Subject: NA Digest, V. 94, # 49 NA Digest Tuesday, December 6, 1994 Volume 94 : Issue 49 Today's Editor: Cleve Moler The MathWorks, Inc. Today's Topics: Please Keep NA Digest Articles Short Ivo Babuska Receives Honorary Doctorate Second Edition of the LAPACK Users' Guide Greengard Method Incomplete Bessel Function Pentium Division Difficulties Conference on Dynamical Systems/Numerical Analysis Conference on Centenial Hurwitz on Stability Theory ICFD Conference Advances and Trends in Computational and Applied Mathematics FTP Site at University of Iowa Copenhagen PARA94 Proceedings Dundee NA Conference 1995 Position at Stanford Position at University of Maryland, Baltimore County Postdoctoral Position at North Carolina State Position at University of Vermont Research Fellowship at Australian National University Position at Laval University, Quebec Position at Louisiana Tech University Positions at University of Edinburgh Contents, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis Contents, Math of Control, Signals and Systems Submissions for NA Digest: Mail to Information about NA-NET: Mail to ------------------------------------------------------- From: Cleve Moler <> Date: Tue Dec 6 02:34:27 EST 1994 Subject: Please Keep NA Digest Articles Short I would like to ask everyone to shorten their contributions to the NA News Digest. I try to keep each week's edition under 1000 lines of text. Some of the items that are contributed are longer than that by themselves. Please try to limit your contribution to a few dozen lines. If you have a longer announcement, summarize it and include an e-mail or FTP address for the complete document. If it's a meeting announcement, most of our readers are not immediately interested in the times for the coffee breaks or the special price at the local motel. The text should be ASCII characters, with at most 80 characters per line, no tabs and no Macintosh "special quotes" or other nonstandard characters. A limited amount of Tex notation is certainly OK, but don't assume everybody has a Tex viewer. Contributions should be sent to: Thanks for your support of the NA News Digest and for your brevity in future contributions. -- Cleve Moler Editor, NA News Digest ------------------------------ From: Leonidas Xanthis <> Date: Friday, 02 Dec 1994 18:40 Subject: Ivo Babuska Receives Honorary Doctorate Professor Ivo Babuska of the University of Maryland was awarded the degree of Doctor of Science `Honoris Causa' by the University of Westminster at a ceremony that took place in London on Monday 28th of November 1994. The citation: Professor Ivo Babuska is an internationally distinguished applied mathematician, numerical analyst and educator, who pioneered theoretical and applied research in the field of reliability of finite element methods, e.g. a posteriori error estimation and other adaptive procedures. He also laid the foundations and practice of the hp-version of finite element methods. The well-known Babuska-Brezzi condition (obtained independently by Babuska and Brezzi) became the basic theoretical tool for the analyses of the various finite element methods (e.g. mixed methods) which profoundly influenced both the theory and practice of computational mechanics. He is a prime example of a fine mathematician also serving engineering. Leonidas Xanthis, Centre for Techno-Mathematics & Scientific Computing, University of Westminster, London, England. ------------------------------ From: Jack Dongarra <> Date: Fri, 2 Dec 1994 21:07:12 -0500 Subject: Second Edition of the LAPACK Users' Guide We have just finished the 2nd edition of the LAPACK Users' Guide (LUG). SIAM will be publishing this edition, which should be available in hardcopy around February. The list price is $28.50 and the SIAM member price is $22.80. As with the first edition, the royalties from the sales of this book are being placed in a fund to help students attend SIAM meetings and other SIAM related activities. This fund is administered by SIAM and qualified individuals are encouraged to write directly to SIAM for guidelines. SIAM has allowed us display the html version of the LUG on the Internet. To access this through a mosaic interface use the url: ------------------------------ From: Donald Fredkin <> Date: Fri, 2 Dec 1994 03:55:39 -0800 (PST) Subject: Greengard Method I was asked yesterday at a meeting whether multigrid (whose application to an applied physics problem one of my graduate students had just explained) was related to "the Greengard method". We have not heard of the Greengard method. Can anyone answer the question and, perhaps, give us a pointer to the Greengard method? Thanks. Donald R. Fredkin ------------------------------ From: Isabelle Flamant <> Date: Tue, 29 Nov 94 14:28:14 +0100 Subject: Incomplete Bessel Function Hello, I need to calculate the incomplete Bessel function WHICH DEPENDS ON TWO ARGUMENTS X AND Y. The form of this function is defined by the formula, inf K (x,y)= int exp(-(xt+(y/t))) * (t**(n-1)) dt n 1 with x and and arbitrary n. More particularly, I have to evaluate this for n=0. Does anybody have any information on the availability of algorithm(s) for this. Thanks in advance Isabelle Flamant ------------------------------ From: Cleve Moler <> Date: Tue Dec 6 02:23:11 EST 1994 Subject: Pentium Division Difficulties Status of a Hard/Software Pentium FDIV Workaround and of a Pentium-aware MATLAB A couple of days ago, Tim Coe, Terje Mathisen and I proposed a workaround for the Pentium FDIV bug. This is a short report on the status of that proposal. We have now joined forces with Peter Tang, a computer scientist from Argonne Laboratory who is currently visiting the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and a team of computer scientists and engineers from Intel Corporation. It is our intention to refine and implement the workaround in such a way that it can be used for compilers, libraries, and floating point intensive applications. The result will be an efficient and reliable assembly language macro replacement for the Pentium FDIV instruction. This macro can be inserted by software developers into their source code or emitted by compilers. At the MathWorks, MATLAB is providing a prototypical implementation and test bed for the approach. It had been our intention to have a Pentium aware version of MATLAB available by now, but the expanded scope of the project will add another week or two to the release date. The basis for the workaround is Coe's characterization, now confirmed by Tang and Intel, of bit patterns that must be present in the divisors of operand pairs that lead to the error. A quick test of the divisor is done before each FDIV is attempted. The absence of the bit pattern indicates that the FDIV can be done safely. The presence of the pattern does not guarantee that the error will occur, it is just a signal that it might. In this case, scaling both operands by 15/16 takes the divisor out of the unsafe region and insures that the subsequent FDIV will be fully accurate. With this approach, it is not necessary to test the magnitude of the residual resulting from a division. It is known a priori that all divisions will produce fully accurate results. An additional test can compare the result of scaled and unscaled divisions and thus count the number of FDIV errors that would occur on an unmodified Pentium. We will offer this test in MATLAB, but it may be desirable to turn it off for maximum execution speed. A simple characterization of the regions to be avoided expresses floating point numbers in the form (n + f)*2^e where, using MATLAB notation, n is an integer in the range 16:31 and f is a fraction in the range [0,1-eps/2]. The at-risk divisors occur in the five bands characterized by n = 17, 20, 23, 26 or 29 If the test were based on this fact alone, than 5/16 of uniformly distributed operands would be rescaled. A more refined characterization reduces the width of the bands and hence the number of rescalings required by checking for the number of high order bits in f that are equal to one. A test requiring the first six bits of f to be one reduces the frequency of rescaling to 5/1024. For example, the denominator in Coe's now famous ratio 4195835/3145727 is 3145727 = 3*2^20-1 = 23.99999237060547*2^17 In this case, n = 23 and f = 1-2^(-17). The 17 consecutive high order ones in f make this example an instance of worst-case error. Together with the team at Intel, we are now in the process of refining, proving correct, implementing, testing, timing, validating and documenting this approach. We will continue to report on our progress. (For background information on the Pentium FDIV problem, including our previous postings, see World Wide Web site or anonymous FTP site, directory /pub/tech-support/moler/Pentium.) -- Cleve Moler ------------------------------ From: Luca Dieci <> Date: Tue, 29 Nov 1994 11:15:13 -0500 Subject: Conference on Dynamical Systems/Numerical Analysis First Announcement Conference on Dynamical Systems & Numerical Analysis Georgia Tech, Atlanta. December 14-16, 1995 This will be a three day conference on dynamical numerical analysis. Specific topics represented include: convergence of integration algorithms over long time intervals including long time error bounds and convergence of invariant sets; stability of integration algorithms over long time intervals including preservation of dynamical structure and spurious solutions; new approaches to error analysis, including shadowing results and backward error analysis; design of computational techniques for invariant sets including algorithms to compute invariant torii, inertial manifolds, heteroclinic orbits, homoclinic orbits, etc. etc. . There will be no concurrent sessions. The following people have agreed to give invited talks: D. Aronson U. Ascher W. Beyn E. Doedel C. Elliott C. Foias E. Hairer A. Iserles P. Kloeden S. Larsson J. Lorenz K. Palmer G. Raugel R. Russell J. Sanz-Serna R. Skeel D. Stoffer A. Stuart E. Titi J. Yorke. There will also be room for twenty-minute contributed talks. The selection of these talks will be done so that the broadest possible panorama of topics is represented. We are seeking notification from all who are interested in attending. We prefer to get responses by e-mail. If you are interested in giving a contributed talk, please indicate this in your response, and send a tentative title. Sincerely, Luca Dieci and Don Estep. School of Mathematics, Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, GA, 30332 U.S.A. e-mail: ------------------------------ From: Marcela Kraemer <> Date: Wed, 30 Nov 94 11:17:49 +0100 Subject: Conference on Centenial Hurwitz on Stability Theory CONFERENCE ON CENTENIAL HURWITZ ON STABILITY THEORY MONTE VERITA, TICINO, SWITZERLAND May 21 - 26, 1995 With this conference ETH wants to honor Adolf Hurwitz who was in Zuerich from 1892 - 1919. In 1895 his paper ``Ueber die Bedingungen unter welchen eine Gleichung nur Wurzeln mit negativen reelen Theilen besitzt'' appeared in print. It represents a milestone in the development of the stability of dynamical systems. The stability still plays a key role in todays system theory. In the last few years there have been major new developments especially in robust stability and multidimensional systems. The aim of the conference is to show in a few lectures the historical development of the article by Hurwitz and its impact in other fields. The major emphasis however will be on modern development in stability theory and its application in theory of control and numerics. In particular stability of the following problems will be treated: linear, nonlinear, timedependent systems, discretizations of ordinary and partial differential equations, systems with mensional systems. In addition rebust stability and problems related to the stability radius will be treated. Form of the conference This conference will bring together about 60 people from the various fields related to stability. There will be about 20 invited 40-minute lectures in which outstanding experts will cover in survey lectures the history and the new developments of stability theory and its application especially in control theory and numerics. Other participants may present short 20-minute talks. Since the number of participants is limited, participation is on invitation only. However, potential participants should not hesitate to contact one of the organizers, specifying their area of research and indicating whether they would like to give a talk, and if so, on which subject. The meeting takes place in a small conference centre on the Monte Verita, near Locarno and Ascona, in the Italian speaking part of Switzerland. Lodging and meals for the participants are also provided in the conference centre, which is run by ETH Zuerich. Invited Speakers B. Anderson (ANU Canberra) B. Barmish (University of Visconsin-Madison, Madison) R. W. Brockett(Harvard University) G. Collins (University of Linz) D. Hinrichsen (University of Bremen) E. Jury (University of Miami) R. Jeltsch (ETH Zuerich) T. Kailath (University Stanford) H. Kimura (University Osaka) V. Kharitonov (State University St. Petersburg) M. Mansour (ETH Zuerich) R. Tempo (CENS-CNR Torino) P. M. Van Dooren (University of Illinois, Urbana) M. Vidyasagar (Center for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Bangalore) G. Zames (McGill University Montreal) Organizers Prof. Dr. Rolf Jeltsch Seminar fuer Angewandte Mathematik ETH Zentrum, HG G57.3 CH-8092 Zuerich Telephone +41 1 632 3452 FAX +41 1 632 1085 E-mail Prof. Dr. Mohamed Mansour Institut fuer Automatik ETH Zentrum CH-8092 Zuerich FAX +41 1 632 1211 E-mail ------------------------------ From: Bette Byrne <> Date: Wed, 30 Nov 1994 10:44:58 Subject: ICFD Conference This is a reminder that the closing date for the ICFD Conference on Numerical Methods for Fluid Dynamics is Friday, 9th December, 1994. CONFERENCE ON NUMERICAL METHODS FOR FLUID DYNAMICS: OXFORD: 3 - 6 APRIL 1995 Organising Committee Professor K W Morton (Oxford) Dr M J Baines (Reading) Dr M J P Cullen (Meteorolgical Office) Dr C L Farmer (INTERA) Dr M G Hall (DRA, Farnborough) Invited Speakers include: H Deconinck (VKI, Belgium) J C R Hunt (Meteorological Office) M A Leschziner (UMIST) D Mavriplis (ICASE, NASA Langley) K W Morton (Oxford) K G Powell (Michigan) A Quarteroni (Milan) S Rill (Deutsche Aerospace Airbus GmbH, Germany) A N Staniforth (Quebec) B Stoufflet (Avions Marcel Dassault, France) J Thomas (NASA Langley) N P Weatherill (Swansea) P Wesseling (Delft) This is the fourth international conference on CFD organised by the ICFD (Institute for Computational Fluid Dynamics), a joint research organisation at the Universities of Oxford and Reading set up in 1983 with the support of the SERC to collaborate with industry in this area. Previous conferences were held at the University of Reading in 1985 and 1992 and at the University of Oxford in 1988 in a series of conferences on the same theme held on the two sites over the last thirteen years. Abstracts and enquiries regarding the conference should be addressed to: Mrs B Byrne ICFD Secretary Oxford University Computing Laboratory Wolfson Building Parks Road Oxford OX1 3QD UK Telephone: 0865 273883 Facsimile: 0865 273839 Email: ------------------------------ From: Graham Carey <> Date: Wed, 30 Nov 1994 07:43:04 -0600 Subject: Advances and Trends in Computational and Applied Mathematics CALL FOR PAPERS The Texas Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics (TICAM) announces a SYMPOSIUM To be held at THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN April 20-22, 1995 ADVANCES AND TRENDS IN COMPUTATIONAL AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS (CAM) A two-and-one-half day symposium on recent advances and trends in the broad area of computational and applied mathematics (CAM) is to be held at The University of Texas at Austin during the third week of April, 1995. The meeting will bring together leading researchers and practitioners in Computational and Applied Mathematics from a world-wide community of scholars and researchers in this area. The purpose of the meeting will be to bring to the forefront the most recent advances in mathematics applied to computation, in numerical algorithms and computational mathematics, in parallel processing and supercomputing, and in applications to key fields in science and engineering, including in particular computational fluid dynamics, semiconductor modeling, acoustics and scattering, electromagnetic field theory, nonlinear dynamics, numerical relativity, nonlinear control theory, nonlinear solid mechanics, fluid structure interactions, environmental modeling, reservoir simulation, and other areas. The meeting will feature invited lectures from key scientists together with organized sessions of contributed papers. CALL FOR PAPERS: Persons wishing to contribute a paper for consideration at the meeting should send a one-page (single-spaced) abstract to the Organizing Committee prior to January 1, 1995. Send by email to or US mail to: Symposium on Computational and Applied Mathematics I (SOCAM I) Texas Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics TAY 2.400 The University of Texas at Austin Austin, TX 78712 Pat Bozeman/G. F. Carey ASE/EM Dept., WRW 301 The University of Texas at Austin Austin, TX 78712 (512)471-4676 ------------------------------ From: Weimin Han <> Date: Thu, 1 Dec 1994 16:11:08 -0600 Subject: FTP Site at University of Iowa Reports on Computational Mathematics from the University of Iowa are now available via anonymous ftp. To get there type ftp Login as anonymous, give your e-mail address as password, and then cd pub/comp_math_rep Now you will find index files (index.tex, index.dvi and with a list of the reports on Computational Mathematics, and a collection of files . If you are interested in one of these postscript files and have a postscript printer, you can download the file, uncompress it using uncompress and print. Some of the reports are not available from the ftp site. If you are interested in such a report, you can request one by sending a message to one of us: K. E. Atkinson, e-mail address: W. Han, e-mail address: F. A. Potra, e-mail address: E. Venturino, e-mail address: Best regards, Weimin Han Department of Mathematics University of Iowa Iowa City, IA 52242 ------------------------------ From: Jerzy Wasniewski <> Date: Fri, 2 Dec 1994 15:29:06 +0200 (METDST) Subject: Copenhagen PARA94 Proceedings The Copenhagen Workshop on Parallel Scientific Computing, PARA94 Proceedings has already been printed as a volume 879 of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series of Springer-Verlag. The list price is DM 104,00. Every PARA94 speaker will receive one free copy. Authors or editors of Springer books, as well as any contributing authors, for example to LNCS proceedings (PARA94 proceedings), are entitled to purchase this or any other book published by Springer-Verlag for personal use at a discount of 33 1/3 % directly from the Springer -Verlag company. Orders are to be sent to Springer-Verlag, Vertrieb, Postfach 31 13 40, D-10643 Berlin, Fax: +49 30 8207 301. A cheque covering two thirds of the list price plus DM 5,00 for postage has to be enclosed to the order or a credit card number has to be given; only Eurocard, Visa, Diners or American Express are accepted. ------------------------------ From: D.F.Griffiths <> Date: Fri, 2 Dec 94 18:33:12 GMT Subject: Dundee NA Conference 1995 16th BIENNIAL CONFERENCE ON NUMERICAL ANALYSIS UNIVERSITY OF DUNDEE SCOTLAND, UK Tuesday 27 June - Friday 30 June, 1995 Invited Speakers The 16th Biennial Conference on Numerical Analysis will be held at the University of Dundee from Tuesday 27 June - Friday 30 June, 1995 inclusive. The special invited lecture in honour of A. R. Mitchell will be presented by Professor K. W. Morton The other Principal Speakers will include G. H. Golub A. Griewank D. F. Griffiths R. Jeltsch C. Johnson W. A. Light B. N. Parlett L. Petzold R. D. Russell J. M. Sanz-Serna D. J. Silvester E. S u li M. H. Wright J. Zowe Leslie Fox Prize The conference will be preceded by a one day meeting on Monday 26 June at which talks will be given by those shortlisted for the Leslie Fox Prize. Please indicate on the registration form whether you plan to attend. A charge of 7 pounds will be made to cover lunch. Address for correspondence Dr D. F. Griffiths Numerical Analysis Conference Department of Mathematics and Computer Science The University Dundee DD1 4HN Scotland, UK Telephone: +44 (1382) 344467/344471 FAX : +44 (1382) 345516 email: or ------------------------------ From: Gene Golub <golub@sccm.Stanford.EDU> Date: Mon, 28 Nov 94 19:30:31 PST Subject: Position at Stanford STANFORD UNIVERSITY Faculty Openings Stanford University's Departments of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering seek applicants for a tenure track faculty position in software systems and tools. There is particular interest in applicants who have designed, built, and/or experimented with large software systems or software tools that support engineering tasks. Example tasks include parallel computing, computational modeling and prototyping, scientific computing, rapid prototyping, embedded system design and implementation, and real-time system design and implementation. Applicants should have a Ph.D. in a relevant field, and should have a strong interest in both teaching and research. The appointment will be made at the level of Assistant Professor. The successful candidate will be expected to teach courses, both in the candidate's specialty area and in related subjects, and to build and lead a team of graduate students in Ph.D. research. Stanford University is an equal opportunity employer and welcomes nomination of women and minority group members and applications from them. Applications, including a resume, a publications list and the names of five references, should be sent by March 1, 1995, to: Professor Hector Garcia-Molina Search Committee Chairman Computer Systems Laboratory, ERL 444 Stanford University Stanford, CA 94305-4055 FAX: Email: ------------------------------ From: <> Date: Wed, 30 Nov 1994 18:08:10 -0500 (EST) Subject: Position at University of Maryland, Baltimore County UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND BALTIMORE COUNTY Department of Mathematics and Statistics We invite applications for an anticipated visiting or tenure-track faculty position in Numerical Analysis starting Fall 1995, subject to availability of resources and administrative approval. The position is at the rank of assistant professor; in exceptional cases, however, a more advanced appointment may be considered. Excellence in both research and teaching is essential, and a doctorate is required. Only candidates in the area of NUMERICAL ANALYSIS FOR PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS need apply. Applicants should arrange for a curriculum vitae, (p)reprints and three letters of recommendation to be sent to: Numerical Analysis Search Committee Department of Mathematics and Statistics University of Maryland Baltimore County Baltimore, MD 21228-5398 Please submit applications by February 15, 1995. Women and minority candidates are encouraged to apply. UMBC is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. ------------------------------ From: Kazufumi Ito <> Date: Thu, 1 Dec 1994 14:11:21 -0500 Subject: Postdoctoral Position at North Carolina State North Carolina State University Center for Research in Scientific Computation The Center for Research in Scientific Computation at N.C. State University in collaboration with the Lord Corporation's Thomas Lord Research Center, Cary, N.C., expects to make a University/Industry Cooperative Postdoctoral Research appointment starting August 16, 1995 (availability of the position is contingent upon funding). The appointment will be in the area of applied mathematics and scientific computation. The successful candidate for this position is expected to participate in a collaborative multidisciplinary team carrying out fundamental research investigations to provide a better understanding and predictive capability of the dynamic mechanical behavior of rubber-like polymer composites (elastomers). The research efforts will involve the modeling of nonlinear dynamics for viscoelastic composite materials subject to large deformations, development of computational methods for both forward and inverse problem analytic studies, and design and performance of experiments to aid in model verification and validation. Since the research efforts will require physical modeling, theoretical analysis and computational skills, candidates who are outstanding in at least one of these areas and willing and able to learn quickly in the others will be given highest priority. This position offers a unique opportunity for multidisciplinary mentored post-doctoral research on a mathematical project arising in an industrial/university collaborative effort. Applicants should send a vita and brief description of research interests and have three letters of recommendation sent to Professor H.T. Banks, Center for Research in Scientific Computation/Dept of Mathematics, Box 8205, NC State University, Raleigh, NC 27695-8205. Applications will be considered anytime after Feburary 15, 1995, as funding becomes available. NCSU is an AA/EOE. In its commitment to diversity and equity, NCSU and the CRSC seeks applications especially from women, minorities, and the disabled. ------------------------------ From: Dave Dougherty <> Date: Thu, 1 Dec 1994 15:31:53 -0500 (EST) Subject: Position at University of Vermont POSITION DESCRIPTION A non-tenure-track Research Assistant Professor position is available, contingent upon funding, within the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering at the University of Vermont. A Ph.D. is required. Candidates must demonstrate expertise in all of the following areas: groundwater hydrology, subsurface characterization, remediation design, artificial neural networks for characterization and inverse problems, parallel computing, and optimization. Experience with a variety of computing environments is needed. Highly developed written and verbal communication skills are essential. Job requirements include mentoring of graduate students, developing and sustaining an outstanding research program, and interaction with other tenure-stream and research faculty. Submit letter of interest, c.v., and the names of three references to CEE Research Assistant Professor Search Committee, c/o Dawn Densmore, 109 Votey Building, College of Engineering & Mathematics, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT 05405. UVM is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. Women and minorities are strongly encouraged to apply. Applications received after December 15, 1994 may not receive full consideration. ------------------------------ From: Richard Brent <> Date: Fri, 2 Dec 94 17:13:07 EST Subject: Research Fellowship at Australian National University Australian National University Cooperative Research Centre for Advanced Computational Systems Research Fellow or Fellow (Level B or C) REF: ACS 23.11.1. The Cooperative Research Centre for Advanced Computational Systems (ACSys) has been established under the Australian Government's CRC Program with the mission of establishing an internationally competitive research capability in the area of high performance advanced computational systems. Facilities include access to a 128-cell Fujitsu AP1000, a 32-processor Connection Machine (CM5), and a Fujitsu VP2200/10 vector processor. The Numerical Algorithms Project is one of the research projects supported by ACSys. Its aim is to develop state-of-the-art vector and parallel algorithms for the solution of scientific and engineering problems, and to implement the algorithms in high-quality transportable code. The Project Leaders are Professors R. P. Brent and M. R. Osborne. Applications are invited for a fulltime research position as Research Fellow (academic level B) or Fellow (academic level C) in the Numerical Algorithms Project of ACSys. Applicants should have a strong research record and interests in one or more of the following areas: vector/parallel algorithms for the solution of large linear systems, eigenvalue problems, fast Fourier and related transforms, differential equations, or optimisation; vector/parallel algorithms for exact numerical computation; parallel algorithms for combinatorial problems. Enquiries to: Professor R. P. Brent phone 61-6-2493329 FAX 61-6-2494948 e-mail Closing date: 16 December 1994 (may be extended) Salary: In the range Research Fellow (level B) $A41,574 - $A49,370 p.a. or Fellow (level C) $A50,928 - $A58,724, depending on qualifications and experience. A market loading may be applicable. Appointment: Appointment will be for a fixed period of up to three (3) years. Applicants wishing to undertake a period of secondment from another position will be considered. Applications: Applications should quote the reference number, include names and addresses (including FAX or e-mail) of at least three referees, and be addressed to: The Secretary The Australian National University Canberra, ACT 0200, Australia Assessment will be against selection criteria. Applicants are advised to obtain a copy of the selection documentation and to frame their application accordingly. Receipt of applications will not be acknowledged unless requested. Applications should be in duplicate and include curriculum vitae and a list of publications. The selection criteria are available by ftp from ------------------------------ From: Mario Fafard <> Date: Mon, 5 Dec 94 15:35:43 EST Subject: Position at Laval University, Quebec PROFESSIONAL RESEARCH POSITION Applications are invited for a professional research position in the area computational mechanics with object oriented programming paradigms. Description: The candidate will join a team of researchers and graduate students in the GIREF (Groupe Interdisciplinaire de Recherche en Elements Finis) research group in finite element. The project consists in developping a finite element shell based on Object Oriented Programming in C++ in the following field: Fluid and Solid Mechanics and Heat Transfer. The main tasks are: *Definition of objects, classes and sub-classes, inheritances, data encapsulation and polymorphism with the researchers of the GIREF group *Definition of the data structure and the object manager *Defining and programming the finite element shell *Writting all documentation relative to the development procedures: proceeding of the meetings, technical documentation, development schedules, meeting convocation, research funds applications , etc. Qualifications: The candidat must hold a bachelor degree in computer sciences or a Ph.D. or a master's degree in enginering or in applied mathematics with experience in engineering softwares and should be knowledgeable in the area of Finite Elements, Object Oriented Programming and computer programming in C++. Starting date: February 1995 Duration: The initial appointment will be for one year with a possibility of renewal for two more years. Salary: Commensurate with qualifications and experience. Send complete curriculum vitae along with research experience, list of publications and three references by Jannuary 31 1995, to: Mario Fafard, Ph.D., ing. CCivil Eng. dept. Laval University Quebec, Canada G1K 7P4 Fax: 418-656-2928 Internet: ------------------------------ From: Weizhong Dai <> Date: Mon, 5 Dec 1994 15:23:05 -0600 (CST) Subject: Position at Louisiana Tech University Louisiana Tech University has recently received approval to establish a Ph. D. Program in Applied Computational Analysis and Modeling. This program is a broadly based interdisciplinary Ph. D. program for students desiring to study mathematics, computer science and a companion science or engineering discipline so that they can apply their computational skills to solve scientific problems. In association with this program, applications are invited for a senior level position in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics. We are seeking an applied mathematician with a national reputation and a proven grant record whose research interests are in numerical analysis (with emphasis on numerical solutions for differential equations, modeling and computational science). It is preferred that the candidate has experience in applications related to fields other than mathematics, such as scientific or industrial problems. To apply send a resume and three letters of recommendation to: R.J. Greechie, Head, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Louisiana Tech University, Ruston, LA 71272. Nominations and suggestions are welcome. The screening of applications has begun and will continue until the position is filled. Louisiana Tech University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. We are interested in receiving applications from qualified women and minorities. ------------------------------ From: Ken McKinnon <> Date: Mon, 5 Dec 94 20:54:37 GMT Subject: Positions at University of Edinburgh Three positions at University of Edinburgh DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS AND STATISTICS Lecturership in Mathematics (ref 490564) Lecturer/Computing Officer (ref 490565) Research position in Parallel Linear Programming (ref 490572) Applications are invited for a new Lectureship in Mathematics tenable from 1 September 1995 or earlier if this can be agreed. Preference will be given to candidates with research interests in analysis (including stochastic analysis), geometry, numerical analysis, analytical or numerical aspects of partial differential equations, applied differential equations or related areas. The position is tenable for five years, but with the possibility of a permanent contract for an exceptionally well qualified candidate. Applications are also invited for a position as Lecturer/Computing Officer commencing as soon as can be agreed. The position will entail joint responsibilities for teaching and research and (with other Computing Officers) the management and development of the Department's computer installations. Candidates should have research interests in an area of mathematics or statistics which makes significant use of computation, and have practical experience in the running of computer systems. The position is tenable for five years in the first instance. Salary for both positions will normally be on the Lecturer Grade A scale (14,756-19,326 pounds) or possibly on the Lecturer Grade B scale (20,133-25,735 pounds) Informal enquiries for the above posts may be addressed to Dr J Martin, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, The King's Buildings, Edinburgh EH9 3JZ, tel (44) 131-650-5062, email A research fellow is required to start work as soon as possible within a group developing methods for linear programming on parallel computers. The work of the group is focused on the revised simplex method and decomposition methods together with solution techniques for unsymmetric sparse linear systems. The group uses computers, in particular the Cray T3D, in the Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre, which is the UK national centre. Applicants should have a strong background, preferably to PhD level, in mathematics, operational research, computer science or some other numerate discipline. Salary will be on the scale 13941 - 16191 pounds per annum according to age and experience and the contract will be for between 26 and 23 months. Informal enquiries may be addressed to Dr K McKinnon, email Three copies of applications (one copy from overseas candidates), including curriculum vitae and the names and addresses of three academic referees, quoting the appropriate reference number should be addressed to the Personnel Office, University of Edinburgh, 1 Roxburgh Street, Edinburgh EH8 9TB. Further particulars may be obtained from this address or from the Departmental WWW home page ( Closing date: 20 January 1995. ------------------------------ From: Iain Duff <> Date: Thu, 1 Dec 94 09:59:43 GMT Subject: Contents, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis IMA JOURNAL OF NUMERICAL ANALYSIS Volume 15, Number 1. January 1995. Janovsky V and Werner B Constructive analysis of Takens-Bogdanov points with $Z_2$-symmetry. Schecter S Rate of convergence of numerical approximations to homoclinic bifurcation points. Jodar L and Ponsoda E Non-autonomous Riccati-type matrix differential equations: existence interval, construction of continuous numerical solutions and error bounds. Fabiano R H, Knobel R, and Lowe B D A finite-difference algorithm for an inverse Sturm-Liouville problem. Miller J J H, O'Riordan E, and Shishkin G I On piecewise-uniform meshes for upwind- and central-difference operators for solving singularly perturbed problems. Garcia-Archilla B and Mackenzie J A Analysis of a supraconvergent cell vertex finite-volume method for one-dimensional convection-diffusion problems. Sun G and Stynes M Finite-element methods for singularly perturbed high-order elliptic two-point boundary value problems. I: reaction-diffusion-type problems. Chu M T and Wright J W The educational testing problem revisited. ------------------------------ From: Eduardo Sontag <> Date: Thu, 1 Dec 94 16:00:31 EST Subject: Contents, Math of Control, Signals and Systems TABLE OF CONTENTS, Math of Control, Signals, and Systems Volume 7, Number 1 B. d'Andrea Novel, F. Boustany, F. Conrad, and B.P. Rao, Feedback stabilization of a hybrid PDE-ODE system: Application to an overhead crane, pp. 1-22. George Weiss, Regular linear systems with feedback, pp. 23-57. Richard M. Murray, Nilpotent bases for a class of non-integrable distributions with applications to trajectory generation for nonholonomic systems pp. 58-75. Takao Nambu, Approximation algorithm for the infinite-dimensional Lyapunov equation, pp. 76-93. ------------------------------ End of NA Digest ************************** -------