Subject: NA Digest, V. 95, # 09

NA Digest   Sunday, February 26, 1995   Volume 95 : Issue 09

Today's Editor:

    Cleve Moler
    The MathWorks, Inc.

Today's Topics:

    Travel Support for ICIAM 95
    Computational Science Course Material
    Sabbatical Address for Hans Stetter
    RCM Ordering Algorithm
    Subroutine for Weber Function
    Hyperbolic PDE Solver Wanted
    Looking for Out-of-print Books
    Memorial Dedicated to Gabor Szego
    Advances and Trends in Computational and Applied Mathematics
    Workshop on Matrix Methods for Statistics
    Meeting of the DSS/2 User Group
    Winter School on Iterative Methods
    Optimization Conference in Capri
    Biomathematical Conference in Bulgaria
    17th SPEEDUP Workshop
    Chair in Applied Mathematics at UMIST
    Position at University of Surrey
    Position at University of Notre Dame
    Postdoc Position at University of Tennessee
    Position at Bristol University
    Postdoctoral Positions at Argonne National Laboratory
    Position at University of Edinburgh
    Position at University of British Columbia
    Contents, Math of Control, Signals, and Systems
    Contents, Linear Algebra and its Applications
    Contents, Journal of Approximation Theory
    Contents, International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics

Submissions for NA Digest:
    Mail to

Information about NA-NET:
    Mail to

URL for the World Wide Web:
From: Alison Bogardo <>
Date: Tue, 21 Feb 95 12:47:08 EST
Subject: Travel Support for ICIAM 95

SIAM is administering a travel grant program for ICIAM 95 --
the third International Congress on Industrial and Applied
Mathematics -- to be held in Hamburg, Germany, July 3-7. The grants,
which are funded by the National Science Foundation and the
Department of Energy, will provide partial travel support to
qualified applicants.

The awards are intended primarily for young researchers and graduate
students; women and minorities are especially encouraged to apply.
based on merit.  Preference will be given to participants in the ICIAM
95 program and to applicants who do not have other travel support for
the meeting.

Typical anticipated awards will range from $800 to $1000. Travel
costs will be reimbursed up to the amount of the award on submission
of a signed travel expense from to SIAM.

The cutoff date for applications is March 15, and final decisions
will be made no later than April 15. Early submission of
applications is encouraged; whenever possible, SIAM will make
decisions and notify applicants as the applications are received.

[Editor's Note: Ordinarily, we don't include forms like this in the
NA Digest.  I'm making an exception because it's a meeting of broad
interest to NA Net and because the application deadline is very near.
The form requires a signature, so it can't be e-mailed.  -- Cleve]

Return to:
ICIAM 95 Coordinator
c/o SIAM
3600 University City Science Center
Philadelphia, PA 19104-2688
                       Travel Grant Application
                               ICIAM 95
                           Hamburg, Germany
                            July 3-7, 1995

     Last                        First                 Middle



       Telephone #_____________ E-mail___________________________

Rank or Title ___________________________________________________

Institution or Organization______________________________________


Highest Degree ______________ Institution________________________

Date of Degree_____________(graduate students enter expected date)

Mathematical or Computational Specialties:

   Primary _____________________________________________________



   Secondary ___________________________________________________



Participation in ICIAM 95 (please check all applicable categories)

    Invited Speaker ______   Minisymposium Organizer _______

    Minisymposium Speaker _____ Contributed Session Speaker______

Research Support (list all sources within the last 5 years):

Research Proposals Pending:

Bibliography: (Optional. Attach a bibliography of not more than one
page, listing your recent publications that are most relevant to the
themes of ICIAM 95).

Letters of Reference: (Optional, but strongly suggested for graduate
students and young faculty.  Provide the names and institutions of
no more than two senior professional mathematicians or computational
scientists who have agreed to write on your bahalf concerning your
ability and the benefits you may derive from attending ICIAM 95.
These letters of support should be sent c/o ICIAM 95 Coordinator
at the address listed above (if sent by e-mail, a signed hard copy
MUST follow).


I understand that an award under this program may not be supplemented
by other NSF funds.

   ________________________________________________ Date _______________


From: Jack Dongarra <>
Date: Wed, 22 Feb 1995 10:58:36 -0500
Subject: Computational Science Course Material

As part of the National High-Performance Software Exchange,
(see, we would like to collect
URLs that contain information on courses or course
material dealing with various aspects of high-performance
computing and/or computational science.
If you have course material on-line and would like to share
this material with others, please send me the URL.
I will post what has been collected in a few weeks.


From: Hans Stetter <> 
Date: Mon, 20 Feb 1995 08:43:20 -0500
Subject: Sabbatical Address for Hans Stetter

Until 20 June, my address is:

Department of Computer Science
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853

Fax:    607 - 255-4428
Phone:  607 - 255-9196


From: Bharat Kumar <>
Date: Mon, 20 Feb 1995 18:46:13 -0500 (EST)
Subject: RCM Ordering Algorithm


   I'm looking for an implementation of the RCM algorithm for ordering
sparse matrices. Any pointers would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

Bharat Kumar
Dept. of CIS, The Ohio State University


From: Donglei Chen <>
Date: Thu, 23 Feb 1995 16:00:50 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Subroutine for Weber Function

Hi, everybody. I am looking for a subroutine to compute Weber function which is
used in uniform approximation with two turning points. Is there anyone who 
knows where I can find it? If yes, please let me know. My e-mail address is


Thank you for your help.

Donglei Chen
Dept of Physics
The University of Western Ontario
N6A 3K7


From: Lisette de Pillis <>
Date: Thu, 23 Feb 95 19:00:39 "PST
Subject: Hyperbolic PDE Solver Wanted

Numerical PDE Solver Wanted

I am looking for a higher-order numerical solver  to handle
simple linear hyperbolic differential equations (ideally, a
solver which is 4th order in both space and time).  In particular,
I would like to get hold of code that can handle both the first and
second order wave equation, both on a periodic domain, and on
an infinite domain with radiating boundary conditions.
(Even code that can handle one of these 4 cases would be a good start.)

I believe an implementation of a spectral method would be
well suited to these problems (with RK4 in time, eg.).  
My sense is that this would be preferable to a 4th order finite
difference in space scheme, as there could be problems
with the boundary conditions.  I am looking at all options, however.

Thank you in advance for all possible leads.

L.G. de Pillis
Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Department of Mathematics
Harvey Mudd College
Claremont, CA 91711
(909) 621-8975


From: Franz Glaus <> 
Date: Wed, 22 Feb 1995 16:49:34 -0800
Subject: Looking for Out-of-print Books

I am looking for the following books:

        "Trigonometric Novelties" by William Ransom (1959)
        "Pictorial Mathematics" by Herman Barravalle 
        "Spirus in Nature and Art" by T.A. Cook (1903)
        "Designs in Nature" by J.B. Pettigrew (1908)

Can you help me w/ these, or direct me to a source?

Thank you much in advance, Franz Glaus.


From: Paul Nevai <>
Date: Wed, 22 Feb 1995 14:41:32 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Memorial Dedicated to Gabor Szego

    Request for Donations for a Memorial Dedicated to G\'abor Szeg\H{o}

Dear Friends:

F.Y.I. G\'abor Szeg\H{o} was born one hundred years ago on January 20, 1895,
in Kunhegyes, Hungary.

This is to solicit your generous donations for some type of a memorial (most
likely a bronze relief to be set up in Kunhegyes in front of the city
library) dedicated to G\'abor Szeg\H{o}. I understand that such a memorial
will cost in the neighborhood of three to five thousand US dollars.

Please send me whatever you can afford, say, $10 or $25 or $100 or more
(perhaps in cash but preferably by checks payable to Paul Nevai, Dept Math -
OSU, Columbus, Ohio 43210-1174, U.S.A.) and I will make sure that all the
money collected will be used for that purpose.

If you send me $25 or more, you will get a photograph of this memorial signed
by a selected mathematician such as Dick Askey or Paul Erd\H{o}s or Samuel
Karlin or Peter Lax or Lee Lorch or Gilbert Strang or Harold Widom or one of
the children of G\'abor Szeg\H{o}.

Depending on the money collected, I promise to add a substantial amount from
my own resources. My final goal is in the neighborhood of 5K.

Paul Nevai

P.S. This message has been endorsed by Professors Dick Askey, Paul Erd\H{o}s,
Samuel Karlin, Peter Lax, Lee Lorch, Gilbert Strang, and Harold Widom.

P.P.S. Please send copies of this message to your colleagues and friends all
over the world.

Paul Nevai                  
Department of Mathematics   
The Ohio State University             nevai@ohstpy.bitnet
231 West Eighteenth Avenue            1-614-292-3317 (Office)
Columbus, Ohio 43210-1174             1-614-292-5310 (Answering Machine)
The United States of America          1-614-292-1479 (Math Dept Fax)


From: Pat Bozeman <> 
Date: Mon, 20 Feb 1995 07:37:29 -0600
Subject: Advances and Trends in Computational and Applied Mathematics

Symposium on
Advances and Trends in Computational and Applied Mathematics

April 20-22, 1995
Austin, Texas

        The Symposium on Advances and Trends in Computational and Applied
Mathematics, sponsored by the Texas Institute for Computational and Applied
Mathematics, will be held April 20-22, 1995 in Austin, Texas.  The
symposium will focus on interdisciplinary topics that bring together
applied mathematics, numerical analysis, computational sciences, physics,
and engineering in order to solve major problems in science and
engineering.  Among the invited speakers who will be presenting lectures

Ivo Babuska, University of Maryland
Randy Bank, University of San Diego, La Jolla
Ted Belytschko, Northwestern University
Jerry Bona, University of Texas at Austin
Jack Dongarra, University of Tennessee
Bjorn Engquist, University of California, Los Angeles
Richard Ewing, Texas A&M University
Roland Glowinski, University of Houston
Gene Golub, Stanford University
T.J.R. Hughes, Stanford University
Claes Johnson, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
P. Netaanmaki, University of Jyvaskyla, Finland
Steven Orszag, Princeton University
John Whiteman, Brunel University, United Kingdom
Mary Wheeler, Rice University

The two and one half day symposium will also feature contributed talks
presented in parallel sessions.

There will be a registration fee of $125 with a discounted registration for
students.  In order to obtain a registration form and a list of hotels for
accommodations,  please contact Ruth Hengst at (512) 471-4708, e-mail at, or US mail TICAM, TAY 2.400, The University of
Texas, Austin, TX  78712.  Registration deadline is March 27, 1995.


From: George Styan <MT56@MUSICA.MCGILL.CA>
Date: Wed, 22 Feb 95 18:57:54 EST
Subject: Workshop on Matrix Methods for Statistics

Fourth International Workshop on Matrix Methods for Statistics
Montreal, Quebec, Canada:
Saturday, July 15-Sunday, July 16, 1995

The Fourth International Workshop on Matrix Methods for Statistics
will be held in Montreal, on Saturday, July 15 and Sunday, July 16,
1995, the weekend immediately following the Joint Annual Meeting
of the Statistical Society of Canada (SSC) and the Institute of
Mathematical Statistics (IMS). This Workshop is co-sponsored by
the International Linear Algebra Society (ILAS). The International
Organizing Committee comprises R. William Farebrother (Univ. of
Manchester, England), Simo Puntanen (Univ. of Tampere, Finland),
George P. H. Styan (McGill University, Canada; chair), and Hans
Joachim Werner (Universitaet Bonn, Germany). The Workshop venue,
Le Centre Sheraton Hotel (1201 Boulevard Rene-Levesque West,
Montreal), is the same as for the Joint Annual SSC/IMS Meeting that
precedes it.

        The purpose of this Workshop is to stimulate research and, in an
informal setting, to foster the interaction of researchers in the
interface between matrix theory and statistics. This Workshop will
provide a forum for statisticians and mathematicians working in the
areas of linear algebra and matrix theory to become better
informed of the latest developments and newest techniques and to
interchange ideas with researchers from a wide variety of countries.
Invited guest speakers are expected to come from 20 countries.
Funding for non-Canadian guest speakers' travel and local expenses
has been requested from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research
Council of Canada (NSERC). It is expected that papers from the workshop
will be published a special issue of Linear Algebra and Its Applications.

        This Workshop is the fourth in a series. The previous three
Workshops were held as follows: (1) Tampere, Finland: August 1990,
(2) Auckland, New Zealand: December 1992, and (3) Tartu, Estonia:
May 1994. The 5th Workshop in this series is scheduled to be held in
Dunedin, New Zealand, in late August 1995 (as a satellite to the A. C.
Aitken Centenary Conference) and the 6th in Shrewsbury, England,
August 1996.

        Requests for more information concerning the scientific program,
as well as any organizational questions, should be directed to:
George P. H. Styan, Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics, McGill
University, Burnside Hall, 805 ouest, rue Sherbrooke, Montreal,
Quebec, Canada H3A 2K6; MT56@MUSICA.MCGILL.CA or
STYAN@MATH.MCGILL.CA, FAX (1-514) 398-3899 (e-mail preferred).


From: Nicolas Point <> 
Date: Thu, 23 Feb 95 14:57:58 +0100
Subject: Meeting of the DSS/2 User Group



The software package DSS/2 is a common tool for solving problems in partial
differential equations using the method of lines. A first meeting of users 
will take place at the Control and Mathematics Departments of the Faculte 
Polytechnique de Mons, Belgium, June 28-30, 1995.
The aim of the meeting is to provide a platform for discussions and 
presentations of DSS/2 applications and related problems.

Plenary lectures will be given by Professor W.E. Schiesser (Lehigh University)
who has developed DSS/2.

Participants are invited to submit papers on DSS/2 applications and extensions.

For further information please contact:

Dr. Alain Vande Wouwer
Laboratoire d'Automatique
Faculte Polytechnique de Mons
Boulevard Dolez 31
B-7000 Mons, Belgium
Tel: +32-(0)65-374141
Fax: +32-(0)65-374300


From: Tony Chan <>
Date: Thu, 23 Feb 1995 19:27:35 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Winter School on Iterative Methods

Winter School on Iterative Methods in 
Scientific Computing and Their Applications

The Institute of Mathematical Sciences 
The Chinese University of Hong Kong 
Shatin, Hong Kong 

December 14--20, 1995

To provide an intensive one week training course in state-of-the-art
iterative methods in scientific computing for senior graduate students,
post-doctoral researchers and lecturers in universities and practitioners 
in industry. It is hoped that after the course, the attendees will be 
familiar with the basic theories and algorithms, as well as potential
application areas and the vast and fast developing literature. 

Main Invited Lecturers:

Tony Chan (USA)                Jack Dongarra (USA) 
Howard Elman (USA)             Gene Golub (USA)
Franklin Luk (USA)             David Silvester (UK) 
Gilbert Strang (USA)           Henk van der Vorst (Netherland) 
Andy Wathen (UK)               Jinchao Xu (USA)

School Model:
It will be a seven-day school with 10 main invited speakers.
Each main speaker will give three 40-min lectures. There will 
also be several other lectures given by speakers from the Asian 
region. There will be 5-6 lectures per day except for the fourth 
day which will be reserved for excursion or social activities.
Demonstration and exercise sessions will be at the end of each day.
Topics to be covered include: Basic theory, parallel algorithms
and applications. Lecture notes of the School will be distributed 
to attendees. Polished version of the lecture notes will be published 
later for general international distribution. 

General Co-Chairmen: Tony Chan (UCLA), Raymond Chan (CUHK)
Program Chairman: Gene Golub (Stanford)

Registration fee is US$100 which includes all lecture notes
to be distributed at the School. To receive the registration
form, please send a note by postal or electronic mail
to Dr. K.M. Yeung at the address listed below. A latex file
of the form can also be obtained by anonymous ftp to 
The file name is conf/winter/regis.tex.  

Detail information of the School can be obtained by anonymous ftp to The file name is conf/winter/ World-wide web users 
can access to
For enquiry, please contact: 
  Dr. K.M. Yeung, Department of Mathematics, Chinese University of Hong Kong,
  Shatin, Hong Kong. E-Mail:, Fax: +(852) 2603-5154.


From: Gerardo Toraldo <>
Date: Fri, 24 Feb 1995 16:50:07 -0600
Subject: Optimization Conference in Capri
                         SECOND ANNOUNCEMENT
       Short Conference on ``High Performance Software for
         Nonlinear Optimization: Status and Perspectives''.

 On June 22-23 1995 (following the Workshop in Erice on Nonlinear 
Optimization) the CPS will host a short conference on ``High
Performance Software for Nonlinear Optimization: Status and
 Perspectives''.  The conference, which will be held in the island
of Capri (near Naples) will focus on the current state of
optimization software, mainly referring to the high performance
computing aspects. The presentations will be an authoritative
overview of the field, including its algorithmic developments,
current software and applications and future perspectives.
There will be a series of longer lectures given by invited speakers
(availability as been already given by Dr. P.Matstoms,
Prof J. J. More', Prof. P.M. Pardalos, and Prof. P.L. Toint),
as well as a selection of contribution papers will be presented.
The conference will be an informal forum for researchers on the
field of numerical optimization to present their results.

The conference Committee includes Prof. Jorge More'
(Argonne National Laboratory) , Prof. Almerico Murli
(Univerity of Naples), Prof. Panos Pardalos (University of Florida)
Anyone who is currently working on Numerical Optimization Software
or on a related field, or would like to learn about the area,
should not miss this Conference!  Further details about the
conference will be given in a second announcement in few weeks.
For information or for registration, send an e-mail  message
to or 
send a fax to +39-81-7662106 (Prof.  A.Murli)
or send a letter to: Prof.  Almerico  Murli  (Head  of  the  CPS)
Universita`  di Napoli "Federico II" 
Dipartimento di Matematica e Applicazioni, 
Complesso Monte S.Angelo, ed. T, Via  Cintia  
80126,  Napoli - ITALY . E-MAIL


From: Svetoslav Markov <>
Date: Sat, 25 Feb 95 14:23:47 BG
Subject: Biomathematical Conference in Bulgaria

                           CALL FOR PAPERS
         International Symposium  and Young Scientists School
            Mathematical Modelling and Information Systems
                   in Biology, Ecology and Medicine
                         August 23 - 27, 1995
                           Sofia, Bulgaria

Co-organized by: Bulgarian Academy of Science,
                 Institut for Informatics, University of Basel
                 IMACS/Bulgaria, The Biomathematical Society

Co-sponsored by: IMACS

Conference Themes:

- biomathematics, bioinformatics, biostatistics, biomechanics,
- mathematical problems from biophysics, biochemistry, biotechnology,
- mathematical modelling in biology, ecology and medicine;
- information systems, knowledge based systems, knowledge engineering
  and intelligent data processing, program packages and problem
  solving environments supporting biological and medical applications;
- mathematical immunology, mathematical neurophysiology, mathematical
  ecology, population dynamics, enzyme kinetics;
- mathematical models, involving uncertain (set-valued, interval-valued,
  fuzzy set-valued etc.) input data, validated numerics, enclosure
  methods involving automatic result verification and the use of parallel
  architectures (especially for solving typical biomathematical problems);
- particular modelling situations and case studies underlying the above

Deadlines:  Send your electronic and postal address
            to epopova@bgearn.bitnet
            to be included in the mailing list for
            the second announcement (May 1995) NOW
            Submissions of abstracts: June 30, 1995
            Pre-registration: July 31, 1995

All submissions, inquiries and information should be addressed to:

            Dr. Svetoslav Markov
            Institute of Biophysics
            Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
            Acad. G. Bonchev, bldg. 21
            BG-1113 Sofia, Bulgaria
            Tel.: (+359 2) 707 460 or 713-3704
            Fax : (+359 2) 730 385
            E-mail: smarkov@bgearn.bitnet or epopova@bgearn.bitnet


From: Karsten M. Decker <>
Date: Sat, 25 Feb 1995 19:20:03 +0100
Subject: 17th SPEEDUP Workshop

                     CALL FOR PARTICIPATION
     17th SPEEDUP Workshop on Parallel and Vector Computing
  "Hardware and Software Trends in High-performance Computing"

                      March 16 -- 17, 1995
                     Hotel Cadro Panoramica
                         Cadro (Lugano)

The dramatically increasing complexity of software  for  modeling
and  simulation  of phenomena in natural and engineering sciences
and in industry forces us to find new ways to  cope  successfully
with the related software problems.  The 17th SPEEDUP workshop on
"Hardware and  Software  Trends  in  High-performance  Computing"
tries  for the first time to bring together the computational and
computer science communities in  Switzerland.   The  workshop  is
jointly organized by the SPEEDUP society and the Special Interest
group for Parallel Computing (SIPAR)  of  the  Swiss  Informatics
Society (SI).


Overview of State-of-the-art High-performance Computer Systems,
  F. Hofmann, University of Erlangen, Erlangen

Programming Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing,
  T. Gross, CMU, Pittsburgh and ETHZ, Zurich

Programming of Scalable HPC Systems: Tools and their Application,
  T. Bemmerl, RWTH, Aachen, and Intel ESDC, Munich

New Trends in Computer Hardware Technology,
  E. Schenfeld, NEC Research Institute, Princeton

Digital Hardware Architectures for Neural Networks,
  P. Ienne, EPFL, Lausanne

Programming in Distributed Computing Environments,
  S. Ross, Cray Research Inc., Eagon

Software Engineering in Experimental Physics: Experience,
 Status, and Trends, A. Daneels, CERN, Geneva

Problem-solving Environments: Methodologies and Basic Techniques,
  K.M. Decker, CSCS, Manno

Problem-solving Environments: Towards an Environment for
  Engineering Applications, R. Gruber, CSCS, Manno

Using MPP for Decision Support in VLDB's - Transforming the
  Enterprise, T. Azaz, Meiko Ltd., Bristol

Methods for Data Mining,
  R. Breckenridge, Sandoz Pharma Ltd., Basel

The Future of high-performance Computing: How Can we Achieve
 Mutually Beneficial Collaboration between Computational and
 Computer Scientists ?, Discussion Session

The detailed program as  well as  a  registration   form  can  be
obtained  by  sending  e-mail  to,  subject 17th
SPEEDUP Workshop until MARCH 10, 1995 at the latest.

 Karsten M. Decker, CSCS


From: David Silvester <> 
Date: Tue, 21 Feb 95 15:01:09 GMT
Subject: Chair in Applied Mathematics at UMIST

Applications are invited for a Chair in Applied Mathematics within the 
Mathematics Department at the University of Manchester Institute of 
Science and Technology. The person appointed will be expected to 
provide academic leadership both in research and teaching, and to
develop the department's growing collaborative links with science
and engineering departments within UMIST. Preference may be given to
candidates having interests in one or more of the following areas:
either solid or fluid mechanics; dynamical systems; computational and
all other aspects of PDEs.
Two lectureship posts in Applied Mathematics will be available after 
the Chair has been filled, and the successful applicant will be expected
to play an active role in making these appointments.

Requests for application forms and further details, quoting reference
MAT/A/195, should be sent to: The Personnel Office, UMIST, PO Box 88,
Manchester M60 1QD, United Kingdom, or email Professor M. J. Taylor 
directly: Completed applications should be 
returned by Monday, 3rd April 1995.


From: Philip Aston <>
Date: Mon, 20 Feb 1995 15:59:31 +0000 (GMT)
Subject: Position at University of Surrey

      Dept of Mathematical and
        Computing Sciences

                    LECTURER IN MATHEMATICS

  Applications are invited for the post of Lecturer in Mathematics, tenable
from 1 September 1995. Applications will be considered from candidates with
a strong research background in any branch of nonlinear pure or applied
mathematics. The Department is particularly keen to strengthen and broaden
the existing group of applied and numerical analysts working in dynamical
systems, chaos, bifurcation theory, mathematical biology and associated
computational methods. Candidates should possess, or expect to gain shortly,
a PhD in an appropriate discipline. The successful applicant will be required
to undertake the normal range of teaching and supervisory duties in
appropriate areas of mathematics.

  Salary will be on the Lecturer Grade A/B scale (14756 - 25735 pounds)
depending on age, qualifications and experience. Applications in the
form of a Curriculum Vitae (2 copies), including the names and
addresses of three referees, should be sent to

                           Personnel Office (CVC)
                           University of Surrey
                           Surrey GU2 5XH

quoting reference number 335 by 17 March 1995. Further particulars
can also be obtained by writing to the above address or by 
telephoning 01483-259279. Informal enquiries may be made to 
Prof R. Shail on 01483-259196 or by email to

The University is committed to an Equal Opportunities Policy.


From: Andrew Lumsdaine <>
Date: Tue, 21 Feb 1995 15:20:05 -0500
Subject: Position at University of Notre Dame

                        FACULTY POSITION
                    University of Notre Dame

The Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University
of Notre Dame invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position
at the Assistant Professor level.  Applicants should have a doctorate
in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering,
or a related field.  Research areas of particular interest within the
Department are Parallel and Distributed Computing (including Parallel
Languages/Compilers, Parallel Architectures, High Performance
Computing, and Parallel Algorithms) and VLSI.  Applicants should have
abilities and interests in teaching at the undergraduate and graduate
levels, advising students, and conducting research.  Salary is
negotiable.  Interested persons should forward a complete resume,
together with the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of at least
three references, to:

          Dr. Steven C. Bass, Chairman
          Department of Computer Science and Engineering
          University of Notre Dame
          Notre Dame, IN  46556


Resumes sent via e-mail to the above address are welomed.  These
should be in plain ASCII form.

The University of Notre Dame is an Affirmative Action/Equal
Opportunity Employer.


From: Jack Dongarra <>
Date: Tue, 21 Feb 1995 21:09:19 -0500
Subject: Postdoc Position at University of Tennessee

Position available at The University of Tennessee

A postdoctoral research position is available in parallel scientific
software development in the Computer Science Department at the 
University of Tennessee.  The University of Tennessee and Oak Ridge 
National Laboratory are engaged in a cooperative research and 
development project to develop high level techniques for programming 
a heterogeneous network of computers.  Among the systems being developed 
are HeNCE (Heterogeneous Network Computing Environment), VPE (Visual 
Programming Environment), and PVM (Parallel Virtual Machine).
This project will engage in experimental research leading to the
evolution of several software tools to support general purpose concurrent
computation over a network.

The position requires experience in the development of X-window applications,
parallel computing and scientific programming.
Familiarity with network computing and parallel architectures is also desired.
Benefits of the position include a competitive salary,
travel opportunities, access to state-of-the-art computational facilities
(including both parallel architectures and high-performance workstations),
and collaborative research opportunities in a very active research
program in advanced scientific computing.

Inquiries should be directed to:

Jack Dongarra
Computer Science Department
University of Tennessee
Knoxville, TN 37996-1301
Phone: 615-974-8295
Fax: 615-974-8296


From: Andy Wathen <>
Date: Thu, 23 Feb 95 10:54:54 GMT
Subject: Position at Bristol University

                  UNIVERSITY OF BRISTOL
                Department of Mathematics


Active researchers in numerical analysis or scientific 
computation are invited to apply. Applicants who would 
augment our thriving research group in applied mathematics
and numerical analysis, enhancing the group's cooperation
with other research groups in the University and elsewhere,
are especially welcome. The department encourages developments
of both undergraduate and postgraduate teaching.

For informal information please email , Tel +44 0117 928 7971 or , Tel +44 0117 928 7995 .

For further details please telephone +44 0117 925 6450 
(ansaphone after 5pm UK time) or minicom +44 0117 928 8894
or write to the Personnel Office (EO), Senate House,
Bristol BS8 1TH, UK quoting reference D146.

Closing date for receipt of applications: 3rd April 1995.

The University of Bristol is an Equal Opportunities Employer.


From: Barry Smith <>
Date: Fri, 24 Feb 1995 13:38:34 -0600
Subject: Postdoctoral Positions at Argonne National Laboratory

                    Postdoctoral Positions
         Mathematics and Computer Science Division
                Argonne National Laboratory

  Argonne National Laboratory invites candidates to apply for two
postdoctoral research positions in the Mathematics and Computer
Science Division. 

  Selected candidates will work with a team that includes Bill 
Gropp and Barry Smith developing application driven algorithms and 
software for the parallel solution of large-scale systems of nonlinear 
equations arising from the discretization of coupled systems of 
PDEs. The software developed will be built on the framework of 
the PETSc ( package.  

  Candidates are sought in either of the following two research areas:

  1) to help with the design and implementation of algorithms and 
data structures for the direct and iterative solution of sparse 
linear systems. The focus will be on methods that can achieve high
performance on hierarchical-memory machines including RISC workstations 
and distributed-memory machines such as the IBM SP2.  

  2) with interest and experience in distributed memory parallel
computing for numerical linear algebra and/or partial differential
equations, possibly including domain decomposition and/or multilevel
methods. Candidates would work on the design, analysis and 
implementation of parallel solver methods and related issues.   

   Applicants must have received their Ph.D. in computer science, 
applied mathematics  or a related discipline not more than three 
years prior to the beginning of the appointment. The appointment 
is available immediately for a one-year term (renewable). 
Applications should be  addressed to Walter McFall, Box mcs-acti3, 
Employment and Placement,  Argonne National Laboratory, 9700 S.
Cass Avenue, Argonne, IL 60439, and  must include a resume' and 
the names and addresses of three references.  For additional 
information, contact Barry Smith (

  The Mathematics and Computer Science Division supports an 
excellent computational environment that includes access to 
high-performance scientific workstations, a scientific visualization
and virtually reality laboratory, and state-of-the-art parallel 
computers (including a 128-node IBM SP).

  Argonne is located in the southwestern Chicago suburbs, offering
the advantages of affordable housing, good schools, and easy access 
to the cultural attractions of the city.

Argonne is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer.


From: Ken McKinnon <>
Date: Fri, 24 Feb 1995 21:04:09 GMT
Subject: Position at University of Edinburgh

University of Edinburgh, Scotland
Department of Mathematics and Statistics

Two permanent Lectureships in Mathematics or Statistics.  Candidates
with research interests in any area of pure or applied mathematics,
statistics or operational research will be considered.  Numerical
Analysis and Operational Research are among areas of particular
interest.  The University wishes to appoint candidates with a high
quality research record and promising research programme who will
interact effectively with existing research interests and contribute
actively to postgraduate and undergraduate teaching.  Applicants for the
recently advertised Lectureships in Mathematics (490564/5) will be
automatically considered and need not re-apply.  Positions available
from 1 September 1995.  Closing date 14 March 1995.  Ref 590085. 

Informal enquiries to Dr J Martin, Department of Mathematics and
Statistics, The King's Buildings, Edinburgh, EH9 3JZ, Scotland, (tel
+(44)131-650-5062, fax +(44)131-650-6553, e-mail

Applications, including CV, research plan and the names of three
referees, quoting reference number, should be sent to the Secretary to
the University, 1 Roxburgh Street, Edinburgh, EH8 9TB.  Further
particulars may be obtained from this address or from the Internet via
the Departmental WWW home page ( 


From: Raymond Ng <>
Date: Fri, 24 Feb 1995 16:51:52 -0800
Subject: Position at University of British Columbia


The Department of Computer Science at the University of British Columbia
is recruiting for a tenure track position at the rank of Assistant
Professor and Post Doctoral positions in all fields of computer
science. The Department will consider outstanding applicants over a
wide range of areas of Computer Science research. At the same time, the
Department has particular interest in recruiting in the areas of
databases, software engineering, systems, computer graphics, programming
languages and scientific computation.
One of the University's highest academic priorities is to build a
leading centre in Computer Science and outstanding candidates are sought
to participate in this effort. Junior applicants must demonstrate
exceptional research potential and teaching ability. The successful
candidate is expected to pursue an active research program, perform both
graduate and undergraduate teaching, and supervise graduate students. A
Ph.D. or equivalent in Computer Science or related area is required. The
position is available as of July 1, 1995 and salary will be commensurate
with experience.
The University of British Columbia is situated on the tip of a
peninsula, is surrounded by beaches, lush green forests, and spectacular
views of ocean, mountains and downtown Vancouver. Just 20 minutes away
from both downtown and airport, this location enjoys a unique
combination of unsurpassed opportunities for outdo or recreation and
easy access to an exciting cosmopolitan city.
Applicants should submit their resume and the names of at least three
references to Dr. K.S. Booth, Recruiting Co-ordinator, Department of
Computer Science, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C. V6T
1Z4. Applications will be accepted until April 30, 1995. In accordance
with Canadian Immigration requirements, priority will be given to
Canadian citizens and permanent residents of Canada. The University of
British Columbia welcomes all qualified applicants, especially women,
aboriginal people, visible minorities and persons with disabilities.

The position is subject to available funding.


From: Eduardo Sontag <>
Date: Tue, 21 Feb 1995 12:17:09 -0500
Subject: Contents, Math of Control, Signals, and Systems

TABLE OF CONTENTS, Math of Control, Signals, and Systems
                   Volume 7, Number 2

Z.P.Jiang, L.Praly, and A.R.Teel,
Propagating the input to state stability property through integrators and
  pp. 95-120.

X. Kong and V. Solo,
Stochastic Averaging Analysis of a Steepest Descent Type Adaptive Time Delay
  Estimation Algorithm,
  pp. 121-147.

Gilead Tadmor,
A Time Varying Beurling-Lax Theorem and a Related Interpolation Problem,
  pp. 148-166.

Fabio Fagnani and Jan C. Willems,
Interconnections and symmetries of linear differential systems,
  pp. 167-186.

REMINDER: The new address for submissions is:

  Prof. J.H. van Schuppen
  Editor, MCSS
  P.O. Box 94079
  1090 GB Amsterdam, The Netherlands

E-mail inquiries regarding submissions should be addressed to:


From: Richard Brualdi <>
Date: Thu, 23 Feb 1995 07:30:19 -0600 (CST)
Subject: Contents, Linear Algebra and its Applications

Contents Volume 215

Uwe Helmke (Regensburg, Germany) and Mark A. Shayman
(College Park, Maryland)
Critical Points of Matrix Least Squares Distance Functions 1

Johan Kos (Amsterdam, the Netherlands) and Hugo J. Woerdeman
(Williamsburg, Virginia)
Hermitian Completions of Band Matrices and Applications 21

F. O. Farid (Calgary, Alberta, Canada)
Criteria for Invertibility of Diagonally Dominant Matrices 63

Ji-guang Sun (Umea, Sweden)
On Perturbation Bounds for the QR Factorization 95

Janez Mrcun (Ljubljana, Slovenija)
Lipschitz Spectrum Preserving Mappings on Algebras of Matrices 113

J. P. Crouzeix (Aubiere, France), J. E. Martinez-Legas,
and A. Seeger (Barcelona, Spain)
An Alternative Theorem for Quadratic Forms and Extensions 121

Jin-Hsien Wang (Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Republic of China)
The Length Problem for a Sum of Idempotents 135

Vlastimil Ptak (Praha, The Czech Republic)
Decomposition of the Infinite Companion and Interpolation 161

Miroslav Fiedler (Prague, Czech Republic) and
Thomas L. Markham (Columbia, South Carolina)
An Observation on the Hadamard Product of Hermitian Matrices 179

Nader H. Bshouty (Calgary, Alberta, Canada)
Multiplicative Complexity of Direct Sums of Quadratic Systems 183

Krzysztof C. Kiwiel (Warsaw, Poland)
Block-Iterative Surrogate Projection Methods for Convex
Feasibility Problems 225

Moody T. Chu (Raleigh, North Carolina)
Scaled Toda-like Flows 261

Dursun Tasci (Kampus-Konya, Turkey)
On a Conjecture by Goldberg and Newman 275

Author Index 279


From: Marilyn Radcliff <>
Date: Fri, 24 Feb 1995 11:42:30 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Contents, Journal of Approximation Theory

Table of Contents
Journal of Approximation Theory, Volume 80, Number 2, Feb. 1995

Mariana Mar\u{c}okov\'a      
Equiconvergence of two Fourier series

Wu Li
Convergence of P\'olya algorithm and continuous metric selections in space of 
continuous functions

Frank Deutsch, Vasant A. Ubhaya, and Yuesheng Xu
Dual cones, constrained $n$-convex %L_p$-approximation, and perfect splines

Yingkang Hu, Dany Leviatan, and Xiang Ming Yu
Copositive polynomial and spline approximation

A.L. Levin and D.S. Lubinsky
Orthogonal polynomials and Christoffel functions for 
$\exp(-|x|^\alpha)$, $\alpha\le1$

Noli N. Reyes
An asymptotic formula in best approximation

J.C. Sevy
Lagrange and least-squares polynomials as limits of linear combinations of 
iterates of Bernstein and Durrmeyer Polynomials

G. Derfel, N. Dyn, and D. Levin
Generalized refinement equations and subdivision processes

Journal of Approximation Theory, Volume 80, Number 3, Mar. 1995

Table of Contents

Lars-Erik Andersson, Tommy Elfving, Georgy Iliev, and Krassimira Vlachkova
Interpolation of convex scattered data in $R^3$ based upon an edge convex 
minimum norm network

Fernanado Cobos, Pedro Fern\'andez-Mart\'inez, and Tomas Schonbek
Norm estimates for interpolation methods defined by means of polygons

Leonid Golinskii
On second kind measures and polynomials on the unit circle

Rasul A. Khan
Reverse martingales and approximation operators

Yuichi Kanjin and Ryozi Sakai
Convergence of the derivatives of Hermite-F\'ejer interpolation polynomials of higher order based at the zeros of Freud polynomials

Erich Novak
Optimal recovery and $n$-widths for convex classes of functions

R. Getsadze
On a problem of N. Kirchoff and R.J. Nessel

Vasant A. Ubhaya and Yuesheng Xu
Constrained $L_p$-approximation by generalized $n$-convex functions induced by ECT-Systems

Author Index for Volume 80


From: Grant Guevremont <grantg@CERCA.UMontreal.CA>
Date: Fri, 24 Feb 1995 14:56:43 -0500
Subject: Contents, International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics

Vol. 2, No. 3-4, 1994

Numerical Study on Cut-and-Connect of Two Vortex Rings
Along Parallel Axes
H. Chen, M. Hinada and K. Oshima

A Predictive Control Method to Operate Water Gate of Dam
M. Kawahara and Y. Shimada

Finite Analytic Numerical Solution of Navier-Stokes
D. Xu and G. Wu

An Artificial Dissipation Formulation for a Semi-Implicit,
Pressure Based Solution Scheme for Viscous and Inviscid
A. H. Basson and B. Lakshminarayana

The Birth of Open Separation on a Prolate Spheroid
T. Cebeci and W. Su

Simulation of Experimental Visualization Methods for
Computational Fluid Dynamics Research
Y. Tamura and K.Fujii


End of NA Digest