Subject: NA Digest, V. 96, # 07

NA Digest   Sunday, February 18, 1996   Volume 96 : Issue 07

Today's Editor:

    Cleve Moler
    The MathWorks, Inc.

Today's Topics:

    Variation on the Harmonic Series Question
    Mathematical Model for Volterra-Fredholm Equations
    A Second Order ODE
    New Book of Finite-Volume Methods
    1996 Copper Mountain Conference on Iterative Methods
    Special Session on PDEs at AMS Sectional Meeting
    Conference on Computational Modelling in Dubna, Russia
    IMACS World Congress
    ICASE/LaRC Workshop on Computational Fluid Dynamics
    Workshop on Numerical Analysis in Rousse, Bulgaria
    Computational Modeling Issues for Environmental Solutions
    Graduate Assistantships at University of Notre Dame
    Correction to Fellowship Announcement from Concordia University
    Two Positions at NTNU (repost)
    Contents, J. Approximation Theory
    Contents, SIAM J. Applied Mathematics
    Contents, SIAM Review
    Contents, Numerische Mathematik
    Contents, Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research
    Contents, Linear Algebra and its Applications

Submissions for NA Digest:
    Mail to

Information about NA-NET:
    Mail to

URL for the World Wide Web:

From: Walter Poor <>
Date: Sun, 11 Feb 96 12:47:05 -0500
Subject: Variation on the Harmonic Series Question

For an amusing variation on the quiz question presented 
by John C. Nash, pick any integer between 0 and 9.  Call 
this integer M.

Remove every term from the harmonic series that contains 
M as one of the digits in the denominator.  For example, 
if M = 3, then remove 1/3, 1/13, 1/23, 1/30, 1/31, ...

What is the behavior of the remaining series 

o  in the real numbers?

o  on a computer?

Walter Poor, The MITRE Corporation


From: Bechir Dardour <> 
Date: Mon, 12 Feb 1996 13:56:27 +0100
Subject: Mathematical Model for Volterra-Fredholm Equations

I am studying on a numerical simulation of heat transfer by 
simultaneous radiation and conduction in a semitransparent 
media and I have to solve some integrodifferential equations. 
Specially, the nonlinear Volterra or Fredholm equations of 
second kind.

If you have some information or code (Fortran77 or C) for my problem,
please let me know. Any reference would be helpful.

Centre d'Energetique
Ecole des Mines 
60, bld Saint-Michel
75272 Paris cedex 06

Phone : (33-1) 40 51 92 48
Fax : (33-1) 46 34 24 91
E-mail :


From: Peter Knipp <pknipp@PCS.CNU.EDU> 
Date: Fri, 16 Feb 96 17:15:43 EST
Subject: A Second Order ODE

I am interested in solving the following 2nd order ODE for y(x):


where x is positive, and b is a positive constant.

My first question: Is y(x) "special" in the sense that it can be 
related simply to a function named after a dead mathematician?

My second request:  I am interested in obtaining an algorithm for 
generating a solution to this ODE which also satisfies the BC that 
the limit (as x->0) of y(x)/ln(x) equals unity.  The only way that 
I know is to generate two power series, first for the particular 
solution [y_1(x)] which is well-behaved at the origin and next for 
the solution given by y_2(x)=y_1(x)*ln(x) + another power series.  
I am reluctant to do this for two reasons:
i)  It does not seem logical that I should have to deal with two 
power series when generating one solution.
ii)  My suspicion is that there may exist a very efficient way to 
generate both y_1(x) and y_2(x) using either an asymptotic expansion 
or a rational function approximation, as holds true for Bessel 
functions, which solve the above ODE when b=0.

Pete Knipp
Christopher Newport University


From: Stanly Steinberg <>
Date: Sun, 11 Feb 1996 22:24:22 -0700
Subject: New Book of Finite-Volume Methods

                        New Book Available
                     CRC Press, January 1996
             Mikhail Shashkov, Los Alamos National Laboratory

384 pages, ISBN:0-8493-7375-1
List Price U.S. $74.95

This book constructs finite-difference algorithms for three types of equations:
elliptic equations; heat equations; and Lagrangian gas dynamics equations.
The construction is based on the method of support operators, which is a
generalization of the finite-volume method.

Features of this book include:
   * Algorithms in solve practical engineering problems
   * Algorithms are in FORTRAN on an accompanying floppy disk
   * Results for test problems are presented in tabular and
        graphical form for easier understanding

To order by e-mail:
For more information on CRC Press Home Page URL:


From: Steve Mccormick <> 
Date: Mon, 12 Feb 1996 09:01:55 -0700
Subject: 1996 Copper Mountain Conference on Iterative Methods

Rooms for this year's Copper Mountain Conference on Iterative Methods
are going fast. In fact, Copper was full until they released about 10
one- and two-bedrooms on February 10th. But they will no doubt go fast.
If you plan to attend but do not yet have a room, you should call Copper
Mountain immediately. Other rooms might be available from the following
management companies at Copper:

Carbonate              (800) 458-8386
CMCR                   (800) 526-7737
High Country Vacations (800) 426-7400

For further information, please access our Web site at

Steve McCormick: Appl. Math, C.B. 526, U. of CO, Boulder, CO 80309-0526


From: Daoqi Yang <>
Date: Thu, 15 Feb 1996 15:27:02 -0500
Subject: Special Session on PDEs at AMS Sectional Meeting

   Special Session on Partial Differential Equations: 
   Theories, Applications and Numerical Approaches 
   at the AMS Central Section Meeting to be held at 
   Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, May 2-4 1997.

You are invited to participate in and give a talk on theoretical,
practical, or numerical aspects of partial differential equations
at the AMS Meeting to be held in Wayne State University, Detroit,
Michigan, May 2-4, 1997.

Scope: This Special Session aims at fostering discussion and 
cooperation among practitioners and theoreticians in the  
field of linear and nonlinear partial differential equations.
Papers for oral presentation are solicited in all research areas 
related to theory, applications, and computational aspects of 
differential equations. 

Submission: At this time, please submit the title of your talk via
e-mail to: 
Abstracts of the talks will be requested later.

Organizing Committee of the Special Session: 
                     Jennifer Zhao (Univ of Michigan-Dearborn)
                     Frank Massey  (Univ of Michigan-Dearborn)
                     Daoqi Yang    (Wayne State Univ)


From: A. V. Fedorov <>
Date: Mon, 12 Feb 1996 12:30:09 GMT
Subject: Conference on Computational Modelling in Dubna, Russia

First Announcement and Call for Papers

    CMCP'96 - International Conference on
Computational Modelling and Computing in Physics
16-21st September 1996
Dubna, Russia
Organized by Joint Institute for Nuclear Research


CMCP'96 is the   ninth Conference organized   by JINR to   be held  on
the  theme  of   mathematical  modelling   and  computing  in physical
research.   The  previous   Conferences  have   been  held    in Dubna
since     1964.  The  present  Conference   is  organized  in   honour
M.G.Meshcheryakov  the  famous  scientist  and  the  founder  of   the
Laboratory of Computing Techniques of JINR.

The increasing speed and expanded storage capacity of modern computers,
together with new advanced numerical methods and programming techniques
have  greatly  improved  the  ability  to study physical problems. The
objective of this Conference is  to bring together scientists who  are
carrying out  research on  the applications  of computers  to simulate
physical problems,  to handle,  analyse and  visualize physical  data.
The Conference will provide  an opportunity for scientists  to discuss
novel advances in computational  modelling, for software and  hardware
presentation and exhibition.

Conference topics
The Conference topic will center around recent advances in
  computational simulation and models
  numerical methods
       finite difference methods
       finite and boundary elements methods
       numerical linear algebra
       parallel algorithms
       applications of numerical methods
  inverse and ill-posed problems
  computer algebra
  neural networks, wavelets, data processing
  bifurcations and chaos
  computing and networking for physical research
  computer education

Local Organizing Committee

E.P.Zhidkov   - Chairman               S.P.Ivanova
V.V.Korenkov  - Co Chairman            A.P.Korol'
A.A.Samarskii - Honorary Member        S.O.Lukianov
E.A.Airian                             R.Pose
A.M.Ershov                             I.V.Puzynin
A.V.Fedorov - Scientific Secretary     V.P.Shirikov

The working languages of the  Conference will be English and  Russian.
Simultaneous translation is planned.

Call for Papers
Papers are invited  on the topics  indicated above and  others falling
within  the  scope  of  the  Conference.  The  program  will   include
40 minute lectures, 20  minute contributed talks and  posters. Authors
who wish to make a presentation should submit (preferably by e-mail) a
one-page abstract in English.

Please send the mail related to the Conference to
Dr. A.V.Fedorov
Laboratory of Computing Techniques and Automation
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
141980 Dubna, Russia
tel.    +(09621)64875
fax     +(09621)65145

Electronic Access
Information regarding the Conference and the Registration Form can be
accessed through WWW:


From: IMACS Administration <>
Date: Tue, 13 Feb 1996 11:43:03 -0500
Subject: IMACS World Congress

                 15th IMACS WORLD CONGRESS
           Scientific Computation, Modeling  and
                   Applied Mathematics
           August 24-30, 1997-  Berlin, Germany

The Scientific program will consist of regular papers and keynote papers.

Proposed regular papers may be submitted by sending an extended summary
in duplicate .  Keynote papers may be proposed in any
format, not necessarily by the intended author, giving a description of the
importance of the subject area and the credentials of the proposed speaker.

Part of the program will consist of Organized Sessions.  Proposals to organize
a Session or Sessions are solicited.  They are to describe the specific 
area to be covered, and the full address, telephone, e-mail, etc. of the 
intended organizer(s).

All proposals and submissions are to be sent to the Congress
Secretariat (by regular mail to the address below, or by e-mail to

Deadlines:  Submission  of Papers              -  December 1, 1996
            Proposals to organize Sessions     -  Sept 15, 1996              
            Notification of Acceptance         -  February 28, 1997
            Camera-ready papers                -  April 30, 1997

It is currently intended to publish Conference Proceedings, and some of the
papers will be selected for appearance as regular Journal articles in one of
the IMACS Journals(published by North Holland/Elsevier and World Scientific
Publishing Co.)

For information and submissions contact:

IMACS Secretariat                   or     IMACS Congress Secretariat
Department of Computer Science             GMD FIRST
Rutgers University                         Rudower Chaussee 5
Piscataway, NJ 08855 USA                   D12489 Berlin, GERMANY
Fax: 908-445-0537                          Fax: 30-67045610 
E-mail:               E-mail:


From: V. Venkatakrishnan <>
Date: Wed, 14 Feb 1996 13:12:44 GMT
Subject: ICASE/LaRC Workshop on Computational Fluid Dynamics

                         August 5-7, 1996
         Holiday Inn Hotel and Conference Center, Hampton, Virginia

As a new millennium approaches, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is 
undergoing an important transition. CFD is playing an integral role in many 
inter-disciplinary applications. In addition, CFD techniques are increasingly 
being used in nontraditional areas such as material sciences and manufacturing 
technologies, and others. New algorithmic issues arise in such contexts and need
to be addressed. At this time, therefore, it is particularly
important to take an inward look and catalog the challenges that face the field 
and identify the barriers to be overcome.
Numerical uncertainties need to be categorized and quantified so that
they are not carried over to the new fields where we do not have
years of experience to help us separate numerical uncertainties from physical
uncertainties. In addition, techniques deemed inappropriate
in CFD may well be the methods of choice when applied to new disciplines. 

For this workshop, papers are sought that: 
1. help understand the nature of the problem
2. illustrate the effects of numerical uncertainties
3. quantify, alleviate or eliminate the barrier
4. identify new application areas requiring the use of CFD-based
numerical methods
5. propose new algorithms to deal with emerging disciplines.

It is expected that the papers presented will range from the scholarly to the 
practical and that the workshop will act as a catalyst for focussed 
research on reducing numerical uncertainties and for opening new avenues of
research. This is meant to be a pioneering 
workshop conceived and organized in a way so as to maximize the effectiveness 
of the participation by the presenters and the audience.  

Invited talks will be 50 minutes long including 10 minutes for audience
interaction.  Contributed papers will be 25 minutes long including 5 minutes 
for audience interaction.  Each session will include 30 minutes at the end of 
the session for a broader interactive participation by the audience and the 
panel of presenters.  The themes emerging from such interactions will be 
collected and appended to the proceedings. The Workshop Technical Committee
will work with the authors interactively and cooperatively to evolve the
submitted material into a synergistic package so that papers in a session convey
useful information, both individually and collectively.

The tentative list of invited speakers is:
1. Alexandre Chorin - University of California, Berkeley
2. Michael Giles - Oxford University, UK
3. Roland Glowinski - University of Houston
4. Peter Lax - Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences
5. Stanley Osher - University of California, Los Angeles
6. Philip Roe - University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

Those interested in contributing should submit a two-page extended abstract for
review by March 1, 1996. Submissions may be by hardcopy, e-mail or fax.
Notifications of acceptance will be mailed out by March 22,1996. More 
information on the scope of the workshop and possible topics may be found at the

                         Emily Todd
                         ICASE, Mail Stop 132C
                         NASA Langley Research Center
                         Hampton, VA 23681-0001
                         Phone: (804) 864-2175
                         FAX :  (804) 864-6134


From: Plamen Yalamov <>
Date: Fri, 13 Oct 100 08:31:02 +0200 (WET)
Subject: Workshop on Numerical Analysis in Rousse, Bulgaria

In the last issue of Na-Digest there was a message about the First Workshop on
Numerical Analysis and Applications, June 24-27, 1996, Rousse, Bulgaria.
We would like to apologize that the list of minisymposia was not supplied, 
and that there are small changes in the important dates.
Minisymposia (preliminary list):

 Numerical Aspects of Modelling of Dynamical Systems
        Adam Lozowicki (Szczecin)
 Numerical Analysis of Chaotic Phenomena
        Alexander S. Makarenko (Kiev)
 Computations in Image Reconstruction and Restoration
        Bob Plemmons (North Carolina)
 Adaptive algorithms and iterative schemes on the base of the Continuous
 Analogue of Newton's Method (CANM) for solving nonlinear equations
        Igor Puzynin (Moscow)
 Numerical Treatment of BVPs for ODEs
        Luigi Brugnano (Florence)
 Modeling of Liquid Transport
        Oleg Limarchenko (Kiev) 
 High Performance Numerical Methods for Stiff ODE and PDE and Applications 
 to Numerical Modelling
        Sergei Filippov (Moscow)
 Numerical Issues in 2D Models of Distributed Parameter Systems
        Zdzislaw Trzaska (Warsaw) and Wieslaw Marszalek (North Carolina)

Important Dates:
1.      Abstract Submission             February 29th, 1996
2.      Acceptance Decision             March 31st, 1996
3.      Paper (initial version) Due     April 31st, 1996
4.      Paper Acceptance                May 31st, 1996
5.      Paper (final version) Due       June 24th, 1996
6.      Proceedings Publication         December 31st, 1996


From: J. C. Diaz <> 
Date: Wed, 14 Feb 96 14:00:31 CST
Subject: Computational Modeling Issues for Environmental Solutions

                    Call for Papers for
      Special session on Computational Modeling Issues
        for Environmental Solutions in Exploration,
                  Production and Refining

     Third Annual International Petroleum Environmental
      Conference Issues and Solutions in Exploration,
                  Production and Refining

                    Albuquerque Hilton
                      Albuquerque, NM
                   September 24- 27, 1996

The objective of this special session is to  bring  together
professionals in the oil and gas industries and academia who
are working on computational issues in the search for  solu-
tions to environmental problems.

The meeting is sponsored by the South-central  Environmental
Resource  Alliance  (SERA), The University of Tulsa Division
of  Continuing  Education,  PennWell  Books,  and  the  U.S.
Department of Energy.

Submission Information:

Abstract Dateline March 1, 1996. Please send a 150-word abstract to:
K. L. Sublette
Sarkeys Professor of Environmental Engineering
The University of Tulsa
600 South College Ave.
Tulsa, OK 74104-3189
FAX: (918)-631-3268

J. C. Diaz
Center for Parallel and Scientific Computing
University of Tulsa
600 S. College Ave.
Tulsa, OK 74105-3189
FAX: (918)-631-3077

Questions concerning registration should be addressed to:
Ms. Pat Hall
Continuing Education
University of Tulsa
600 S. College Ave.
Tulsa, OK 74105-3189
FAX: (918)-631-3003


From: Andrew Lumsdaine <>
Date: Fri, 16 Feb 1996 13:23:12 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Graduate Assistantships at University of Notre Dame

The Laboratory for Scientific Computing, Department of Computer
Science and Engineering, University of Notre Dame, seeks outstanding
applicants for graduate research assistantships.  Students with
experience and interest in any or all of the following areas are
encouraged to apply:

     High-Performance Scientific Computing
     Numerical Linear Algebra
     Parallel Applications Development
     Software Library Development
     Object-Oriented Program Design
     Compiler Design

Information about the Laboratory for Scientific Computing can be found
at URL

If you are interested in this opportunity, please send your resume and
a brief letter of interest (ascii or postscript) to
as soon as possible.


From: Yves Bourgault <> 
Date: Fri, 16 Feb 96 17:16:45 -0500
Subject: Correction to Fellowship Announcement from Concordia University

The two advertisements concerning fellowships at the CFD Lab, Concordia
University, were intentionnally sent in two separate files. As you will
read in the erratum below, some unfortunate editing was done. So, I would
like you to post the following erratum. Thank you.

                                Yves Bourgault
                                CFD Lab
                                Concordia University

The advertisement "Postdoctoral Positions at Concordia University, Montreal"
in the last NA Digest did not concern two postdoctoral fellowship programs,
but one postdoctoral fellowship program and one fellowship program for
graduate studies (M.Sc. and Ph.D.). Here are the descriptions of the two
programs and the requirements for each position:


The Computational Fluid Dynamics Laboratory of Concordia University
(Montreal, Quebec, Canada) is willing to support applications to a
Post-Doctoral Fellowships Program, subject to the following eligibility
     - be citizen of the U.S., Belgium, Italy or Germany;
     - not currently in internship in Quebec;
     - has obtained a doctorate within the last 5 years , or will be
       obtained before December 31st, 1996;
     - has a good command of French and/or English.

Fellowships are awarded for a period of six to twelve consecutive months
and cover the following allowances and benefits:

       Stipend: An allowance of $2,000 CAD per month; this will be
supplemented by the CFD Lab for suitable candidates. The fellowship is
subject to Quebec and Canadian legislation on income tax.
       Transportation: Return airfare for the fellowship recipient only,
in economy class by the most direct route+transportation between a Quebec
international airport and the institution;
       Health Insurance: During their stay in Quebec, fellowship
recipients and, if necessary, their dependents (spouse, children) are
covered by the Quebec health insurance plan.

Interested candidates should send a transcript, a curriculum vitae, a short
description of research interests and technical expertise, identifying its
relation to the CFD Lab research  areas, and the name and address of two
referees (including thesis advisor), preferably by e-mail or Fax, to:

                        Professor W.G. Habashi
                        Director, CFD Lab
                        Concordia University
                        1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd. West, ER 301
                        Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3G 1M8
                        Fax: +1-(514) 848-8601

Please note that Professor Habashi will be visiting Italy and Belgium
between March 24 and 29, 1996 and could interview suitable candidates if
their dossier is completed on time.


The Computational Fluid Dynamics Laboratory is ready to support the
application of two Canadian postgraduate students to the NSERC Industrial
Post Graduate Fellowship Program. These students must satisfy the following

  -  be a Canadian citizen;
  -  have a minimum GPA of 3.70, and,
  -  if applying for a Master's program, the student must NOT have
     been enrolled in a Master's program for more than four months
     at the time of application, or
     if applying for the Ph.D. program, the student must NOT have been
     enrolled in graduate studies for more than a total of 28 months at
     the time of application (including Master's studies).

An industry interested in a student will provide support in the amount of
$5,000, with NSERC paying $12,500. The thesis subject is to be chosen in
an area that interests the CFD Lab and its industrial partners.

Please write, fax or e-mail details of your candidacy to Prof. W.G. Habashi
at the address given above. Please include an unofficial transcript, as well
as two letters of reference from Professors familiar with your research and/or
intellectual capabilities.

Deadline :  April 15, 1996

A description of the CFD Lab research activities has already been included
in the last NA Digest.


From: Brynjulf Owren <>
Date: Wed, 14 Feb 1996 12:38:14 +0100
Subject: Two Positions at NTNU (repost)

                     Computational Science and Engineering
   Two vacant positions at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology


The professorship is administratively linked to the Department of Mathematical
Sciences, Faculty of Physics and Mathematics at the Norwegian University of
Science and Technology. The department currectly holds 12 chairs for full
professors, 4 chairs for adjunct professors, 14 chairs for associate professors
and 20

The department wishes to establish a group that can offer user-friendly
services. A main objective is to identify, develop and disseminate mathematical
theory which is relevant to technology and other applications.

The department consists of groups in mathematics, numerical mathematics and
statistics. The successful applicant will be assigned duties within numerical
mathematics. The research activity in the numerical mathematics group currently
comprises ordinary differential equations, dynamic iteration for partial
differential equations, linear algebra, orthogonal polynomials, delay
differential equations, quadrature and extrapolation methods. Activities also
include efficient use of supercomputers.

The area of the professorship includes numerical mathematics with emphasis on
developing algorithms for vector/parallel processing.

In addition to this professorship, a further professorship is announced at the
Department of Computer Systems and Telematics. The two successful applicants
will have joint responsibility for building up teaching and research in the
field of Computational Science and Engineering at the Norwegian University of
Science and Technology.

Further information about the position may be obtained by contacting Professor
Syvert P. Noersett, tel. +47 73 59 35 45, email:

Application, showing the ref. no. 705/96, to be sent by April 15 to the
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Physics and
Mathematics,  N-7034 Trondheim, Norway.


The professorship is administratively linked to the Department of Computer
Systems and Telematics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. The department currectly
holds 11 chairs for full professors, 3 chairs for adjunct professors, 11 chairs
for associate professors and 55

The department is responsible for the following fields of study: Computer
Architecture, Information- and Knowledge Systems, Program Systems and

The professorship has particular responsibility for teaching and research
within computational science and engineering. The ability to establish and
conduct interdisciplinary projects for solving industrial problems as well as
experience from such projects will be emphasized.

The field of the professorship comprises the design of large program systems
for solving problems within science and technology on high performance
computers. Central topics are methods for software development, vectorization
and parallelization, numerical algorithms, complexity theory and visualization.

In addition to this professorship, a further professorship in
Numerical/Computational Science and Engineering at the Department of
Mathematical Sciences is announced. The two professors will be jointly
responsible for building up teaching and research in the field of Computational
Science and Engineering at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology.

Further information about the position may be obtained by contacting Professor
Arne Halaas, tel. +47 73 59 34 42.

Application, showing the ref. no. 401/96, to be sent by April 15 to the
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Electrical
Engineering and Computer Science, N-7034 Trondheim, Norway.

Information concerning both positions.

The applicant must submit 5 copies of the application including a list
of the papers that you wish to be considered by the committee. 

Within a month after the application deadline, the applicant should
send the following in 5 copies:
- The papers (normally not more than 10) to be considered by the committee. 
- A description of the papers considered by the applicant to be the
  most significant.
- A list of all publications, including where they have appeared.

Background information can be found in a report on CS&E.)


From: Marilyn Radcliff <>
Date: Tue, 13 Feb 1996 14:20:20 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Contents, J. Approximation Theory

Table of Contents: J. Approx. Theory, Volume 84, Number 2, February 1996

Lee A. Rubel
Uniform approximation by rational functions which all satisfy the same
   algebraic differential equation

Borislav Bojanov and Geno Nikolov
Duffin and Schaeffer type inequality for ultraspherical polynomials

Vladimir Operstein
A Markov-Bernstein type inequality for algebraic polynomials
   $L_p$, $0<p<1$

Detlef H. Mache and Ding X. Zhou
Characterization theorems for the approximation by a family of

Wolfgang Hensgen
Extremal problems for the vector-valued
   $\langleL^1/H_0^1,H^\infty\rangle$ duality

Xian-Zhi Yuan, Xun Luo, and Gang Li
Random approximations and fixed point theorems

Calvin D. Ahlbrandt
A Pincherle theorm for matrix continued fractions

Michel Arsenault and Qazi I. Rahman
On two polynomial inequalities of Erd\"os related to those of the
   brothers Markov

Klaus Wilderotter
Optimal approximation of periodic analytic functions with integrable
   boundary values


From: SIAM <>
Date: Tue, 13 Feb 96 14:59:45 EST
Subject: Contents, SIAM J. Applied Mathematics

SIAM JOURNAL ON Applied Mathematics
APRIL 1996 Volume 56, Number 2

Kinetic Theory for Bubbly Flow I: Collisionless Case
Giovanni Russo and Peter Smereka

Kinetic Theory for Bubbly Flow II: Fluid Dynamic Limit
Giovanni Russo and Peter Smereka

Response of a Viscous Incompressible Fluid Cylinder to an Incident 
Plane Compressional Elastic Wave
Juan C. Gomez and Vianey Villamizar

A Conservation Law with Point Source and Discontinuous Flux
Function Modelling Continuous Sedimentation
Stefan Diehl

An Improved Matching Procedure for Transient Resonance Layers in
Weakly Nonlinear Oscillatory Systems
D. L. Bosley

Singular Perturbation Analysis of the Fokker-Planck Equation:
Kramers' Underdamped Problem
Victor Barcilon

A Combined Capillarity and Elasticity Problem for a Thin Plate
Juan Olives

Competitive Exclusion in Gonorrhea Models and Other Sexually
Transmitted Diseases
Carlos Castillo-Chavez, Wenzhang Huang, and Jia Li

The Selection Gradient of an Infinite-Dimensional Trait
Richard Gomulkiewicz and Jay H. Beder

Approximation of Ill-Posed Volterra Problems via
Predictor-Corrector Regularization Methods
Patricia K. Lamm

On Weakly Nonlinear Inverse Problems
G. Chavent and K. Kunisch
X-ray Tomography in Scattering Media

Victor S. Antyufeev and Anatoliy  N. Bondarenko
Uniqueness of the Inverse Conductive Scattering Problem for
Time-Harmonic Electromagnetic Waves
F. Hettlich

A Nonuniqueness Theorem for an Inverse Boundary Value Problem in
Gen Nakamura and Kazumi Tanuma

Stability of Pulses in Nonlinear Optical Fibers Using
Phase-Sensitive Amplifiers
J. Nathan Kutz and William L. Kath

Approximation of Lyapunov Exponents of Nonlinear Stochastic
Differential Equations
Axel Grorud and Denis Talay

Open Billiards: Invariant and Conditionally Invariant Probabilities
on Cantor Sets
Artur Lopes and Roberto Markarian


From: SIAM <>
Date: Thu, 15 Feb 96 09:18:10 EST
Subject: Contents, SIAM Review

SIAM Review
MARCH 1996, Volume 38, Number 1

Bit Reversal on Uniprocessors
Alan H. Karp

Eigencurves for Two-Parameter Sturm-Liouville Equations
Paul Binding and Hans Volkmer

Semidefinite Programming
Lieven Vandenberghe and Stephen Boyd

Circle Pictograms for Vote Vectors
Eivind Stensholt

Classroom Notes

On the Extension of a Stability Bound: The Multiple Large-Parameter Variations 
Mansour Eslami

A Technique for the Numerical Verification of Asymptotic Expansions
D. L. Bosley

Intersections of Planes and Helices, Or Lines and Sinusoids
Yves Nievergelt

Problems and Solutions

Book Reviews

Pearls in Graph Theory: A Comprehensive Introduction (Nora Hartsfield and 
Gerhard Ringel), Lowell W. Beineke

Adapted Wavelet Analysis from Theory to Software (Mladen Victor Wickerhauser),  
Charles K. Chui

The Theory of the Chemostat: Dynamics of Microbial Competition (Hal L. Smith and
Paul Waltman),
 J. M. Cushing

Polynomial and Matrix Computations Volume 1: Fundamental Algorithms (Dario Bini 
and Victor Pan), Wayne Eberly

Lattice Methods for Multiple Integration (I. H. Sloan and S. Joe), Alan Genz

Dirichlet Forms and Symmetric Markov Processes (Masatoshi Fukushima, Yoichi 
Oshima, and Masayoshi Takeda), Ronald Getoor

Applied Discriminant Analysis (Carl J. Huberty), Arjun K. Gupta

The Complex WKB Method for Nonlinear Equations 1: Linear Theory (Victor P. 
Maslov), Evans M. Harrell, II

Exponential Attractors for Dissipative Evolution Equations (A. Eden, C. Foias, 
B. Nicolaenko, and R. Temam), Michael S. Jolly

Theory of Chattering Control (M. I. Zelikin and V. F. Borisov), Arthur J. Krener

Fuzzy Logic: A Practical Approach (M. McNeill and E. Thro), Marialuisa N. 

Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications (Timothy Ross), Marialuisa N. 

System Reliability Theory: Models and Statistics Methods (Arnljot Hoyland and 
Marvin Rausand), William Q. Meeker

Numerical Solution of SDE through Computer Experiments (P. E. Kloeden, E. 
Platen, and H. Schurz), Philip Protter

Morphological Image Operators (Henk J. A. M. Heijmans), Jean Serra

Variational Methods in Image Segmentation (Jean-Michel Morel and Sergio 
Solimini), Jayant Shah

Introduction to the Modern Theory of Dynamical Systems (Anatole Katok and Boris 
Hasselblatt), Richard Swanson

Approximation Procedures in Nonlinear Oscillation Theory (Nikolai A. Bobylev, 
Yuri M. Burman, and Sergey K. Korovin), Gennadi Vainikko

Selected Collections



Date: Thu, 15 Feb 1996 10:10:37 +0002
Subject: Contents, Numerische Mathematik

Numerische Mathematik ISSN 0029-599X
CONTENTS  Volume 73 Number 01 (1996)

Bank-R-E. Xu-J.  
An algorithm for coarsening unstructured meshes.
Numer.-Math..  1996 73(01)  P 1.

Clement-P.  Hagmeijer-R.  Sweers-G.
On the invertibility of mappings arising in 2D grid generation
Numer.-Math..  1996 73(01)  P 37.

Peano kernels and bounds for the error constants of Gaussian and
related quadrature rules for Cauchy principal value integrals.
Numer.-Math..  1996 73(01)  P 53.

Shadowing orbits  and Kantorovich's theorem.
Numer.-Math..  1996 73(01)  P 65.

Heil-C. Strang-G.  Strela-V.
Approximation by translates of refinable functions.
Numer.-Math..  1996 73(01)  P 75.

On the numerical approximation of unstable minimal surfaces with
polygonal boundaries.
Numer.-Math..  1996 73(01)  P 95.

Perthame-B.  Shu-C-W.  
On positivity preserving finite volume schemes for Euler equations.
Numer.-Math..  1996 73(01)  P 119.


From: Sun Jie <>
Date: Fri, 16 Feb 1996 14:08:59 +0800 (SST)
Subject: Contents, Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research

Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research Vol. 12, No. 2


J.L. Scott, 
A Transportation Model, Its Development and Application to a Ship Scheduling Problem 

S.-L.P. Koh and K.-L. Pan, 
On Revising Arc Weights from Known Shortest Paths

R.E. Johnson and L.R. Khan,
A Note on Dominance in Unbounded Knapsack Problems

K. Jornsten and R. Leister,
Linear Programming Aggregation: A Heuristic for Hierarchical Production Planning

K. Sung and S. Park,
Sensitivity Analysis of Matrix Game

A.P. Punnen and S.K. Bhatt,
Some Ratio Sharing Models


From: Richard Brualdi <>
Date: Sat, 17 Feb 1996 08:33:34 -0600 (CST)
Subject: Contents, Linear Algebra and its Applications

Contents Volume 235, March 1, 1996

Charles Waters (Mankato, Minnesota)
Sign Pattern Matrices That Allow Orthogonality  1

J. Ferrer, F. Puerta, and X. Puerta (Barcelona, Spain)
Geometric Characterization and Classification of
Marked Subspaces  15

A. Dean (Lennoxville, Quebec, Canada) and
J. A. de la Pen(tilde)a (Ciudad, Mexico)
Algorithms for Weakly Nonnegative Quadratic Forms  35

Moussa Ouattara (Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso)
Sur une Classe D'Alge(grave)bres a(grave) Puissances Associatives  47

Ismail M. Idris (Cairo, Egypt)
On Unitary Groups Modulo Infinitesimals  63

Su Yangfeng (Shanghai, People's Republic of China)
Generalized Multisplitting Asynchronous Iteration  77

Shu-An Hu (Chattanooga, Tennessee)
Maximum Permanent and Hermitian Matrices  93

Andrzej Nowicki (Torun(acute), Poland)
On the Nonexistence of Rational First Integrals for
Systems of Linear Differential Equations  107

Philip Feinsilver and Robert Fitzgerald (Carbondale, Illinois)
The Spectrum of Symmetric Krawtchouk Matrices  121

Tuch Sang Leong (Lumpur, Malaysia)
An Upper Bound on the Growth Ratio of Gaussian Elimination  141

Takayuki Furuta (Tokyo, Japan)
Generalizations of Kosaki Trace Inequalities and Related
Trace Inequalities on Chaotic Order  153

R. Westwick (Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada)
Spaces of Matrices of Fixed Rank, II  163

S. Barnett (Colchester, England) and
R. E. Hartwig (Raleigh, North Carolina)
Special Rank-One Perturbations  171

Bernd Fritzsche, Stefan H. Fuchs, and Bernd Kirstein
(Leipzig, Deutschland)
On Resolvent Matrices for Nondegenerate Matricial
Schur Problems  191

D. Goeleven (Namur, Belgique)
A Uniqueness Theorem for the Generalized-Order Linear
Complementary Problem Associated with M-Matrices  221

Lajos Molna(acute)r (Debrecen, Hungary)
A Condition for a Subspace of (script)B(H) to be an Ideal  229

Dai Hua (Nanjing, People's Republic of China)
Completing a Symmetric 2x2 Block Matrix and Its Inverse  235

Vassilis S. Kouikoglou and Nikos C. Tsourveloudis (Chania, Greece)
Eigenvalue Bounds on the Solutions of Coupled Lyapunov
and Riccati Equations  247

E. L. Yip (Pullman, Washington)
A Necessary and Sufficient Condition for M-Matrices and
Its Relation to Block LU Factorization  261

Renato De Leone (Camerino, Italy)
Review of The Linear Complementarity Problem by
R. W. Cottle, J.-S. Pang, and R. E. Stone  275

Author Index  277


End of NA Digest