at each step to satisfy a relative error tolerance RTOL and c absolute error tolerances ATOL(*). The array INFO(*) specifies the way c the problem is to be solved. WORK(*) is a work array. IDID reports c success or the reason the computation has been terminated. c c FIRST CALL TO RKC c c You must provide storage in your calling program for the arrays in the c call list -- Y(NEQN), INFO(4), WORK(8+5*NEQN). If INFO(2) = 1, you can c [Note: originally this said INFO(2) = 0, but that is reportedly c an error. See readme. Edited 2025-01-16.] c reduce the storage for the work array to WORK(8+4*NEQN). ATOL may be c a scalar or an array. If it is an array, you must provide storage for c ATOL(NEQN). You must declare F in an external statement, supply the c subroutine F and the function SPCRAD, and initialize the following c quantities: c c NEQN: The number of differential equations. Integer. c c T: The initial point of the integration. Double precision. c Must be a variable. c c TEND: The end of the interval of integration. Double precision. c TEND may be less than T. c c Y(*): The initial value of the solution. Double precision array c of length NEQN. c c F: The name of a subroutine for evaluating the differential c equation. It must have the form c c subroutine f(neqn,t,y,dy) c integer neqn c double precision t,y(neqn),dy(neqn) c dy(1) = ... c ... c dy(neqn) = ... c return c end c c RTOL, C ATOL(*): At each step of the integration the local error is controlled c so that its RMS norm is no larger than tolerances RTOL, ATOL(*). c RTOL is a double precision scalar. ATOL(*) is either a double c precision scalar or a double precision array of length NEQN. c RKC is designed for the solution of problems to modest accuracy. c Because it is based on a method of order 2, it is relatively c expensive to achieve high accuracy. c c RTOL is a relative error tolerance. You must ask for some c relative accuracy, but you cannot ask for too much for the c precision available. Accordingly, it is required that c 0.1 >= RTOL >= 10*uround. (See below for the machine and c precision dependent quantity uround.) c c ATOL is an absolute error tolerance that can be either a c scalar or an array. When it is an array, the tolerances are c applied to corresponding components of the solution and when c it is a scalar, it is applied to all components. A scalar c tolerance is reasonable only when all solution components are c scaled to be of comparable size. A scalar tolerance saves a c useful amount of storage and is convenient. Use INFO(*) to c tell RKC whether ATOL is a scalar or an array. c c The absolute error tolerances ATOL(*) must satisfy ATOL(i) >= 0 c for i = 1,...,NEQN. ATOL(j)= 0 specifies a pure relative error c test on component j of the solution, so it is an error if this c component vanishes in the course of the integration. c c If all is going well, reducing the tolerances by a factor of c 0.1 will reduce the error in the computed solution by a factor c of roughly 0.2. c c INFO(*) Integer array of length 4 that specifies how the problem c is to be solved. c c INFO(1): RKC integrates the initial value problem from T to TEND. c This is done by computing approximate solutions at points c chosen automatically throughout [T, TEND]. Ordinarily RKC c returns at each step with an approximate solution. These c approximations show how y behaves throughout the interval. c The subroutine RKCINT can be used to obtain answers anywhere c in the span of a step very inexpensively. This makes it c possible to obtain answers at specific points in [T, TEND] c and to obtain many answers very cheaply when attempting to c locating where some function of the solution has a zero c (event location). Sometimes you will be interested only in c a solution at TEND, so you can suppress the returns at each c step along the way if you wish. c c INFO(1) = 0 Return after each step on the way to TEND with a c solution Y(*) at the output value of T. c c = 1 Compute a solution Y(*) at TEND only. c c INFO(2): RKC needs an estimate of the spectral radius of the Jacobian. c You must provide a function that must be called SPCRAD and c have the form c c double precision function spcrad(neqn,t,y) c integer neqn c double precision t,y(neqn) c c spcrad = < expression depending on info(2) > c c return c end c c You can provide a dummy function and let RKC compute the c estimate. Sometimes it is convenient for you to compute in c SPCRAD a reasonably close upper bound on the spectral radius, c using, e.g., Gershgorin's theorem. This may be faster and/or c more reliable than having RKC compute one. c c INFO(2) = 0 RKC is to compute the estimate internally. c Assign any value to SPCRAD. c c = 1 SPCRAD returns an upper bound on the spectral c radius of the Jacobian of f at (t,y). c c INFO(3): If you know that the Jacobian is constant, you should say so. c c INFO(3) = 0 The Jacobian may not be constant. c c = 1 The Jacobian is constant. c c INFO(4): You must tell RKC whether ATOL is a scalar or an array. c c INFO(4) = 0 ATOL is a double precision scalar. c c = 1 ATOL is a double precision array of length NEQN. c c WORK(*): Work array. Double precision array of length at least c 8 + 5*NEQN if INFO(2) = 0 and otherwise, 8 + 4*NEQN. c c IDID: Set IDID = 0 to initialize the integration. c c c c RETURNS FROM RKC c c T: The integration has advanced to T. c c Y(*): The solution at T. c c IDID: The value of IDID reports what happened. c c SUCCESS c c IDID = 1 T = TEND, so the integration is complete. c c = 2 Took a step to the output value of T. To continue on c towards TEND, just call RKC again. WARNING: Do not c alter any argument between calls. c c The last step, HLAST, is returned as WORK(1). RKCINT c can be used to approximate the solution anywhere in c [T-HLAST, T] very inexpensively using data in WORK(*). c c The work can be monitored by inspecting data in RKCDID. c c FAILURE c c = 3 Improper error control: For some j, ATOL(j) = 0 c and Y(j) = 0. c c = 4 Unable to achieve the desired accuracy with the c precision available. A severe lack of smoothness in c the solution y(t) or the function f(t,y) is likely. c c = 5 Invalid input parameters: NEQN <= 0, RTOL > 0.1, c RTOL < 10*UROUND, or ATOL(i) < 0 for some i. c c = 6 The method used by RKC to estimate the spectral c radius of the Jacobian failed to converge. c c RKCDID is a labelled common block that communicates statistics c about the integration process: c common /rkcdid/ nfe,nsteps,naccpt,nrejct,nfesig,maxm c c The integer counters are: c c NFE number of evaluations of F used c to integrate the initial value problem c NSTEPS number of integration steps c NACCPT number of accepted steps c NREJCT number of rejected steps c NFESIG number of evaluations of F used c to estimate the spectral radius c MAXM maximum number of stages used c c This data can be used to monitor the work and terminate a run c that proves to be unacceptably expensive. Also, if MAXM should c be far beyond 100, the problem is too expensive for RKC and c alternative methods should be considered. c c-------------------------------------------------------------------------- c c CAUTION: MACHINE/PRECISION ISSUES c c UROUND (the machine precision) is the smallest number such that c 1 + UROUND > 1, where 1 is a floating point number in the working c precision. UROUND is set in a parameter statement in RKC. Its c value depends on both the precision and the machine used, so it c must be set appropriately. UROUND is the only constant in RKC c that depends on the precision. c c This version of RKC is written in double precision. It can be changed c to single precision by replacing DOUBLE PRECISION in the declarations c by REAL and changing the type of the floating point constants set in c PARAMETER statements from double precision to real. c c-------------------------------------------------------------------------- c c Authors: B.P. Sommeijer and J.G. Verwer c Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science (CWI) c Kruislaan 413 c 1098 SJ Amsterdam c The Netherlands c e-mail: c c L.F. Shampine c Mathematics Department c Southern Methodist University c Dallas, Texas 75275-0156 c USA c e-mail: c c Details of the methods used and the performance of RKC can be c found in c c B.P. Sommeijer, L.F. Shampine and J.G. Verwer c RKC: an Explicit Solver for Parabolic PDEs. c Technical Report MAS-R9715, CWI, Amsterdam, 1997 c c This source code for RKC and some examples, as well as the c reference solution to the second example can also be obtained c by anonymous ftp from the address c------------------------------------------------------------------ integer neqn,info(*),idid double precision y(neqn),t,tend,rtol,atol(*),work(*) c c********************************************************************* c uround is set here for IEEE double precision arithmetic. double precision uround parameter (uround=2.22d-16) c********************************************************************* c double precision zero,rmax,rmin parameter (zero=0d0,rmax=0.1d0,rmin=10d0*uround) integer i,ptr1,ptr2,ptr3,ptr4 logical array,valid save integer nfe,nsteps,naccpt,nrejct,nfesig,maxm common /rkcdid/ nfe,nsteps,naccpt,nrejct,nfesig,maxm external f c if(idid .eq. 0) then c---------------------- c Test the input data. c---------------------- array = info(4) .eq. 1 valid = neqn .gt. 0 if((rtol .gt. rmax) .or. (rtol .lt. rmin)) valid = .false. if(atol(1) .lt. zero) valid = .false. if(array) then do 10 i = 2, neqn if(atol(i) .lt. zero) valid = .false. 10 continue endif if(.not. valid) then idid = 5 return endif c----------------------------------- c Initialize counters and pointers. c----------------------------------- nfe = 0 nsteps = 0 naccpt = 0 nrejct = 0 nfesig = 0 maxm = 0 c----------------------------------------------------------- c work(*) contains information needed for interpolation, c continuation after a return, and working storage. Items c relevant here are: c c The last step taken, hlast, is work(1). c The current t is work(2). c The number of equations, neqn, is work(3). c The unit roundoff, uround, is work(4). c The square root of uround, sqrtu, is work(5). c The maximum step size, hmax, is work(6). c The base address for the solution is ptr1 = nint(work(7)). c The solution at t starts at ptr1. c The derivative of the solution at t starts at ptr2. c The solution at t-hlast starts at ptr3. c The derivative of the solution at t-hlast starts at ptr4. c The estimated dominant eigenvector starts at ptr4 + neqn. c------------------------------------------------------------ work(2) = t work(3) = neqn work(4) = uround work(5) = sqrt(uround) ptr1 = 8 work(7) = ptr1 ptr2 = ptr1 + neqn ptr3 = ptr2 + neqn ptr4 = ptr3 + neqn elseif(idid .ne. 2) then write(*,*) ' RKC was called with an illegal value of IDID.' stop endif c call rkclow(neqn,t,tend,y,f,info,rtol,atol,work, & work(ptr1),work(ptr2),work(ptr3),work(ptr4),idid) return end subroutine rkclow(neqn,t,tend,y,f,info,rtol,atol,work, & yn,fn,vtemp1,vtemp2,idid) c---------------------------------------------------------------------- c RKC is an interface to RKCLOW where the actual solution takes place. c---------------------------------------------------------------------- integer neqn,info(*),idid double precision t,tend,y(*),rtol,atol(*),work(*), & yn(*),fn(*),vtemp1(*),vtemp2(*) external f c double precision one,onep1,onep54,p1,p4,p8, & ten,zero,one3rd,two3rd parameter (one=1d0,onep1=1.1d0,onep54=1.54d0, & p1=0.1d0,p4=0.4d0,p8=0.8d0,ten=10d0, & zero=0d0,one3rd=1d0/3d0,two3rd=2d0/3d0) integer i,m,mmax,nstsig double precision absh,est,err,errold,fac,h,hmax,hmin,hold, & spcrad,sprad,tdir,temp1,temp2, & uround,wt,ylast,yplast,at logical array,last,newspc,jacatt save integer nfe,nsteps,naccpt,nrejct,nfesig,maxm common /rkcdid/ nfe,nsteps,naccpt,nrejct,nfesig,maxm c c--------------------------------- c Initialize on the first call. c--------------------------------- if(idid .eq. 0) then array = info(4) .eq. 1 uround = work(4) mmax = nint(sqrt(rtol/(10d0*uround))) mmax = max(mmax,2) newspc = .true. jacatt = .false. nstsig = 0 do 10 i = 1, neqn yn(i) = y(i) 10 continue call f(neqn,t,yn,fn) nfe = nfe + 1 tdir = sign(one,tend - t) hmax = abs(tend - t) work(6) = hmax hmin = ten*uround*max(abs(t),hmax) endif c------------------------------------ c Start of loop for taking one step. c------------------------------------ 20 continue c---------------------------------------------- c Estimate the spectral radius of the Jacobian c when newspc = .true.. A convergence failure c in rkcrho is reported by idid = 6. c---------------------------------------------- if(newspc) then if(info(2) .eq. 1) then sprad = spcrad(neqn,t,yn) else call rkcrho(neqn,t,f,yn,fn,vtemp1,vtemp2,work,sprad,idid) if(idid .eq. 6) return endif jacatt = .true. endif c------------------------------- c Compute an initial step size. c------------------------------- if(nsteps .eq. 0) then absh = hmax if(sprad*absh .gt. one) absh = one/sprad absh = max(absh,hmin) do 30 i = 1,neqn vtemp1(i) = yn(i) + absh*fn(i) 30 continue call f(neqn,t+absh,vtemp1,vtemp2) nfe = nfe + 1 est = zero at = atol(1) do 40 i = 1,neqn if(array) at = atol(i) wt = at + rtol*abs(yn(i)) if(wt .eq. zero) then idid = 3 return endif est = est + ((vtemp2(i) - fn(i))/wt)**2 40 continue est = absh*sqrt(est/neqn) if(p1*absh .lt. hmax*sqrt(est)) then absh = max(p1*absh/sqrt(est), hmin) else absh = hmax endif endif c------------------------------------------------------------ c Adjust the step size and determine the number of stages m. c------------------------------------------------------------ last = .false. if(onep1*absh .ge. abs(tend - t)) then absh = abs(tend - t) last = .true. endif m = 1 + int(sqrt(onep54*absh*sprad + one)) c---------------------------------------------------------- c Limit m to mmax to control the growth of roundoff error. c---------------------------------------------------------- if(m .gt. mmax) then m = mmax absh = (m**2 - 1)/(onep54*sprad) last = .false. endif maxm = max(m,maxm) c-------------------------------------------- c A tentative solution at t+h is returned in c y and its slope is evaluated in vtemp1(*). c-------------------------------------------- h = tdir*absh hmin = ten*uround*max(abs(t),abs(t + h)) call step(neqn,f,t,yn,fn,h,m,y,vtemp1,vtemp2) call f(neqn,t+h,y,vtemp1) nfe = nfe + m nsteps = nsteps + 1 c------------------------------------------------------------- c Estimate the local error and compute its weighted RMS norm. c------------------------------------------------------------- err = zero at = atol(1) do 50 i = 1, neqn if(array) at = atol(i) wt = at + rtol*max(abs(y(i)),abs(yn(i))) if(wt .eq. zero) then idid = 3 return endif est = p8*(yn(i) - y(i)) + p4*h*(fn(i) + vtemp1(i)) err = err + (est/wt)**2 50 continue err = sqrt(err/neqn) c if(err .gt. one) then c------------------- c Step is rejected. c------------------- nrejct = nrejct + 1 absh = p8*absh/(err**one3rd) if(absh .lt. hmin) then idid = 4 return else newspc = .not. jacatt goto 20 endif endif c------------------- c Step is accepted. c------------------- naccpt = naccpt + 1 t = t + h jacatt = info(3) .eq. 1 nstsig = mod(nstsig+1,25) newspc = .false. if((info(2) .eq. 1) .or. (nstsig .eq. 0)) newspc = .not. jacatt c------------------------------------------------------ c Update the data for interpolation stored in work(*). c------------------------------------------------------ work(1) = h work(2) = t do 60 i = 1, neqn ylast = yn(i) yplast = fn(i) yn(i) = y(i) fn(i) = vtemp1(i) vtemp1(i) = ylast vtemp2(i) = yplast 60 continue fac = ten if(naccpt .eq. 1) then temp2 = err**one3rd if(p8 .lt. fac*temp2) fac = p8/temp2 else temp1 = p8*absh*errold**one3rd temp2 = abs(hold)*err**two3rd if(temp1 .lt. fac*temp2) fac = temp1/temp2 endif absh = max(p1,fac)*absh absh = max(hmin,min(hmax,absh)) errold = err hold = h h = tdir*absh if(last) then idid = 1 return elseif(info(1) .eq. 0) then idid = 2 return else goto 20 endif end subroutine step(neqn,f,t,yn,fn,h,m,y,yjm1,yjm2) c-------------------------------------------------- c Take a step of size H from T to T+H to get Y(*). c-------------------------------------------------- integer neqn,m double precision t,yn(neqn),fn(neqn),h, & y(neqn),yjm1(neqn),yjm2(neqn) external f c double precision one,two,four,c13,zero parameter (one=1d0,two=2d0,four=4d0,c13=13d0,zero=0d0) integer i,j double precision ajm1,arg,bj,bjm1,bjm2,dzj,dzjm1,dzjm2, & d2zj,d2zjm1,d2zjm2,mu,mus,nu, & temp1,temp2,thj,thjm1,thjm2,w0,w1, & zj,zjm1,zjm2 c w0 = one + two/(c13*m**2) temp1 = w0**2 - one temp2 = sqrt(temp1) arg = m*log(w0 + temp2) w1 = sinh(arg)*temp1 / (cosh(arg)*m*temp2 - w0*sinh(arg)) bjm1 = one/(two*w0)**2 bjm2 = bjm1 c--------------------------- c Evaluate the first stage. c--------------------------- do 10 i = 1, neqn yjm2(i) = yn(i) 10 continue mus = w1*bjm1 do 20 i = 1, neqn yjm1(i) = yn(i) + h*mus*fn(i) 20 continue thjm2 = zero thjm1 = mus zjm1 = w0 zjm2 = one dzjm1 = one dzjm2 = zero d2zjm1 = zero d2zjm2 = zero c------------------------------ c Evaluate stages j = 2,...,m. c------------------------------ do 50 j = 2, m zj = two*w0*zjm1 - zjm2 dzj = two*w0*dzjm1 - dzjm2 + two*zjm1 d2zj = two*w0*d2zjm1 - d2zjm2 + four*dzjm1 bj = d2zj/dzj**2 ajm1 = one - zjm1*bjm1 mu = two*w0*bj/bjm1 nu = - bj/bjm2 mus = mu*w1/w0 c--------------------------------------------- c Use the y array for temporary storage here. c--------------------------------------------- call f(neqn,t + h*thjm1,yjm1,y) do 30 i = 1, neqn y(i) = mu*yjm1(i) + nu*yjm2(i) + (one - mu - nu)*yn(i) + & h*mus*(y(i) - ajm1*fn(i)) 30 continue thj = mu*thjm1 + nu*thjm2 + mus*(one - ajm1) c------------------------------------ c Shift the data for the next stage. c------------------------------------ if(j .lt. m) then do 40 i = 1, neqn yjm2(i) = yjm1(i) yjm1(i) = y(i) 40 continue thjm2 = thjm1 thjm1 = thj bjm2 = bjm1 bjm1 = bj zjm2 = zjm1 zjm1 = zj dzjm2 = dzjm1 dzjm1 = dzj d2zjm2 = d2zjm1 d2zjm1 = d2zj endif 50 continue return end subroutine rkcint(work,arg,yarg) c------------------------------------------------------------------------- c RKCINT is used to compute approximate solutions at specific t and to c compute cheaply the large number of approximations that may be needed c for plotting or locating when events occur. c c After a step to T, RKC provides HLAST, the step just taken, in WORK(1). c In other entries of WORK(*) it provides the data needed to interpolate c anywhere in [T-HLAST, T]. YARG(*), the approximate solution at t = ARG c computed by interpolation in RKCINT has the same order of accuracy as c the Y(*) computed directly by RKC. c c INPUT: c c WORK(*) Double precision array returned by RKC. c c ARG The point at which a solution is desired. Double precision. c c OUTPUT: c c YARG(*) The approximate solution at t = ARG. Double precision c array of length neqn. c-------------------------------------------------------------------------- double precision work(*),arg,yarg(*) c double precision one,two,three parameter (one=1d0,two=2d0,three=3d0) integer i,neqn,ptr1,ptr2,ptr3,ptr4 double precision a1,a2,b1,b2,s,hlast,t,tlast c c--------------------------------------------------------------------- c The data needed for interpolation are stored in work(*) as follows: c c The last step taken, hlast, is work(1). c The current t is work(2). c The number of equations, neqn, is work(3). c The base address for the solution is ptr1 = nint(work(7)) c The solution at t starts at ptr1. c The derivative of the solution at t starts at ptr2. c The solution at t-hlast starts at ptr3. c The derivative of the solution at t-hlast starts at ptr4. c--------------------------------------------------------------------- hlast = work(1) t = work(2) tlast = t - hlast neqn = nint(work(3)) ptr1 = nint(work(7)) ptr2 = ptr1 + neqn ptr3 = ptr2 + neqn ptr4 = ptr3 + neqn c s = (arg - tlast)/hlast a1 = (one + two*s)*(s - one)**2 a2 = (three - two*s)*s**2 b1 = hlast*s*(s - one)**2 b2 = hlast*(s - one)*s**2 c do 10 i = 1, neqn yarg(i) = a1*work(ptr3+i-1) + a2*work(ptr1+i-1) + & b1*work(ptr4+i-1) + b2*work(ptr2+i-1) 10 continue return end subroutine rkcrho(neqn,t,f,yn,fn,v,fv,work,sprad,idid) c--------------------------------------------------------------- c RKCRHO attempts to compute a close upper bound, SPRAD, on c the spectral radius of the Jacobian matrix using a nonlinear c power method. A convergence failure is reported by IDID = 6. c--------------------------------------------------------------- integer neqn,idid double precision t,yn(neqn),fn(neqn),v(neqn),fv(neqn),work(*), & sprad external f c integer itmax parameter (itmax=50) double precision zero,one,onep2,p01 parameter (zero=0d0,one=1d0,onep2=1.2d0,p01=0.01d0) integer i,iter,index,ptr5 double precision uround,sqrtu,ynrm,sigma,sigmal, & dynrm,dfnrm,vnrm,small integer nfe,nsteps,naccpt,nrejct,nfesig,maxm common /rkcdid/ nfe,nsteps,naccpt,nrejct,nfesig,maxm c uround = work(4) sqrtu = work(5) c------------------------------------------------------------ c hmax = work(6). sprad smaller than small = 1/hmax are not c interesting because they do not constrain the step size. c------------------------------------------------------------ small = one/work(6) c--------------------------------------------------------- c The initial slope is used as guess when nsteps = 0 and c thereafter the last computed eigenvector. Some care c is needed to deal with special cases. Approximations to c the eigenvector are normalized so that their Euclidean c norm has the constant value dynrm. c--------------------------------------------------------- ptr5 = nint(work(7)) + 4*neqn if(nsteps .eq. 0) then do 10 i = 1,neqn v(i) = fn(i) 10 continue else do 20 i = 1,neqn v(i) = work(ptr5+i-1) 20 continue endif ynrm = zero vnrm = zero do 30 i = 1,neqn ynrm = ynrm + yn(i)**2 vnrm = vnrm + v(i)**2 30 continue ynrm = sqrt(ynrm) vnrm = sqrt(vnrm) if(ynrm .ne. zero .and. vnrm .ne. zero) then dynrm = ynrm*sqrtu do 40 i = 1,neqn v(i) = yn(i) + v(i)*(dynrm/vnrm) 40 continue elseif(ynrm .ne. zero) then dynrm = ynrm*sqrtu do 50 i = 1, neqn v(i) = yn(i) + yn(i)*sqrtu 50 continue elseif(vnrm .ne. zero) then dynrm = uround do 60 i = 1,neqn v(i) = v(i)*(dynrm/vnrm) 60 continue else dynrm = uround do 70 i = 1,neqn v(i) = dynrm 70 continue endif c-------------------------------------------- c Now iterate with a nonlinear power method. c-------------------------------------------- sigma = zero do 110 iter = 1, itmax call f(neqn,t,v,fv) nfesig = nfesig + 1 dfnrm = zero do 80 i = 1, neqn dfnrm = dfnrm + (fv(i) - fn(i))**2 80 continue dfnrm = sqrt(dfnrm) sigmal = sigma sigma = dfnrm/dynrm c---------------------------------------------------------- c sprad is a little bigger than the estimate sigma of the c spectral radius, so is more likely to be an upper bound. c---------------------------------------------------------- sprad = onep2*sigma if(iter .ge. 2 .and. & abs(sigma - sigmal) .le. max(sigma,small)*p01) then do 90 i = 1,neqn work(ptr5+i-1) = v(i) - yn(i) 90 continue return endif c-------------------------------------- c The next v(*) is the change in f c scaled so that norm(v - yn) = dynrm. c-------------------------------------- if(dfnrm .ne. zero) then do 100 i = 1,neqn v(i) = yn(i) + (fv(i) - fn(i))*(dynrm/dfnrm) 100 continue else c------------------------------------------------------- c The new v(*) degenerated to yn(*)--"randomly" perturb c current approximation to the eigenvector by changing c the sign of one component. c------------------------------------------------------- index = 1 + mod(iter,neqn) v(index) = yn(index) - (v(index) - yn(index)) endif 110 continue c------------------------------------------- c Set flag to report a convergence failure. c------------------------------------------- idid = 6 return end