Subject: NA Digest, V. 96, # 46

NA Digest   Sunday, December 8, 1996   Volume 96 : Issue 46

Today's Editor:

    Cleve Moler
    The MathWorks, Inc.

Today's Topics:

    Garrett Birkhoff
    2D and 3D FFT Code Wanted
    Change of Address for Augustin Dubrulle
    SPAI Preconditioner Code Available
    Minutes from BLAS Technical Forum
    IFIP 98, World Computer Congress
    Fast Algorithms for Control, Signals and Image Processing
    International Algebraic Conference, 1997
    Conference on Modern Group Analysis
    Third Mississippi State Conference
    Finite Difference Methods: Theory and Applications
    Computational Intelligence for Financial Engineering
    Positions Available at Argonne National Laboratory
    Faculty Position at Florida State University
    Faculty Position at Colorado School of Mines
    Research Positions at University of Manchester
    Contents, SIAM Control and Optimization
    Contents, Journal of Approximation Theory
    Contents, Linear Algebra and Its Applications
    Contents, Reliable Computing
    Contents, Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications
    Contents, Surveys on Mathematics for Industry
    Contents, Mathematical Commmunications (Croatia)

Submissions for NA Digest:
    Mail to

Information about NA-NET:
    Mail to

URL for the World Wide Web:

From: Chandler Davis <> 
Date: Tue, 3 Dec 1996 16:24:35 -0500
Subject: Garrett Birkhoff

   I learned only from NA Digest of Garrett Birkhoff's death; I
had, to be sure, heard earlier that he was not well.
   It is a loss that means a lot to me.  Garrett was formally
my thesis director, but we had only sporadic sessions in that
relation, and I never really "studied with" him.  In reality he
was much more important to me than our slight formal contact
would imply.
   This was a long-distance influence.  He always had (like
his father) a healthy respect for real applications reflected in
abstract structures, and a healthy breadth of curiosity, and I
learned from his example.
   Some of the special interests of his youth -- especially
foundations of quantum mechanics and averaging operators -- were
things I worked on later, after he had finished with them.  I am
one of the hundreds who made heavy use of his theorem on doubly-
stochastic matrices.  Even lattice theory falls in this category:
by the time I wrote my thesis on a lattice-theoretic topic,
Garrett had pretty much moved on from that area.  So there are
four special areas where you might say I was his disciple at half
a generation's remove.
   Garrett's integrity and conscience were plain and clearly
felt to me.  We never made a habit of talking politics, and
wouldn't always have agreed if we had, but my respect for the
core of his beliefs was one of the things that made me value him
as a teacher.
   I hadn't seen him since his 80th birthday celebrations; that
must be true of many of his students and admirers.  Numerous
though his public honors were, they fell short of his real
importance, so I hope he always felt the appreciation that we had
for him.

     Chandler Davis


From: Steven G. Johnson <stevenj@MIT.EDU> 
Date: Wed, 4 Dec 1996 00:24:20 -0500
Subject: 2D and 3D FFT Code Wanted

I am trying to find source code for 2D and 3D uniprocessor FFTs--preferably
in C, but I can deal with Fortran too. (Netlib only seems to have 1D
FFT's.) I would like both complex-complex and real-complex transforms.
Ideally, they will allow the dimensions of the arrays to be any powers of
2, 3, or 5.  I am also looking for shared-memory SMP implementations.

Thank you very much for any help you can provide.

Steven G. Johnson (


From: Augustin Dubrulle <>
Date: Wed, 4 Dec 1996 11:41:54 -0800
Subject: Change of Address for Augustin Dubrulle

Please note my new coordinates:                   

   Augustin A. Dubrulle       
   Hewlett-Packard Convex Division 
   Bldg. 331  MS C14        
   331 East Evelyn Avenue      
   Mountain View CA 94041      
   Telephone: 415 694 2261         
   Fax:       415 694 2083         


From: Steve T. Barnard <> 
Date: Fri, 6 Dec 1996 09:37:45 -0800 (PST)
Subject: SPAI Preconditioner Code Available

I have implemented a portable, parallel MPI implementation of the SPAI
(Sparse Approximate Inverse) preconditioner for unstructured sparse
matrices.  The code also contains a BICGSTAB solver that is used to
test SPAI.

This code is available, free of charge, from:

SPAI constructs an explicit approximate inverse for an arbitrary real
sparse matrix, which is then used as a preconditioner in a Krylov
solver. The method has proved to be effective on very some difficult
problems.  This code uses BICGSTAB for testing, but it is easy to use
other Krylov methods with SPAI.  SPAI is complicated and expensive
compared to other preconditioners, but it is very effective for a
large class of problems and it is inherently parallel.  If you use
iterative Krylov solvers on parallel computers you should consider SPAI.

A similar MPI/C++ implementation of SPAI is included in a much more
complete and portable package of Krylov solvers and preconditioners
called ISIS++.  Consult the web page:

SPAI was first described by Grote and Huckle:

M.J. Grote and T. Huckle, Parallel Preconditioning with Sparse
Approximate Inverses}, SIAM J. of Scient. Comput., to appear March 1997.

An online version of the paper can be obtained from:

A very attractive feature of SPAI is that it is inherently parallel.
However, an efficient and scalable parallel implementation is not
straightforward.  This code uses techniques for:

   - One-sided communcation,
   - Dynamic load balancing,
   - Avoiding redundant communication.

A paper describing these techniques and some performance measurements
is under preparation and will soon be included in the software

        Stephen Barnard
        NASA Ames Research Center
        Moffett Field, CA
        (415) 604-3963


From: Susan <>
Date: Fri, 6 Dec 1996 12:41:29 -0500
Subject: Minutes from BLAS Technical Forum

The latest meeting of the BLAS Technical Forum was hosted by Cray
Research in Eagan, MN on November 7-8, 1996 and was attended by 28
people. The minutes of the meeting can be found at

together with other information on the BLAS Technical Forum. There is
also an email reflector for general information about the BLAS Technical
Forum ( To subscribe to the list send the message

   subscribe blast-comm


The are also subgroup lists, details of which can be found on the home
page.  We welcome comments on and contributions to the activity.

A definitive date for the next meeting has not been established but
has been tentatively scheduled for March, 1997 in Dallas, Texas.

Best wishes,

Jack, Sven, and Susan


From: Irene Sudra <>
Date: Mon, 2 Dec 1996 16:23:42 +0200
Subject: IFIP 98, World Computer Congress

                               First Announcement:
                        15TH IFIP WORLD COMPUTER CONGRESS

       "The Global Information Society on the Way to the Next Millennium"

                          31 August - 4 September 1998
                               Vienna and Budapest

Organized by the Austrian Computer Society (OCG) and the Hungarian
John von Neumann Computer Society (NJSZT) 

On behalf of IFIP (International Federation for Information Processing)

International Program Committee Chair:     Prof. Dr. E. Hoerbst

The 15th IFIP World Computer Congress marks the first time that an
IFIP World Computer Congress will be jointly organized by the computer
societies of two Central European countries. It will also introduce an
entirely new concept by covering general issues related to IT development
and, in parallel, following the trend of specialized conferences. Global
visions of Information Technology in the 21 century will be addressed by
outstanding keynote speakers. The needs of specialized audiences will be best
served by the following seven carefully selected conferences with paper
presentations and poster sessions, intended to give a thorough insight of
what should be expected in the respective fields in future:

-SEC'98  14th International Information Security Conference

-ICCHP'98  International Conference on Computers Helping People
           with Special Needs

-KnowRight'98  2nd International Conference on Intellectual Property Rights

-Fundamentals  Foundations of Computer Science

-IT & KNOWS  Information Technology and Knowledge Systems

-Teleteaching'98 Distance Learning, Training and Education

-Telecooperation  The Global Office, Teleworking and Communication Tools

Before and after the congress, tutorials and workshops will enhance the

Call for papers:  May 1997
Deadline for submission of papers:  16 January 1998

Detailed information is available from the IFIP'98 homepage


If you are interested in the congress and wish to receive further
information, please complete the on-line information request form at<fontfamily><param>Times</param>

or contact

Oesterreichische Computer Gesellschaft
(Austrian Computer Society OCG)
Wollzeile 1-3
A-1010 Vienna, Austria, Europe
Phone: + 43 1 5120235
Fax: + 43 1 5120235 9


John v. Neumann Computer Society NJSZT
Bathori u. 16.
H-1054 Budapest, Hungary
Phone: +36 1 1329 349
Fax: +36 1 1318 140


From: Hans Schneider <>
Date: Mon, 2 Dec 1996 18:26:55 -0600 (CST)
Subject: Fast Algorithms for Control, Signals and Image Processing

        "Fast Algorithms for Control, Signals and Image Processing"
                        June 6th, 7th and 8th, 1997


      Session on Linear Algebra for the Canadian Mathematical Society
                             June 9th, 1997
                              Organized by
           Institute of Industrial Mathematical Sciences (IIMS)
                         University of Manitoba

The objective of the three day meeting is to bring together people from the
areas of Control Theory, Signal and Image Processing and Computational
Linear Algebra to discuss recent advances, trends and future directions for
research on fast algorithms. This will offer a unique opportunity for
interaction among these groups and will provide a forum of interdisciplinary
communication that should encourage researchers to develop a new sense of
participation and a new perception of these areas as closely related
scientific disciplines.

The Symposium will feature a special emphasis on modern methods in
scientific computing and linear algebra relevant to digital control, signal
and image processing. For such applications it is important to consider
ingredients such as 1) sophisticated mathematical models of the problems,
including a priori knowledge, 2) rigorous mathematical theories to
understand the difficulties of solving problems which are often ill-posed,
and 3) fast algorithms for either real-time or data-massive computations.
Aspects of each of these three ingredients will be discussed by speakers in
the Symposium by way of short courses, invited and contributed lectures, and
invited and contributed mini-symposiums on relevant topics.

On June 6 a set of tutorial short courses will be given.

The Summer Meeting of the Canadian Mathematical Society (CMS) is being held
in Winnipeg on June 7, 8, 9, 1997 and hence overlaps with the ILAS Workshop
on June 7 and 8. A CMS Session on Linear Algebra organized by ILAS/IIMS will
be held on June 9, 1997.

The Winnipeg Symposium and short courses are the first of their kind for

On June 6 there will be an ILAS Workshop which will be open to participants
of the CMS meeting.

  Date                ILAS                              CMS
  June 6          Tutorial Short Courses
  June 7, 8       Symposium                        Annual Meeting
  June 9                                           ILAS/IIMS
                                                   Session on Linear Algebra*

*The main speakers are Roger Horn (Utah) and Paul Van Dooren (University
Catholique de Louvain).

The Registration Fee is $150.00. An additional $60.00 will enable ILAS
participants to attend the CMS Summer Meeting.  The CMS program will be
available later on the IIMS Web page.

Invited Speakers

Eleanor Chu (Guelph), Martin Hanke (Germany), Simon Haykin (McMaster), Linda
Kaufman (Bell Labs), Christopher Paige (McGill), Haesun Park (Minnesota),
Ali Sayed (UCSB), G. W. Stewart (Maryland).

Short Courses

Stephen Boyd (Stanford), Raymond Chan (Chinese University of Hong Kong), Tom
Kailath (Stanford), Byron Welsh (Air Force Institute of Technology).

Invited Mini-Symposia

Nancy Nichols (Reading), Biswa Datta (NIU), Georg Heinig (Kuwait), James
Nagy (SMU), Paul Van Dooren (Universite Catholique de Louvain), Franklin Luk

Program Committee

Co-Chairs: Dianne O'Leary (Maryland), Bob Plemmons (Wake Forest)
Members: Moody Chu (NCSU), Biswa Datta (NIU), Brent Ellerbroek (Air Force
Phillips Lab), Georg Heinig (Kuwait), Franklin Luk (RPI), Haesun Park
(Minnesota), Ali Sayed (UCSB), P. N. Shivakumar (Manitoba), Paul Van Dooren
(University Catholique de Louvain)

Organizing Committee

Chair: P. N. Shivakumar, Director, IIMS (Manitoba)
Members: Tom Kailath (Stanford), Peter Lancaster (Calgary), Dianne O'Leary
(Maryland), Bob Plemmons (Wake Forest), Hans Schneider (Wisconsin)

Local Organizing Committee

Chair: P. N. Shivakumar, IIMS, Members: S. Kocabiyik (Applied 
Mathematics), Q. Ye (Applied Mathematics), W.Hoskins (Applied Mathematics)

Institute of Mathematics and its Applications  (IMA)
(University of Minnesota)

As part of the Participating Institutions Conferences program the IMA
is co-sponsoring this workshop.  Interested participants from 
Participating Institutions of the IMA should contact the heads of the 
mathematics departments of the PIs for possible financial support. 
Participating Institutions include: Centre National de la Recherche
Scientifique, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Georgia Institute
of Technology, Universities of Indiana, Iowa State, Kent State, 
Manitoba, Michigan State, Northern Illinois, Ohio State, Pennsylvania
State, Purdue, Seoul National (RIM-GARC), Texas A&M, Chicago,
Cincinnati, Houston, Illinois (Chicago), Illinois (Urbana), Iowa,
Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Notre Dame, Pittsburgh,
South California, Wisconsin, Wayne State.

Call for Papers

Contributed papers for the ILAS Symposium and for the CMS Special Session on
Linear Algebra are solicited. Please send author, title and abstracts before
March 31, 1997.

All enquiries regarding the meeting, including those on contributed papers,
should be addressed to:

P. N. Shivakumar, Director.

Registration forms and information on accommodation may be obtained from

Mrs. S.. Henderson, Conference Coordinator.

Address for both is as follows:

Institute of Industrial Mathematical Sciences
420 Machray Hall
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3T 2N2
Tel: (204) 474 6724 Fax: (204) 275 0019


From: Maxim R. Larin <>
Date: Tue,  3 Dec 96 11:35:19 +0600
Subject: International Algebraic Conference, 1997

                    St Petersburg Branch
            of the Steklov Mathematical Institute
              of the Russian Academy of Sciences
               the St Petersburg State University
              the International Algebraic Conference
              dedicated to the memory of D.K.Faddeev
          to be held in St Petersburg on June 24-30, 1997

   The Conference is timed to the 90th birthday of Dmitri
Konstantinovich Faddeev (1907-1989), an eminent scientist and a
very sympatetic personality. He was a Corresponding Member of
the USSR Academy of Science,
Professor of St Petersburg State University, a State prize winner,
President of St Petersburg Mathematical Society.
Prof. D.K.Faddeev significantly contributed to many areas of mathematics.

   It is  expected that  many outstanding  specialists in algebra
and its applications will be involved in participation of the Conference.
The Faddeev's students,  and students of his students consider the
participation in the conference as their pleasant duty.

   At the Conference, there will be several plenary lectures as well as
shorter talks in the following sections: algebraic geometry, algebraic
number theory, Galois theory, representation theory, rings and modules,
the theory of groups and semigroups, algorithmic and numerical problems
of algebra. A special session will be dedicated to the memory
of Vera Nikolaevna Faddeeva (1906-1983).

   We ask all who wish  to participate in the conference to fill in the
enclosed registration form and to inform the coordination committee about
their suggestions. The coordination committee needs to know at least an
approximate list of participants in order to plan further actions.

   Chairman of Coordination Committee
   Doctor of Physics and Mathematics,
   Professor                                      A.V.Yakovlev

   Secretary of Coordination Committee
   Candidate of Physics and Mathematics,
   Assistant Professor                            B.B.Lur'e

   General Manager of TPO "Severny ochag"
   Doctor                                         S.I.Kublanovsky

Mail address:

191011, St Petersburg, Fontanka 27,
        St Petersburg Branch of the Steklov Mathematical Institute (POMI)
198904, St Petersburg, Staryi Petergof, Bibliotechnaya square, 2
        Department of Algebra and Number Theory
        St Petersburg State University
Fax:    7-(812)-310-5377
197342, St Petersburg, Torjkovskaya, 5 TPO "Severnyi ochag"
Fax:    7-(812)-242-0168


From: Arne Marthinsen <>
Date: Tue, 3 Dec 1996 14:07:40 +0100
Subject: Conference on Modern Group Analysis


       Lie Groups and Contemporary Symmetry Analysis
        Sophus Lie Conference Center, Nordfjordeid
                Norway, June 30-July 5, 1997

Chairman of the Scientific Committee: Nail H. Ibragimov (South Africa)
Chairman of the Organizing Committee: Eldar Straume (Norway)

First Announcement and Call for Papers

The 7th International Conference on Modern Group Analysis will take
place in Nordfjordeid, Norway, from Monday, June 30, to Saturday, July
5, 1997. Arrival day is Sunday June 29. The aim of the conference is
to bring together leading scientists in this field. The main topics of
the conference will include:

* Classical heritage and historical aspects of Lie group analysis
* Invariant and partially invariant solutions of differential equations
* Applications in fluid mechanics
* Symmetries in mathematical physics and physical chemistry
* Geometric and group theoretic analysis of initial value problems
* Applications in mathematics of finance and in industrial problems
* Approximate groups,perturbation methods and deformations of Lie algebras
* Group analysis of integro-differential and finite-difference equations
* Nonlocal, conditional and other generalized symmetries
* Computational aspects

The conference will also highlight educational aspects and therefore
will include an educational workshop consisting of mini-seminars
dedicated to several selected topics and arranged by participants.

A one-page abstract (suitable for direct photo-reproduction) for
presentation at the conference is invited. The presentation is
expected to be 25 minutes in length plus 5 minutes for discussion.
The deadline for the abstract is March 1, 1997. The abstract may be
e-mailed (LaTeX file) to the chairman of the organizing committee
(Eldar Straume, with copy to the chairman of
the scientific committee (Nail Ibragimov,

Notification of the acceptance will be given by April 1, 1997.

More information is available at URL:

Questions may be addressed by email to the organizing committee:


From: Jiangping Zhu <jzhu@Pascal.Math.MsState.Edu>
Date: Tue, 3 Dec 1996 14:07:06 -0600 (CST)
Subject: Third Mississippi State Conference

Third Mississippi State Conference on


Preliminary Announcement
and Call for Papers

May 16-17, 1997
Mississippi State University

Organized by:   Department of Mathematics and Statistics and NSF Engineering
                                Research Center, Mississippi State University

Co-Sponsor:     Electronic Journal of Differential Equations

Speakers:       Walter Allegretto, University of Alberta, Canada
                Jerry L. Bona, University of Texas
                Djairo de Figueiredo, University of Campinas, Brazil
                S. Godunov, Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, Russia
                Antony Jameson, Princeton University
                Jean Mawhin, Universite de Louvain, Belgium
                Stanley Osher, University of California
                Klaus Schmitt, University of Utah
                Joseph Shang, Wright Patterson Air Force Base

This interdisciplinary conference will provide a joint forum where
mathematicians, scientists, and engineers from academia and industry can
exchange research ideas involving theoretical and applied developments in
differential equations and computational simulations. In addition to the nine
principal lectures, there will be sessions of contributed talks. This
conference is held bi-annually. Reviewed manuscripts will be published as a
special issue of the Electronic Journal of Differential Equations.

Abstracts for contributed papers should be submitted electronically no later
than March 11, 1997, to the program chairman, Dr. Jianping Zhu, For further information on the conference organization,
program and submission of abstracts, visit the conference homepage at or contact the organizers.

Ratnasingham Shivaji
Department of Mathematics & Statistics
Mississippi State, MS  39762
Phone:  601-325-3414
Fax:  601-325-0005

Bharat Soni
NSF Engineering Research Center
Mississippi State, MS  39762
Phone:  601-325-8278
Fax:  601-325-7692


From: Lubin Georgiev Vulkov <>
Date: Thu, 5 Dec 1996 11:12:40 +0200 (WET)
Subject: Finite Difference Methods: Theory and Applications


           First Announcement and Call for Papers
            ROUSSE,BULGARIA,AUGUST 10-13,1997
The Conference is organized by

  Institute of Mathematical Modelling  University of Rousse, Bulgaria
  Russian Academy of Sciences

  Institute of Mathematics             Technical University of Gabrovo
  Belarus Academy of Sciences          Bulgaria
The scope of the Conference is concerned with problems of development,
validation and practical usage of finite difference methods for numerical
solution of modern problems of science and engineering.

Validation of finite difference methods for solving problems of
mathematical physics
Iterative methods and parallel algorithms for solving grid equations
Finite difference methods for  nonlinear  problems
Inverse  problems  and  problems  of  control
Finite  difference  methods  in  continuum  mechanics
Application  of  difference  methods  to  engineering  problems

The scientific programme includes invited plenary talks (45 min),
key lecturers (45 min) and contributed talks (20 or 30 min).

-proposals for special sessions and minisymposia  : February 20,1997
-abstract (one page abstract, best plain text or
 Postscript by e-mail)                            : March 30, 1997

A.A.Samarskii (Russia)-Chairman, V.Abrashin (Belorus), M.Sapogovas
(Litva), V. Makarov (Ukraine), G. Meladze (Georgia), L. Vulkov
(Bulgaria), I. Gavrilyk (Germany), V. Thomee (Sweden), B. Jovanovic
(Yugoslavia), R.Lazarov (USA), P.Hemker (Netherlands), Shi Zhong-ci
(China), A. Konovalov (Russia).

ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: L. Vulkov (Chairman), A. Andreev, I. Braianov,
O. Iliev, S. Karakoleva, P. Matus, V. Pavlov, G. Shishkin,
N. Strateva, P. Vabishchevich, P. Yalamov, K. Zlateva

Our address  for  correspondence is:

Int. Programme Committee                  Organizing Committee
A.A.Samarskii (Chairman)
Peter N.Vabishchevich                     Lubin Vulkov (Chairman)
Institute  for  Mathematical Modelling    Center  of  Applied Mathematics 
Russian Academy of  Sciences              and Informatics
Miusskaya  Square                         University  of  Rousse
Moscow 125047, RUSSIA                     7017 Rousse, BULGARIA        


From: Payman Arabshahi <>
Date: Thu, 5 Dec 1996 16:41:09 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Computational Intelligence for Financial Engineering

The 1997 IEEE/IAFE Conference on Computational Intelligence for Financial
Engineering (CIFEr) will be held this year in the Crowne Plaza Manhattan,
New York City, from March 23-25, 1997. This is the third annual collaboration
between the professional engineering and financial communities, and is
one of the leading forums for new technologies and applications in the
intersection of computational intelligence and financial engineering.
Intelligent computational systems have become indispensable in virtually all 
financial applications, from portfolio selection to proprietary trading to
risk management. 

For more details on paper submission or participation, please visit us on
the web at, or write to the organizational
chair, Payman Arabshahi, at

Payman Arabshahi


From: Argonne National Lab <>
Date: Thu, 5 Dec 1996 10:54:40 -0600
Subject: Positions Available at Argonne National Laboratory

Research Scientists, Visiting Scientists, and Postdoctoral Appointees
Mathematics and Computer Science Division
Argonne National Laboratory

Research scientists, visiting scientists, and postdoctoral candidates 
interested in exploring next-generation high-performance and distributed 
computing methods and emerging collaborative technologies are invited to 
apply for positions in the Mathematics and Computer Science Division 
(MCS) at Argonne National Laboratory.  

Internationally recognized for its innovative research in 
high-performance computing, MCS is expanding its activities in 
conjunction with its newly established Center for Computational Science 
and Technology.  At the core of the center will be teraflops-class 
computer resources, distributed supercomputing laboratory, and virtual 
environments laboratory.   For further information, see

We are seeking candidates with a Ph.D. in computer science or a related 
discipline with expertise in the following areas:

* Numerical Methods - nonlinear PDEs, composition solution methods, 
optimization, linear algebra, automatic differentiation, unstructured 
mesh computation
* Parallel Tools - MPI-2 advanced communication, multidisciplinary 
optimization, integrated applications, development environments, parallel 
and distributed I/O
* Scientific Visualization - performance visualization of distributed 
applications environments, immersive virtual reality, computational 
* Collaboration Tools - integrated desktop environments, shared 
workspaces, prototype collaborative telepresence
* Distributed Computing - advanced networking technologies, resource 
management, scheduling, computer security

Both regular and one-year (renewable) term positions are available to 
research scientists.  Visiting Scientists may apply for summer, 
sabbatical, or one-year (renewable) term positions.  Postdoctoral 
applicants must have received their Ph.D. not more than three years prior 
to the beginning of the appointment and are for a one-year (renewable) 

Resumes should be addressed to Walter McFall, Box mcs-ccst1, Employment 
and Placement, Argonne National Laboratory, 9700 S. Cass Avenue, Argonne, 
IL 60439, and must include a statement of research goals and the names 
and addresses of three references.  The closing date for applications is 
February 1, 1997.  Offers will be made in March 1997.

Argonne is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer.


From: Warren Nichols <nichols@zeno.MATH.FSU.EDU>
Date: Tue, 3 Dec 1996 08:51:28 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Faculty Position at Florida State University

                  Symbolic Computation

The Department of Mathematics is continuing its policy of focused hiring
in Computational Mathematics. We are now inviting applications for a
junior position in Symbolic Computation, to begin in Fall 1997. We expect
to add another faculty member in the field of Symbolic Computation next

The successful candidate will be expected to participate in developing and
shaping the Symbolic Computation program in collaboration with the present
group in Symbolic Computation at FSU.  Expertise in the development and
implementation of mathematical algorithms will be given a high priority. 

As well as an outstanding research record, excellence in teaching is
essential.  Favorable consideration will be given to the potential for
interaction with mathematics faculty members and with members of other FSU

Complete applications should include a detailed curriculum vita and three
letters of recommendation. Applications received by January 31, 1997 will
receive full consideration. Address all communications to: 

            Search Committee
            Mika Sepp\"al\"a, chair
            Department of Mathematics
            Florida State University
            Tallahassee FL 32306-3027

Florida State University is an EEO/AA employer, and especially
encourages applications from women and minorities.

This advertisement can be retrieved at


From: Graeme Fairweather <graeme@glenclova.Mines.EDU>
Date: Fri, 6 Dec 1996 15:05:33 -0700
Subject: Faculty Position at Colorado School of Mines

Colorado School of Mines
Department of Mathematical and Computer Sciences

Applications are invited for an anticipated tenure track position in
Applied Mathematics at the Assistant or Associate Professor level
for fall 1997.  Applicants should have a Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics
or a related field; excellence in teaching and research is essential.
Preference will be given to candidates in areas of acoustic, electromagnetic
and elastic wave propagation, scattering, and inversion compatible with
current research activities in the Department. Evidence of interest
or successful involvement in interdisciplinary collaborative research projects
is desirable.

Applicants should send a curriculum vitae and four letters of reference,
at least one of which addresses teaching ability, to:

Colorado School of Mines,
Office of Human Resources,
Applied Mathematics Assistant/Associate Professor, Search \#96-081060,
1500 Illinois Street,
Golden, Colorado 80401-1887;
fax: (303) 273-3278.

Statements describing teaching experience and philosophy, and research
interests and aspirations should be included. Applications will be considered
beginning March 3, 1997, and thereafter until the position is filled.

Colorado School of Mines ( is an equal employment
opportunity/affirmative action employer. Women and minorities are encouraged
to apply.


From: Len Freeman <>
Date: Fri, 6 Dec 96 10:06:21 GMT
Subject: Research Positions at University of Manchester


Research Posts

The Centre for Novel Computing (CNC) in the Department of Computer
Science is an inter-disciplinary research group with a focus on
(parallel) High Performance Computing (HPC). The centre has HPC
research tracks in applications (both numeric and non-numeric),
compilation, and run-time/operating systems. A number of posts,
associated with EPSRC and EC Framework IV funded projects, are now
available in the Centre, and we would welcome applications from people
with expertise in one of more of the following areas:

Application-oriented posts:
- numeric solution of PDEs,
- other scientific/numeric applications,
- non-numeric applications (particularly in the Information
Systems/Information Management areas).

Parallel programming expertise in a high level language, such as FORTRAN or
C/C++, (using directives, message-passing or thread-based approaches) would
be an advantage.

Operating System-oriented posts:
- operating system and run-time system design and implementation.

Experience in programming in C/C++ and assembler language programming for
SPARC/I386/ARM processors would be an advantage.

The posts are tenable for up to two years in the first instance, at a
salary of between \pounds 14,317 and 17,466, depending upon experience and
qualifications, on the RA 1A scale. For further particulars and an
application form please contact the Director of Personnel, The University
of Manchester, Manchester, M13 9PL (tel: (+44) 161 275 2028, FAX: (+44) 161
275 5306). Informal enquiries to Prof. John Gurd (tel: (+44) 161 275 6130,
email:, Graham Riley (tel: (+44) 161 275 6134, email: or Len Freeman (tel: (+44) 161 275 5816, email: The CNC web page is; see for information related to the OS-oriented
posts. Closing date for applications is 10th January 1997. The University
is an Equal Opportunities Employer.


From: SIAM <>
Date: Fri, 06 Dec 96 15:45:14 EST
Subject: Contents, SIAM Control and Optimization

SIAM JOURNAL ON Control and Optimization
JANUARY 1997 Volume 35, Number 1
Limits of Singularly Perturbed Control Problems with Statistical Dynamics of 
Fast Motions
Alexander Vigodner

On Positive Orthant Controllability of Bilinear Systems in Small Codimensions
Yuri L. Sachkov

Lyapunov Exponents for Finite State Nonlinear Filtering
Rami Atar and Ofer Zeitouni

The Extended Euler-Lagrange Condition for Nonconvex Variational Problems
Richard Vinter and Harry Zheng

Low-Gain Control of Uncertain Regular Linear Systems
Hartmut Logemann and Stuart Townley

Regularization of Linear Descriptor Systems with Variable Coefficients
Ralph Byers, Peter Kunkel, and Volker Mehrmann

On Convergence of Attainability Sets for Controlled Two-Scale Stochastic Linear 
Yuri Kabanov and Sergei Pergamenshchikov

Analysis of Robust H2 Performance Using Multiplier Theory
Eric Feron

A New Nonsmooth Equations Approach to Nonlinear Complementarity Problems
Houyuan Jiang and Liqun Qi

Families of Solutions of Matrix Riccati Differential Equations
M. Pavon and D. D'Alessandro

Sufficient Optimality Conditions for Optimal Control Subject to State 
K. Malanowski

Overlapping Block-Balanced Canonical Forms and Parametrizations: The Stable SISO
Bernard Hanzon and Raimund J. Ober

Stochastic Verification Theorems Within the Framework of Viscosity Solutions
Xun Yu Zhou, Jiongmin Yong, and Xunjing Li

Behavioral Controllability of Delay-Differential Systems
Paula Rocha and Jan C. Willems

A Farkas Lemma Without a Standard Closure Condition
Jean B. Lasserre

Equivalent Unconstrained Minimization and Global Error Bounds for Variational 
Inequality Problems 
Nobuo Yamashita and Masao Fukushima

Stability of Set-Valued Mappings in Infinite Dimensions: Point Criteria and 
Boris S. Mordukhovich and Yongheng Shao

First- and Second-Order Sufficient Optimality Conditions for Bang-Bang Controls
Andrei V. Sarychev

A Convergent Algorithm for the Output Covariance Constraint Control Problem
G. Zhu, M. A. Rotea, and R. Skelton


From: Edit Kurali <>
Date: Sat, 7 Dec 1996 21:57:45 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Contents, Journal of Approximation Theory

Table of Contents: J. Approx. Theory, Volume 87, Number 2, October 1996

G. N\"urnberger
Approximation order of bivariate spline interpolation

Matthew X. He
Explicit representations of Faber polynomials for $m$-cusped hypocycloids

Kuei-Fang Chang
Strictly positive definite functions

Keiji Izuchi and Sin-Ei Takahasi
BKW-operators on the interval and the sequence spaces

G. Min
Saturation problem of  $L_p$-approximation by Hermite-Fej\'er interpolation 

George Kvernadze
Uniform convergence of Lagrange interpolation based on the Jacobi nodes

A. Sharma, J. Szabados, B. Underhill, and A. K. Varma
On some general lacunary interpolation problems

Yuan Xu
Lagrange interpolation on Chebyshev points of two variables


J. J. Swetits and B. Wood
On the degree of  $L_p$ approximation with positive linear operators


From: Hans Schneider <>
Date: Sat, 7 Dec 1996 09:54:30 -0600 (CST)
Subject: Contents, Linear Algebra and Its Applications

Journal       : Linear Algebra and Its Applications

Volume Number : 249
Issue Number  : 1 - 3
Year          : 1996

Page 1
Solution of Under-Determined Sylvester Equations in Sensor Array
Signal Processing
A. S. Hodel, P. Misra

Page 15
Matrix Rings Satisfying Column Sum Conditions Versus Structural Matrix
L. van Wyk

Page 29
Matrix Spaces with Bounded Number of Eigenvalues
M. Omladic, P. Semrl

Page 47
Noncore Square Matrices Miscellany
S. K. Mitra

Page 67
An Inverse Eignevalue Problem for Nonnegative Matrices
G. Wuwen

Page 79
Computationally Efficient Applications of the Euclidean Algorithm to
Zero Location
L. Gemignani

Page 93
On Dissipative Matrices
C. J. Olson, R. D. Hill

Page 111
On Meet Matrices on Posets
P. Haukkanen

Page 125
Continuation Methods for the Computation of Zeros of SZEGO Polynomials
G. S. Ammar, D. Calvetti, L. Reichel

Page 157
Matrices Which Belong to an Idempotent in a Sandwich Semigroup of
Circulant Boolean Matrices
W. Huang

Page 169
The Arnoldi Process, Short recursions and Displacement Ranks
H. Zha, Z. Zhang

Page 189
Structured Dispersion and Validity in Linear Inference
D. R. Jensen

Page 197
Maximal Spectral Distance
J. A. Holbrook, M. Omladic, P. Semrl

Page 207
A Note on Canonical Forms for Matrix Congruence
J. M. Lee, D. A. Weinberg

Page 217
Substitutions for Linear Shift Register Sequences and the
Factorization Algorithms of Berlekamp and Niederreiter
E. Lange

Page 229
Black Box Interpolation II The One Variable Derogatory Case
V. Mani, R. E. Hartwig

Page 255
Minimal Norms of Non-Negative Irreducible Matrices
J. Albrecht

Page 259
Kronecker Bases for Linear Matrix Equations, with Application to Two-
Parameter Eigenvalue Problems
T. Kosir

Page 289
Matrix Pencil Generated by Tensor Product from Two Matrix Pencils
J. Gracia, L. Ortiz de Elguea, M. Sodupe

Page 311
Linear Dependence Relations in Wavelets and Tilings
D. Zhou

Page 325
Spectra and Inverse Sign Patterns of Nearly Sign-Nonsingular Matrices
T. J. Lundy, J. S. Maybee, D. D. Olesky, P. van den Driessche

Page 341
Stability of the Block Cyclic Reduction
P. Yalamov, V. Pavlov

Page 359
Possible Block Similarity Classes of a Matrix with a Prescribed
Nonprincipal Submatrix
F. C. Silva

Page 375

Here's the latest issue lineup for Linear Algebra and Its
Applications. As of Spring 1996, Elsevier will offer electronic
enhancements to the print journal. Readers whose institutions
subscribe will have access to precopyedited accepted LATEX
manuscripts, and all readers will be able to use the ISITE engine to
search author/title/abstracts of papers from January 1995 onwards. For
more information please use:


From: Vladik Kreinovich <> 
Date: Mon, 2 Dec 96 20:45:17 MST
Subject: Contents, Reliable Computing

Reliable Computing. - 1996. - N 2 (4). -70 p.

Preface                                                          339

                       Mathematical research

Linear interval equations: Computing enclosures with bounded
relative or absolute overestimation is NP-hard
Vladik Kreinovich and Anatoly V. Lakeyev                         341

On the speed of convergence of the total step iterative method
for a class of interval linear algebraic systems
Marina A. Lyashko                                                351

Improving the efficiency index in enclosing a root of an
Yixun Shi                                                        357

Some examples using the interval data type in the relational
database model
John W. Starner                                                  373

                               * * *

Paul Erd\"os, 1913-1996                                          383

                        Letters to the Editor

Double bubble minimizes: Interval computations help in solving
a long-standing geometric problem
Vladik Kreinovich                                                387


Reliable Computing in 1997                                       389

Peter Fishburn receives von Neumann prize                        390

Best student paper award
Vladik Kreinovich and G\"unter Mayer                             390


WAI'96: II Workshop on Computer Arithmetic, Interval and
Symbolic Computations
Marcilia A. Campos                                               391

Interval'96: International Conference on Interval Methods and
Computer Aided Proofs in Science and Engineering
J. Wolff von Gudenberg                                           392

Interval Talks at FUZZ-IEEE'96
Erich Peter Klement and Vladik Kreinovich                        394

Addresses of the Editorial Board members                         402

Information for authors                                          404

Contents                                                         405


From: Maya Neytcheva <>
Date: Tue, 3 Dec 1996 08:25:37 +0100 (MET)
Subject: Contents, Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications

Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications
Volume 3, Issue 4, 1996

Two-Level Method with Small Coarse Grid Appropriate for 
Unstructured Meshes
P. Vanek and J. Krizkova

Multifrontal QR Factorization in a Multiprocessor Environment
P. Amestoy, I.S. Duff and C. Puglisi

Low-rank Orthogonal Decompositions for Information Retrieval
M. Berry and R. Fierro

DQGMRES: A Direct Quasi-minimal Residual Algorithm Based on
Incomplete Orthogonalization
Y. Saad and K. Wu

Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications
Volume 3, Issue 5, 1996
Speciall issue on Algebraic Multilevel Iteration Methods

Multilevel Minimal Residual Methods for Nonsymmetric Elliptic Problems
G. Starke

A Multigrid Method Based on Incomplete Gaussian Elimination
A. Reusken

The Finite Difference Based Fast Adaptive Composite Grid Method
P.J. Ferket

Block Two-stage Methods for Singular Systems and Markov Chains
V. Migallon, J. Penades and D. Szyld

Multilevel Preconditioners for Mixed Methods for Second
Order Elliptic Problems
Z. Chen, R. Ewing, R. Lazarov, S. Malyasov and Y.A. Kuznetsov

Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications
Volume 3, Issue 6, 1996

Dykstra's Algorithm for Constrained Least-Squares Matrix Problems
R. Escalante and M. Raydan

A Comparison of Three Basic Conjugates Direction Methods
C.G. Broyden and M.A. Boschetti

On IOMs(q): The Incomplete Orthogonalization Method for Large
Unsymmetric Linear System
Z. Jia

Piecewise Polynomial Solutions Without a priori Break Points
P.C. Hansen and K. Mosegaard

The Potential Fluid Flow Problem and the Convergence Rate of the
Minimal Residual Method
J. Maryska, M. Rozloznik and M. Tuma

  Maya Neytcheva             
  Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics,  University of Nijmegen     
  Toernooiveld, 6525 ED Nijmegen, The Netherlands            
  tel: +31-24-3652485


From: Heinz Engl <>
Date: Wed, 04 Dec 1996 18:24:18 EST
Subject: Contents, Surveys on Mathematics for Industry

Surveys on Mathematics for Industry (Springer Vienna/New York),
Contents Vol. 6  No. 3 (1996):

L.Preziosi, The theory of deformable porous media and its application
            to composite material manufacturing

A.Klar, R.Kuehne, R.Wegener, Mathematical models for vehicular traffic

Book reviews

Heinz W. Engl
Institut for Industrial Mathematics
Kepler- Universitaet Linz, Austria
(Managing Editor)


From: Ninoslav Truhar <> 
Date: Thu, 5 Dec 1996 17:59:41 +0100 (MET)
Subject: Contents, Mathematical Commmunications (Croatia)


Official publication of the Croatian Mathematical Society-Division Osijek

"Mathematical Communications" publishes original papers, lectures
presented at the Mathematical Colloquium in Osijek and review articles


Osijek division of the Croatian Mathematical Society and the
Institute for Applied Mathematics in Osijek are starting to issue a
semi-annual journal "Mathematical Communications", which will
publish original papers, lectures presented at the
Mathematical Colloquium in Osijek, review articles, and various
Society news.

The first issue contains the lectures presented at the
Mathematical Colloquium in Osijek in the winter semester 
1995/1996. The Mathematical Colloquium in Osijek started
in 1993 and is organized by the Scientific Section of the
Osijek division of the Croatian Mathematical Society,
together with the Institute for Applied Mathematics in Osijek.
The lecturers of the scientific colloquia are researchers 
from Croatian universities and from abroad. They usually 
give a report on their own recent results, present parts
of their Ph. D. theses, or give overview of recent trends 
in various branches of mathematics and its applications. 
These lectures are primarily intended for the faculty members
and students of the  "Josip Juraj Strossmayer" University 
in Osijek, but may also be of interest to people working in 
computer centers and others.

Some of the lecturers of the educational colloquia are teachers from
Croatian universities or secondary schools. In these
lectures they usually present their own ideas and approaches
to teaching particular subjects, or discuss a historical
topic connected to mathematics and mathematicians. These lectures
are primarily intended for highschool teachers.

 Editorial Board

 Mirta Bensic,
 Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Economics,
 Gajev trg 7, HR-31000 Osijek, Croatia,

 Radoslav Galic,
 Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering,
 Istarska 3, HR-31000 Osijek, Croatia,

 Dragan Jukic,
 Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Agriculture,
 Trg Svetog Trojstva 3, HR-31000 Osijek, Croatia, e-mail:

 Hrvoje Kraljevic,
 Department of Mathematics, University of Zagreb,
 Bijenicka 30, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia,

 Rudolf Scitovski,
 Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering,
 Istarska 3, HR-31000 Osijek, Croatia,

Office of Publication:
Mathematical Communications
Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Istarska 3
HR-31 000 Osijek
Telefax:  +385-31-127 888

 Volume 1 (1996) No.1


Lectures presented at the Mathematical Colloquium:

S. Meljanac, D.Svrtan,
Study of Gram matrices in Fock representation of   multiparametric
canonical commutation relations, hyperplane arrangements
and quantum groups. Proof of extended Zagier's conjecture ........1

The problem of the initial approximation for a special
nonlinear   least squares problems ...............................25

M. Bensic,
Asymptotic distributions of least squares estimations
in a regression model with singular errors .......................33

I. Gienero,
Arrow-Debreu general equillibrium model ..........................39

T. Marosevic
Nonparametric regression--some approaches ........................43

N. Truhar,
Perturbation of invariant subspaces  .............................51

 D. Jukic,
The  existence theorem for the solution of a nonlinear
least squares problem ............................................ 61

(Educational Section)

B. Pavkovic,
Rudolf Cesarec-- znanstvenik i pedagog
(Rudolf Cesarec -- scientist  and educator) ........................67

M. Pavlekovic,
Bolyai - Gerwienov teorem
(Bolyai - Gerwien's theorem) .......................................75

L. Celikovic
Skiciranje grafa slo\v{z}ene funkcije oblika
$F(x)=a f(b x + c) + d$
(Sketching the graph of the composed function
$F(x)=a f(b x + c) + d$) ...........................................79

B. Spanic,
Nastava geometrije u srednjoj skoli
(Teaching geometry in secondary schools) ............................83

Lectures presented at the Mathematical Colloquium 1993-1995 ..........87


End of NA Digest