November 8, 2000 Fortran 95 package written by W. C. Rheinboldt Dept. of Mathematics, University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA 15260 for the numerical solution of the following six types of quasilinear DAEs DAEQ1 : quasilinear DAE of index 1 a(t,u)u' = h(t,u) f(t,u) = 0 u(t0) = u0, such that f(t0,u0) = 0 dim(rge a)= dim(rge h) = nd, dim(rge f) = na, nu = nd na, nw = 0, dim(u) = nu, DAEN1 : nonlinear implicit DAE of index one f(t,u,u',w) = 0, u(t0) = u0, v(t0) = up0, w(t0) = w0, such that f(t0,u0,up0,w0) = 0 dim(u) = nu, dim(w) = nw, nd = nu, na = nu + nw, dim(rge f)= na The solver works internally with the DAE in the quasilinear form u' = v, f(t,u,v,w) = 0 DAEQ2 : quasilinear DAE of index 2 a(t,u)u' + b(t,u)w = h(t,u) f(t,u) = 0 u(t0) = u0, such that f(t0,u0) = 0 dim(rge a)= dim(rge h) = nd, dim(rge f)= na, dim(w) = nw, dim(u) = nu, nu + nw = nd + na NOHOL : quasilinear DAE of index 2 arising as models of mechanical multibody systems with nonholonomical contraints a(u) u" + d_{u'}f(t,u,u')^T w = h(t,u,u') f(t,u,u') = 0 u(t0) = u0, u'(t0) = up0 such that f(t0,u0,up0) = 0 dim(rge a)= dim(rge h) = nd, dim(rge f)= na, dim(w) = na, dim(u) = nd DAEQ3 : quasilinear DAE of index 3 a(t,u,u')u" + b(t,u,u')w = h(t,u,u') f(t,u) = 0 u(t0)=u0, u'(t0)=up0, such that f(t0,u0) = 0 dim(rge f)= na, dim(w) = nw, dim(rge a)= dim(rge h) = nd, dim(u) = nd+na-nw EULAG : Euler-Lagrange equations of index 3 a(u) u" + df(u)^T w = h(u,u') f(u) = 0 u(t0) = u0, such that f(u0) = 0 dim(rge a) = dim(rge h) = nd, dim(rge f) = na dim(w) = na, dim(u) = nd The solution procedure follows the algorithms developed originally in Rheinboldt, W. C. MANPACK: A set of algorithms for computations on implicitly defined manifolds. Comp. Math. w. Appl. 27, (1996), 15--28. Rheinboldt, W. C. Solving algebraically explicit DAEs with the MANPACK manifold algorithms. Comp. Math. w. Appl. 27, (1997), 31--43. For further references see also Rabier, P. J. and Rheinboldt, W. C. Nonholonomic Motion of Rigid Mechanical Systems from a DAE Viewpoint. SIAM Publications, Philadelphia, PA 2000 Rabier, P. J. and Rheinboldt, W. C. Theoretical and Numerical Analysis of Differential-Algebraic Equations Handbook of Numerical Analysis, Elsevier, The Netherlands, in print The distribution consists of the following tar-gzip files A. dae_solve.tgz containing the solver and associated libraries B. sampl_prob.tgz containing sample programs for the above six types of DAEs List of contents: A. dae_solve.tgz A.1 dae_lib.f95 This file contain the three library modules: module def_kinds to define kind-parameters for integer and real arithmetic module file_sup programs for handling file support module lin_lib a small linear algebra library A.2 dae_solver.f95 This files contains module dae_dat to set global data for the dae solver module dae_wrk to define work arrays and to provide associated routines for setting and deleting these arrays module dae_man to define local parametrizations on the manifolds and to provide the associated routines for establishing bases and for the evauation of points on the manifolds module dae_loc to provide subroutines for evaluating the local odes for the various dae types subroutine daeslv global routine for solving the dae B. sampl_prob.tgz This file contains sample programs with expected output for the following six problems catal.f95 uses DAEQ1 for a catalytic converter problem eight.f95 uses DAEN1 for a "figure eight" problem ap_q2.f95 uses DAEQ2 for quasilinear DAE given by Ascher and Petzold in 1991 tskate.f95 uses NOHOL for a DAE modelling a scating body on a tilted plane ap_q3.f95 uses DAEQ3 for a modified version of a quasilinear DAE given by Ascher and Petzold in 1991 sevbd.f95 uses EULAG for the seven body Andrews squeezing mechanism Template for the use of the package: 1. Write a module for the global data of the problem module prob_dat ! use def_kinds, ONLY : RP => RPX implicit none ! real(kind=RP) :: ...................... ! end module prob_dat 2. Write a main program for the problem program .... ! use def_kinds, ONLY : RP => RPX use dae_dat use prob_dat implicit none intrinsic ... ! interface subroutine daeslv(info) use def_kinds, ONLY : RP => RPX implicit none integer, intent(out) :: info end subroutine daeslv end interface ! ! provide the type of dae, the problem name and the ! dimensions of the problem ! integer :: info ! return indicator character(len=5) :: dnm = '.....' ! dae type character(len=6) :: pname = '......' ! problem name integer :: outunit = 10 ! output unit integer :: nvd = , & ! no. of diff. equ. nva = , & ! no. of alg. equ. nvu = , & ! dim. of u nvw = ! dim of w ! call setup(dnm,pname,outunit,nvd,nva,nvu,nvw,info) if(info /= 0) then if(info == -2) write(6,*)'unknown type of DAE' if(info == -1) write(6,*)'dimension error' write(6,*)'Stop due to input error' stop endif ! ! set initial point ! x(0:kx) = 0.0_RP .................. ! set the components of x ! ! set global data (the solver has defaults for all except tout) ! reltol = ......... ! relative tolerance abstol = ......... ! absolute tolerance h = .......... ! first step hint = .......... ! interpolation step tout = .......... ! terminal time hmax = .......... ! maximum step ! ! print any desired information about the run, such as ! write(outunit,20)reltol,abstol 20 format(' tolerances: reltol=',e14.6,' abstol= ',e14.6) write(outunit,30)h,tout 30 format(' h= ',e14.6,' tout= ',e14.6) ! call daeslv(info) ! call the solver ! call close_run(info) ! terminate run ! write(6,*)'Stop with info= ',info ! write stop message ! end program .... 3. Write a routine for the evaluation of the coefficient functions of the DAE subroutine daefct(fname,xc,vc,vec,mat,iret) ! use def_kinds, ONLY : RP => RPX use dae_dat use prob_dat implicit none intrinsic .... ! character(len=4), intent(in) :: fname real(kind=RP), dimension(0:), intent(in) :: xc real(kind=RP), dimension(0:), intent(in) :: vc real(kind=RP), dimension(0:), intent(out) :: vec real(kind=RP), dimension(0:,0:), intent(out) :: mat integer, intent(out) :: iret optional vc,vec,mat ! real(kind=RP) :: ....... ! any local variables !------------------------------------------------------ ! Routine for evaluating the parts of the dae under ! control of the identifier fname. ! Return indicator: ! iret = 0 no error ! iret = 1 not available part as requested by fname ! iret = 2 wrong dimension for output !------------------------------------------------------ ! iret = 0 select case(fname) ! case ('amt ') if(.not.present(mat)) then iret = 2 return endif mat(0,0) = .... ............. ! case ('bmt ') if(.not.present(mat)) then iret = 2 return endif mat(0,0) = .... .............. ! case ('hf ') if(.not.present(vec)) then iret = 2 return endif vec(0) = ... .............. ! case ('ff ') if(.not.present(vec)) then iret = 2 return endif vec(0) = ... .............. ! case ('dff ') if(.not.present(mat)) then iret = 2 return endif mat(0,0) = .... ............... ! case ('d2ff') if(.not.present(vc) .or. .not.present(vec)) then iret = 2 return endif vec(0) = ..... ............. ! case default iret = 1 ! end select ! end subroutine daefct The cases to be included in this subroutine differ for the six types of DAEs: DAEQ1 requires subroutine daefct with fname = 'amt ' for evaluating a(t,u) fname = 'hf ' for evaluating h(t,u) fname = 'ff ' for evaluating f(t,u) fname = 'dff ' for evaluating df(t,u) DAEN1 requires subroutine daefct with fname = 'ff ' for evaluating f(t,u) fname = 'dff ' for evaluating df(t,u) DAEQ2 requires subroutine daefct with fname = 'amt ' for evaluating a(t,u) fname = 'bmt ' for evaluating b(t,u) fname = 'hf ' for evaluating h(t,u) fname = 'ff ' for evaluating f(t,u) fname = 'dff ' for evaluating df(t,u) NOHOL requires subroutine daefct with fname = 'amt ' for evaluating a(u) fname = 'hf ' for evaluating h(t,u,u') fname = 'ff ' for evaluating f(t,u,u') fname = 'dff ' for evaluating df(t,u,u') DAEQ3 requires subroutine daefct with fname = 'amt ' for evaluating a(t,u,u') fname = 'bmt ' for evaluating b(t,u,u') fname = 'hf ' for evaluating h(t,u,u') fname = 'ff ' for evaluating f(t,u) fname = 'dff ' for evaluating df(t,u) fname = 'd2ff' for evaluating d2f(t,u)(v,v) EULAG requires subroutine daefct with fname = 'amt ' for evaluating a(u) fname = 'hf ' for evaluating h(u,u') fname = 'ff ' for evaluating f(u) fname = 'dff ' for evaluating df(u) fname = 'd2ff' for evaluating d2f(u)(v,v) 4. Write a subroutine for the intermediate output subroutine solout(nstp,xc,hinch,info) ! use def_kinds, ONLY : RP => RPX use dae_dat use prob_dat implicit none intrinsic .... ! integer, intent(in) :: nstp real(kind=RP), dimension(0:), intent(in) :: xc real(kind=RP), intent(out) :: hinch integer, intent(out) :: info ! !------------------------------------------------------------ ! Routine for intermediate printout of the solution vector xc ! ! nstp current count of accepted steps ! hinch a new value of the interpolation step or ! zero if no change is desired ! info nonzero if integration is to stop or ! zero otherwise !----------------------------------------------------------- ! ! sample output ! write(outlun,10) nstp,xc(0) 10 format(1X/' nstp = ',I6,' t= ',e18.11) ! write(outlun,20)xc(1:kc) 20 format(' xc = '/(4e16.8)) ! end subroutine solout