Subject: NA Digest, V. 96, # 45

NA Digest   Monday, December 2, 1996   Volume 96 : Issue 45

Today's Editor:

    Cleve Moler
    The MathWorks, Inc.

Today's Topics:

    NA Digest Calendar
    Garrett Birkhoff
    Change of Address for Alan Laub
    Change of Address for Richard Brankin
    Third Edition of Golub and Van Loan
    New Book by Prof. V. I. Lebedev 
    New Nonlinear Equations / Global Optimization Book
    Free DOS Software for Linear Programming
    Deadline for SIAM Geosciences Conference
    Minisymposium on Preconditioned Eigenproblems at SIAM Annual Meeting
    Copper Mountain Conference on Multigrid Methods
    PanAmerican Workshop in Applied and Computational Mathematics
    Conference on Numerical Modelling in Continuum Mechanics
    Solving Irregularly Structured Problems in Parallel
    Symposium on Differential-Algebraic Equations
    Update on Asilomar Conference on Radial Basis Functions 
    Parallel Programming with BSPlib
    Scientific Computations Workshop in Bulgaria
    Canadian Applied Mathematics Society
    Wilkinson Fellowship in Scientific Computing
    Faculty Postion at Georgetown University
    Faculty Position at Columbia University
    Positions at MathConsult, Linz, Austria
    Scholarships at the University of Queensland
    ETNA's Fall Issue
    Contents, Annals of Numerical Mathematics
    Contents, Transactions on Mathematical Software

Submissions for NA Digest:
    Mail to

Information about NA-NET:
    Mail to

URL for the World Wide Web:


From: NA Digest <>
Date: Mon Dec  2 18:29:53 EST 1996
Subject: NA Digest Calendar

The Netlib Conferences Database is on the Web at:

                          NA Digest Calendar
Date        Topic                                    Place         NA Digest #

Dec.  2- 3  EuroBen Benchmarking Group               Utrecht, Netherlands   39
Dec. 11-13  Carleman Estimate and Inverse Problems   Kyoto, Japan           30
Dec. 18-19  Domain Decomposition                     Leuven, Belgium        40
Dec. 17     Computational Fluid Dynamics Workshop    Oxford, England        43
Dec. 17-19  Mathematics in Signal Processing         Warwick, England    95:48


Jan.  3- 5  Course on Wavelets and Filter Banks      San Diego, CA          39
Jan.  5- 7  Discrete Algorithms                      New Orleans, LA        15
Jan.  5-12  Computational Mathematics                Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 08
Jan.  5-12  Numerical Linear Algebra                 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 13
Jan.  8-10  Numerical and Mathematical Elasticity    Kyoto, Japan           30
Jan. 15-18  Numerical Linear Algebra, Optimization   Parana, Brazil         34
Jan. 24-26  Multi-Scale Problems                     Kiel, Germany          38
Jan. 27-31  Maths-in-Industy Study Group             Melbourne, Australia   11

Feb.  2- 6  Australian Applied Mathematics           Lorne, Australia       40
Feb. 24-28  Optimization and Optimal Control         Lambrecht, Germany     37

Mar. 10-12  Scientific Computing                     Hong Kong              25
Mar. 12-14  Algorithms and Complexity                Rome, Italy            24
Mar. 13-14  SPEEDUP Workshop                         Cadro-Lugano, Switz.   41
Mar. 14-17  SIAM Parallel Processing                 Minneapolis, MN        32
Mar. 16-21  Approximation and Optimization           Caracas, Venezuela     21
Mar. 20-22  Multiwavelets                            Huntsville, TX         37
Mar. 21-22  AMS Session on Approximation Theory      Memphis, TN            11

Apr.  1- 3  Monte Carlo Methods                      Brussels, Belgium      16
Apr.  4- 5  SouthEast-Atlantic Secion of SIAM        Raleight, NC           39
Apr.  9-13  Copper Mt. Multigrid                     Copper Mountain, CO    33
Apr. 14-18  Computational Issues in Drug Design      Minneapolis, MN        32
Apr. 17-18  Meeting Honoring Bill Morton             Oxford, England        26

May   2- 4  Partial Differential Equations           Detroit, MI            40
May  12-14  Materials Science                        Philadelphia, PA       32
May  19-21  Applications of Dynamical Systems        Snowbird, UT           27
May  21-24  Macromolecular Modelling                 Berlin, Germany        31
May  22-23  Mathematical Programming                 Washington, DC         45
May  26-28  Differential-Algebraic Equations         Grenoble, France       45
May  26-30  Computational Heat Transfer              Cesme, Turkey          05
May  27-28  Computational Science and Engineering    Hefei, China           38
May  30-..  Canadian Applied Mathematics Society     Toronto, Canada        45

June  1- 5  Computer Science Education               Uppsala, Sweden        38
June  7-11  Large Scale Scientific Computations      Varna, Bulgaria        45
June 11-13  IRREGULAR'97                             Paderborn, Germany     45
June 16-18  Computer Methods in Water Resources      Byblos, Lebanon        35
June 16-18  Mathematical Issues in Geosciences       Albuquerque, NM        18
June 16-21  Iterative Methods                        Milovy, Czech Rep.     37
June 18-21  Principles + Practice of Parallel Prog.  Las Vegas, NV          27
June 24-27  Dundee NA Conference                     Dundee, Scotland       13
June 26-28  Numerical Analysis and Approximation     Pretoria, South Africa 44

July  3- 4  CFD in Minerals, Metal & Power           Melbourne, Australia   33
July  4- 5  Honor Lothar Collatz                     Hamburg, Germany       32
July  9-11  Computational Fluid Dynamics             Twente, Netherlands    38
July  9-12  Iterative Methods                        Laramie, WY            36
July 13-18  SIAM Annual Meeting                      Stanford, CA           36
July 14-18  Theoretical and Computational Acoustics  New York, NY           14
July 21-23  Symbolic and Algebraic Manipulation      Maui, Hawaii           44

Aug.  4- 8  Large Eddy Simulation                    Ruston, LA             40
Aug. 10-14  Domain Decomposition                     Boulder, CO            40
Aug. 18...  Radial Basis Functions                   Asilomar, CA           32
Aug. 24-29  IMACS World Congress                     Berlin, Germany        07
Aug. 24-29  Fast Algorithms                          Berlin, Germany        37
Aug. 26-29  Euro-Par'97                              Passau, Germany        43
Aug. 28-31  Stochastic Modelling of Biointeraction   Sofia, Bulgaria        41

Sep.  1- 5  Numerical Solution of ODEs               Halle, Germany         13
Sep.  8-11  Continuum Mechanics                      Prague, Czech Republic 45
Sep.  8-12  Applied and Computational Mathematics    Serrano, Brasil        45
Sep.  8-12  Parallel Computing Technologies          Yaroslavl, Russia      39
Sep.  9-12  Boundary Element Method                  Rome, Italy            41
Sep. 10-12  Computer Arithmetic                      Lyon, France           41
Sep. 11-13  Algorithm Engineering                    Venice, Italy          42
Sep. 15-18  Boundary Integral Methods                Manchester, England    27
Sep. 24-26  Dutch Numerical Mathematicians           Zeist, Netherlands     38
Sep. 15-19  Scientific Computing & Diff. Eqns.       Grado, Italy           26
Sep. 29-..  ENUMATH-97                               Heidelberg, Germany    50

Oct. 13-16  Computational Methods, Function Theory   Nicosia, Cyprus        34


Feb.  9-13  Hyperbolic Problems                      Zuerich, Switz.        41

From: Gene Golub <golub@sccm.Stanford.EDU>
Date: Thu, 28 Nov 96 14:35:50 PST
Subject: Garrett Birkhoff

Garrett Birkhoff, who was an important influence in applied mathematics and
numerical analysis, died on Nov 22. He had many excellent students and showed
great insight into many areas which subsequently became of importance. His
death is reported in the New York Times (West Coast edition) of Nov 28.

        Gene Golub


From: Alan Laub <>
Date: Sun, 24 Nov 1996 16:26:41 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Change of Address for Alan Laub

I have taken up a new position this fall as
Dean of the College of Engineering at UC Davis.
My new address info is as follows:

Alan J. Laub                          phone:   (916) 752-0554
Dean, College of Engineering          fax:     (916) 752-8058
1050 Engineering II
University of California              e-mail:
Davis, CA 95616-5294

HOME:  648 Lake Terrace Circle        phone:   (916) 757-7165
       Davis, CA 95616-2750


From: Richard Brankin <>
Date: Thu, 28 Nov 1996 11:07:38 +0000
Subject: Change of Address for Richard Brankin

Dear Colleagues,

I have taken up a position at the UK's Defence Research Agency.
My new contact details are

DRA Malvern
St. Andrews Rd.
WR14 3PS

Tel: 01684-895226
Fax: 01684-896433



From: Charles Van Loan <cv@CS.Cornell.EDU>
Date: Tue, 26 Nov 1996 13:35:39 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Third Edition of Golub and Van Loan

The Third Edition of MATRIX COMPUTATIONS by Golub
and Van Loan is now available. 

    ISBN = 0-8018-5414-8
    The Johns Hopkins University Press

There are over 100 new problems, 300 new references, and many
pointers to LAPACK. New features include 

 - A streamlined Chapter 6 (Parallel Matrix Computations).
 - New subsections on equilibrium systems and unsymmetric Toeplitz solvers.
 - Toeplitz/Circulant/FFT connections.
 - A decoupling of Chapter 7 (The Unsymmetric Eigenproblem)  and 
   Chapter 8 (The Symmetric Eigenproblem) so that they can be read in either
 - Expanded discussion of the unsymmetric Lanczos process, the
   Arnoldi iteration, and other Krylov subspace methods.
 - A  new subsection on ULV updating.
 - Algorithms for Toeplitz  eigenproblems and orthogonal
   matrix eigenproblems.

All this and a snappy red cover!


From: Mikhail A. Botchev <>
Date: Tue, 26 Nov 1996 20:47:53 +0100
Subject: New Book by Prof. V. I. Lebedev 

As it was said by the famous Sobolev, for computational mathematics
Banach spaces are as indispensable as computers.  New book of (former
Sobolev's PhD student) Prof. V.I.Lebedev (Institute for Numerical 
Mathematics, Russian Academy of Sciences) 

"An Introduction to Functional Analysis and Computational Mathematics",

has been published recently by Birkhauser (ISBN 0-8176-3888-1)

The book is based on the lectures read for many years by the author 
in Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (the famous "PhysTech").
It is a perfect combination of real-life numerical techniques and advanced
theoretical bases.  The Vishik-Lax-Milgram theorem, embedding theorems,
Galerkin and Ritz methods for operator equations, ... are just some 
sketches of material presented.  "I tried to keep my book easily 
readable, so there is no one proof more than 1 page", he told.  The book
is not only high-quality textbook, but also of high interest for experts 
in many fields of Numerical Analysis.  For example, you may find there 
how to build up endlessly continuable and optimal two-term Chebyshev 
iteration for linear system solution, or, how to integrate stiff ODEs 
by explicit methods (it is not a joke, Lebedev's explicit stiff ODE 
codes DUMKA are proved to be quit robust, they have been succesfully 
used for several years). 

Prof. V.I.Lebedev is directly reached through;
also, Fortran77 code of DUMKA is freely available.


From: R. Baker Kearfott <>
Date: Tue, 26 Nov 1996 23:12:29 -0600
Subject: New Nonlinear Equations / Global Optimization Book

My book, "Rigorous Global Search: Continuous Problems," 
ISBN: 0-7923-4238-0, is now available from Kluwer Academic Publishers.

The book treats research results and software in verified solution
of nonlinear systems and global optimization.  It has an extensive
introduction to general theory and techniques.  A table of contents and
preface are available, in Postscript form, at:

The index is available, in Postscript form, at:

The summary on the back cover and an order form are available at:

Special pricing for use as a course text is available.

I am also making my research code, in Fortran 90, available.  This
code contains automatic differentiation, as described in the book,
nonlinear systems code, and code for constrained and unconstrained
optimization.  Software engineering for neat packaging continues to proceed, 
and different portions are in different states of polish.  The 
elementary portions (such as the interval arithmetic module) are in the 
highest state of completion.  The nonlinear systems solver is in relatively 
good shape, while improvements are continuing on the general constrained 
global optimization part.

The package includes a significant collection of test problems, written
simply in Fortran 90.  Executables for Windows 95 machines (486 or higher)
and Sun Sparc machines are available.  For source and executables, see:">

All of the above URL's can be accessed from my home page at:

For alternate ordering instructions, see:

Best regards,

R. Baker Kearfott


From: Harvey Greenberg <>
Date: Tue, 26 Nov 1996 16:41:40 -0700 (MST)
Subject: Free DOS Software for Linear Programming

This is to announce that you can get the latest DOS versions of ANALYZE,
MODLER and RANDMOD free. Here is a brief statement about each one.  For
details please go to my web page at

These systems are for linear and integer programs.

  ANALYZE - computer-assisted analysis.
  MODLER  - modeling language.
  RANDMOD - randomizing instances (for experimentation).

Please pass this announcement on to others. Comments welcome. 

Harvey J. Greenberg


From: Trini Flores <>
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 96 11:08:26 EST
Subject: Deadline for SIAM Geosciences Conference
Fourth SIAM Conference on Mathematical and Computational Issues in the 
June 16-18, 1997
Sheraton Old Town Hotel
Albuquerque, New Mexico

Due to several requests we have received, the DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION 
of contributed abstracts has been EXTENDED TO DECEMBER 16, 1996. A 
LaTeX macro to submit your abstract is available on the World Wide Web 


From: Andrew Knyazev <>
Date: Sun, 1 Dec 1996 14:11:24 -0700 (MST)
Subject: Minisymposium on Preconditioned Eigenproblems at SIAM Annual Meeting

Dear colleagues,

I would like to organize a Minisymposium
"Preconditioned Methods for Large Eigenproblems"
at the 45-th SIAM's Anniversary Meeting,
July 14-18, 1997, Stanford University.
A minisymposium consists of four related talks of 30 minutes each.
Lanczos-Davidson-like methods are particularly welcomed.
Please, contact me ASAP if you would like to contribute a talk.
Deadline for submission of minisymposium proposals: December 16, 1996.

Thank you, Andrew Knyazev
Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics
University of Colorado at Denver


From: Steve McCormick <stevem@boulder.Colorado.EDU>
Date: Fri, 29 Nov 1996 20:40:35 -0700 (MST)
Subject: Copper Mountain Conference on Multigrid Methods

Copper Mountain, Colorado, USA
APRIL 6-11, 1997

Travel and lodging assistance will be awarded to student authors
judged to have the best research papers. Papers containing original
research due mainly to the student must be received before Dec. 15,
1995. They must be singly authored and may be no more than 10 pages
in length. Sending only an abstract is unacceptable. Authors will
be expected to present their paper in one of the regular conference
sessions. Student papers should be submitted as ps files by e-mail
to If this is not possible, a hard copy
of the paper may be submitted by regular post to:
    Applied Math
    Campus Box 526
    University of Colorado
    Boulder, CO 80309-0526

Author Abstracts                      January 15, 1997
Papers for NASA Proceedings           March 15, 1997
Guaranteed Availibility of Lodging    February 6, 1997
Early Registration                    February 6, 1997

For information such as registration, author instructions, and
lodging arrangements (including a lodging bulletin board), please
You may also contact us by email at

Steve McCormick: Appl. Math, C.B. 526, U. of CO, Boulder, CO 80309-0526
        -4066 fax


From: Stanly Steinberg <>
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 1996 16:24:20 -0700 (MST)
Subject: PanAmerican Workshop in Applied and Computational Mathematics

                           II PanAmerican Workshop
                   Applied and Computational Mathematics

                            September 8-12, 1997
                          Serrano, Gramado, BRASIL

                  Organized in cooperation with SIAM, the
               Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics

   Applications of mathematics to industry, technology, science and society.



From: Petr Prikryl <>
Date: Sat, 23 Nov 1996 17:25:54 +0100 (MET)
Subject: Conference on Numerical Modelling in Continuum Mechanics

   Charles University Prague    Czech Technical University Prague
              Ruprecht-Karls-Universit\"at Heidelberg
                      First Announcement
               Theory, Algorithms, Applications
                 The Third Summer Conference
        Prague (Czech Republic), September 8 - 11, 1997

Miloslav Feistauer, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Institute of
   Numerical Mathematics, Charles University Prague
Karel Kozel, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of
   Technical Mathematics, Czech Technical University Prague
Rolf Rannacher, Institute of Applied Mathematics,
   Ruprecht-Karls-Universitaet Heidelberg

Program Committee:
M. Feistauer, P. Le Tallec, K. Kozel, A. Quarteroni, R. Rannacher

Invited Plenary Speakers:
I. Babuska (USA), H.-G. Bock (FRG), R. Glowinski (USA), P. Le Tallec
(France), A. Quarteroni (Italy), V. Rivkind (Russia), Ch. Schwab
(Switzerland), J. Struckmeier (FRG), A. Valli (Italy), W.-L. Wendland 
(FRG), J.-R. Whiteman (Great Britain)

Fluid Dynamics
Non-Newtonian and Viscoelastic Flows
Porous Media Flows
Material, Structures and Optimization
Structural Mechanics

Call for Papers:
The program of the conference will include invited 50 minute lectures
and 20 minute communications. Please, apply to the contact address,indicate
your intention to give a communication and send us a 15 line abstract.
(This is necessary for acceptance of your communication.) All invited
lectures and communications can be published in the conference proceedings.
Detailed information will be given in the Second Announcement.

Social Program:
The participants will have the opportunity to visit historical parts of
Prague, one of the oldest and most beautiful European towns, full of
romanesque, gothic and baroque churches, palaces and monuments, and to
take part in the Welcome Party and a Concert.

The basic fee is 500 US $, which covers Conference Fee, Welcome Party,
Concert, accomodation in double room (4 nights), meals (4x breakfast and
lunch) and refreshment during the conference. It also entitles
participants to receive a copy of the Conference Program, Abstract
Booklet and Proceedings.

The basic fee for accompanying persons is 250 US $, which includes
accomodation + breakfast (4x), Concert and Welcome Party.

Some reduction will be available for a limited number of PhD students
and participants from East European countries.

Important Dates:
February 28, 1997: Submittance of the Registration Form
April 30: Notification of  acceptance of the communication
May 31: Payment of the Conference Fee
September 7: Arrival, registration
September 8-11: Scientific program
September 11 or 12: Departure

In view of air travel restrictions, it is possible to arrive already on
September 6 (Saturday).

Contact Address:

Prof. Dr. Miloslav Feistauer, DrSc.
Charles University Prague
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Institute of Numerical Mathematics
Malostranske nam. 25
118 00 Praha 1
Czech Republic

Phone:  +42 2 21914223, +42 2 535229
Fax: +42 2 535229


From: Jose D. P. Rolim <>
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 1996 08:46:20 +0100
Subject: Solving Irregularly Structured Problems in Parallel

                       4th International Symposium on
            Solving Irregularly Structured Problems in Parallel
                               11-13 June 1997
                      University of Paderborn, Germany
                               Call for Papers

The Symposium on Solving Irregularly Structured Problems in Parallel focuses
on algorithmic and system aspects arising in the development of efficient
parallel solutions to irregularly structured problems. It aims, in
particular, at fostering the cooperation among practitioners and
theoreticians of the field. IRREGULAR'97, to be held at the University of
Paderborn, Germany, on June 11--13, 1997, is the fourth in the series, after
Geneva, Lyon, and S. Barbara.

Papers are solicited in all research areas related to the parallelism of
irregular problems, including, but not limited to:

* algorithms and models
* applications
* approximation and randomization
* automatic program synthesis
* combinatorial optimization
* compiling
* imagery
* load balancing
* memory management
* parallel data structures
* scheduling and mapping
* sparse matrices
* symbolic computation
* tree-structured computations


Proceedings are to be published in the Springer-Verlag series Lecture Notes
in Computer Science. Extended versions of selected papers shall be invited
for a journal edition. Previous proceedings appeared as LNCS 980 and 1117.

                              INVITED SPEAKERS

                         * C. Leiserson, MIT Boston
                         * B. Monien, U. Paderborn
                   * F. Meyer auf der Heide, U. Paderborn
                          * A. Nicolau, UC Irvine
                         * J. Roman, U. of Bordeaux

                               IMPORTANT DATES
* Submissions: January 14, 1997
* Notifications: March 16,1997
* Camera Ready: April 4, 1997

A. Ferreira, ENS Lyon
J. Rolim, University of Geneva

G. Bilardi, University of Padova & University of Illinois at Chicago

* R. Lueling, U. of Paderborn

Further information can be found at


From: Colloque DAE97 <>
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 1996 13:39:27 +0100
Subject: Symposium on Differential-Algebraic Equations

MAY 26-28, 1997 

The objective of this symposium  is to bring together researchers, from
various fields, actively involved in the area of Differential-Algebraic
Equations (DAE). The study of DAE involves many disciplines: simulation of
physical phenomena, differential geometry, numerical integration on manifolds,
symbolic computing, differential algebra ... Through talks and open discussions
we aim to encourage cross-fertilization between these different areas. For
this reason papers making openings between disciplines would be very welcome.
This symposium should also be the occasion to review the state of the art in
the field. The symposium is organized by the Computer Algebra Team of the
Laboratoire de Modelisation et Calcul, Institut de Mathematiques Appliquees
de Grenoble (LMC_IMAG).   

Mathematical tools (index, canonical forms, singularities ...).
Algebraic algorithms and computation.
Numerical methods.
Software for the analysis and integration of DAE's.
Applications (physics, mechanics, chemistry, control ...).

S.L. Campbell - N. Carolina State U. (USA) 
J. Della Dora - LMC-IMAG (F) 
B.J. Leimkuhler - U. of Kansas (USA) 
J. Tuomela - Helsinki U. of Technology (SF) 
V. Gerdt - Nuclear Research Institute, Dubna (RU)

S.L. Campbell (N.Carolina State U.)
B.J. Leimkuhler (U. of Kansas)
S. Reich (Konrad-Zuse Zentrum, Berlin)
R. Marz (Humboldt U., Berlin)

We invite authors to send a one page abstract or a full paper (10 pages maximum)
before the end of march 1997.

For information please contact:

DAE 97 -- R. Coleman 
Equipe de Calcul Formel
Laboratoire LMC 
46 Av. F\'elix Viallet
F38031 Grenoble Cedex
Tel.: (+) 33 4 76 57 48 69   
Fax: (+) 33 4 76 57 48 03   


From: Richard Franke <>
Date: Tue, 26 Nov 1996 13:01:05 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Update on Asilomar Conference on Radial Basis Functions 

Dear Colleagues:

We have an update on the "Radial Basis Functions" conference at 
the Asilomar Conference Center in Pacific Grove, California.  
Because of problems scheduling the conference into the Center it 
was necessary to change either the date or the venue.  We have 
decided to hold the conference from May 27-May 30, 1997.  Check-
in at Asilomar will be after 3pm on May 27, with check-out by 12 
noon on May 30.

As you know radial basis functions are becoming widely used in 
neural networks, approximations, interpolation, partial and 
integral differential equations, etc.  We anticipate that this 
conference will be an excellent opportunity for theoreticians and 
practitioners to meet and exchange ideas in a setting conducive 
to in-depth discussion.  

The Asilomar Conference Center is located on the tip of the 
Monterey Peninsula within a short walking distance from the 
beach.  This center offers conference rooms, with guest rooms and 
full dining services under the American plan at a very reasonable 
cost.  Asilomar is within a short distance of many favorite 
tourist spots such as the Monterey Bay Aquarium, Carmel-by-the-
Sea, the Big Sur coastline, and Point Lobos.  Although it is 
always tourist season on the Monterey Peninsula, the last week of 
May should be relatively uncrowded. 

We hope to keep registration costs low, below $170.  More 
information regarding the cost of accommodations will be 
forthcoming, but depending on the type of room, a room and meals 
for the three days of the conference should be no more than about 
$250, single occupancy, with a substantial saving per person for 
double occupancy.  For those wanting to do so, an attempt to 
facilitate room-sharing will be made.  A few larger rooms are 
available.  It is possible to stay elsewhere, although there is 
an additional charge of $7 per day for participants not staying 
at the center, and arrangements for meals (perhaps at Asilomar) 
will be necessary.

If you are not presently on our distribution list, please send us 
your email address (or regular mail, if necessary), so we can be 
sure you get the housing form and other information about the 

Prof. Richard Franke               Dr. Edward J. Kansa                         
 Mathematics Dept.                  Mail Stop L-200                            
 Naval Postgraduate School          Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.               
 Monterey, CA 93943-5216            Livermore,CA 94551-9900                    
Please forward this message to any colleagues who might be 
interested in participating in this conference.

Best wishes 

Richard Franke, Rolland Hardy, Wendell Nuss, Supachai Sirayanone 
and Ed Kansa


From: Adi Ben-Israel <>
Date: Wed, 27 Nov 1996 23:10:09 -0500
SUbject: Symposium on Mathematical Programming

                        MPDP - 19
     Nineteenth Symposium on Mathematical Programming
           with Data Perturbations, MAY 22-23, 1997
              The George Washington University 
                 Washington, DC 20052, USA 

The NINETEENTH Symposium on Mathematical Programming with Data Perturbations 
will be held at George Washington University's Marvin Center on 22-23 May 1997. 
The objective is to bring together practitioners who use mathematical 
programming optimization models and deal with questions of sensitivity analysis,
with researchers who are developing techniques applicable to these problems. 

CONTRIBUTED papers in mathematical programming are solicited in the following

   1. Sensitivity and stability analysis and their applications 
   2. Solution methods for problems involving implicitly defined functions 
   3. Solution methods for problems involving deterministic or stochastic
      parameter changes. 
   4. Solution approximation techniques and error analysis. 

"CLINICAL" presentations that describe problems in sensitivity analysis
encountered in applications are also invited. 

REGISTRATION and ABSTRACTS can be sent by mail or e-mail to any member of the 
Organizing Committee (listed below), or submitted by using the electronic form 
included in the symposium home-page:
where further information on the Symposium and on Washington DC is available.

   15 March 1997 Registration and submission of tentative title and abstract
    1 May   1997 Submission of final abstract for inclusion in the Symposium

Adi Ben-Israel <>
     RUTCOR - Rutgers Center for Operations Research
     P.O.Box 5062
     Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ 08903-5062, USA
     Tel: +1-908-445-5631, Fax: +1-908-445-5472 
Hubertus Th. Jongen <>
     Lehrstuhl C fuer Mathematik 
     Templergraben 55 
     D-52062 Aachen, Germany 
     Tel: +49-241-804540, Fax: +49-241-8888390 
Diethard Klatte <>
     Institut fuer Operations Research 
     Universitaet Zuerich 
     Moussonstr. 15 
     CH-8044 Zuerich, Switzerland 
     Tel: +41-1-257 3772, Fax: +41-1-252 1162 
Doug Ward <> 
     Department of Mathematics and Statistics 
     Miami University 
     Oxford, OH 45056-1641, USA 
     Tel: +1-513-529-3534, Fax: +1-513-529-1493 

Anthony V. Fiacco
     Department of Operations Research 
     The George Washington University 
     Washington, DC 20052, USA


From: Bob McLatchie <>
Date: Thu, 28 Nov 1996 15:36:02 +0000
Subject: Parallel Programming with BSPlib

Parallel Programming with BSPlib: Boot-Up Day
Friday 10 January 1997
Oxford University Computing Lab.

Would you like to be able to write architecture-independent but
efficient parallel code ?  Have you tried MPI and PVM, and now
want a simpler alternative ? Are you fed up with dead lock in your code ? 

Or, maybe you've heard of Bulk Synchronous Parallel (BSP) 
programming or the BSPlib proposals for BSP primitives, 
available as part of the BSP Programming Environment being 
developed by Oxford Parallel, and want to know more ? 

Then this could be the course for you! 

The Bulk Synchronous Parallel (BSP) model unlocks the 
potential of parallel computing. It allows developers to write 
software that is architecture-independent and yet takes advantage 
of whatever parallel computing facilities a particular machine 
can offer. 

An advantage of BSPlib, an implementation of the BSP 
approach, over other approaches to architecture-independent 
programming such as the message passing libraries PVM or 
MPI lies in the simplicity of its interface. A piece of software 
written for an ordinary, sequential machine can be transformed 
to a parallel application with the addition of a bare minimum of 
instructions for parallel execution. 

Another advantage is the predictability of performance. The time 
required to execute a program can be computed from the 
program text and two parameters that characterise the target 
architecture. BSP cost analysis can therefore be used to guide 
algorithm development towards highly optimised solutions that 
are applicable across a wide range of architectures. 

Objectives of the One-Day Practical Course

This practical one day course will introduce the world-wide BSP 
parallel programming library BSPlib to users interested in, or 
active in, parallel computing. A pre-requisite is a working 
knowledge of C or FORTRAN. The main objectives of the 
BSPlib Boot-Up day are to enable the participant to: 

     get BSPlib (from the World Wide Web or supplied disk) and 
install it on a variety of machines; 
     execute and profile the example programs (C, FORTRAN), 
and write parallel codes using BSPlib; 
     derive a simple cost model, and use the BSPlib profiling tool 
to enable accurate prediction on parallel performance across all 

All participants will be supplied with a "start-up" kit including: 

     detailed course notes; 
     the BSPlib source; 
     numerous example programs. 

This course is not intended as an introduction to parallel 
computing, or as a discussion about the theoretical aspects of 

Full details are available at or 
from me at one of the addresses given below.

Bob McLatchie                 Oxford Parallel
OUCL Wolfson Building   Phone:  +44 1865 273897
Parks Road              Fax:    +44 1865 273819
Oxford, England         e-mail:
OX1 3QD        
University of Oxford Parallel Applications Centre


From: Svetozar Margenov <> 
Date: Fri, 29 Nov 1996 17:40:26 +0200
Subject: Scientific Computations Workshop in Bulgaria

         organized by O.P. Iliev, S.D. Margenov and P.S. Vassilevski

WWW-site: HTTP://COPERN.ACAD.BG  (the full announcement is already available)

Organizer: The Central Laboratory on Parallel Processing (formerly, the Center 
of Informatics and Computing Technology), Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS) 
in cooperation with the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics (IMI), BAS. 

The format of the workshop is expected to be similar to the IMACS International 
Symposium on Iterative Methods in Linear Algebra, held in Blagoevgrad,June 1995.

This first in a row workshop is planned to have special emphasis on:
         "Numerical Simulation of Groundwater Contaminant Transport and 
                        its Environmental Applications"
in the form of training seminar. For this particular topic we acknowledge the 
support by UNESCO, Venice office.

Tame: The workshop is scheduled for  June 7- June 11, 1997. 
Place: International House of Scientists "F. Curie", 
       Resort "sv. Konstantin i Elena" near Varna.

Specific topics of interest are:

(1) Adaptive methods for coupled elliptic systems;Convection-diffusion problems;
(2) MG/DD methods for linear/non-linear problems;
(3) Multiscale methods; theory and computation;
(4) Conservative schemes and mixed finite element computations;
(5) Basic iterative methods and robust preconditioning;
(6) Parallel performance;
(7) Modeling of contaminant transport in hydrology and related applications. 

Plenary  and Invited Speakers: 

Myron Allen, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY, USA; 
Wolfgang Dahmen, RWTH, Aachen, Germany; 
Michael Griebel, University of Bonn, Germany; 
Sergey V. Nepomnyaschikh, Computing Center, Novosibirsk, Russia;
Joseph E. Pasciak, Texas A & M University, College Station, TX, USA;
Michael Schafer, University of Darmstadt, Germany; 
Petr Vabishchevich, Institute for Mathematical Modeling, Moscow, Russia; 
Ragnar Winther, University of Oslo, Norway.

Special Sessions: Participants interested in organizing special sessions
are invited to contact any member of the local organizing committee.

Conference secretary: 

Ms Sylvia Grozdanova,
CLPP-BAS, "Acad. G. Bontchev" street, Block 25A, 
BG-1113 Sofia, Bulgaria;

For more detailed information (deadlines etc.) see our www--site:


From: Robert Corless <> 
Date: Mon, 2 Dec 1996 09:46:57 -0500
Subject: Canadian Applied Mathematics Society

             Canadian Applied Mathematics Society
                18th CAMS/SCMA ANNUAL MEETING, 
                  May 30 to June 1, 1997, 
                    Toronto, Ontario. 

Features a Workshop on Cryptography and Data Security, May 29 
and Minisymposia will include Communication Networks, Computers in 
Mathematics Education, Cryptography, Environmental Problems, 
Financial Mathematics and Risk Management, Fractal Image Compression, 
Geophysics, Industrial Mathematics, Mathematics in Medicine, 
Biophysics and Physiology, Mesoscale Phenomena in Fluids and 
Materials, Modeling of Polymers, Neural Networks, Numerical Analysis 
of Differential Equations, Parallel Computation, Pulsative Flows, 
Waves, and others. Eleven plenary talks are scheduled,including one 
given by the CAMS PhD Dissertation Award winner. Contributed 
talks and poster presentations are invited and there will be a prize 
for the best graduate student poster. For more information contact 


and see 


Posted for CAMS '97 co-chairs Bill Langford, Anna Lawniczak and Paul Sullivan,
by permission.


From: Jorge More' <>
Date: Mon, 02 Dec 1996 12:04:54 -0600
Subject: Wilkinson Fellowship in Scientific Computing


Mathematics and Computer Science Division
Argonne National Laboratory

The Mathematics and Computer Science Division of Argonne National
Laboratory invites outstanding candidates to apply for the
J. H. Wilkinson Fellowship in Scientific Computing.  The appointment
is for one year and may be renewed for a second year.

This fellowship was created in memory of Dr. James Hardy Wilkinson,
F.R.S., who had a close association with the Mathematics and
Computer Science Division as a consultant and guiding spirit for the
EISPACK and LINPACK projects.  The Wilkinson Fellowship is intended
to encourage young scientists actively engaged in state-of-the-art
research in scientific computing.  Candidates must have received
their Ph.D. not more than three years prior to the beginning of the
appointment.  The benefits of the appointment include a highly
competitive salary, moving expenses, and a generous professional
travel allowance.

The appointment will be in the Mathematics and Computer Science
Division, which has strong programs in scientific computing,
software tools, and computational mathematics.  Of special interest
are numerical methods and software for linear algebra, optimization,
unstructured mesh computations, computational differentiation,
software tools for parallel computing; and state-of-the-art
numerical methods for computational science problems.

The Mathematics and Computer Science Division has an outstanding
computational environment that includes high-performance scientific
workstations, a scientific visualization laboratory, a 128-node IBM
SP, a multimedia laboratory, and a virtual environment research

For more information concerning the Mathematics and Computer Science
Division and its facilities, see  Argonne is
located in the southwestern Chicago suburbs, offering the advantages
of affordable housing, good schools, and easy access to the cultural
attractions of the city.

Resumes should be addressed to Walter McFall, Box mcs-wilkinson,
Employment and Placement, Argonne National Laboratory, 9700 S. Cass
Avenue, Argonne, IL 60439, and must include a statement of research
goals, and the names and addresses of three references.  The closing
date for applications is January 24, 1997.  The applications will be
reviewed by a selection committee and a candidate announced in April
1997.  Further inquiries can be made by sending e-mail to

Argonne is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer.


From: Hans Engler <>
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 1996 11:02:14 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Faculty Postion at Georgetown University

Faculty Position at Georgetown University, Washington DC

The Department of Mathematics has a tenure track-position at
the Assistant Professor level beginning August 25, 1997. The
Ph.D. degree in Mathematics is required with strong research credentials
in partial differential equations or harmonic analysis, 
preferably including computational aspects. A commitment to excellence 
in undergraduate teaching is essential. 

Send resume and reprints or preprints of no more than three research papers, 
and arrange for three letters of reference to be sent to 

Professor John Lagnese
Chairman of the Search Committee
Department of Mathematics
Box 571233
Georgetown University
Washington, DC 20057

Complete applications must be received by January 1, 1997. 

Georgetown University is an Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative 
Action institution in employment and admissions.


From: Don Goldfarb <>
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 96 11:29:49 EST
Subject: Faculty Position at Columbia University


                     Columbia University
                  Industrial Engineering and
                Operations Research Department

The Department of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research
invites applications for a tenure-track faculty appointment starting July
1, 1997.

We seek an individual with a Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering, Operations
Research, or a related field with outstanding research ability and
potential. Candidates with research and teaching interests in optimization
are particularly encouraged to apply; however, applicants with research and
teaching interests in all areas of industrial engineering and operations
research will be considered. Senior candidates must have a distinguished
record of achievement.

The appointee is expected to teach both graduate and undergraduate courses,
be actively involved in research, and supervise doctoral students.

Columbia University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer and
especially welcomes applications from qualified women and minorities.
Interested individuals should send a current resume, letters from at least
two references, and copies of publications by January 15, 1997 to:

Chairman, Search Committee
Department of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research 
331 S.W.Mudd, MC 7404
Columbia University 
New York, NY 10027


From: Heinz W. Engl <>
Date: Tue, 26 Nov 96 08:28:27 +0100
Subject: Positions at MathConsult, Linz, Austria

Two Positions at MathConsult GmbH

At MathConsult GmbH in Linz, Austria, two positions are vacant.

MathConsult GmbH is a startup company which was founded as a bridge institution
between the Industrial Mathematics Institute (Prof. Engl) at the University of
Linz and industry. It should help to speed up the transfer of mathematical
expertise from university to industry and economy and provide solutions to 
industrial problems, including software. In general, there is a close 
cooperation between MathConsult GmbH and the Industrial Mathematics Institute.

We are looking for mathematicians/ software engineers for the following
two projects:

The first project deals with a new technology for obtaining metallic iron 
from iron ore. There will be a project team with one person from the Industrial
Mathematics Institute and one person from MathConsult GmbH working full time on
the project and some people from our industrial partner working part time on
the project. 
The project team should develop a mathematical model for the process and then 
develop codes for the numerical simulation of the process (in C++).
Applicants should have a degree in Applied Mathematics, a sound knowledge
of numerics of PDEs and experience in C++ programming.

The second project deals with the mathematics of financial markets. Our 
partner company provides programs for portfolio management and risk analysis.
We develop codes for new financial instruments and give high-level support
(including trainings) to local (i.e. central European) customers.
Applicants should have a degree in Mathematics or Computer Science, experience 
in C++ programming and be interested in Financial Mathematics. 

Applicants for both positions must have a citizenship of a country of the
European Community or Norway or Switzerland.

Send your applications (including a CV) by e-mail to
or by fax to
Dr.Andreas Binder, MathConsult GmbH, Altenberger Str. 74, A-4040 Linz,
 FAX:  +43(0)732-757207-9
  == Prof.Dr.Heinz W. Engl


From: Kevin Burrage <> 
Date: Tue, 26 Nov 1996 10:29:59 +1000
Subject: Scholarships at the University of Queensland

                PhD or Masters Scholarship
                at the University of Queensland
                Brisbane, Australia

This is an opportunity for a student to work in a new and exciting area which
involves sophisticated computational techniques with important real-life

Research project:
"The development of stochastic models and efficient numerical techniques for
solving stochastic differential equations in environmental modelling"

A$15,000 is available either as a top-up over 3 years (at A$5,000 per annum
for 1997-1999) to an existing APA, or as a one year scholarship (1997).

The successful student would work under the guidance of the principal
 Professor Kevin Burrage (Computational Mathematics)
and Professor Ray Volker (Civil Engineering).

The successful student would have access to state-of-the-art SGI workstations 
as well as the University Of Queensland's 20 processor parallel supercomputer.

Potential applicants should contact

Professor Kevin Burrage, Department of Mathematics,
University of Queensland, Brisbane 4072, Australia
phone +61 07 33653487


Professor Ray Volker
Deparrtment of Civil Engineering
University of Queensland, Brisbane 4072, Australia 
phone +61 07 33653619

Note students who do not have Australian citizenship must pay tuition fees
of $A15,200 per annum from other sources.  It is, however, possible to get
a scholarship to cover these tuition fees

                PhD  Scholarship(s)
                at the University of Queensland
                Brisbane, Australia

This is an opportunity for a student to work in a new and exciting area which
involves sophisticated computational techniques with important real-life applications.          

Research project:
"Large-scale parallel numerical methods for differential-algebraic equations 
in process engineering"

A PhD scholarship of $15,000 per annum over 3 years for 1997-1999 is available.
Alternatively, several top-ups to an existing APA will be granted for suitable applicants based on their ability.

The successful student would work under the guidance of the principal investigators: Professor Kevin Burrage, Dr Roger Sidje (Computational Mathematics) and A/Professor Ian Cameron (Chemical Engineering).

The successful student would have access to state-of-the-art SGI workstations 
as well as the University Of Queensland's 20 processor parallel supercomputer.

Potential applicants should contact

Professor Kevin Burrage, Department of Mathematics,
University of Queensland, Brisbane 4072, Australia
phone +61 07 33653487

Note students who do not have Australian citizenship must pay tuition fees
of $A15,200 per annum from other sources.  It is, however, possible to get
a scholarship to cover these tuition fees


From: ETNA <>
Date: Thu, 28 Nov 1996 10:15:32 -0500 (EST)
Subject: ETNA's Fall Issue

 Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis (ETNA). 
 Volume 4, Fall 1996.

89    An analysis of the pole placement problem. 
      I. The single-input case.
      Volker Mehrmann and Hongguo Xu.

106   Ray sequences of Laurent-type rational functions.
      I. E. Pritsker.


125   On the solution of Cauchy systems of equations.
      D. Calvetti and L. Reichel.


ETNA articles can be obtained via the World Wide Web (URL, Gopher (, anonymous ftp 
(, or e-mail (send requests to


From: Jesse de Does <>
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 1996 08:59:16 +0100
Subject: Contents, Annals of Numerical Mathematics

[Editor's Note: This was truncated in last week's Digest.  A non-ASCII
character was at fault.  -- Cleve]

Contents: Annals of numerical Mathematics Vol 4, 1997

The heritage of P.L. Chebyshev: A Festschrift in honor of the 70th birthday
of T.J. Rivlin

Editor: Charles A. Micchelli

Charles A. Micchelli

On the work of Theodore J. Rivlin
C.A. Micchelli

A brief preface
T.J. Rivlin

On Chebyshev polynomials in dynamics
R. Adler, B. Kitchens, C.A. Micchelli and C. Tresser 1

Renewal sequences and ordered partitions
J.M. Anderson and A. Hinkkanen 11

Bounds for the trace of the inverse and the determinant of symmetric
positive definite matrices
Z. Bai and G.H. Golub 29

On approximation by exponentials
B.J.C. Baxter and A. Iserles 39

A discrepancy lemma for oscillating polynomials and sign changes of the
error function of best approximants
H.-P. Blatt 55

On the zeros of various kinds of orthogonal polynomials
C. Brezinski and M. Redivo-Zaglia 67

On the lower semicontinuity of best rational Chebyshev approximation
B. Brosowski 79

Rivlin's problem
B. Brosowski and F. Deutsch 95

Lebesgue functions for polynomial interpolation -- a survey
L. Brutman 111

On a recovery problem
M. Buhmann and A. Pinkus 129

The approximate sampling theorem, Poisson's sum formula, a decomposition
theorem for Parseval's equation and their interconnections
P.L. Butzer and A. Gessinger 143

Support and foundation of bases
J.M. Carnicer, T.N.T. Goodman and J.M. Pena 161

Lacunary interpolation by cosine polynomials
A.S. Cavaretta, C.R. Selvaraj and A. Sharma 181

A study of asymptotically optimal time-frequency localization by scaling
functions and wavelets
C.K. Chui and J.Z. Wang 193

A de Montessus theorem for multivariate homogeneous Pade approximants
A. Cuyt and D.S. Lubinsky 217

The multiplicity of a spline zero
C. de Boor 229

Overconvergence of some simultaneous Hermite-Pade interpolants
M.G. de Bruin and A. Sharma 239

Approximation by feed-forward neural networks
R.A. DeVore, K.I. Oskolkov and P.P. Petrushev 261

Uniqueness of least-norm generalized monosplines induced by log-concave
N. Dyn 289

On upper bounds for the number of extrema of Chebyshev alternants
M.K. El-Daou and E.L. Ortiz 301

Polynomial approximation of functions continuous on [-1, 1] and analytic on
(-1, 1)
D. Gaier 315

On the computation of special Sobolev-type orthogonal polynomials
W. Gautschi 329

On some recursive triangular systems
W.M.Y. Goh, E. Schmutz and J. Wimp 343

On a measure of dissimilarity between positive definite matrices
A.J. Hoffman and C.A. Micchelli 351

On computing $Ax$ and $\pi^T A$, when A is sparse
A.J. Hoffman, W.R. Pulleyblank and J.A. Tomlin 359

The dynamics of group automorphisms
B. Kitchens 369

A variational approach to optimizing linear functionals over Haar spaces
A. Kro=F3 and D. Schmidt 393

Weighted polynomial approximation of some entire functions on the real line
A. Kro=F3, J. Szabados and R.S. Varga 405

On monotone and convex approximation by splines with free knots
D. Leviatan and A. Shadrin 415

On optimal Pade-type cuts
A.P. Magnus 435

Subdivision schemes with non-negative masks converge always -- unless they
obviously cannot?
A.A. Melkman 451

On a measure of dissimilarity for normal probability densities
C.A. Micchelli 461

A splitting problem
D.J. Newman 479

Fast multipoint polynomial evaluation and interpolation
via computations with structured matrices V.Y. Pan, A. Zheng, X. Huang and
Y. Yu 483

Bernstein polynomials based on the q-integers
G.M. Phillips 511

A new iterative algorithm for thin plate spline interpolation in two
M.J.D. Powell 519

The Fundamental Theorem of Linear Programming applied to certain extremal
problems for polynomials
M.A. Qazi and Q.I. Rahman 529

Optimal recovery in translation-invariant spaces of functions
R. Schaback 547

The Chebyshev constant of a linear set
H.S. Shapiro 557

On the zeros of generalized Jacobi polynomials
P. V=E9rtesi 561

Smoothing spline ANOVA fits for very large, nearly regular data sets, with
application to historical global climate data
G. Wahba and Z. Luo 579

Measurable entire functions
B. Weiss 599

Strong tractability of weighted tensor products
H. Wozniakowski 607

Summability of certain product ultraspherical orthogonal series in several
Y. Xu 623

Author index 639


From: Karin Remington <> 
Date: Mon, 2 Dec 96 11:28:26 EST
Subject: Contents, Transactions on Mathematical Software

                       Table of Contents
              Volume 22, Number 4 (December 1996)

R. Baker Kearfott
Algorithm 763: INTERVAL_ARITHMETIC: A Fortran 90 Module for an 
Interval Data Type

R. B. Lehoucq
The Computation of Elementary Unitary Matrices

J. C. Butcher, J. R. Cash, and M. T. Diamantakis
DESI Methods for Stiff Initial Value Problems

Michael S. P. Eastham, Charles T. Fulton, and Steven Pruess
Using the SLEDGE Package on Sturm-Liouville Problems Having Nonempty 
Essential Spectrum

Sanjiva Weerawarana, Elias N. Houstis, John R. Rice, Anupam Joshi, and 
Catherine E. Houstis
PYTHIA: A Knowledge Based System for Intelligent Scientific Computing

C. Bradford Barber, David P. Dobkin, and Hannu Huhdanpaa
The Quickhull Algorithm for Convex Hulls

T. K. Sarkar
A Composition-Alias Method for Generating Gamma Variates with 
Shape Parameter Greater than 1

Roger W. Koenker and Pin T. Ng
A Remark on Bartels and Conn's Linearly Constrained, Discrete l_1 Problems

J. K. Reid
Remark on Fast Floating-Point Processing in Common Lisp

W. Van Snyder
Remark on Algorithm 723: Fresnel Integrals


End of NA Digest