file ode/daskr.tgz for differential-algebraic system solver with rootfinding by Brown, Hindmarsh, Petzold prec double and single alg BDF methods with direct and preconditioned Krylov linear solvers ref SIAM J. Sci. Comp.: 15, 6, 1467 (1994) and 19, 5, 1495 (1998) gams I1a2 file ode/daspk.tgz for differential-algebraic system solver by Brown, Hindmarsh, Petzold prec double and single alg BDF methods with direct and preconditioned Krylov linear solvers ref SIAM J. Sci. Comp.: 15, 6, 1467 (1994) and 19, 5, 1495 (1998) gams I1a2 # also known as DASPK2 # superseded by daskr.tgz file ode/sdassl.f by Petzold for differential-algebraic system solver alg backward differentiation formulae prec double rel good age stable gams I1a2 # superseded by daskr.tgz file ode/ddassl.f by Petzold for stiff differential-algebraic system solver alg backward differentiation formulae prec double rel good age stable gams I1a2 # superseded by daskr.tgz file ode/sdasrt.f by Petzold for stiff differential-algebraic system solver with root stopping alg backward differentiation formulae prec single rel good age stable # needs routines from ode/sdassl.f but duplicated auxiliary routines , are different gams I1a2 # superseded by daskr.tgz file ode/ddasrt.f by Petzold for stiff differential-algebraic system solver with root stopping alg backward differentiation formulae prec double rel good age stable # needs routines from ode/ddassl.f but duplicated auxiliary routines # are different gams I1a2 # superseded by daskr.tgz lib ode/rksuite alg Runge-Kutta for initial value problem for first order ordinary differential equations , A suite of codes for solving IVPs in ODEs. A choice of RK methods , is available. Includes an error assessment facility and a sophisticated , stiffness checker. Template programs and example results provided. , Supersedes RKF45, DDERKF, D02PAF. ref RKSUITE, Softreport 92-S1, Dept of Math, SMU, Dallas, Texas by R.W. Brankin (NAG), I. Gladwell and L.F. Shampine (SMU) lang Fortran prec double gams I1a1a file ode/colnew.f by Ascher and Bader for ordinary differential equation boundary-value problem solver alg truncated powers collocation (modification of colsys) prec double rel good age stable gams I1b2 file ode/colsys.f by Ascher, Christiansen, and Russell for ordinary differential equation boundary-value problem solver alg B-spline collocation prec double rel good age stable gams I1b2 file ode/coldae.f by Ascher and Spiteri for semi-explicit differential-algebraic equations with index at most 2. alg collocation, proj on constraint manifold (modification of colnew) prec double file ode/mebdfdae.f by Cash for stiff ODE and linearly implicit DAE initial-value problems alg extended backward differentiation formulae prec double lang Fortran gams I1a2 # replaces dmebdf.f, dp12.f and sp12.f file ode/mebdfi.f by Cash for general implicit DAE initial-value problems, index <= 3 alg extended backward differentiation formulae prec double lang Fortran file ode/mebdfso.f by Cash for large sparse stiff ODE initial-value problems alg extended backward differentiation formulae prec double lang Fortran # needs Yale sparse matrix package file ode/yale.f for Yale sparse matrix package, as used by mebdfso file ode/dresol.f by Dieci for solving stiff/nonstiff matrix differential Riccati equations (DREs) ref SIAM J. Numerical Analysis 29-3 prec single alg Adams' and backward differentiation formulae gams I1a1b I1a2 # Based on lsode by Hindmarsh. Solves symmetric and unsymmetric DREs. file ode/dverk.f by Jackson, Hull, and Enright for ordinary differential equation initial-value problem solver with global error control alg Verner's fifth and sixth order Runge-Kutta pair prec double gams I1a1a file ode/epsode.f by Bryne and Hindmarsh for stiff ordinary differential equation initial-value problem solver alg backward differentiation formulae (variable coefficient formulae) prec double gams I1a2 file ode/ddverk.f by Enright and Hayashi for delay differential equations alg continuous Runge-Kutta method with defect control ref SIAM J Numer Anal 35, 572-585, 1998 file ode/mus.doc by Mattheij and Staarink for ordinary differential equation boundary-value problem solver alg multiple shooting ref , whence you may also fine DEQNS prec double gams I1b1 I1b2 file ode/mus1.f file ode/mus2.f file ode/mus3.f file ode/muslex.f for example driver for MUSL file ode/musnex.f for example driver for MUSN file ode/ode.f by Shampine and Gordon for ordinary differential equation initial-value problem solver alg Adam's methods prec double rel excellent age old gams I1a1b file ode/rkc.f for explicit solver for parabolic PDEs by Sommeijer, Shampine, Verwer ref J. Comp. Appl. Math., submitted 1997 prec double lang Fortran77 alg second-order explicit Runge-Kutta-Chebyshev formulae gams I1a1a file ode/rkc-exa.f for example A for ode/rkc.f file ode/rkc-exb.f for example B for ode/rkc.f file ode/rkf45.f by Watts and Shampine for ordinary differential equation initial-value problem solver alg Runge-Kutta Fehlberg fourth-fifth order prec double rel good age old gams I1a1a file ode/scolsys.f by Ascher, Christiansen, and Russell for ordinary differential equation boundary-value problem solver alg B-spline collocation prec single rel good age stable gams I1b2 file ode/dgelda.tar.gz for general linear differential algebraic equations by P. Kunkel, V. Mehrmann, W. Rath and J. Weickert # The package includes a computation of all the local invariants of the , system, a regularization procedure and an index reduction scheme and , it can be combined with every solution method for standard index 1 , systems. Nonuniqueness and inconsistencies are treated in a least , square sense. In our package we have implemented backward , differentiation formulas (BDF) methods and Runge-Kutta schemes. prec double lang fortran gams I1a2 file ode/sderoot.f by Gordon and Shampine for ordinary differential equation initial-value problem solver with root stopping alg Adam's methods prec single rel good age old gams I1a1b file ode/sode.f by Shampine and Gordon for ordinary differential equation initial-value problem solver alg Adam's methods prec single rel excellent age old gams I1a1b file ode/srkf45.f by Watts and Shampine for ordinary differential equation initial-value problem solver alg Runge-Kutta Fehlberg fourth-fifth order prec single rel good age old gams I1a1a file ode/svode.f by Brown, Byrne and Hindmarsh for non-stiff or stiff ordinary differential equation initial-value problem solver alg backward differentiation formulae (variable coefficient formulae) prec single # updated version of epsode gams I1a2 file ode/svodpk.f by Brown, Byrne and Hindmarsh for large non-stiff or stiff ordinary differential equation initial-value problem solver alg backward differentiation formulae (variable coefficient formulae) with GMRES with user-suppled preconditioner prec single # updated version of epsode gams I1a2 file ode/vode.f by Brown, Byrne and Hindmarsh for non-stiff or stiff ordinary differential equation initial-value problem solver alg backward differentiation formulae (variable coefficient formulae) prec double # updated version of epsode gams I1a2 file ode/zvode.f by Brown, Byrne, and Hindmarsh for stiff or nonstiff ordinary differential equation initial value problem solver alg backward differentiation formulae (variable coefficient formulae) prec double complex # complex variant of vode gams I1a2 file ode/vodpk.f by Brown, Byrne and Hindmarsh for large non-stiff or stiff ordinary differential equation initial-value problem solver alg backward differentiation formulae (variable coefficient formulae) with GMRES with user-suppled preconditioner prec double # updated version of epsode gams I1a2 size 200 kB file ode/cvode.tar.gz for large non-stiff or stiff ordinary differential equation initial-value problem solver alg combines earlier vode.f and vodpk.f lang C by Scott D. Cohen and Alan C. Hindmarsh size 273 kB file ode/twpbvp.f by Cash and Wright for ordinary differential equation boundary-value problem solver alg deferred correction with mono-implicit Runge Kutta ref ode/twpbvp.tex (LaTeX) lang Fortran prec double rel good age new gams I1b2 file ode/twpbvp.tex by Cash and Wright for documentation for twpbvp.tex lib ode/geodesic for geodesics on manifolds file ode/parsodes.tar.gz by for large systems of stiff ordinary differential equations alg multiimplicit Runge-Kutta with "across the method" parallelization lang Fortran90, MPI file ode/composition.txt by Li and Kahan for introduction to composition.tar.gz file ode/composition.tar.gz by Ren-Cang Li and William Kahan for unconventional schemes to solve ordinary differential equations alg composition methods, mostly palindromic schemes size 890 kilobytes file ode/acdc.f by Cash and R.W.Wright for ode stiff boundary value problem alg deferred correction and continuation based on Lobatto Runge-Kutta lang fortran prec double file ode/acdc.tex for reference manual for ode/acdc.f file ode/colmod.f by R.W.Wright and Cash for ode stiff boundary value problem solver alg collocation and continuation (modification of COLNEW) lang fortran prec double file ode/mirkdc.f by Enright and Muir for nonlinear two-point boundary value ordinary differential equations alg mono-implicit Runge-Kutta methods, defect control prec double file ode/mirkdc.txt for documentation of mirkdc.f lib ode/symbolic for symbolic methods for ODEs or discretization analysis lib ode/ex for example programs lib ode/daesolve by Werner C Rheinboldt for differential algebraic equations file ode/odeToJava.tgz for initial-value problems for stiff and non-stiff ordinary differential equations alg explicit Runge-Kutta, linearly implicit implicit-explicit (IMEX) by Murray Patterson and Raymond J. Spiteri lang Java size 580kB file ode/gauss2.tgz for second order problems y''(t) = f(t,y), y(t_0)=y_0, y'(t_0)=y'_0, # stiff and non-stiff, low to medium precision alg two-stage Gauss by S. Gonzalez-Pinto, S. Perez-Rodriguez and R. Rojas-Bello ref J. Comput. Appl. Math., 189 (2006), 80-97 lang Fortran90 file ode/irkc.f90 for time integration of diffusion-reaction PDEs by Shampine, Verwer, Sommeijer ref J. Comp. Appl. Math., 196 (2006) 485-497 prec double lang Fortran90 alg implicit-explicit Runge-Kutta-Chebyshev file ode/changes