NA Digest Monday, March 19, 2007 Volume 07 : Issue 12

Today's Editor:
Tamara G. Kolda
Sandia National Labs

Submissions for NA Digest:

Mail to

Information via email about NA-NET:

Mail to


From: Tim Davis <>
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2007 15:50:53 -0400
Subject: Wilkinson's sparse matrix definition

In an earlier NA Digest (vol 7, number 6, Feb 4, 2007), regarding Wilkinson's
definition of a sparse matrix, I stated that he seemed to have never published
his definition writing. Sven Hammarling has fortunately proved me wrong, by
finding a printed definition from 1971.

In "Introduction to Part II, The Algebraic Eigenvalue Problem," Handbook for
Automatic Computation, Vol II, Linear Algebra, Spring-Verlag, 1971, edited by
Wilkinson and Reinsch, page 191, Wilkinson states:

"A variety of factors enter into the determination of the most efficient
algorithm for the solution of a given problem; the following are perhaps
the most important. ...
(iv) The matrix may be *sparse*, either with the non-zero elements
concentrated on a narrow band centered on the diagonal or alternatively
they may be distributed in a less systematic manner. We shall refer
to a matrix as *dense* if the percentage of zero elements or its
distribution is such as to make it uneconomic to take advantage of their

Emphasis is in the original (in italics). The preface of the book is dated
October 1970, which correlates nicely with Jim Bunch's recollection of
Wilkinson's definition stated to him personally in 1969 or so.

He defines a sparse matrix by negation, since it's clear from (iv) that any
matrix is considered either sparse or dense. This is essentially the same as
he is quoted in [1]: "any matrix with enough zeros that it pays to take
advantage of them".

Wilkinson would have defined "economic" as saving both time and memory;
this can be inferred from his other work, where he constantly considered
both aspects of the algorithms he studied and developed.

[1] J. R. Gilbert, C. Moler, and R. Schreiber, "Sparse matrices in
MATLAB: design and implementation", SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl., 13
(1992), pp. 333--356.


From: Malgorzata Peszynska <>
Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2007 17:42:50 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Call to register: Multiscale workshop in Oregon, June 25-29, 2007

Workshop on "Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Multiscale Nonlinear
Systems" in Cooperation with Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics
(SIAM) Activity Group on Geosciences

June 25-29, 2007. Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon,

Abstract submission/request for support deadline (March 31) is approaching.

Topics include

* modeling of preferential fluid flow and transport and other phenomena in
* experiment-based and computational porescale-to-watershed modeling
* analysis of multiscale nonlinear PDEs systems as well as stochastic approaches
* adaptive multiscale computational techniques and their implementations
* biological and engineering applications with multiscale character

List of confirmed speakers and more information are available at

Please register at

Regards, Malgosia Peszynska


From: JosFernandoGonalves <>
Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2007 15:26:03 -0000
Subject: Optimization 2007 - Porto / Portugal - July 22-25, 2007

OPTIMIZATION 2007 (Second Announcement)
July 22-25, 2007
Porto, Portugal

OPTIMIZATION 2007 is the sixth international conference
on optimization organized in Portugal since 1991. We are
proud to announce that six world-renowned scientists
have accepted invitations to give plenary lectures.
We hope to provide a friendly atmosphere and a lively
social program.

The meeting will be held at the Faculty of Economics of
the University of Porto, and it is supported by APDIO
and SPM (the portuguese operations research
and mathematical societies).


CHARLES AUDET | �cole Polytechnique Montr�al, Canada
Direct Search Methods for Non-Smooth Optimization

EGON BALAS | Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Lift-and-Project and Its Impact on the State of the Art
in Integer Programming

ADAM N. LETCHFORD | Lancaster University, UK
The Max-Cut Problem: Applications and Algorithms

SVEN LEYFFER | Argonne National Laboratory, USA
Recent Progress in Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming

MICHAEL J. TODD | Cornell University, USA
Conic Optimization: Interior-Point Methods and Beyond

XIN YAO | University of Birmingham, UK
Evolutionary Optimization and Constraint Handling

Researchers are invited to submit electronically to a title and an abstract not exceeding
200 words of a presentation describing their current
research in any area of Optimization.


March 31, 2007 : Deadline for submission of
contributed abstracts.

May 1, 2007 : Notification of acceptance of
submitted abstracts.

May 15, 2007 : Deadline for registration.


From: cmam <>
Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2007 17:48:05 +0200
Subject: Computational methods in applied mathematics (CMAM), June 2007

3d International Conference
Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics: CMAM-3
June 25 - 30, 2007, Minsk, BELARUS

Conference Organizers
Institute of Mathematics of the National Academy of Sciences of the
Belarus Republic

The Conference will be under the aegis of the journal "Computational
methods in applied mathematics" and focus on various aspects of
mathematical modeling and numerical methods for approximate solution
of problems arising in science and engineering. Its scope coincides
with the scope of the journal: numerical methods for initial and
boundary value problems for differential and integral equations
appearing in applied mathematics and mathematical physics. It aims, in
particular, at fostering cooperation between researchers working in
the area of theoretical numerical analysis and applications to
modeling, simulation, and scientific computing. Another goal of the
CMAM meetings is to improve existing contacts and to establish new
ones between scientists from the West and the East.

Working language of the Conference is English.

Invited speakers
V. Agoshkov (Russia), G. Akrivis (Greece), A. Buikis (Latvia), C.
Carstensen (Germany), R. Ciegis (Lithuania), B. Chetverushkin
(Russia), M. Drya (Poland), O. Iliev (Germany), M. Galanin (Russia),
I. Gavriljuk (Germany), A. Gulin (Russia), P. Hemker (Netherlands), B.
Jovanovich (Serbia), A. Knyazev (USA), A. Lapin (Russia), R. Lazarov
(USA), V. Makarov (Ukraine), C. Palencia (Spain), S. Pereverzev
(Austria), Shi Zh-C.(China), I. Sloan (Australia), S. Steinberg (USA),
M. Stynes (Ireland), E. Suli (UK), P. Vabishchevich (Russia), E.
Tadmor (USA), V. Thomee (Sweden), L. Tobiska (Germany), G. Vainikko
(Estonia), A. Zlotnik (Russia)

Conference abstracts and proceedings

Abstracts of one page maximum length can be submitted by e-mail Guidelines for the abstracts and submitted
papers can be found at Abstracts will be
published before the Conference.

Papers presented of 15 pages maximum length will be published in
Conference Proceedings. All papers will be peer-reviewed.

Registration - March 31, 2007
Abstracts - April 30, 2007
Full papers - June 15, 2007.
Notification of acceptance will be sent in May 1, 2007

For registration please fill in the registration form at or send to the following
data: name, title, affiliation, postal address, e-mail, phone, fax,
passport number, and title of your talk.

The registration fee is 250 Euros for regular participants, 200 Euros
for authors, reviewers of the journal CMAM, and accompanying persons.
The fee can be paid directly at the registration desk. It includes
lodging and boarding, abstract volume, coffee breaks and conference
dinner. The number of the conference participants is limited to 100


From: "M.Todorov" <>
Date: Sat, 17 Mar 2007 13:31:26 +0200
Subject: Announce conference AMEE'07, June 2007

Announcing conference AMEE'07, Jun 08-14, 2007

33rd International Conference "Applications of Mathematics in
Engineering and Economics" (AMEE'07)
organized by
the Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Informatics,
Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria

The main goal of the conference is to bring together experts and young
talented scientists from Bulgaria and abroad, to discuss the modern trends,
and to ensure exchange of views in various applications of mathematics in
engineering, physics, economics, biology, etc. It will be subject to the motto
"Nonlinear phenomena - mathematical theory and environmental reality". The
Organizing Committee encourages the taking part of students and postgraduates
in the sessions of the Conference. The keynote speakers are supposed to
organize special sessions. The Organizing Committee stipulates a special
discussion concerning the development and use of software innovations in the
scientific computing and the student training in this area.

MAIN TOPICS (but not limited to): Potential Theory and Partial
Differential Equations; Mathematical Analysis and Applications;
Differential Equations and Differential Geometry; Numerical Methods in
Mathematical Modeling; Algebraic Methods in Informatics; Software
Innovations in Scientific Computing

(USA), A.Haghighi (USA), H.Kojouharov (USA), M.Konstantinov
(Bulgaria), R.Lazarov (USA), A.Loskutov (Russia), P.Minev (Canada),
A.Schmitt (Germany), P.Velmisov (Russia)

For more detailed information please visit the conference URL: or contact Michail Todorov, Chairman
of the Organizing Committee at:


From: "Esmond G. Ng" <>
Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2007 21:56:54 -0700
Subject: Workshop on Scientific Computing at Berkeley Lab - March 28, 2007

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory is hosting a one-day Workshop on
Scientific Computing.

Date: March 28, 2007 (Wednesday)
Time: 9:30am � 5:00pm
Location: Building 54, Conference Room 130 (Perseverance Hall)

The list of speakers at the workshop includes

* Zhaojun Bai, University of California-Davis
* Raymond Chan, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
* Iain Duff, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK
* Xiaoye Li, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
* Stephen Nash, George Mason University & NSF
* Wesley Petersen, ETH, Switzerland
* Jennifer Scott, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK
* Ray Tuminaro, Sandia National Laboratories
* Panayot Vassilevski, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

The schedule of the presentations can be found at

Anyone interested in attending this one-day workshop at Lawrence
Berkeley National Laboratory should contact Sandi Fischer
(, Parry Husbands (, or Esmond G.
Ng ( for site access information.

Directions to Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory can be found at


From: "T.Terlaky" <>
Date: Sun, 18 Mar 2007 10:35:52 -0400
Subject: Call for papers ICCOPT07 - MOPTA07, August 2007

The Second International Conference on Continuous Optimization
of the Mathematical Programming Society
August 12-16, 2007, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

ICCOPT is held every three years and is a forum
for researchers interested in all
aspects of continuous optimization. ICCOPT-II
will be held together with MOPTA-07.
The conference will be preceded by graduate-level
tutorials on nonlinear programming,
modeling languages, and applications. Information
on the invited speakers, stream topics,
etc. is now available on the conference WEB page:

Distinguished researchers will give featured invited talks on topics
of wide interest. Confirmed invited speakers include:

Plenary presentations:
Larry Biegler, Carnegie Mellon University
Optimization Methods for Process Design
Adrian Lewis, Cornell University
Nonconvex, Nonsmooth Optimization

Semiplenary presentations:
Mihai Anitescu, Argonne National Laboratory
Multi-physics Applications of Optimization
Jacek Gondzio, The University of Edinburgh
Large Scale (Huge) Programming
Phil Gill, University of California, San Diego
Numerical Linear Algebra and Optimization
Nick Gould, Oxford University
Implementaions for Nonlinear Programming
Hubertus Th. Jongen, RWTH Aachen
Semi-Infinite Programming
Pablo Parrilo, MIT
Polynomial Optimization
Andrew Philpott, University of Auckland
The Application of Stochastic Optimization to Electricity
Nick Sahinidis, University of Illinois
Optimization in Biology
Melvyn Sim, National University of Singapore
Robust Optimization
Katya Scheinberg , IBM, Yorktown
Derivative Free Methods
Hiroshi Yamashita , Mathematical Systems, Inc., Tokyo
Interior Point Methods for NLP and NLSDP
Yinyu Ye, Stanford University
Sensor Localization, Applications of Semidefinite Programming

Each accepted paper will be allotted a 25 minutes talk. Authors wishing
to speak should submit an abstract via the conference WEB page.

Summer School application deadline: April 16, 2007.
Deadline for abstract submission: April 30, 2007.
Deadline for poster abstract submission: May 28, 2007.
Deadline for early registration: May 28, 2007.
Summer School for graduate students: August 11-12, 2007
Conference begins with registration: August 12, 2007.
Conference adjourns: 5pm, August 16, 2007.

We are looking forward to welcoming you at
ICCOPT-II / MOPTA-07, August 2007 in Hamilton at McMaster University.

On behalf of the Organizing Committee
Tam�s Terlaky, (Chair, McMaster University)
Henry Wolkowicz,, (Chair program committee, U. Waterloo)
Please send enquiries to: Janet Delsey <>


From: Omar Ghattas <>
Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2007 02:16:47 -0500
Subject: Call for Papers, SC07 (Nov 2007)

SC07: 20th International Conference for High-Performance Computing,
Networking, Storage and Analysis
Reno, Nevada November 12-16, 2007
Sponsors: ACM SIGARCH/IEEE Computer Society

SC07, the premier international conference on high-performance
computing, networking, storage and analysis, provides a forum of
the highest quality for scientists and engineers to present their
latest research findings in one of most rapidly changing technical
fields. We invite you to submit your work on all aspects of
architecture, applications, performance, system software, networks,
and grids. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

- Multi-core performance
- Reliability of large systems
- Impact of technology on architecture
- Power-efficient architectures and techniques
- High-availability architectures
- High-performance I/O systems
- Embedded and reconfigurable architectures
- Interconnect and network interface architectures
- Network processor architectures
- Innovative hardware/software trade-offs
- Impact of compilers and OS on architecture
- Performance evaluation and modeling of real machines

A new two-part submission process is being used. Authors
must submit an abstract by Friday, April 6, 2007. They must submit
the full version of the paper by Monday, April 9, 2007. No
extensions will be granted. The full version should be a PDF file
that does not exceed 20 pages according to the instructions on Papers that exceed the length
limit or that cannot be viewed using Adobe Acrobat Reader (version
3.0 or higher) may not be reviewed. Submissions for the Gordon
Bell Prize will be handled the same way. Please indicate if the
paper is a student paper for best student paper nominations.
Papers will be evaluated based on their novelty, fundamental
insights, and potential for long-term contribution. New-idea papers
are encouraged.

The submission site is
Submission issues for papers should be directed to

Workshop, tutorial, panel session and other submissions are also
solicited. See

Important dates:

- Abstracts due: April 6, 2007, 11pm EST
- Papers due: April 9, 2007, 11pm EST
- Workshop, panel, and tutorial proposals due: April 9, 2007, 11pm EST
- Notification of acceptance: July 2, 2007


From: iglesias <>
Date: Sat, 17 Mar 2007 03:28:09 +0100
Subject: Computer Graphics and Geometric Modeling, TSCG'2007, August 2007

First Call for Papers
Fifth Technical Session on Computer Graphics and Geometric Modeling, TSCG'2007
Sunway Lagoon Resort Hotel, Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), August 26-30 2007
Conference web site:

Contact persons:
Andres Iglesias: <>
Deok-Soo Kim: <>

This Technical Session solicits high-quality papers for presentation
describing original research results in Computer Graphics and
Geometric Modeling (see Topics below).

There will be two types of accepted papers:
- full papers (10-14 pages) published by Springer-Verlag, Lecture
Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) Series.
- short papers (6 tp 9 pages), published by IEEE Computer Society Press.

The workshop is part of ICCSA'07, the 2007 International Conference
on Computational Science and Applications, to be held at Kuala Lumpur
(Malaysia), August 26-30 2007. The conference language will be

* March 30, 2007: Draft papers due
* April 30, 2007: Notification of Acceptance
* May 21, 2007: Camera Ready Papers
* August 26-30, 2007: ICCS 2007 conference


From: "Ed Aboufadel" <>
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2007 12:46:21 -0400
Subject: MSRI Symposium on Climate Change, April 2007

This public symposium may be of interest to numerical analysts on the
west coast ...

from David Eisenbud, Director <>
Mathematical Sciences Research Institute
MSRI Symposium on Climate Change: From Global Models to Local Action

Made possible by the generous support of Sea Change Foundation.

Global models based on current and past observations document the
reality of climate change caused by human activity, although the
details of when and what will happen where are far from clear. This
symposium will address the problems and research necessary to
translate these global, long-term predictions into local predictions
on shorter scales of time, where governments and businesses can act;
and will address the implications for industry and public policy now.

April 11, 2007: Public Symposium, Palace of Fine Arts, San Francisco

Confirmed Speakers:
Congressman Jerry McNerney
Orville Schell, Dean of the Graduate School of Journalism, UC Berkeley

The symposium will address several major challenges in climate
projection, including:
o The formulation of climate models
o The process of downscaling from global to local scales
o The derivation of climate statistics and secular trends
o The interpretation of climate as a dynamical system
o The construction of risk analyses for climate impacts
o The extraction of climate information for decision making


Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2007 07:30:13 +0600 (GMT-6)
Subject: New Journal: Advances in Acoustics and Vibration

We are please to announce that Hindawi Publishing Corporation
( has launched a newly open access journal on
"Advances in Acoustics and Vibration," please check the journal website at

The aim of the journal is to report on latest research and development
findings in acoustics and vibration including theory and practice in
analysis, modelling, simulation, and control methods, system design and
development. We would like to encourage you to consider AAV for
publication of your work in these areas.

Submissions, refereeing and other operational tasks are done electronically
over the web.


From: Axel Klawonn <>
Date: Tue, 13 Mar 2007 10:49:16 -0400
Subject: Full professor at University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany

The University of Duisburg-Essen, Department of Mathematics,
Germany, invites applications for the position of

Full professor (W3) in Applied Mathematics (Numerical Analysis)

The position is available for candidates with an excellent research
and teaching record. The focus
of research should be in an active area of Numerical Methods for
Partial Differential Equations.

Deadline for applications is April 1, 2007.

For further details and the official job advertisement, see

The University of Duisburg-Essen is located in the western part of
the Ruhr area
with a campus in Duisburg and one in Essen. Duisburg and Essen are
located north and nort-east of
Duesseldorf (ca. 10-25 minutes by train) and Cologne (ca. 35-45
minutes by train). For
further information on the university and the math department, see and, respectively.


From: "Grimme, Eric" <>
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2007 10:49:54 -0700
Subject: Senior Software Engineer Position, Intel Corporation

Senior Software Engineer Position, Intel Corporation

The Circuit Simulation Group at Intel Corporation seeks an
individual with an upcoming or recent Ph.D. degree in Electrical,
Mechanical or Computer Engineering, with a concentration in CAD
algorithms. A rigorous background in circuit theory, numerical
analysis and mathematical programming (optimization) is
required. Also required is an expert-level proficiency in C/C++
programming languages. Academic/industrial research experience
in developing advanced algorithms and software systems for analysis
or optimization of VLSI circuits is expected.

The Circuit Simulation Group at Intel develops large-scale dynamic
circuit simulation and optimization tools for the performance
verification of advanced designs for high-speed microprocessor,
platform and wireless products. This position seeks an innovative
individual to drive new solutions in dynamic circuit analysis via
methods involving numerical linear algebra and/or mathematical
programming. The position is located in Hillsboro, OR.

Applicants can apply through our website:
Requisition Number: 530717


From: "LaBarre, Robert E UTRC" <>
Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2007 10:29:58 -0400
Subject: Job Opportunity - United Technologies Research Center

Employment Opportunity in Dynamical Systems
United Technologies Research Center
East Hartford, CT

The Systems Department at the United Technologies Research Center (UTRC)
invites applications for a technical contributor position in the System
Dynamics and Optimization Group.

The successful candidate will have expertise in large-scale
computations, modeling and analysis of dynamical systems. Particularly
sought are candidates with knowledge of dynamical systems theory and
demonstrated skills in asynchronous computations for large dynamic
networks, computations on graphs; and modeling and computations in a
parallel environment (100+ nodes). Knowledge of one or more of the
following disciplines is desired: control theory, optimization, model
reduction techniques, numerical analysis, computation for systems with
uncertain parameters (stochastic finite elements, polynomial chaos,
stochastic response surface methods), and/or Markov Chain methods.
Previous experience with applications of such methods for large, complex
engineering systems and large dynamic networks is highly desirable.
Besides technical excellence, very strong teaming and communications
skills, together with an entrepreneurial attitude towards innovation,
are essential. The minimal education requirements are a Ph.D. in
mathematics, computer science, or engineering, or an M.S. in the same
area supplemented by 5 years of industrial research post degree.

The System Dynamics and Optimization Group at United Technologies
Research Center works within integrated product development teams to
design, analyze, and implement systems solutions and conduct model-based
analyses for new products and processes. The traditional areas of
strengths of the group are multi-scale and parametric analysis of
nonlinear systems, modeling of thermo-fluids and reacting flows,
computational complexity reduction, advanced signal processing,
classification and decision support tools. Applications currently under
study include building security systems; advanced modeling environments;
uncertainty propagation through large, complex networks of systems; fuel
cell power plants and advanced fuel processing systems; refrigeration
systems; elevator positioning; decision support tools built upon
statistical and physics-based models of wear; and strategic business
decision support tools.

For more information please go to the following website: and post to the
position: Dynamical Systems Scientist (55398).


From: Mark Ainsworth <>
Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2007 09:18:11 -0500
Subject: Two Post-doctoral Research Fellowships at Strathclyde University

Two Post-doctoral Research Fellowships

Adaptive Numerical Methods for Optoelectronic Devices

Applications are invited for two post-doctoral research posts working
on adaptive numerical methods for optoelectronic devices. The first
post is a three-year EPSRC funded position based in the Department of
Mathematics at the Univeristy of Strathclyde, and the second is a two-year
position funded by Hewlett-Packard plc with the postholder primarily
based at their laboratories in Bristol.

Both posts are available from April 1st 2007.

Applicants should have a Doctorate in Numerical Analysis or Applied
Mathematics (or equivalent research experience) and possess expertise
in one or more of the following areas: the development and use of finite
element methods for the solution of PDEs; analysis of high-order finite
elements; programming and code development using C++ and/or Fortran 90/95;
parallel computing using MPI or OpenMP.

Further particulars can be found at

while online application forms can be found by following the vacancies
link to Job Reference JA/R20/2007 at

Informal enquiries can be made to Professor Ainsworth (
at Strathclyde or Dr Chris Newton ( at Hewlett-Packard.

The closing date for applications is 26th March 2007.


From: Dmitri Kuzmin <>
Date: Tue, 13 Mar 2007 10:22:55 +0100 (CET)
Subject: Research position at the University of Dortmund, Germany

PhD Studentship / PostDoc position
(TV-L E13 salary, previously BAT IIa)

Institute of Applied Mathematics
University of Dortmund, Germany

A fully funded research position is available for up to 4 years
(with a possibility of extension) in the framework of the project

"Modeling and numerical simulation of coating processes
by means of thermal spraying" (SFB 708).

Applicants should have a solid background in the field of
Computational Fluid Dynamics and numerical methods for PDEs.

Experience in the following areas is desired:

- finite element methods for the Navier-Stokes equations
- level-set / volume-of-fluid algorithms for free surfaces
- development of CFD software (FEATFLOW) under UNIX/Linux

Letters of application including a CV and a summary of research
experience in the above areas should be addressed to

Prof. Dr. Stefan Turek (

Institute of Applied Mathematics
LS III, University of Dortmund
Vogelpothsweg 87, D-44227
Dortmund, Germany


From: Mark Ainsworth <>
Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2007 09:23:18 -0500
Subject: Post-graduate Studentship in Numerical Analysis of PDEs

Applications are invited for a fully funded post-graduate studentship
in the numerical analysis of PDEs at the University of Strathclyde in
Glasgow. You should have, or be expecting to complete, a degree in
mathematics or related discipline.

Further details may be found at

while informal enquiries should be directed to Professor Mark Ainsworth


From: Liz Martin <>
Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2007 11:31:52 +0000
Subject: Contents, Inverse Problems, volume 23, issue 2, April 2007


Volume 23, Issue 2, April 2007

Pages: 463--858

Individual articles are free for 30 days following their publication on
the web. This issue is available at:


Local Paley--Wiener theorems for functions analytic on unit spheres
S B Damelin and A J Devaney

Nonlinear integral equations for the inverse electrical impedance problem
H Eckel and R Kress

Reconstruction of discontinuities in the nonlinear one-dimensional
Schr\"odinger equation from limited data
V Serov and M Harju

On the use of transmission eigenvalues to estimate the index of refraction
from far field data
F Cakoni, D Colton and P Monk

Inverse spectral problems for non-local Sturm--Liouville operators
S Albeverio, R O Hryniv and L P Nizhnik

An application of approximation theory by nonlinear manifolds in
Sturm--Liouville inverse problems
A Irigoyen

Sensitivity analysis framework for micromagnetism with application to the
optimal shape design of magnetic random access memories
I Cimr\'ak and V Melicher

Reconstruction of a linear crack in an isotropic elastic body from a
single set of measured data
M Ikehata and H Itou

The Bloch equations when $T _1 = T_2$
D E Rourke, A A Karabanov, G H Booth and I Frantsuzov

Inverse backscattering for the Schr\"odinger equation in 2D
J M Reyes

Image reconstruction from truncated data in single-photon emission
computed tomography with uniform attenuation
F Noo, M Defrise, J D Pack and R Clackdoyle

Confidence intervals for linear discrete inverse problems with a
non-negativity constraint
L Tenorio, A Fleck and K Moses

Existence and uniqueness of global solution to an inverse piston problem
T Li and L Wang

Topological asymptotic expansions for the generalized Poisson problem with
small inclusions and applications in lubrication
G C Buscaglia, I Ciuperca and M Jai

Numerical regularization of a real inversion formula based on the Laplace
transform's eigenfunction expansion of the inverse function
A Murli, S Cuomo, L D'Amore and A Galletti

A Gaussian hypermodel to recover blocky objects
D Calvetti and E Somersalo

An estimation problem for the shape of a domain varying with time via
parabolic equations
H Kawakami, Y Moriyama and M Tsuchiya

The reconstruction of surface tangential components of the electromagnetic
field from near-field measurements
N P Valdivia and E G Williams

Transmission traveltime tomography based on paraxial Liouville equations
and level set formulations
S Leung and J Qian

Why is the Cauchy problem severely ill-posed?
F Ben Belgacem

Some considerations concerning regularization and parameter choice
F Bauer


From: Liz Martin <>
Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2007 14:18:20 +0000
Subject: Contents, Nonlinearity, volume 20, issue 4, April 2007


Volume 20, Issue 4, April 2007

Individual articles are free for 30 days following their publication on
the web. This issue is available at: URL:

Pages: 809--1030


Homoclinic bifurcations in a neutral delay model of a transmission line
D A W Barton, B Krauskopf and R E Wilson

Dynamics of nonautonomous tridiagonal competitive--cooperative systems of
differential equations
Y Wang

Rate of approximation of minimizing measures
X Bressaud and A Quas

The critical wave speed for the Fisher--Kolmogorov--Petrowskii--Piscounov
equation with cut-off
F Dumortier, N Popovi\'c and T J Kaper

On the stability of $N$-solitons in integrable systems
T Kapitula

Semiclassical expansion of parametric correlation functions of the quantum
time delay
J Kuipers and M Sieber

The nonlinear diffusion limit for generalized Carleman models: the
initial-boundary value problem
F Golse and F Salvarani

Bifurcation of vortex and boundary-vortex solutions in a Ginzburg--Landau
C-N Chen and Y Morita

Results on the dimension spectrum for self-conformal measures
M Rams and J L\'evy V\'ehel

Chaos in digital filters: identification of all periodic symbolic
sequences admissible adjacent to zero
C J Vowden and B J Vowden

Removing zero Lyapunov exponents in volume-preserving flows
M Bessa and J Rocha

The random case of Conley's theorem: II. The complete Lyapunov function
Z Liu


From: Communications in Math Sciences <>
Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2007 09:52:40 -0500
Subject: Contents, Communications in Math Sci. Vol 5, No. 1

Communications in Mathematical Sciences (CMS)
Vol 5, No. 1, March 2007
full articles are online at

Review Article

* Mathematical Analysis of Multi-Scale Models of Complex Fluids
Tiejun Li and Pingwen Zhang

Regular Articles

* The Initial Layer Problem and Infinite Prandtl Number Limit of
Rayleigh-Benard Convection
Jianguo Shi, Ke Wang, and Shu Wang

* Existence of Weak Entropy Solutions for Gas Chromatography System
With One or Two Active Species and Non Convex Isotherms
C. Bourdarias, M. Gisclon, and S. Junca

* Optimal Control of the Stationary Quantum Drift-Diffusion Model
A. Unterreiter and S. Volkwein

* Steady States and Dynamics of 2-D Nematic Polymers Driven by an
Imposed Weak Shear
Hong Zhou and Hongyun Wang

* A Second-Order Well-Balanced Positivity Preserving Central-Upwind
Scheme for the Saint-Venant System
Alexander Kurganov and Guergana Petrova

* Complete Time-Reversed Refocusing in Reflection with an Acousic
Lagrangian Model
Daniel G. Alfaro Vigo, Adolfo G.S. Correia, and Andre Nachbin

* Relaxation Approximation of Some Initial-Boundary Value Problem for
Gilles Carbou and Bernard Hanouzet

* Spectral Analysis of a Model of the Compressible Euler Equations
Thaddeus J. Edens

Fast Communication

* Diffuse Interface Energies Capturing the Euler Number: Relaxation and
Qiang Du, Chun Liu, Rolf Ryham, and Xiaoqiang Wang


From: Iain Duff <>
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2007 14:37:46 GMT
Subject: Contents, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis


Contents of Volume 27, Number 3

F. Bornemann
A model for understanding numerical stability.
pp 219-231

R.A. Todor and C. Schwab
Convergence rates for sparse chaos approximations of elliptic problems with
stochastic coefficients.
pp 232-261

G. Dziuk and C.M. Elliott
Finite elements on evolving surfaces.
pp 262-292

C.M. Elliott and Y. Kashima
A finite-element analysis of critical-state models for type-II
superconductivity in 3D.
pp 293-331

N. Saito
Conservative upwind finite-element method for a simplified Keller-Segel system
modelling chemotaxis.
pp 332-365

M.H. Annaby and M.M. Tharwat
On computing eigenvalues of second-order linear pencils.
pp 366-380

Ph. Chartier and A. Murua
Preserving first integrals and volume forms of additively split systems.
pp 381-405

R. Carter and M.B. Giles
Sharp error estimates for discretisations of the 1D convection/diffusion
equation with Dirac initial data.
pp 406-424

End of NA Digest
