NA Digest Monday, June 29, 2009 Volume 09 : Issue 26

Today's Editor:
Tamara G. Kolda
Sandia National Labs

Submissions for NA Digest:

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Information via email about NA-NET:

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From: "Jorge More'" <>
Date: Sun, 28 Jun 2009 14:55:02 -0400
Subject: Jim Cody: Pioneer in mathematical software libraries

Jim Cody passed away on Wednesday, June 24, in the morning.

Jim was a distinguished member of the Mathematics and Computer Science
(MCS) division at Argonne and a pioneer in the development of mathematical
software libraries. He was a member of the NATS (National Activity to
Test Software) project of the early 1970s, that produced EISPACK as
well as Jim's elementary functions package FUNPACK.

Jim also played an important role in the working group that produced
the most widely-used standard for floating-point computation (IEEE
754-1985), and chaired the committee that produced a radix-independent
version of the standard (IEEE 854-1987).

Jim was a kind, generous researcher that influenced many of us. He
played a decisive role in the shaping of the MCS division, and his
cheerful personality and unassuming ways were influential in creating
a collegial working environment. He was one of my heroes.

We will be miss him.



From: Cleve Moler <>
Date: Thu, 25 Jun 2009 17:23:23 -0400
Subject: Jim Cody

W. J. (Jim) Cody, Jr., one of the pioneers of mathematical software,
passed away at his home in Glen Ellyn, Illinois, last Wednesday, June
24, 2009. Jim spent almost his entire career in the Mathematics and
Computer Science Division at Argonne National Laboratory. He retired
in 1991. He was a leader in the development and testing of software
for elementary and special mathematical functions from the very first
days of computers. His work can be found in the SHARE library for IBM
mainframes in the '60s. He was the author of FUNPACK, a companion to
EISPACK and LINPACK, and, subsequently, SPECFUN. His book with
W. Waite, "Software Manual for the Elementary Functions", is a
classic. The accompanying library for testing elementary functions is
known as ELEFUNT. He played a major role in the development of the
IEEE 754 floating point standard and chaired the committee that
developed IEEE 854, the radix independent successor.

Jim was one of my personal heroes. He was a quiet, powerful, positive
force that influenced many of us who worked and visited at Argonne in
the '70s and '80s. A fascinating oral history is available in the
SIAM History of Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing project
at: .


From: "Corliss, George" <>
Date: Sun, 28 Jun 2009 13:00:16 +0000
Subject: Texts for MATLAB in CS1?

Would anyone share experiences with textbooks using MATLAB in a
CS1-type course?

In the list of books on the MATLAB web site, I find many good books
covering the features of MATLAB. They do a good job of teaching what
many engineers think they need, but even the Getting Started chapters
are more like reference manuals than how to think like a software
engineer. If we are using MATLAB to introduce computer scientists and
engineers to their field, I would expect to see software engineering
concepts such as requirements, specification, abstraction, objects,
testing, maintenance. In short, some WHY, along with the HOW.

I have been asked to make recomendations, and I'd value the opinions
of people who have used books of this flavor. I also welcome comments
from authors, "My book does what you want," if you are correct.

Related question: How do computer scientists and engineers think?

We can all offer sarcastic answers, but we claim our introductory
classes teach students to think like professionals in their field, and
we want to teach students in other fields how we approach a problem.
I have some thoughts on the question, but I would welcome thoughtful,
brief statements or pointers to insightful articles.

I am gathering ammunition to inform the scientific computing contents
of a general Introduction to Engineering course taken by most of the
engineering students at my university, a kind of "everything every
engineer should know" course. Our course has been dominated by
mechanical engineering. My department need to do a better job of
communicating what WE are about.

George Corliss
Marquette University
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA


From: Adrienne Morris <>
Date: Thu, 25 Jun 2009 13:33:29 -0400
Subject: New books, Princeton University press

New Books from Princeton University Press

The Calculus of Friendship: What a Teacher and a Student Learned about Life
while Corresponding about Math
Steven Strogatz
978-0-691-13493-2, $19.95

Mathematicians: An Outer View of the Inner World
Mariana Cook, with an introduction by R.C. Gunning
978-0-691-13951-7, $35.00

The Mathematical Mechanic: Using Physical Reasoning to Solve Problems
Mark Levi
978-0-691-14020-9, $19.95

Pythagoras� Revenge: A Mathematical Mystery
Arturo Sangalli
978-0-691-04955-7, $24.95

Picturing the Uncertain World: How to Understand, Communicate, and Control
Uncertainty through Graphical Display
Howard Wainer
978-0-691-13759-9, $29.95

A Mathematical Nature Walk
John A. Adam
978-0-691-12895-5, $27.95

Gamma: Exploring Euler�s Constant
Julian Havil, with a foreword by Freeman Dyson
978-0-691-14133-6, $17.95
978-0-691-09983-5, $29.95

e: The Story of a Number
Eli Maor
978-0-691-14134-3, $15.95

Connections: An Introduction to the Economics of Networks
Sanjeev Goyal
978-0-691-14118-3, $24.95
978-0-691-12650-0, $70.00

It�s About Time: Understanding Einstein�s Relativity
N. David Mermin
978-0-691-14127-5, $18.95
978-0-691-12201-4, $29.95

An Introduction to Mathematical Analysis for Economic Theory and Econometrics
Dean Corbae, Maxwell B. Stinchcombe & Juraj Zeman
978-0-691-11867-3, $75.00

Rational Decisions
Ken Binmore
978-0-691-13074-3, $40.00

Indifference Pricing: Theory and Applications
Edited by Ren� Carmona
978-0-691-13883-1, $75.00

Mathematicians Fleeing from Nazi Germany: Individual Fates and Global Impact
Reinhard Siegmund-Schultze
978-0-691-14041-4, $49.50
978-0-691-12593-0, $90.00

The Mathematics of the Heavens and the Earth: The Early History of Trigonometry
Glen Van Brummelen
978-0-691-12973-0, $39.50

Higher Topos Theory (AM-170)
Jacob Lurie
978-0-691-14049-0, $55.00
978-0-691-14048-3, $95.00

Elliptic Partial Differential Equations and Quasiconformal Mappings in the
Plane (PMS-48)
Kari Astala, Tadeusz Iwaniec & Gaven Martin
978-0-691-13777-3, $85.00

Mind and Nature: Selected Writings on Philosophy, Mathematics, and Physics
Hermann Weyl
Edited and with an introduction by Peter Pesic
978-0-691-13545-8, $35.00

Matrix Mathematics: Theory, Facts, and Formulas: Second Edition
Dennis S. Bernstein
978-0-691-14039-1, $69.50
978-0-691-13287-7, $125.00

Stability and Stabilization: An Introduction
William J. Terrell
978-0-691-13444-4, $70.00

Probability, Markov Chains, Queues, and Simulation: The Mathematical Basis of
Performance Modeling
William J. Stewart
978-0-691-14062-9, $80.00


From: Bruce Bailey <>
Date: Fri, 26 Jun 2009 17:42:27 -0400
Subject: New book, Matrix Polynomials

Announcing the June 11 publication by SIAM of:

Matrix Polynomials, by I.Gohberg, P. Lancaster, and L. Rodman

June 2009 / xxiv + 409 pages / Softcover / ISBN 978-0898716-81-8
List Price $92.00 / SIAM Member Price $64.40 / Order Code CL58

This book provides a comprehensive treatment of the theory of polynomials in
a complex variable with matrix coefficients. Basic matrix theory can be
viewed as the study of the special case of polynomials of first degree; the
theory developed in Matrix Polynomials is a natural extension of this case
to polynomials of higher degree. It has applications in many areas, such as
differential equations, systems theory, the Wiener�Hopf technique, mechanics
and vibrations, and numerical analysis.

It is appropriate for students, instructors, and researchers in linear
algebra, operator theory, differential equations, systems theory, and
numerical analysis. Its contents are accessible to readers who have had
undergraduate-level courses in linear algebra and complex analysis.

To order, or for more information, please visit


From: Barbara Burke Hubbard <>
Date: Fri, 26 Jun 2009 20:53:42 -0400
Subject: New book, "Solving Linear System" by Zbigniew Woznicki

Zbigniew Ignacy Woznicki's book, Solving Linear Systems: An Analysis
of Matrix Prefactorization Iterative Methods is now available from
Matrix Editions ( The book contains a
detailed treatment of the iterative solution of elliptic
boundary-value problems. Chapter 2 discusses the theory of matrix
splittings. Chapter 5 compares the numerical work required to solve
large elliptic problems by Dr. Woznicki's AGA method, with the
numerical work required using Krylov subspace methods. For some
problems, he found that the AGA methods were superior to Krylov
subspace methods by several orders of magnitude. Numerous numerical
experiments are described in appendices.

Links to the table of contents, foreword by Richard Varga, preface,
and sample pages can be found at

Dr. Woznicki (of the Institute of Atomic Energy in Poland) died March
1, 2008.

Barbara Burke Hubbard


From: Bruce Bailey <>
Date: Fri, 26 Jun 2009 17:49:17 -0400
Subject: New book, Parallel MATLAB for Multicore and Multinode Computers

Announcing the June 18, 2009, publication by SIAM of:

Parallel MATLAB for Multicore and Multinode Computers, by Jeremy Kepner

June 2009 / xxvi + 253 pages / Hardcover / ISBN 978-0-898716-73-3
List Price $65.00 / SIAM Member Price $45.50 / Order Code SE21

This is the first book on parallel MATLAB and the first parallel computing
book focused on the design, code, debug, and test techniques required to
quickly produce well-performing parallel programs.

It presents a hands-on approach with numerous example programs; wherever
possible, the examples are drawn from widely known and well-documented
parallel benchmark codes that are representative of many real applications
across the field of technical computing.

This book is intended for professional scientists and engineers, as well as
undergraduate or graduate students, who use MATLAB. It is suitable as
either the primary book in a parallel computing class or as a supplementary
text in a numerical computing class or a computer science algorithms class.

Jeremy Kepner is a senior technical staff member at MIT Lincoln Laboratory.
His research focuses on the development of advanced libraries for the
application of massively parallel computing to a variety of data intensive
signal processing problems on which he has published many articles.

To order, or for more information, please visit


From: Erich Novak <>
Date: Sat, 27 Jun 2009 05:34:17 -0400
Subject: New book, Essays on the Complexity of Continuous Problems

New book:

"Essays on the Complexity of Continuous Problems"
E. Novak, I.H. Sloan, J.F. Traub, H. Wozniakowski

European Math. Soc., ISBN 978-3-03719-069-2
Prize: 20 Euro
Info of the publisher:

The book contains five essays on the complexity of continuous problems,
written for a wider audience.


From: Yang Yin <>
Date: Tue, 23 Jun 2009 09:45:23 -0400
Subject: Intl Conf Domain Decomposition Methods, China, Aug 2009

The 19th International Conference on Domain Decomposition Methods
Zhangjiajie Hunan China August 17-22 2009

This is the third circular, and there are some changes in the column of
important dates compared with the second circular.

July 7, 2009 Early bird registration of the conference (For the early bird
registration and make payment of registration fee, excursion expenses will
be waived); Submission of abstracts of all talks (including minisymposium
and contributed talks).
July 10, 2009 Reservation for hotels at the conference rate.

For details, please see


From: Heike Fassbender <>
Date: Mon, 22 Jun 2009 13:02:54 -0400
Subject: One Day Workshop on Matrix Equations, Germany, Oct 2009

Following its predecessors held in Leipzig 2005 and Chemnitz 2007, a

1-Day Workshop on Matrix Equations

will be held at TU Braunschweig (Germany) on October 9, 2009. The
workshop is devoted to latest developments in theory and numerical
algorithms for algebraic and differential matrix equations of
Sylvester, Lyapunov, Bernoulli, Riccati type and applications thereof
(in particular, but not limited to, model reduction, optimal control
and stabilization, transport theory).

Talks will be 30 to 45 minutes, including discussion.

We plan to start at 9 am and stop late afternoon. There will be a small
participation fee (10 Euro). No support for attendees is available.
A joint dinner on October 8, the day before the workshop, will be organised.

The workshop will take place in the "Altgeb�ude", Pockelsstr. 4,
Braunschweig, see

A list of hotels can be found on the webpage

Further information concerning transportation, maps and getting around
can be found on the webpage

The workshop is organized by

Peter Benner (TU Chemnitz)
Heike Fassbender (TU Braunschweig)
Lars Grasedyck (MPI for Mathematics in the Sciences, Leipzig)
Daniel Kressner (ETH Z�rich)

Interested participants should contact Heike Fassbender at directly.

The workshop is endorsed by the GAMM Activity Group on Applied and
Numerical Linear Algebra.


From: Andrzej Pownuk <>
Date: Fri, 26 Jun 2009 00:48:15 -0400
Subject: Reliable Engineering Computing REC2010, Singapore , Mar 2010

Call for papers

The 4th International Workshop on Reliable Engineering Computing is
hosted by National University of Singapore. Industry and academia are
invited to contribute and to join in the discussions on needs and
developments in the field.

REC2010 is focused on robust design in the context of hazards, risk
and uncertainty. Industry and academia are invited to contribute and
to join in the discussions on needs and developments in the field.
This workshop is unique in combining computer science, mathematics,
and engineering analysis and design to discuss the reliability of
engineering computations, providing a common forum by which to
continue cross-disciplinary advisements in the field. Participants
are expected to submit papers that will be published in the workshop
proceedings and also will be available online from the workshop web
site. After the workshop, selected papers will be published in a
special issue(s) of a selected journal. The papers will go through
the normal refereeing process. Contributions are invited with
emphasis on both theory and applications.

July 01, 2009: one page abstract submission
July 15, 2009: notification of acceptance
November 01, 2009: paper submission


From: Achim Ilchmann <>
Date: Tue, 23 Jun 2009 09:11:51 +0200
Subject: Mathematical Systems Theory (for students), Germany, Mar 2010

The second


will take place
in Elgersburg (Germany)
from March 8 - 13, 2010

The lecturers and their topics are

Volker Mehrmann (TU Berlin): Differential-Algebraic Equations -
Control and Numerics and Jan C. Willems (KU Leuven, Belgien):
Behavioural Approach to Systems Theory

The school is addressed to PhD students in control, either in
mathematics or engineering, and also to very good undergraduates. We
would be grateful if you could pass on this information to any
potential candidates.

We will organize a summer school in mathematical systems theory also
in the forthcoming years on "hot" topics in control.

The location has a capacity for 40 students. The cost for the hotel
including full board is EUR 510,- for a single and EUR 400,- for a
double room. We can provide travel cost and subsistence for 15
students. If they apply, they are asked to provide their CV and a
letter of reference from their supervisor. The deadline for
applications is December 15, 2009. The organizers will then rank the
applications according to excellence and suitability. A list of all
participants will be available on the web site by the mid of January,

For further information please see

With best wishes,
Achim Ilchmann (TU Ilmenau)
Timo Rice (TU Berlin)
Fabian Wirth (U Wuerzburg)


From: Axel Ruhe <>
Date: Sun, 28 Jun 2009 15:22:49 +0200
Subject: BIT 50 �Trends in Numerical Computing, Sweden, Jun 2010

BIT, Numerical Mathematics, will celebrate it�s 50th Anniversary in
2010. We will meet on 17-20 June, Thursday to Sunday, in Lund, Sweden,
where BIT was founded.

Looking backwards is interesting. Looking forward is more interesting.
Our interest is to use Scientific Computing to solve important practical
problems. We develop numerical methods for this, that use advanced
mathematical theory and advanced computing equipment. We believe that
strong development in the field of constructing and analyzing numerical
methods will motivate a shift in BIT�s focus.

We also plan minisymposia in some new and old specialties of BIT such
as: Ordinary differential equations, stochastic differential equations,
finite element methods, multiscale methods, computational fluid
dynamics, inverse problems, numerical linear algebra and numerical

You can follow the arrangements on the BIT homepage

Hoping to meet you in Lund in the Swedish midsummer next year!

Axel Ruhe <>
Editor in chief

Gustaf S�derlind <>
Associate editor, local organizer


From: Prieur <>
Date: Mon, 22 Jun 2009 08:38:36 -0400
Subject: Call for papers, Int. J. of Rob & Nonlin. Control on hybrid systems

Special Issue �New directions on hybrid control systems� of the International
Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control

Nonlinear control systems have undergone tremendous advances in the last
two decades at the levels of theory and applications. Among those, a class of
particular interest is that one resulting from the interaction of a
control system with a system governed by different dynamics. This class of
system lies in the hybrid and nonlinear control systems field. In the last
decade, the study of such hybrid systems, whose behavior can be mathematically
described using a mixture of logic based switching and
difference/differential linear or nonlinear equations, has attracted important
research efforts. It is motivated by the fact that many physical
systems are controlled or supervised by controllers with such mixed
dynamics. In many applications (like Automotive, Networked control systems,
Energy management, Biology...), analysis and design methods for systems
evolving both continuously and discontinuously components are needed.

Contributions are invited regarding for example (non-exhaustive list):
- analysis of stability of hybrid systems;
- reset control systems;
- systems subject to switching operators;
- design of hybrid controllers for linear or nonlinear control systems;
- overcoming the limitations of classical feedbacks using nonlinear or hybrid
- practical and implementation aspects in nonlinear and hybrid contexts;
- numerical simulations of hybrid systems;
- analytical tools for hybrid optimal control.

Papers should be submitted online via the journals homepage
under Online Submission. Authors are requested to submit their papers by 1st
October 2009. Authors must select Christophe Prieur or Sophie Tarbouriech
as the Submitting Editor. Each submission must be clearly identified as a
submission for this special issue by entering New directions on hybrid control
systems in the Special Issue Title Field. Manuscripts should
be prepared in accordance with the publication format described in For
Authors on the journal homepage.

Guest Editors
Dr. Christophe Prieur
Dr. Sophie Tarbouriech


From: Pierre Baptiste <>
Date: Fri, 26 Jun 2009 09:26:38 -0400
Subject: Mathematics professor in scientific computing or optimization

�cole Polytechnique de Montr�al is one of the foremost engineering educational
and research institutions in Canada. This international-level engineering
school with nearly 6,000 students and more than 1,000 employees is seeking a
professor of scientific computing or optimization to work in the department of
mathematics and industrial engineering.

The successful candidates will perform their duties with enthusiasm and
creativity. They will teach undergraduate and graduate level courses and
supervise graduate students. They will also be expected to initiate and carry
out research projects in collaboration with internal and external research
teams while developing and maintaining alliances among research teams from the
various engineering programs at �cole Polytechnique and industry stakeholders.

The successful candidate must possess expertise in modeling applied
large-scale problems and developing high-performance numerical methodologies
for studying industrial problems using PDEs (oil extraction, materials forming
processes, aerospace, nuclear, electromagnetism in conductor and
supraconductor materials, hydraulic turbines, etc.) as well as applied
optimization for transportation, scheduling, industrial production, services,
natural resources, industrial processes, engineering and multidisciplinary
design, etc.

Candidates must hold a PhD in Applied Mathematics or in Engineering with a
strong mathematics component. They will have demonstrated exceptional research
skills. Experience in studying applied and industrial problems would be an
asset. The successful candidate will have to develop a research program that
will generate significant financing for a large number of students and possess
excellent teaching skills as well as fluency in French. Membership in the
Ordre des ing�nieurs du Qu�bec, or eligibility for membership, would be an asset.


This is a tenure-track position with salary and benefits determined by the
applicable collective agreement.

To Apply

Applicants must submit a curriculum vita, in French, copies of diplomas, names
of three references and samples of recently published research in relevant
areas to:

M. Pierre Baptiste, directeur
D�partement de math�matiques et g�nie industriel
�cole Polytechnique de Montr�al
Case postale 6079, succursale Centre-ville
Montr�al (Qu�bec) H3C 3A7

Candidate interviews will start as soon as possible and continue until the
position is filled.


From: Jonathan Shewchuk <>
Date: Sun, 28 Jun 2009 14:08:38 -0700
Subject: Postdoc position in dynamic FEM at UC Berkeley

Prof. James O'Brien and I are looking to hire a post-doc for a
project on Lagrangian FEM modeling of deformable solids with
dynamically changing tetrahedral meshes, with applications in
computer graphics. The primary qualifications are a strong
mathematical knowledge of FEM for 3D solid mechanics, and the ability
to write good FEM implementations in C or C++. Niceties would
include familiarity with mesh generation algorithms, viscoplasticity
modeling, fluid mechanics, solid-fluid coupling, and computer graphics.

The position is available as soon as we can get your paperwork
processed, though we might be willing to wait for the right
applicant. The salary has not been determined yet. The position
will last one or two years, depending on how we like your first
year. US citizens/permanent residents have an edge, but we'll
consider strong folks from anywhere. I will gladly send a copy of
the funded grant proposal, which describes in detail what we want to
do, to anyone who requests it.

Please send inquiries to BOTH jrs and job at

Jonathan Shewchuk
Computer Science Division
UC Berkeley


From: Jonathan Hu <>
Date: Fri, 26 Jun 2009 15:51:09 -0400
Subject: Postdoctoral positions at Sandia National Labs

The Computer Science Research Institute (CSRI) at Sandia National Laboratories
conducts research in mathematical and computer sciences with application to a
broad range of science and engineering applications of national and global
importance. The CSRI maintains world-class research programs in computational
and discrete mathematics, computer science, scalable algorithms, and large-scale
high-performance computer systems.

The CSRI seeks multiple postdoctoral researchers to conduct innovative R&D in:
1) Informatics: Candidates whose work combines algorithm engineering, software
engineering, programming languages, and/or computer architecture in novel ways
to design, analyze, and implement discrete algorithms for emerging high-
performance computing platforms.
2) Scalable Algorithms: Candidates with a strong background in high performance
numerical linear algebra including parallel multilevel algorithms, algorithms
for multicore/multiway architectures, and object-oriented scientific software
3) Optimization and Uncertainty Quantification: Candidates with a strong
foundation in mathematical optimization of continuous and/or discrete systems
with an emphasis on the role and management of uncertainties in all aspects of
problem formulation and solution.
4) Computational Mathematics: Candidates with experience in advanced
mathematical methods for modeling physical systems including: compatible
discretizations, multiscale coupling of atomistic to continuum models, error
estimation, stochastic PDEs, and mesh optimization.
5) Outstanding applicants in other related areas will also be considered.

Please apply online at Click on Employment, Career
Opportunities, Search Job Postings, and please reference Job Requisition
number 62817. More details about this position are available at this website.
U.S. Citizenship Normally Required. Equal Opportunity Employer. M/F/D/V.


From: Daniel Wachsmuth <>
Date: Thu, 25 Jun 2009 07:09:29 -0400
Subject: PhD position in optimal control, RICAM, Linz, Austria

The Johann Radon Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics (RICAM)
in Linz is looking for 1 PhD student in the field of the optimal control and
optimisation. This position is part of the FWF (Austrian Science Fund) project
"Numerical verification of optimality and optimality conditions for optimal
control problems".

A master's degree in (applied) mathematics or a closely related field is
required. The successful candidate should have an excellent background in
applied mathematics, optimization, partial differential equations, and their
numerics. Programming skills are desirable.

The research is funded by the FWF according to its salary guidelines "FWF
Personalkostensaetze fuer DoktorandIn neu" (see The position
is limited to three years. Funding for conference visits etc. is available.

More information can be found at

Please send the usual documents (CV, degree certificates, thesis - if already
finished, title and abstract otherwise, references, and letter of motivation),
preferably by email, to

Daniel Wachsmuth (
Johann Radon Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics (RICAM)
Austrian Academy of Sciences
Altenbergerstrasse 69
A-4040 Linz, Austria


From: Dietmar Kroener <>
Date: Fri, 26 Jun 2009 12:03:53 +0200
Subject: Research Assistant Position in Freiburg

The DFG Transregional Collaborative Research Center
Geometric Partial Differential Equations (SFB/TR 71)
at the Universities in Freiburg and T?ubingen is inviting applications for

1 Research Assistant Position (3/4 E 13)
(with option to join the doctoral program).

The SFB/TR 71 studies analytical and numerical problems which arise in
a geometric context, either in differential geometry or in
applications involving geometric modeling. The announced position
concerns the development and the implementation of a numerical code
for the simulation of fluid-structure interactions in the case of
generalized Newtonian fluids. This position is located in
Freiburg. According to the candidate's qualification a full position E
13 is possible.

Applications will be assessed directly and successful candidates can
start as soon as possible. Applications with meaningful information
(including CV, copies of certificates, list of publications and/or
description of mathematical interests) should be sent to
sfbtrr71@math.unifreiburg. de or to: Prof. Dr. Ernst Kuwert
SFB/Transregio 71 Mathematisches Institut Eckerstr. 1 D-79104
Freiburg Germany The SFB/TR 71 adopts the equal opportunity policies
of the universities of Freiburg and T?ubingen, and encourages
applications of women, as well as persons with disabilities.


From: Joseph Traub <>
Date: Thu, 25 Jun 2009 16:11:45 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Contents, J. Complexity 25(3), Jun 2009

Journal of Complexity
Volume 25, Number 3, June 2009

Special Issue: Frank Stenger Fest
Guest Editors: Bernard Bialecki, Baker R. Kearfott, Krzysztof
A. Sikorski and Masaki Sugihara


2009 Best Paper Award Committee
Thomas Müller-Gronbach Wins the 2009 Information-Based Complexity Prize

Guest editors preface: Issue dedicated to Professor Frank Stenger
Bernard Bialecki, Baker R. Kearfott, Krzysztof A. Sikorski, Masaki Sugihara


An Alternating-Direction Sinc–Galerkin method for elliptic problems
Nicomedes Alonso III, Kenneth L. Bowers

Numerical study of pressure distribution in entrance pipe flow
Hidesada Kanda, Kenshuu Shimomukai

New averaging technique for approximating weighted integrals
L. Plaskota, G.W. Wasilkowski, Y. Zhao

Polynomial function and derivative approximation of Sinc data
Frank Stenger

Weighted approximation by entire functions interpolating at finitely or
infinitely many points on the real line
Biancamaria Della Vecchia, Giuseppe Mastroianni, Jozsef Szabados

End of NA Digest
