From: Artin Farahani <afarahan@usc.edu>
Date: Thu, 17 Dec 2009 18:50:32 -0500
Subject: Standard Test Problems for Comparing ODE Solvers
I need to test a new numerical integration method for the solution of initial
value problems of ordinary differential equations. For numerical examples, I
would like to use a set of non-stiff standard IVPs published in the literature
and used by other authors. The only such set I have found is [1], which is
rather old.
[1] Enright, W. H., and J. D. Pryce, �Two FORTRAN packages for assessing
initial value methods�, ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, 13(1): 1--
27, 1987.
If you know of a more recent set, I would appreciate it if you would direct me
to it.
Thank you,
Artin Farahani
From: Karel Segeth <segeth@math.cas.cz>
Date: Sun, 20 Dec 2009 17:23:18 +0100 (CET)
Subject: 2009 Babuska Prize awarded
2009 Babuska Prize awarded
In December 2009, the Czech Association for Mechanics and the Union
of Czech Mathematicians and Physicists again awarded the I. Babuska
Prize for the best work in scientific computing submitted by students
and young scientists. The Prize winner for 2009 is Dr Jakub Sistek
from the Institute of Mathematics of the Academy of Sciences of the
Czech Republic in Prague. The work honored is his PhD thesis The
finite element method in fluids: stabilization and domain decomposition.
Further winners were delivered diplomas of honor. The second position
was awarded to Dr Vojtech Minarik from the Faculty of Nuclear
Sciences and Physical Engineering of the Czech Technical University
in Prague for his PhD thesis Mathematical model of discrete
dislocation dynamics. The third position was shared by Dr Jan Elias
from the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the Brno University of
Technology who presented his PhD thesis Discrete simulation of
fracture processes in disordered materials and Dr Jiri Hozman from
the Faculty of Science, Humanities and Education of the Technical
University of Liberec who submitted his PhD thesis Discontinuous
Galerkin method for convection-diffusion problems.
Further diplomas of honor were delivered to MS theses. The first
position in this category was taken by Martina Valtrova from the
Faculty of Environmental Science of the Czech University of Life
Sciences in Prague for her thesis Computation aspects of kriging in
chosen engineering problems. The second position was awarded to Milan
Hanus (Faculty of Applied Sciences of the University of West Bohemia
in Pilsen) for his thesis Numerical modeling of neutron transport.
The Prize had its sixteenth winners in 2009. It was established in
1994 by an outstanding Czech mathematician Ivo Babuska. He works in
the United States. Since 1995 he is at the Institute for
Computational Engineering and Sciences, University of Texas, Austin,
TX. His results in the finite element method belong to its basics.
From: Nick Trefethen <trefethen@maths.ox.ac.uk>
Date: Fri, 18 Dec 2009 20:44:07 +0100
Subject: Chebfun Version 3
We are pleased to announce the release of Chebfun Version 3
for "numerical computation with functions instead of numbers".
Version 3 has many new features including
* Infinite intervals
* Poles and singularities
* Automatic differentiation
* "Nonlinear backslash" for solving ODEs
* Fast Gauss/Gauss-Jacobi/Clenshaw-Curtis quadrature
nodes and weights, even for tens of thousands of points
* New function approximation commands such
Chebfun is freely available and runs on Matlab.
For download, user's guide, and other information see
Nick Trefethen, Nick Hale, Rodrigo Platte
and the Chebfun Team
From: Mary Ann Horn <mhorn@nsf.gov>
Date: Thu, 17 Dec 2009 11:43:13 -0500
Subject: Call for Proposals: Understanding the "Omics" for Biological Threats
NSF 10-006
Dear Colleague Letter:
Mathematical and Statistical Research for understanding the �Omics� (genomics,
proteomics, transcriptomics, etc.) of biological threats.
Dear Colleague,
The Division of Mathematical Sciences (DMS) at the National Science Foundation
(NSF) has a long history of supporting scientific research to develop
technology to secure the national defense. We have formed a partnership with
the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) to develop the next generation of
mathematical and statistical algorithms for the detection of chemical and
biological threats. In FY2009, DMS issued a Dear Colleague Letter, NSF09010,
still in effect, that defined an Area of Emphasis within the Computational
Mathematics program. This Dear Colleague letter describes an additional new
Area of Emphasis for FY 2010.
The introduction of the next generation of massively parallel sequencing
technologies led to an exponential increase in the amount of available DNA
sequence information for biological threats. As sequence data is now produced
faster than it can be meaningfully analyzed, new approaches to the analysis of
this information is one of the most important recent challenges for the
mathematical sciences. New and improved mathematical and statistical methods
and high performance algorithms are needed to clear this bottleneck. Beyond
methods to sample and organize the sheer amount of data in a meaningful way,
challenges include development of quantitative methods and models to estimate
errors for the various sequencing platforms; algorithms and mathematical
estimates of the reliability of genomes assembled from short gapped reads;
approaches to distinguish sequence-determination errors from biological
polymorphism and mutation; and means to distinguish among multiple genomes
within a single dataset, particularly when those different genomes are
represented at vastly different abundance.
Challenges especially relevant to the area of bio-detection include the
development of tools and models for fast identification of the differences
between the genomes of individuals of a species, and for distinguishing
between naturally-occurring biological heterogeneity and newly-emerged or
artificially produced pathogenic sequences in complex samples. Mathematical
models and methods to estimate the significance of genomic variability as
related to the corresponding phenotypic variability belong to this area of
research as well.
Approaches originating from all areas of the mathematical sciences are welcome
including but not limited to probability theory and statistics, computational
mathematics, applied mathematics, algebraic geometry and topology.
The purpose of this letter is to make the mathematical sciences community
aware of this opportunity and to encourage the community to formulate ideas
and collaborations, and to assemble diverse groups of mathematical sciences
researchers who are actively working in these areas.
DMS and DTRA recognize the needs and opportunities for the mathematical
sciences community to develop technology for controlling and reducing the
threat from biological and chemical attack. We seek ambitious, transformative,
and creative research proposals from individual PIs and collaborative groups
in the mathematical sciences community. While experimental collaborations may
serve an appropriate supporting role for a project, proposals submitted should
primarily emphasize mathematical, statistical and algorithmic development
rather than experimental design. Proposals should include "ATD:"(Algorithms
for Threat Detection) at the start of the title and should be submitted to the
Mathematical Biology program
http://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=5690&org=DMS&from=home of DMS
within the submission window from December 18, 2009 to January 13, 2010.
Dr. Mary Ann Horn, 703-292 4879, mhorn@nsf.gov
Dr. Leland Jameson, 703-292-4883, ljameson@nsf.gov
Dr. Tanya Vassilevska, 703-292-5043, tvassile@nsf.gov
Peter March
Division Director
Division of Mathematical Sciences
From: Bruce Bailey <bailey@siam.org>
Date: Fri, 18 Dec 2009 11:54:09 -0500
Subject: New Book, Practical Methods for Optimal Control and Estimation
Announcing the November 20 publication by SIAM of:
Practical Methods for Optimal Control and Estimation Using Nonlinear
Programming, Second Edition
by John T. Betts
2009 / xiv + 434 pages / Softcover / ISBN 978-0-898716-88-7 / List Price
$89.00 / SIAM Member Price $62.30 / Order Code DC19
This second edition of the popular text by John Betts incorporates much new
material while maintaining the concise and focused presentation of the
original edition. The book describes how sparse optimization methods can be
combined with discretization techniques for differential-algebraic equations
and used to solve optimal control and estimation problems. The interaction
between optimization and integration is emphasized throughout the book.
It will appeal to users of optimal control working in fields such as the
aerospace industry; chemical process control; mathematical biology; robotics
and multibody simulation; and electrical, mechanical, and structural
engineering. It can also be a primary or supplemental text for graduate
courses on optimal control methods.
To order, or for more information, please visit www.siam.org/books
From: Thanh-Ha Le Thi <thanh-ha.lethi@springer.com>
Date: Wed, 16 Dec 2009 06:05:06 -0500
Subject: New Book, Multiscale, Nonlinear and Adaptive Approximation
Ronald Devore and Angela Kunoth (Eds.): Multiscale, Nonlinear and Adaptive
Approximation - Dedicated to Wolfgang Dahmen on the Occasion of his 60th
Springer Heidelberg 2009 - ISBN 978-3-642-03412-1
The book of invited articles offers a collection of high-quality papers in
selected and highly topical areas of Applied and Numerical Mathematics and
Approximation Theory which have some connection to Wolfgang Dahmen�s
scientific work. On the occasion of his 60th birthday, leading experts have
contributed survey and research papers in the areas of Nonlinear
Approximation Theory, Numerical Analysis of Partial Differential and
Integral Equations, Computer-Aided Geometric Design, and Learning Theory.
The main focus and common theme of all the articles in this volume is the
mathematics building the foundation for most efficient numerical algorithms
for simulating complex phenomena.
For ordering information, please visit http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-
From: Bruce Bailey <bailey@siam.org>
Date: Fri, 18 Dec 2009 15:34:52 -0500
Subject: New Book, Insight Through Computing
Announcing the December 17 publication by SIAM of:
Insight Through Computing: A MATLAB Introduction to Computational Science
and Engineering
by Charles F. Van Loan and K.-Y. Daisy Fan
December 2009 / xviii + 434 pages / Softcover / ISBN 978-0-898716-91-7 /
List Price $59.00 / SIAM Member Price $41.30 / Order Code OT117
This introduction to computer-based problem-solving using the MATLAB�
environment is highly recommended for students wishing to learn the concepts
and develop the programming skills that are fundamental to computational
science and engineering. Through a �teaching by examples� approach, the
authors pose strategically chosen problems to help first-time programmers
learn these necessary concepts and skills.
Each section formulates a problem and then introduces those new MATLAB�
language features that are necessary to solve it. The interplay between
programming and mathematics throughout the text reinforces the student�s
ability to reason numerically and geometrically.
Undergraduate students whose mathematical maturity is at the level of
Calculus I will find this book extremely useful, especially as preparation
for further courses in computing and mathematics. It can also be used as a
MATLAB reference at any level.
For more information about this and all other SIAM books, please visit
From: Bruce Bailey <bailey@siam.org>
Date: Fri, 18 Dec 2009 12:00:46 -0500
Subject: New Book, Probabilistic Boolean Networks
Announcing the December 15 publication by SIAM of:
Probabilistic Boolean Networks: The Modeling and Control of Gene Regulatory
by Ilya Shmulevich and Edward R. Dougherty
December 2009 / xiv + 267 pages / Softcover / ISBN 978-0-898716-92-4 / List
Price $59.00 / SIAM Member Price $41.30 / OT118
This is the first comprehensive treatment of probabilistic Boolean networks,
an important model class for studying genetic regulatory networks. This book
covers basic model properties, including the relationships between network
structure and dynamics, steady-state analysis, and relationships to other
model classes. It also discusses the inference of model parameters from
experimental data and control strategies for driving network behavior
towards desirable states.
The authors attempt to unify different strands of current research and
address emerging issues such as constrained control, greedy control, and
Ilya Shmulevich is a professor at the Institute for Systems Biology,
Seattle, WA. Edward R. Dougherty is a professor and director of the Genomic
Signal Processing Laboratory at Texas A&M University, College Station, TX.
He is also co-director of the Computational Biology Division of the
Translational Genomics Research Institute, Phoenix, AZ.
From: Christoph Schwab <schwab@sam.math.ethz.ch>
Date: Tue, 15 Dec 2009 12:55:32 +0100
Subject: Sparse Tensor Discretizations for High-Dim Probs, Zurich, Aug 2010
Zurich Summerschool 2010:
Sparse Tensor Discretizations of High-Dimensional Problems
ETH Zurich, 23. - 27. August 2010, Zurich, Switzerland
R. Hiptmair (ETH), S.A. Sauter (Uni Zurich) and Ch. Schwab (ETH)
* Low rank approximations in numerical linear algebra
* Adaptivity in tensor discretizations
* Hyperbolic cross and sparse grid approximation
* Regularity of high-dimensional PDE problems
* Complexity of sparse approximation methods
* Low rank discretizations of operator equations
* PDE sensitivity on high-dimensional parameter spaces
* Stochastic partial differential equations
* High-dimensional transport equations
* Electron structure calculations
Registration and further information:
From: Keita Teranishi <keita@cray.com>
Date: Fri, 18 Dec 2009 13:38:14 -0500
Subject: Editted Volume in Software Autotuning by Springer
CALL FOR PAPERS (Deadline Extended):
Software Automatic Tuning: From Concepts to State-of-the-Art Results
editors: Ken Naono (Hitachi Ltd.), Keita Teranishi (Cray Inc.),
John Cavazos (Univ. Delaware), and Reiji Suda (Univ. Tokyo)
from Springer
Software automatic tuning has been become one of key technologies in
high performance computing, numerical libraries, optimizing compilers,
data base systems, and computation with accelerators (such as GPUs).
Automatic software tuning will become a general purpose software
technology applicable to all levels of the software stack.
iWAPT (international Workshop on Automatic Performance Tuning,
http://www.iwapt.org/) is a series of workshops that has brought
together researchers from Japan, US and Europe since 2006. Part of this
monograph is intended to summarize this workshop series. We also solicit
unpublished articles covering the current state of the art in automatic
performance tuning, as well as submissions discussing future directions
of research and development in this field.
For more information, please visit http://www.iwapt.org/book2010/
Papers should be 10 to 20 pages in length, written in Springer LNCS
format (http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-7-72376-0).
Papers should be uploaded from http://www.iwapt.org.
Only PDF format is acceptable. Submitted papers will be peer-reviewed.
Initial submission due: January 14, 2010
Notification of acceptance: February 14, 2010
Final manuscripts due: February 28, 2010
From: Notay <ynotay@ulb.ac.be>
Date: Thu, 17 Dec 2009 08:04:34 -0500
Subject: Faculty position at "Universite Libre de Bruxelles" (ULB, Belgium)
The "Universite Libre de Bruxelles" (ULB, Belgium) invites application
for a full time faculty position in numerical mathematics.
The deadline for application is February 28, 2010.
Appointment begins October 1, 2010.
The position involves teaching duties at undergraduate level which
require fluency in French.
For more details on the required skills and how to apply, see the
official announcement at http://wwwdev.ulb.ac.be/greffe/files/2856.pdf
You may also contact Prof. Anne Delandtsheer
(phone +32 2 650 28 68 � email : adelandt "at" ulb.ac.be)
Prof. Y. Notay
Service de Metrologie Nucleaire
Universite Libre de Bruxelles (CP165/84)
Avenue F.D.Roosevelt, 50
1050 Bruxelles (Belgium)
email: ynotay@ulb.ac.be
From: Pierre Gremaud <gremaud@ncsu.edu>
Date: Thu, 17 Dec 2009 12:26:04 -0500
Subject: Postdoctoral positions in Mathematics and Statistics at SAMSI
The Statistical and Applied Mathematical Sciences Institute (SAMSI) is
soliciting applications from statistical and mathematical scientists
for up to seven postdoctoral positions, to begin in September,
2010. Appointments, at extremely competitive salaries, will typically
be for two years and be made jointly between SAMSI and one of its
partner universities (Duke, NCSU and UNC).
SAMSI programs soliciting postdoctoral candidates for the year 2010-11
are Analysis of Object Data
and Complex Networks
Criteria for selection include demonstrated research ability in
statistical and/or applied mathematical sciences, interest and (to a
lesser degree) experience in the SAMSI program areas and vision,
together with strength in computation, as well as in verbal and
written communication. The deadline for full consideration is January
1, 2010, although later applications will be considered as resources
permit. Appointments may be made at any time.
SAMSI is an AA/EEO employer.
From: Benedikt Oswald <benedikt.oswald@psi.ch>
Date: Tue, 15 Dec 2009 10:15:31 -0500
Subject: Postdoc Position in Comp. Nano-Optics at Paul Scherrer Institut
At the Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI), Switzerland, there is a postdoctoral position
to be filled in the field of computational nano-optics. For details of the
position see:
Best regards, Benedikt Oswald
From: Konstantin Lipnikov <lipnikov@lanl.gov>
Date: Mon, 14 Dec 2009 21:44:04 -0500
Subject: Postdoc, Computational Physics & Numerical Analysis
The Numerical Analysis Team in Applied Mathematics and Plasma Physics Group is
seeking outstanding post doctoral candidates in computational physics and
numerical analysis with a particular emphasis on the development of innovative
numerical methods for partial differential equations. The Numerical Analysis
Team develops and implements mathematical models and numerical algorithms to
simulate complex physical phenomena. Our expertise includes computational
fluid dynamics, advanced discretization methods, linear and non-linear
solvers, adaptive meshing, shock hydrodynamics, flows in porous media, and
computational magneto-hydrodynamics.
We are looking for outstanding candidates to work on the development and
analysis of (a) mimetic discretization methods for the acoustics and elastic
wave equations on unstructured meshes and (b) monotone and high-order mimetic
discretization methods for diffusion and convection-diffusion equations on
unstructured meshes.
This is a two-year position with the possibility of an extension to a third
year. For more details, visit http://www.hr.lanl.gov/FindJob/index.stm. Job
number is 218642.
From: "Christophe Prud'homme" <christophe.prudhomme@ujf-grenoble.fr>
Date: Mon, 14 Dec 2009 07:28:03 +0100
Subject: Post-Doc in Applied Mathematics, Universit�deGrenoble (France)
A post-doc position is open in the Laboratoire J. Kuntzmann, University Joseph
Fourier, Grenoble, France. We are looking for candidates at post-doc level
with interest, motivation and background in scientific computing. Experience
in high performance computing and mathematics (with publications) is required.
The candidate will be funded by the French agency ANR within the project OPUS
which objective is to participate to the construction of an Open Platform
for Uncertainty quantification in numerical Simulations.
The candidate will have to work on the framework for certified reduced basis
within OPUS and bring together symbolic and numerical methods. The work will
be applied to industrial benchmarks in heat transfer and fluid mechanics.
The candidate must have a PhD degree from a recognized university in
engineering, computer sciences or applied mathematics. Previous experience on
Galerkin methods for partial differential equations and computational skills
(and strong interest) in C++ will be an asset.
Applications should comprise a letter of motivation, a CV plus the names and
contact information of one or two individuals who have agreed to send letters
of recommendation. A successful candidate should start at the beginning of
year 2010.
Applications must be sent before January 30th 2010 to
From: Nilima Nigam <nigam@math.sfu.ca>
Date: Wed, 16 Dec 2009 14:51:35 -0500
Subject: PhD positions in applied mathematics at Simon Fraser University
Applications are invited for PhD positions in the Department of
Mathematics at Simon Fraser University in the broad area of applied
mathematics. The applied mathematics group at SFU is one of the
largest and most vibrant in Canada. The Pacific Northwest has a high
concentration of expertise in numerical analysis and scientific
computing, which provides many opportunities for collaboration.
Some specific project descriptions are below:
Projects in numerical analysis and probabilistic modeling: The student
will work in the analysis and simulation of stochastic models in one
of the following areas: 1) phase-field modeling of materials, 2)
molecular dynamics, 3) language evolution. All candidates with a
strong mathematical background and some experience in computing are
encouraged to apply.
Projects in biological modeling and numerical analysis: The student
will join an existing team working on the modeling and simulation of
bone physiology at the cellular level. The team is multi-university
and genuinely interdisciplinary, and the successful candidate will
have the opportunity to work with biologists and mathematicians. The
project comprises theoretical and computational aspects with the
ultimate goal of improving grafting technologies, and understanding
bone pathologies such as cancers and osteoporosis. We are particularly
interested in candidates with a background in PDE, mechanics,
numerical analysis and scientific computing. However, strong
candidates who are motivated to learn are encouraged to apply.
There are several other project opportunities, and a visit to the
Department can be arranged. Candidates will be part of an
intellectually stimulating, friendly and supportive atmosphere at
SFU. The PhD positions are fully funded, and there are no citizenship
constraints. All candidates with a strong mathematical background are
encouraged to apply. For more details, please contact
nigam@math.sfu.ca or pft3@math.sfu.ca
From: Volker John <john@wias-berlin.de>
Date: Wed, 16 Dec 2009 11:53:09 -0500
Subject: Position at WIAS Berlin
WIAS invites applications for a Research Position in the Research Group
"Numerical Mathematics and Scientific Computing" (Head: Prof. Dr. Volker John)
starting as soon as possible , conditioned to final approval of the funding
(Ref. 09/34).
The position involves the development of new approaches for the parameter
choice in stabilized finite element methods.
Specific Requirements: University degree (least master/diploma) in mathematics
good knowledge of finite element methods.
Please direct scientific queries to Prof. Dr. V. John(John@wias-berlin.de).
The appointment is limited to one years. The salary is according to the TvoeD
The Weierstrass Institute is an equal opportunity employer. We explicitly
encourage female researchers to apply for the offered position.
Among equally qualified applicants, disabled candidates will be given preference.
As far as possible we ask to avoid sending application papers by e-mail.
Applicants should send curriculum vitae, photocopies of certificates and a
list of publications, including a cover letter quoting Ref. 09/34, by
10.01.2010, to:
Prof. Dr. J. Sprekels,
Director of the Weierstrass Instituts for Applied Analysis and Stochastics
in Forschungsverbund Berlin e.V.
Mohrenstr. 39, 10117 Berlin, Germany
From: Zoe Sternberg <zoe.sternberg@tandf.co.uk>
Date: Fri, 18 Dec 2009 09:09:28 -0500
Subject: Contents, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 87(12)
International Journal of Computer Mathematics, Issue 87(12) Table of Contents
Section B: Computational Methods: Application
New unconditionally stable difference schemes for the solution of multi-
dimensional telegraphic equations by RK Mohanty
A feature-oriented forward-backward diffusion model for intensity image
restoration based on level set motion by Zhongdan Huan; Linghai Kong; Xinian
A distributed coupled atmosphere-wave-ocean model for typhoon wave numerical
simulation by Jinfeng Zhang; Liwen Huang; Yuanqiao Wen; Jian Deng
A highly accurate adaptive finite difference solver for the Black-Scholes
equation by Gunilla Linde; Jonas Persson; Lina Von Sydow
Numerical solution of KKT systems in PDE-constrained optimization problems
via the affine scaling trust-region approach by Stefania Bellavia; Sandra
Populations with impulsive culling: control and identification by Robert E
Computation of MHD flow due to moving boundaries by P Donald Ariel
An algorithmic proof of Br�gman-Minc theorem by Li Xu; Heng Liang; Fengshan
Division-free computation of subresultants using Bezout matrices by Michael
A globally convergent trust region multidimensional filter SQP algorithm for
nonlinear programming by Chungen Shen; Wenjuan Xue; Dingguo Pu
Stability and Neimark-Sacker bifurcation in Runge-Kutta methods for a
predator-prey system by Qiubao Wang; MZ Liu
Parameters identification of chaotic systems by quantum-behaved particle
swarm optimization by Kaiqiao Yang; Kenjiro Maginu; Hirosato Nomura
Finite termination and global monotonicity of Newton-type methods for
solving hybrid piecewise linear systems by Jinhai Chen; Ravi P Agarwal
Approximate solution for a variable-coefficient semilinear heat equation
with nonlocal boundary conditions by Shiping Zhou; Minggen Cui
From: Joseph Traub <traub@cs.columbia.edu>
Date: Fri, 18 Dec 2009 10:55:34 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Contents, J. of Complexity, Volume 25, Number 6, December 2009
Journal of Complexity
Volume 25, Number 6, December 2009
Our Silver Anniversary
Changes to the Editorial Board
Iterative Rootfinding in p-adic Numerical Analysis
Erich Bach
On the weakening of the convergence of Newton's method using recurrent
Ioannis K. Argyros, Said Hilout
On the Approximation of Smooth Functions Using Generalized Digital Nets
Jan Baldeaux, Josef Dick, Peter Kritzer
Tractability of the Helmholtz equation with non-homogeneous Neumann
boundary conditions: Relation to L2-approximation
Arthur G. Werschulz
From: Ed Saff <edward.b.saff@vanderbilt.edu>
Date: Mon, 14 Dec 2009 18:19:38 -0600
Subject: Contents, Constr. Approx. Special Issue High-Dimensional Approx
Constructive Approximation
Vol. 30 No. 3 2009 -- Special Issue on Constructive High-Dimensional
Table of Contents
Volume 30 Number 3 of Constructive Approximation is now available on
the SpringerLink web site at http://springerlink.com
"Geometry on Probability Spaces"
by S. Smale and D.-X. Zhou
Pages 311-323
"High-Dimensional Menger-Type Curvatures - Part II: d-Separation and a
Menagerie of Curvatures"
by G. Lerman and J.T. Whitehouse
Pages 325-360
"Construction Algorithms for Good Extensible Lattice Rules"
by H. Niederreiter and F. Pillichshammer
Pages 361-393
"Tractability of Multivariate Approximation over a Weighted Unanchored
Sobolev Space"
by A.G. Werschulz and H. Wozniakowski
Pages 395-421
"An Adaptive Wavelet Method for Solving High-Dimensional Elliptic PDEs"
by T.J. Dijkema, C. Schwab, and R. Stevenson
Pages 423-455
"Optimal Order of Convergence and (In)Tractability of Multivariate
Approximation of Smooth Functions"
by E. Novak and H. Wozniakowski
Pages 457-473
"Lattice Algorithms for Multivariate L_infty Approximation in the Worst-Case
by F.Y. Kuo, G.W. Wasilkowski, and H. Wozniakowski
Pages 475-493
"QMC Rules of Arbitrary High Order: Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space
by J. Baldeaux and J. Dick
Pages 495-527
"Spline Methods Using Integration Lattices and Digital Nets"
by X. Zeng, P. Kritzer, and F.J. Hickernell
Pages 529-555
"Black Box Low Tensor-Rank Approximation Using Fiber-Crosses"
by M. Espig, L. Grasedyck, and W. Hackbusch
Pages 557-597
"Tensor-Structured Preconditioners and Approximate Inverse of Elliptic
Operators in R^d"
by B.N. Khoromskij
Pages 599-620
"Results and Questions on a Nonlinear Approximation Approach for Solving
High-Dimensional Partial Differential Equations"
by C. Le Bris, T. Lelievre, and Y. Maday
Pages 621-651
"On a Constructive Proof of Kolmogorov's Superposition Theorem"
by J. Braun and M. Griebel
Pages 653-675
Constructive Approximation
An International Journal for Approximations and Expansions
Published by Springer
From: JCM <jcm@global-sci.org>
Date: Wed, 16 Dec 2009 14:46:23 +0800 (HKT)
Subject: Contents, Journal of Computational Mathematics, No. 5, 27 (2009)
Journal of Computational Mathematics (JCM)
Volume 27, Number 5, September 2009
Special issue on Adaptive and Multilevel Methods
in Computational Electromagnetics
Ralf Hiptmair, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Jinchao Xu, The Pennsylvania State University, USA
J. Comp. Math., 27 (2009), pp. 561-562.
Liuqiang Zhong, Shi Shu, Gabriel Wittum, Jinchao Xu
Optimal Error Estimates for Nedelec Edge Elements for Time-Harmonic
Maxwell's Equations
J. Comp. Math., 27 (2009), pp. 563-572.
Ralf Hiptmair and Weiying Zheng
Local Multigrid in H(Curl)
J. Comp. Math., 27 (2009), pp.573-603 .
Tzanio V. Kolev and Panayot S. Vassilevski
Parallel Auxiliary Space AMG For H(Curl) Problems
J. Comp. Math., 27 (2009), pp. 604-623.
Mario Bebendorf and Joerg Ostrowski
Parallel Hierarchical Matrix Preconditioners for the Curl-Curl Operator
J. Comp. Math., 27 (2009), pp. 624-641 .
Markus Clemens, Jens Lang, Delia Teleaga and Georg Wimmer
Adaptivity in Space and Time for Magnetoquasistatics
J. Comp. Math., 27 (2009), pp.642-656 .
R.H.W. Hoppe and J. Schoeberl
Convergence of Adaptive Edge Element Methods for the 3D Eddy Currents
J. Comp. Math., 27(2009), pp. 657-676.
From: Lothar Reichel <reichel@math.kent.edu>
Date: Tue, 15 Dec 2009 10:39:43 -0500
Subject: Contents, Electronic Trans. Numerical Analysis (ETNA), vol 33
Table of Contents, Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis (ETNA),
vol. 33, 2008. This is a special volume dedicated to Gerard Meurant with
selected papers from the conference Matrix Analysis and Applications held in
Luminy, France, in October of 2007. Special volume editors: B. Beckermann,
K. Jbilou, L. Reichel, Y. Saad, M. Sadkane, and A. Salam.
ETNA is available at http://etna.math.kent.edu and at several mirror
sites. ETNA is in the extended Science Citation Index and the CompuMath
Citation Index.
i-vi Table of contents and abstracts
vii Preface
1-16 Dario A. Bini, Gianna M. Del Corso, and Francesco Romani
Evaluating scientific products by means of citation-based models:
a first analysis and validation
17-30 M. Bellalij, Y. Saad, and H. Sadok
Analysis of some Krylov subspace methods for normal matrices via
approximation theory and convex optimization
31-44 M. Arioli and I. S. Duff
Using FGMRES to obtain backward stability in mixed precision
45-52 Miloud Sadkane and Ahmed Salam
A note on symplectic block reflectors
53-62 M. Heyouni and K. Jbilou
An extended block Arnoldi algorithm for large-scale solutions of
the continuous-time algebraic Riccati equation
63-83 Lothar Reichel and Qiang Ye
Simple square smoothing regularization operators
84-104 Dario A. Bini, Beatrice Meini, and Federico Poloni
Fast solution of a certain Riccati equation through Cauchy-like
105-125 F. Di Benedetto, C. Estatico, J. G. Nagy, and M. Pastorino
Numerical linear algebra for nonlinear microwave imaging
126-150 Raf Vandebril, Marc Van Barel, and Nicola Mastronardi
A new iteration for computing the eigenvalues of semiseparable
(plus diagonal) matrices
151-162 Nicola Mastronardi, Marc Van Barel, and Raf Vandebril
On the computation of the null space of Toeplitz-like matrices
163-188 Steven Delvaux, Katrijn Frederix, and Marc Van Barel
Transforming a hierarchical into a unitary-weight representation
189-206 A. Salam and E. Al-Aidarous
Error analysis and computational aspects of SR factorization via
optimal symplectic Householder transformations
207-220 L. Elbouyahyaoui, A. Messaoudi, and H. Sadok
Algebraic properties of the block GMRES and block Arnoldi methods
End of NA Digest