From: luca@mate.polimi.it
Date: Fri, 2 Feb 2007 10:59:26 +0100 (CET)
Subject: "Giovanni Sacchi-Landriani" prize to Alessandro Veneziani
Prof. A. Veneziani has been awarded with the "Giovanni Sacchi-Landriani"
prize from the "Istituto Lombardo" Academy for Science and Humanities.
The prize is given to young distinguished scientists in the field of
numerical solution of partial differential equations; amongst the former
winners are D. Arnold, A.T. Patera, R. Nochetto, C. Schwab, B. Perthame,
M. Paolini, C. Le Bris, B. Wolmuth.
Alessandro Veneziani is Professor of Numerical Analysis at the Department
of Mathematics, Politecnico di Milano and he's one of the co-founders of
the Laboratory for Modeling and Scientific Computing MOX. His researches
in the solution of partial differential equations have found application
in many fields of applied mathematics and engineering, and concentrate, in
the last years, in the modeling of emodynamical processes in the human
The "Istituto Lombardo" is one of the most prestigious italian
institutions for promotion and dissemination of culture in any field.
Founded in 1797 by N. Bonaparte, his list of affiliation includes some of
the highest names of modern art, literature and science from all over the
The award ceremony will take place on the next 15th of february at the
"Istituto Lombardo".
From: Tim Davis <davis@cise.ufl.edu>
Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2007 14:48:42 -0500
Subject: Jim Wilkinson's definition of a sparse matrix
In an earlier NA Digest posting, I requested information about Jim Wilkinson's
informal (but useful) definition of a sparse matrix. I received replies from
Jim Bunch, Iain Duff, Cleve Moler, John Reid, Yousef Saad, and Rob Schreiber.
Based on their input, here is what I have found:
Wilkinson defined a sparse matrix as "any matrix with enough zeros that it
pays to take advantage of them" [1]. Wilkinson seems to have never published
this definition in writing. According to Jim Bunch, Wilkinson stated this
definition as early as 1969, at Argonne. I have not found any printed versions
of this definition earlier than those of Iain Duff [2] and John Reid [3], who do
not cite Wilkinson and elaborate more fully on the definition. It may have arisen
independently. What is certain is that by the early 1970's, it was the common
understanding in the sparse matrix community that defining a sparse matrix as
a matrix with some fraction of nonzero entries was inappropriate. Instead,
it was recognized very early that sparsity is an economic issue; if you can
save time and memory by exploiting the zeros, then the matrix is sparse.
[1] J. R. Gilbert, C. Moler, and R. Schreiber, "Sparse matrices in
MATLAB: design and implementation", SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl., 13
(1992), pp. 333--356.
[2] I. S. Duff, "A survey of sparse matrix research," Proc. IEEE, 65 (1977),
pp. 500--535.
[3] J. K. Reid, "Sparse matrices," in "The State of the Art in Numerical
Analysis," D. A. H. Jacobs, ed., New York: Academic Press, 1977, pp. 85--146.
From: "Komzsik, Louis" <komzsik@ugs.com>
Date: Wed, 31 Jan 2007 10:11:49 -0800
Subject: Those poor indices and their last defense!
Dear Colleagues,
In my earlier posting I said that those poor indices represent important
geometric and physical quantities. It was rebuffed with a semantic
argument by the esteemed academic colleague, stating the fact that not
the "i" indices but the "x(i)" entities represent those important
quantities. My point exactly: one cannot access a specific "x(i)"
quantity without dealing with the corresponding "i" index. It may have
been better to use reference, instead of represent, but there is no
misconception here at all.
The misconception might be in the start of the discussion as MATLAB
versus FORTRAN. In my opinion, this is really a discussion on a "use a
tool" versus a "make a tool" based teaching. As a matter of fact you can
do both in a MATLAB environment if you restrict the students to write an
LU factorization and not just use the LU in MATLAB. It is not an issue
of the formal language aspects of the indices either. It is an issue
related to their conceptual role in the training of computational
We need the new generation of computational professionals to understand
the reasons why the Gaussian or Chebyshev numerical integration
procedures are superior to the Newton-Coates class and to see the common
concept in Richardson's, Romberg's or Aitken's techniques. We need
professionals to be able to implement a predictor-corrector multi-step
technique directly advantageous to a particular problem and to
understand the distinction between finite element basis and shape
Instead, we are getting professionals trained in using a canned
Simpson's rule (easy to remember after the TV show), or a Runge-Kutta
function. We are getting professionals who are well versed in their
professor's favorite tool (like MATLAB) and able to "push buttons" on
those tools. The fact is that we have to interview dozens of candidates,
with advanced degrees from excellent schools, for a numerical methods
development position before finding one who is experienced with those
poor indices.
Despite my almost 35 years of industrial experience, I may still
misunderstand the needs of the industry; after all, industry is full of
changes and surprises. As some of you may notice, my last posting to
this forum two weeks ago was from a large American company and now I am
posting from a very large German company, while never leaving my office
or changing my work. Therefore, I will not be surprised if the apparent
index agnostic sentiments blow away those poor indices from the horizon.
Louis Komzsik
From: Van Snyder <van.snyder@jpl.nasa.gov>
Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2007 13:27:46 -0800
Subject: Re: Fortran vs Matlab
Wolfgang Bangerth <bangerth@math.tamu.edu> wrote
.... It therefore seems to me that by teaching Fortran instead
of a more modern programming language, we prepare our students
more for conservation of old codes than for the more far sighted
maintenance and creation of current and future codes.
This illustrates a common misperception: That Fortran has not changed
since 1957. This is, of course, perpetuated by computer science
professors who are eager to say that they're proud not to have looked at
Fortran since 1966. In fact, since its first standardization in 1966,
Fortran has been revised four times, and a fifth revision is being
prepared for publication in 2008.
Fortran 2003 is a fully object-oriented language, the development of
which paid careful attention both to the preservation of investments in
legacy code and the goal of continuing to allow processors to produce
efficient programs. Contrast this with the revision of C, which
produced an incompatible language that leads to excessively high
lifetime ownership costs (if you believe Les Hatton's studies).
Fortran 2008 will include Co-Array Fortran, a method for programming
SIMD applications that is far simpler than any of the procedure-based
methods such as PVM or MPI, which will significantly reduce labor costs.
Comparisons of selected applications at Cray, based upon preliminary
implementations, have shown performance improvements up to a factor of
three. The C community is developing a similar paradigm, called UPC,
but there are no plans to integrate it into the C language, since the C
language committee has put itself in "maintenance" mode, i.e., they do
not intend to publish a revised language standard.
So dismissing the teaching of Fortran as some form of archaeology that
has no place in the modern world is more a sign of ignorance than
A summary of Fortran 2003 is
ftp://ftp.nag.co.uk/sc22wg5/N1601-N1650/N1648.pdf or ...ps.gz.
The draft that was sent to ISO for publication as Fortran 2003 is
http://j3-fortran.org/doc/year/04/04-007.pdf or ...ps. There is a
textbook entitled "Fortran 95/2003 Explained" by Metcalf, Reid and Cohen
(Oxford University Press). An introduction to Co-Array Fortran is
ftp://ftp.nag.co.uk/sc22wg5/N1651-N1700/N1669.pdf. The current draft of
the Fortran 2008 standard is available at http://j3-
fortran.org/doc/standing/links/007.pdf or ...ps, but another draft (at
the same URL) will be prepared in about two months' time.
Van Snyder
From: Cathy Lee <Copper.Conference@colorado.edu>
Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2007 11:37:06 -0700
Subject: Copper Mountain Multigrid Methods Conference, Mar 2007
Thirteenth Copper Mountain Conference on Multigrid Methods
March 18-March 23, 2007
Copper Mountain, Colorado, USA
Front Range Scientific Computations, Inc.
The Center for Applied Scientific Computing, Lawrence Livermore Nat'l Lab
Los Alamos National Laboratory
The Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
General scalable multigrid and multilevel techniques, algebraic & structured.
Parallel implementation of multigrid. Applications of these methods.
Every effort will be made to encourage contributions from anyone whose
interest lies in these important and rapidly evolving fields.
STUDENT PAPER COMPETITION. Subject to support by NSF, travel and lodging
assistance will be awarded to students and new PHDs judged to have submitted
the best research papers.
MULTIGRID TUTORIAL. We will offer an updated tutorial on basic multigrid
and advanced multilevel techniques, including algebraic multigrid (AMG),
nonlinear problems, variable mesh spacings, variable coefficient operators,
and other common complicating situations.
Student Papers Jan. 8, 2007
Author Abstracts Jan 29, 2007
Early Registration Feb 15, 2007
Guaranteed Lodging Feb 15, 2007
Please access our web site at
or contact
Cathy Lee
1390 Claremont Drive
Boulder, CO 80305 USA
From: "Hamid R. Arabnia" <hra@pixel.cviog.uga.edu>
Date: Thu, 01 Feb 2007 02:12:49 -0500
Subject: WORLDCOMP'07: Call For Papers, June 25-28, 2007, USA
Call For Papers
The 2007 World Congress in Computer Science,
Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing
Date and Location: June 25-28, 2007, Las Vegas, USA
Paper Submission Deadline: February 20, 2007
Dear Colleagues:
You are invited to submit a draft/full paper for consideration.
All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings.
The 2007 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied
Computing (WORLDCOMP'07) is composed of 25 conferences (all will be held
simultaneously, same location and dates: June 25-28, 2007, USA). A full
listing can be found at http://www.worldacademyofscience.org/worldcomp07.
Coordinator/General Chair:
H. R. Arabnia, PhD
Professor, Computer Science
Editor-in-Chief, The Journal of Supercomputing (Springer)
The University of Georgia
Department of Computer Science
415 Graduate Studies Research Center
Athens, Georgia 30602-7404, USA
email: hra@cs.uga.edu
Submission of Papers:
Prospective authors are invited to submit their draft/full paper (about 5
to 8 pages - single space, font size of 10 to 12) to H. R. Arabnia by
Feb. 20, 2007 (hra@cs.uga.edu). E-mail submissions in MS Doc or PDF formats
are preferable (postal mail submissions are also fine.) All reasonable
typesetting formats are acceptable (later, the authors of accepted papers
will be asked to follow a particular typesetting format to prepare their
papers for publication.)
The length of the Camera-Ready papers (if accepted) will be limited to 7
(IEEE style) pages. Papers must not have been previously published or
currently submitted for publication elsewhere. The first page of the draft
paper should include: title of the paper, name, affiliation, postal
address, email address, and telephone number for each author. The first
page should also identify the name of the author who will be presenting the
paper (if accepted) and a maximum of 5 topical keywords that would best
represent the content of the paper. Finally, the name of the conference
that the paper is being submitted to must be stated on the first page.
Papers will be evaluated for originality, significance, clarity, impact,
and soundness. Each paper will be refereed by two experts in the field who
are independent of the conference program committee. The referees'
evaluations will then be reviewed by two members of the program committee
who will recommend a decision to the chair of the track that the paper has
been submitted to. The track chair will make the final decision. Lastly,
the Camera-Ready papers will be reviewed by one member of the program
Important Dates:
Feb. 20, 2007: Submission of full/draft papers (about 5 to 8 pages)
March 20, 2007: Notification of acceptance
April 20, 2007: Camera-Ready papers and Registration due
June 25-28, 2007: The 2007 World Congress in Computer Science,
Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing
(WORLDCOMP'07 - 25 joint conferences)
From: weideman <weideman@dip.sun.ac.za>
Date: Thu, 1 Feb 2007 12:47:31 +0200 (GMT)
Subject: South African Symposium on Numerical and Applied Mathematics
We are pleased to announce that the list of plenary speakers
of the 2007 South African Symposium on Numerical and Applied
Mathematics has been finalized:
Pierre Adler (University of Paris VI, Sisyphe, France)
Title: Reconstruction of Porous Media and Transport on the Pore Scale
Chris Bishop (Microsoft Research, Cambridge, UK)
Title: New Developments in Machine Learning
Armin Iske (University of Hamburg, Germany)
Title: Scattered Data Approximation by Radial Basis Functions
Tom Manteuffel (University of Colorado, Boulder, USA)
Title: First-Order System LL* (FOSLL*) for
Maxwell's Equations in 3D with Edge Singularities
Paul Milewski (University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA)
Title: From Tsunamis to Insect Wakes: Solitary Waves in
Free Surface Flows
Daya Reddy (University of Cape Town, South Africa)
Title: Numerical Analysis of Variational Inequalities
Ruediger Weiner (Martin-Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany)
Title: Explicit Two-step Peer Methods
We remind everyone that the due date for early registration
is drawing near, namely 22 February. Registration can be done
online at
Karin Hunter & Andre' Weideman
SANUM2007 Organizers
From: Jan Verschelde <jan@math.uic.edu>
Date: Wed, 31 Jan 2007 10:43:01 -0600 (CST)
Subject: Call for papers, Symbolic-Numeric Computation 2007 (SNC 2007), Jul 2007
Symbolic-Numeric Computation 2007 (SNC 2007)
July 25-27, 2007 -- London Canada
C A L L f o r P A P E R S
Algorithms that combine ideas from symbolic and numeric computation have
been of increasing interest over the past decade. The growing demand for
speed, accuracy and reliability in mathematical computing has accelerated
the process of blurring the distinction between two areas of research that
were previously quite separate.
The goal of the present workshop is to support the interaction and
integration of symbolic and numeric computing. Earlier meetings in this
series include the SNAP 96 Workshop, held in Sophia Antipolis, France,
and the SNC 2005 meeting, held in Xi'an, China. Following the tradition,
Symbolic-Numeric Computation 2007 will be held July 25-27 in London, Canada.
SNC 2007 is affiliated with the 2007 International Symposium on Symbolic and
Algebraic Computation (ISSAC 2007). Co-located with this workshop will be
PASCO 2007, the 2007 International Workshop on Parallel Symbolic Computation.
SNC and PASCO will be held immediately prior to the ISSAC 2007 meeting, both
at the University of Western Ontario, Canada. ISSAC 2007 will be held
nearby in Waterloo, Canada.
Call for Papers:
The program of SNC 2007 will include invited presentations, contributed
research papers and posters. Specific topics include, but are not limited
* Hybrid symbolic-numeric algorithms
* Approximate polynomial GCD and factorization
* Symbolic-numeric methods for solving polynomial systems
* Resultants and structured matrices for symbolic-numeric computation
* Differential equations for symbolic-numeric computation
* Symbolic-numeric methods for geometric computation
* Symbolic-numeric algorithms in algebraic geometry
* Symbolic-numeric algorithms for nonlinear optimization
* Numeric computation of characteristic sets and Gr�bner bases
* Implementation of symbolic-numeric algorithms
* Model construction by approximate algebraic algorithms (e.g. numerical
sparse interpolation, the approximate Buchberger-Moeller algorithm)
* Applications of symbolic-numeric computation
The conference invites submission of papers presenting original research,
either in the form of extended abstracts (4 pages) or full papers
(up to 16 pages in 11 point font). A paper template is available at
http://www.orcca.on.ca/conferences/snc2007/site/submission/submission.html .
To submit a paper, visit http://www.easychair.org/SNC2007 .
Important Dates:
Submission deadline: April 2, 2007
Notification: May 28, 2007
Camera ready version due: June 15, 2007
Workshop: July 25-27, 2007
SNC 2007 http://www.orcca.on.ca/conferences/snc2007
PASCO 2007 http://www.orcca.on.ca/conferences/pasco2007
ISSAC 2007 http://www.cs.uwaterloo.ca/conferences/issac2007
Submission http://www.easychair.org/SNC2007
From: cmpd2 <cmpd2@ime.unicamp.br>
Date: Wed, 31 Jan 2007 17:13:18 -0200
Subject: Computational and Mathematical Population Dynamics (CMPD2), Jul 2007
The Second Conference on Computational and Mathematical Population
Dynamics (CMPD2) will take place in Campinas, Brazil, from July 16 to
20, 2007. This Conference is the second joint meeting of the Conference
on Mathematical Population Dynamics (MPD) and the Conference on
Deterministic and Stochastic Models for Biological Interactions
(DeStoBio), with a 20-year history of international meetings with
ever-increasing participation (www.cmpd2.ime.unicamp.br
<http://www.cmpd2.ime.unicamp.br/>, choose History of CMPD). As in the
previous conferences from both series, the aim of the meeting is to
bring together people from different fields (applied mathematicians,
statisticians, engineers, computer scientists, biologists, clinicians,
epidemiologists, biomedical scientists, ecologists, ...) interested in
(deterministic and/or stochastic) models for population dynamics and
interactions. There will be 10 plenary lectures and several parallel
sessions organized by thematic interest. On-line registration and
abstract submission are available at www.cmpd2.ime.unicamp.br
<http://www.cmpd2.ime.unicamp.br/> . We remark that deadline for session
proposals is February 28 and for abstract submission is March 31, 2007 .
Sociedade Brasileira de Matem�tica Aplicada e Computacional (SBMAC)
European Society for Mathematical and Theoretical Biology (ESMTB)
Society for Mathematical Biology (SMB)
From: Oktavia Klassen <Oktavia.Klassen@iwr.uni-heidelberg.de>
Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2007 13:49:21 +0100
Subject: DMSN 2007 - CALL FOR PAPERS, May 2007
DMSN 2007, Hohenwart/ Germany, May 14 th - 17th, 2007
ORGANIZERS: Roger Traub, New York; Gabriel Wittum, Heidelberg
PROGRAM COMMITTEE: H. Bading, A. Draguhn, V. Lindenstruth, H. Monyer,
C. Schuster, G. Wittum
INVITED SPEAKERS (tentavive): Andrea Bibbig, New York; Alain Destexhe, Paris;
Leo van Hemmen, M�nchen; Michael Heuser, London
CONFERENCE TOPICS: Compartmental Models, Detailed 3d modelling, Network
dynamics, Imaging and reconstruction of neurons
ABSTRACTS: Please submit your abstract by
February 19th 2007
Notice of acceptance will be given by March 7. Your abstract should not
be longer than 30 lines in 12 pt,
including tables and pictures. Please send it in pdf-format to
REGISTRATION: Deadline March 28, 2007
INFORMATION: http://www.techsim.info, e-mail: conference@techsim.info
Oktavia Klassen
Technische Simulation, Universit�t Heidelberg
From: Kenneth Morgan <k.morgan@swansea.ac.uk>
Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2007 10:27:30 -0500
Subject: Chair in computational modelling
Chair in Computational Modelling
School of Engineering
Applicants are invited for the position of Professor in Computational
Modelling in the School of Engineering (Wales Institute of Mathematical and
Computational Sciences).
The successful candidate will be seconded for the first four years following
the appointment as a Research Professor to the Computational Modelling Cluster
of the Wales Institute of Mathematical and Computational Sciences (WICMS)
while remaining associated with the School of Engineering. Following the
secondment, the Professor will return as a full time member to the School and
will be expected to provide leadership in research, teaching and administration.
Applicants should have a proven record of research and publication in their
subject area as well as the ability to communicate knowledge and information
to students, experience of student supervision/support and the ability to
provide strong academic leadership in terms of both research and teaching.
Experience in attracting research funding is essential.
Informal enquiries may be made to Professor Kenneth Morgan, tel. +44 (0)1792
295515, email: k.morgan@swansea.ac.uk.
Further details of the post may be found at
and of the Wales Institute of Mathematical and Computational Sciences at
From: "Jack Dongarra" <dongarra@cs.utk.edu>
Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2007 09:53:32 -0500
Subject: Department Head of EECS at The University Of Tennessee, Knoxville
Search for Department Head of EECS at The University Of Tennessee, Knoxville
Applications and nominations are invited for the position of Professor and
Head of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS)
at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville (UTK). Effective July 1, 2007,
EECS will merge the Department of Computer Science and the Department of
Electrical and Computer Engineering. EECS will be housed in a new $37.5
million teaching and research facility to be completed in 2009. The combined
departments currently enroll over 400 undergraduate and 300 graduate
students, with a faculty of 40 and a support staff of 14, and research
expenditures exceed $10 million per year. The department is entering a
significant new era and is expected to play an important role in the College
of Engineering's vision to become a leading research institution and to take
advantage of unique opportunities for research partnerships with the nearby
Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
For details see: http://www.eecs.utk.edu/jobs/dept_head.html
From: Vasilios Alexiades <alexiades@utk.edu>
Date: Fri, 02 Feb 2007 18:29:54 -0500
Subject: Senior position in computational/applied math
Computational/Applied Mathematics
The Joint Institute for Computational Sciences at the University of
Tennessee and the Oak Ridge National Laboratory seek to fill a senior
position in computational/applied mathematics to begin August 2007
(possibly January 2008). Applications from individuals whose research
focuses on the use of high-end computers to advance the frontiers of
science and engineering will be considered.
Required qualifications for the position include a Ph.D. and relevant
postdoctoral experience, evidence of significant scientific
productivity, and a commitment to an integrated program of teaching
and research. The successful candidate will be qualified for joint
appointment as faculty member in the Mathematics Department at UTK
and as researcher at ORNL. Interested candidates should submit a
resume and a description of proposed research program. Applicants
should also arrange for at least three letters of reference to be
submitted. Review of applications will begin February 1, 2007, and
will continue until the position is filled.
Send all application materials to ORNL_JICSMath06@jics.utk.edu
Other inquiries may be addressed to:
JICS Computational Mathematics Search Committee
University of Tennessee-Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
P. O. Box 2008, Bldg. 5100
Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6173
For additional information about JICS: http://www.jicompsci.org/
ORNL, a multiprogram research facility managed by UT-Battelle, LLC,
for the U.S. Department of Energy, is an equal opportunity employer
committed to building and maintaining a diverse work force.
The University of Tennessee is an EEO/AA/Title VI/Title IX/Section
504/ADA/ADEA institution in the provision of its education and
employment programs and services. The university welcomes and honors
people of all races, creeds, cultures, and sexual orientations, and
values intellectual curiosity, pursuit of knowledge, and academic
freedom and integrity.
From: Nick.Trefethen@comlab.ox.ac.uk
Date: Fri, 2 Feb 2007 14:28:39 GMT
Subject: Numerical Analysis Group at Oxford
Many readers of NA Digest have met Shirley Day, who for the past
decade has ably helped to run the Numerical Analysis Group at
Oxford. Shirley is, alas, about to take early retirement, and in
a few days we will advertise for her successor, who will have the
title of Numerical Analysis Group PA/Secretary. This is an
opportunity for someone with exceptional ability who would enjoy
being at the heart of a lively and friendly academic research group
(seven faculty, twenty PhD students, various postdocs and visitors).
The advertisement won't be posted for a couple of days yet, but I am
sending this to NA Digest now since the application deadline will be
quite soon, about Feb. 23. If you or a friend might be interested,
please check out http://web.comlab.ox.ac.uk/oucl/jobs/ in a few days,
and feel free to contact me with any questions.
Nick Trefethen
From: Marc Thiriet <Marc.Thiriet@inria.fr>
Date: Thu, 1 Feb 2007 17:59:38 +0100
Subject: Postdoctoral position
Postdoctoral position
from 2007, march, for one year
in the REO team
at both Rocquencourt Research Units
of INRIA (French National Institute for Research
in Computer Science and Control) and
Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions, CNRS UMR 7598,
of University Pierre & Marie Curie (UPMC - Paris VI)
Correspondance: Marc Thiriet (Marc.Thiriet@inria.fr)
The INRIA REO team activities are aimed at
* modeling the flow of biological fluids, especially in large conduits,
both in normal and pathological states;
* developing robust and reliable numerical methods and medical tools.
INRIA has recently launched a multi-disciplinary research activity
in the field of cardiac activity, CardioSense3D,
aimed at coupling electrochemical activity to mechanical processes
(myocardium contraction and blood ejection/heart perfusion).
The work is focused on vein and cardiac valve modeling,
treating both the deformation of the domain and
the contact between the valve leaflets,
as well as between the cusps and the vasculature walls,
in collaboration with the Center of Applied Mathematics of
Ecole Polytechnique (CMAP, Olivier Pantz).
Ile de France region supports this investigation and is offering
a postdoctoral opportunity (about 2150 euros) for a candidate
with experiences in the following domains:
* finite-element based numerical methods;
* computational structural mechanics and fluid dynamics,
with some experiences in fluid-structure interaction
(ALE, fictitious domain);
* basic computer science skills.
The candidate will interact with the members of GLAIZER company,
especially with Fran�ois Loret (Francois.Loret@glaizer.com)
From: Max Gunzburger <gunzburg@csit.fsu.edu>
Date: Sun, 4 Feb 2007 08:27:22 -0500
Subject: Postdoc positions at Florida State University
Florida State University
School of Computational Science
Applications are solicited for two postdoc positions at the School of
Computational Science at Florida State University. For both
positions, applicants should have a background that is relevant to
the project. In particular, applicants should have good knowledge of
the development and analysis of computational algorithms.
1. Development and analysis of multiscale algorithms for coupling
atomistic and continuum models.
(Knowledge about the material sciences is highly desired but
not completely essential. Knowledge about finite element methods
would be useful as well.)
2. Development and analysis of algorithms for image registration.
(Knowledge about image processing is desired but not essential.
Knowledge about control theory and finite element methods would be
useful as well.)
Interested parties should send their CV's to Max Gunzburger
(gunzburg@scs.fsu.edu) and have at least three letters of reference
sent to that same address. He may also be contacted if more
information about the positions is desired.
From: Nick Gould <nick.gould@comlab.ox.ac.uk>
Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2007 10:21:34 +0000
Subject: Doctoral Studentship in Optimization in Reservoir Simulation & Oilfield Ops
Doctoral Studentship in Optimization in Reservoir Simulation and
Oilfield Operations
Oxford University Computing Laboratory (OUCL) in conjunction with
Schlumberger has received an EPSRC CASE award to fund a D. Phil.
studententship for research into optimization problems arising from the
oil industry. In particular, oil recovery from geological formations
leads to a variety of very challenging, large-scale optimization
problems. Of increasing interest is the question of optimization in the
presence of uncertainty. The function to be optimized is frequently
very expensive to compute, and approaches using less-expensive
surrogates are to be preferred. The proposed research will concentrate
on the development and analysis of robust optimization techniques for
such cases, and on their application to problems of interest to
The project will be co-directed by Professor Nick Gould from the
Numerical Analysis Group at OUCL and Dr. Chris Farmer from Schlumberger.
The student will spend time both in Oxford and at the Schlumberger
Abingdon Technology Centre. The research techniques will include
numerical experimentation to try to identify characteristic correlation
structures that might then determine the best algorithm(s), and
theoretical convergence investigations, using methods from numerical and
functional analysis. Training will be provided both in relevant
numerical techniques and on modeling techniques relating to the oil
It is hoped that the student will spend enough time with Schlumberger to
investigate optimization in at least two problem areas; optimization
involving flow through porous media and optimization of surface pipe
networks with pumps and compressors. The student will be supported by
Schlumberger software developers in this ambitious project and will be
expected to focus on the research questions rather than on software
production. Nevertheless, the student will be encouraged to develop
software. For further details, see http://web.comlab.ox.ac.uk/oucl/jobs/
From: Marek Behr <behr@cats.rwth-aachen.de>
Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2007 07:09:42 -0500
Subject: Doctoral stipends at RWTH Aachen University
Aachen Institute for Advanced Study in Computational Engineering
Science (AICES) offers 20 doctoral stipends in a new Ph.D. program
under the auspices of the Excellence Initiative of the German state
and federal governments.
Background: Since 2002, RWTH Aachen University�one of the leading
technical universities in Europe�has been establishing educational
structures to meet the future research challenges in computational
engineering science (CES). Bachelor and Master programs in CES are
now operating, and are joined by a Ph.D. program in CES in summer
semester of 2007.
Academic aims: The graduate school sets out to advance the
computational engineering science in three critical areas of
synthesis: model identification and discovery supported by
model-based experimentation, understanding scale interaction and
scale integration, and optimal design and operation of engineered
systems. The application areas include materials science, chemical
engineering, transportation systems, electrical engineering,
biomedical engineering, and geoscience.
Curriculum: The AICES curriculum is primarily aimed at a small
number of exceptional Bachelor graduates. Depending on the
background, 2 to 3 semesters of qualifying coursework conclude
with a doctoral thesis proposal. Subsequent research program
involves establishment of experimental collaboration and concludes
with thesis writing and defense. In the start-up phase, candidates
at Master or Diplom level may also be admitted directly into the
research phase of the program.
Admission requirements: recent Bachelor degree in engineering,
geoscience, mathematics or computer science; evidence of
English-language skills; and a high quality of scholarship evident
from transcripts and other application materials. The deadline for
the first batch of applications is February 15, 2007 for admission
in April 2007; applications will continue to be accepted for
admission to future semesters.
Financial support: All selected applicants will receive a tuition
benefit and a monthly stipend of 500 during the coursework and a
stipend of 1500 euro during the research phase.
Further information: http://www.aices.rwth-aachen.de/admission
Contact person: Prof. M. Behr
Tel: +49 (0)241 80 28430
Fax: +49 (0)241 80 22430
Email: admission@aices.rwth-aachen.de
From: Max Gunzburger <gunzburg@csit.fsu.edu>
Date: Sun, 4 Feb 2007 08:06:43 -0500
Subject: Graduate student assistantships at Florida State University
Florida State University
Graduate student assistantships available for
Ph.D. and M.S. degree programs in Computational Science
The School of Computational Science (SCS) at Florida State University
offers innovative M.S. and Ph.D. degree programs in Computational
Over the last few decades, computations have joined theory and
experimentation to form the three pillars of scientific discovery and
technological design. Computational Science can be viewed as residing
at the intersection of mathematics, computer science, statistics,
engineering, and the sciences. Examples of problems in Computational
Science that are common to these disciplines include algorithm
development and analysis, multiscale techniques, scientific
visualization, data mining, etc. Due to the interdisciplinary nature
of Computational Science, it is essential that a computational
scientist be trained in an interdisciplinary setting. The SCS is
uniquely positioned to offer such training because it has a truly
multidisciplinary faculty consisting of chemists, biologists,
computer scientists, engineers, geophysicists, mathematicians,
physicists, and statisticians, with an even broader spectrum of
disciplines to be represented in the future.
Students enrolled in the Ph.D. program in Computational Science can
choose several areas of specialization. In addition to the major
track, which trains students interested in the mathematical and
computer science aspects of computational algorithms that can be
applied to a wide range of disciplines, we offer tracks in
atmospheric science, biochemistry, biological science, geological
science, materials science, and physics. Soon, we hope to add a track
in Validation and Verification. Students following these tracks gain
expertise in computational issues specifically related to the chosen
field. All students, however, will be involved in truly
interdisciplinary training and research.
The SCS maintains a large and diverse computing infrastructure in
support of research and education. Computing resources at the SCS
include supercomputers, a number of clusters and computational
servers, a laboratory for scientific visualization, a bioinformatics
server, and more. The SCS Visualization Laboratory provides high-
powered visualization resources to the FSU community for research,
data analysis of large data collections, and education.
Florida State University is a national graduate research university
which has built a reputation as a strong center for research in the
sciences. It is located in Tallahassee, FL which is situated in the
Florida panhandle and is near some of the most beautiful, uncrowded
beaches in the United States as well as other scenic wonders.
Applications are being accepted now for Fall 2007. The SCS has a
number of assistantships available for qualified individuals.
Minorities and women are especially encouraged to apply. Applicants
should hold a baccalaureate degree in computer science, mathematics,
statistics, engineering, or a natural science. The interested
applicant should submit an on-line application to the SCS
an application to the Florida State University
plus supporting materials which include GRE general test scores,
official transcripts, and three letters of recommendation.
For more information, please go to the SCS web site
or send a message to
From: "LAI, Choi-Hong" <C.H.Lai@gre.ac.uk>
Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2007 15:30:43 +0000
Subject: MSc in Applied Mathematical Modelling and Scientific Computing
University of Greenwich
MSc Applied Mathematical Modelling and Scientific Computing
The MSc programme is run by the Department of Mathematical
Sciences, ranked at 10th in the UK departmental ranking,
which is a part of the School of Computing and Mathematical
Sciences and takes students in both October and January.
This Masters programme is aimed at training and equipping
Honours graduates in engineering, science or mathematics
and suitably qualified professionals, with the skills required
to understand, and use, Applied Mathematical Modelling and
Scientific Computing technologies in industry. Emphasis will
be placed on modelling phenomena governed by the physics of fluid
flow, heat transfer, electromagnetics and solid mechanics. A core
philosophy of the programme is to introduce the students to the
concept of multi-physics modelling, where interactions between
the governing physics, and hence the relevant solution and software
technologies, are important. Details of major and optional courses
may be found from the above CSE web site.
Entry requirement: A good Bachelor degree in engineering, physics,
mathematics or relevant related discipline. Those who have
substantial commercial or industrial experience but lack formal
qualifications should seek an interview with the programme leader.
CTA (Collaborative Training Awards): Up to eight EPSRC CTA
studentships is allocated to this MSc programme in Applied
Mathematical Modelling and Scientific Computing only to
the best qualified candidates.
Further details of the programme, applications, enquiry should
reach cmsinfo@gre.ac.uk (Mrs. Marilyn Nichols) or cse@gre.ac.uk
Programme leader - MSc AMMSC
From: Romas Baronas <romas.baronas@mif.vu.lt>
Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2007 15:00:20 +0200
Subject: Contents, Nonlinear Analysis: Modelling and Control
Nonlinear Analysis: Modelling and Control, ISSN 1392-5113,
Volume 12, Number 1, 2007
A free on-line edition is available at: http://www.lana.lt/journal/issues.php
Parabolic Nonlinear Second Order Slip Reynolds Equation: Approximation and
Existence, Pages 3-20.
K. Ait Hadi.
Free Convection from a Vertical Permeable Circular Cone with Pressure Work and
Non-Uniform Surface Temperature, Pages 21-32.
Md.M. Alam, M.A. Alim, Md.M.K. Chowdhury.
On the Abel Equation of the Second Kind with Sinusoidal Forcing, Pages 33-44.
G. Alobaidi, R. Mallier.
Numerical Solutions for Micropolar Transport Phenomena over a Nonlinear
Stretching Sheet, Pages 45-63.
R. Bhargava, S. Sharma, H.S. Takhar, O.A. B�g, P. Bhargava.
An Empirical Study for the Estimation of Autoregressive Hilbertian Processes by
Wavelet Packet Method, Pages 65-75.
A. Laukaitis.
Modelling of a One-Sex Age-Structured Population Dynamics with Child Care, Pages
S. Repsys, V. Skakauskas.
Econometrical Modelling of Profit Tax Revenue, Pages 95-112.
R. Rudzkis, E. Maciulaityte.
Effect of Variable Thermal Conductivity on Buoyant Convection in a Cavity with
Internal Heat Generation, Pages 113-122.
S. Sivasankaran.
Dynamical Complexity in Some Ecological Models: Effect of Toxin Production by
Phytoplankton, Pages 123-138.
R.K. Upadhyay, R.K. Naji, N. Kumari.
For a paper submission, please refer to http://www.lana.lt/journal
Dr. Romas Baronas, Journal Secretary,
Nonlinear Analysis: Modelling and Control
End of NA Digest