Information via e-mail about NA-NET: Mail to
From: Joseph Traub <>
Date: Mon, 10 May 2004 11:58:28 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: 2004 IBC Prize Announcement
The recipient of the Prize is Peter Mathe, from the Weierstrass
Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics, Berlin. The prize
consists of $3000 and a plaque. The award will be presented at the 2004
Workshop on Continuous Algorithms and Complexity at Schloss Dagstuhl,
Germany in September 2004.
From: Joseph Traub <>
Date: Mon, 10 May 2004 12:04:53 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Nominations for Young Researcher Award
This annual award is for significant contributions to information-based
complexity by a young researcher. The prize will consist of $1000 and a plaque
and will be awarded at a suitable location.
Any researcher who has not reached their 35th birthday by September 30th
the year of the award is eligible.
The members of the Award Committee, Stefan Heinrich, Universitat
Kaiserslautern, Frances Kuo, University of New South Wales, Joseph F.
Traub, Columbia University, Arthur G. Werschulz, Fordham University, and
Henryk Wozniakiowski, Columbia University and University of Warsaw, would
appreciate nominations. However, a person does not have to be nominated
to win the award.
The deadline for nominations for the award is September 30, 2004.
Nominations should be send to Joseph Traub. The
award can be for work done in a single year or a number of years. The
work can be published in any journal, number of journals or monographs.
From: Jack Dongarra <>
Date: Sun, 16 May 2004 09:41:13 -0400
Subject: Updated Survey on Freely Available Software
I have posted an update to the collection of freely available software for
the solution of linear algebra problems. The updated list can be found at:
Jack <>
From: Renato Spigler <>
Date: Mon, 17 May 2004 18:22:22 +0200 (MEST)
Subject: Change of Address for Renato Spigler
Starting July 2004, I'll move for good to my home University. Since
then, I'll have nothing more to do with the University and the city of
Padova (Padua).
My addres there will be
Renato Spigler
Department of Mathematics
University of ``Roma Tre"
1, Largo San Leonardo Murialdo
00146 Rome
Tel. +39-06-5488.8211
Fax +39-06-5488.8080
From: Andrei Bogatyrev <>
Date: Wed, 19 May 2004 18:14:48 +0400
Subject: Constrained Minimization of the Uniform Norm
Dear colleagues,
We are interested in the examples of the constrained minimization of the
uniform norm problems in the space of polynomials. Such problems arise in
optimization of numerical algorithms, construction of electrical filters,
optimal control, signal processing... Three typical examples of such
problems are listed below. The examples of the similar minimization
problems involving rational functions or uniform norm as a constraint
are also welcome. The examples when the degree $n$ of the polynomial
(or rational function) is supposed to be high $n\approx 1000$ are of
particular interest to us.
Our research team elaborated an effective approach to the above problems
based on the techniques of algebraic geometry. Now we're adapting those
techniques to the real time problems from different branches of science
and industry.
Andrei Bogatyrev,
Leading research fellow,
Institute for Numerical Mathematics,
Russian Academy of Sciences.
119991 Russia
Moscow GSP-1
ul. Gubkina, 8
The uniform norm of the function $P(x)$
on the closed subset of the real axis $E$ is the value
$||P||_E:= \max_{x\in E} |P(x)|$.
1. $E$ is a collection of real segments. Minimize the
norm $||P_n||_E$ of a degree $n$ polynomial provided the leading
coefficient is fixed. The roots of the solution (known also as
a Chebyshev polynomial on several segments) may be taken as the
parameters for iterative inversion of nondegenerate symmetric matrices
with spectrum on $E$.
2. $E$ is a real segment. Minimize the norm $||P_n||_E$
of a polynomial when several linear combinations of its coefficients
are fixed. If several leading coefficients of $P_n$ are fixed, this is
the problem of E.I.Zolotarev. For the V.A.Markov problem, there is
exactly one linear constraint. In the case of the A.A.Markov problem, this
constraint has the form: $P_n'(x_0)=const$ for some $x_0\in E$.
3. Among all degree $n$ polynomials that approximate the exponential
function at $x=0$ to the given order $p\le n$, e.g.
$P_n(x)=1+x+x^2/2+...+x^p/p!+o(x^p)$, find the one that remains
in the limits $-1\le P_n(x)\le 1$ on the maximal interval
$[-L,0]$, $L$ is positive. The roots of the
solution (known as optimal stability polynomial) may be
taken as the time steps in the stable explicit
multistage Runge-Kutta method for a (stiff) ODE system.
From: Ismael Vaz <>
Date: Fri, 21 May 2004 15:44:05 +0100 (GMT Daylight Time)
Subject: SIPAMPL and NSIPS Update, Semi-Infinite Programming
Dear NA readers,
The SIPAMPL (Semi-Infinite Programming with AMPL) and NSIPS
(Nonlinear Semi-Infinite Programming Solver) software packages were updated.
While NSIPS only suffered minor update changes (compiles with the
Multithread AMPL interface and a bug fix) the SIPAMPL:
-database was updated, including now over than 160 SIP problems;
-the B-Splines dynamic library was updated to include C(ubic)-Splines and was
renamed as Splines;
-a new MATLAB interface (more flexible) is available.
Ismael Vaz
Minho University
From: Ismael Vaz <>
Date: Fri, 21 May 2004 16:05:22 +0100 (GMT Daylight Time)
Subject: MLOCPSOA, MultiLOCal Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm
Dear NA readers,
I am pleased to announce the release of the MLOCPSOA (MultiLOCal Particle
Swarm Optimization Algorithm) solver.
MLOCPSOA is linked with AMPL and is devoted to bound constrained
optimization based on the particle swarm paradigm.
MLOCPSOA tries to find all the global and local optima and uses first
derivatives of the objective function.
Ismael Vaz
Minho University
From: Darrell Ross <>
Date: Mon, 17 May 2004 13:55:27 -0400
Subject: SIAM 2005 Conference on Optimization
Conference Name: SIAM 2005 Conference on Optimization
Location: City Conference Centre, Stockholm, Swedev
Dates: May 15-19, 2005
The Call for Presentations for this conference is now available at:
For additional information, contact SIAM Conference Department at
Darrell Ross
SIAM, Conference Program Manager
Conference Web Master
From: Emil Zagar <>
Date: Tue, 18 May 2004 11:28:57 +0200 (CEST)
Subject: NA Day in Ljubljana
NA day in Ljubljana, June 10th, 2004
Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Geometric Integration will be held
at University of Ljubljana on Thursday, June 10. The seminar is open
to all interested persons. There is no registration fee, but attendees
will be asked to pay the cost of their lunch and refreshments. To help
with our planning we would ask you let us know at your earliest
convenience if you wish to attend , by email to
Preliminary list of speakers:
Mladen Rogina, University of Zagreb, Croatia
Recent advances in Chebyshev splines
Sa\v{s}a Singer, University of Zagreb, Croatia
Computation of Gaussian quadrature for tension powers
Sanja Singer, University of Zagreb, Croatia
Skew-symmetric dqd algorithm is accurate
Ned\v{z}ad Limi\'c, University of Zagreb, Croatia
A class of numerical methods for boundary value
problems for elliptic differential operators in divergence form
Elena Celledoni, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim,
Parallelism across the steps in the numerical integration of
evolutionary PDEs
Brynjulf Owren, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim,
Exponential integrators for nonlinear PDEs
Du\v{s}anka Jane\v{z}ic, National Institute of Chemistry, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Bor Plestenjak, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Bojan Orel, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Runge-Kutta and Magnus methods for oscillatory differential equations
Emil \v{Z}agar, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
On high order interpolation of planar curves
Additional information can be found at
Bojan Orel and Emil Zagar
From: Chang-Ock Lee <>
Date: Tue, 18 May 2004 21:38:24 +0900
Subject: Industrial Mathematics Initiative 2004, Korea
Industrial Mathematics Initiative 2004, Korea
August 26-28, 2004
The basic aim of the initiative is to foster contacts between Korean industry
and applied mathematics community for mutual cooperation and benefit.
The initiative is intended to facilitate the holding of full problem-solving
workshops in the region whereby the many powerful tools of mathematics are
brought to bear on problems arising in industry, especially in the bio-medical
and telecommunication areas. Illustrative case studies from previous successful
interactions will be used.
Keynote Speakers include:
- John Casti (Santa Fe Institute, USA)
- Larry Forbes (Univ. of Tasmania, Australia)
- Bezalel Gavish (Southern Methodist Univ.,USA)
- Kurt Jensen (Univ. of Aarhus, Denmark)
- Suzanne Lenhart (Univ. of Tennessee & Oak Ridge National Lab., USA)
- Roustern Miftakhov (Ains Company, USA)
- Martin Nash (Univ. of Auckland, New Zealand)
- Mattew Roughan (Univ. of Adelaide, Australia)
- J. K. Seo (Yonsei Univ., Korea)
- Miklos Telek (Technical Univ. of Budapest, Hungari)
- G.C. Wake (KAIST & Massey Univ., New Zealand)
Full conference details, registration and the call for talks are available
The organizers (G. Wake, Kil Hyun Kwon, J. Donaldson, Chang-Ock Lee,
Gang Uk Hwang, and Eung Je Woo) look forward to seeing you there.
From: Le Thi Hoai An <>
Date: Sun, 23 May 2004 01:24:56 +0200
Subject: Conference in France on Modelling, Computation and Optimization
Last announcement of MCO 2004:
Modelling, Computation and Optimization
in Information Systems and Management Sciences
July 1-3, 2004, Metz, France
Homepage :
You are invited to participate in the Fifth International Conference on
Computer Sciences "Modelling, Computation and Optimization in Information
Systems and Management Sciences" (MCO 2004) which will be held on July 01-03,
2004 at Metz university, France. MCO 2004 Conference covers several fields of
Management Sciences and Information Systems: Computer Sciences, Information
Technology, Mathematical Programming, Optimization & Operations Research and
related areas. The gathering will provide an excellent opportunity for
sharing ideas and problems among specialists and users of computation and
optimization in academia, government, and industry.
After a critical review of the submitted contributions, 70 papers by authors
from 27 countries are selected to be presented at the conference. A volume of
proceedings published by Hermes sciences edition will be distributed to all
participants at the beginning of the conference. This volume contains a
collection of 9 plenary lectures and 70 contributed papers covering almost
all main topic areas of the conference. The submission to Special issues of
both European Journal of Operational Research and Journal of Global
Optimization is starting from July 5, 2004.
The main aim of the organizers is to indicate and to stress the increasing
importance of Computation and Optimization for Information Systems and
Management Sciences, and for a fast growing number of Industry branches. We
hope that the conference will approach this goal in a certain degree and manage
to continue fruitful discussions between Theory, Algorithms and Applications.
Invited Keynote Lectures:
1. Hans-Hermann Bock, RWTH Aachen, Germany :
Clustering methods - a review of classical and recent approaches
2. Ali Mohammad-Djafari, CNRS-Supelec, France :
Bayesian Image Processing
3. Radu Horaud, INRIA Rhone-Alpes, France : Computational and cognitive vision
4. Reiner Horst, University of Trier, Germany
Branch and Bound Methods Using Duality Bounds for Global Optimization
5. Patrice Marcotte, University of Montreal, Canada :
Bilevel programming and transportation analysis
6. Panos Pardalos, University of Florida, USA:
Multi-Quadratic 01 Programming
7. Jean Loup Risler, CNRS-University of Evry, France
Why are computers (and computer scientists) necessary in biological sciences?
8. Berc Rustem, Imperial College, London, UK: Worst-case Optimal Robust
Decisions for Multi-period Mean-Variance Portfolio Optimization
9. Hoang Tuy, Hanoi Institute of Mathematics, Vietnam:
Polynomial Programming: A Robust Approach
10. Yinyu Ye, Stanford University, USA: Interior-Point Algorithms for
Computing the Arrow-Debreu Competitive Market Equilibrium
From: Erricos Kontoghiorghes <>
Date: Tue, 18 May 2004 19:24:30 +0200
Subject: Workshop in Marseille on Parallel Matrix Algorithms
3rd International workshop on
Parallel Matrix Algorithms and Applications (PMAA'04)
18-22 October, CIRM, Marseille, France, 2004.
This international workshop aims to be a forum for the exchange of
ideas and competence for specialists in those areas of parallel
computing that are based on matrix algorithms. Emphasis will be on:
1. Implementation and performance issues on various types of parallel
2. Parallel algorithms for dense, structured and sparse
matrices. Irregular numerical computations
3. Algorithmic engineering & complexity (matrix algorithms based on
parallel models of computation such as PRAM, systolic arrays, etc.)
4. Applications with emphasis on parallel matrix computations
(applications from diverse fields such as fluid dynamics,
econometrics, financial optimization and quantitative methods).
5. Parallel environments and tools for implementing applications.
There will be dedicated sessions on specific topics during the
workshop (one will be concerning Grid Computing).
E.J. Kontoghiorghes (CY) Y. Saad (USA) A. Sameh (USA) D. Trystram (FR)
International Program Committee:
P. Arbenz (CH), E. Blayo (FR), M. Clint (UK), E. Daoudi (MR), T. Davis
(USA), M. Dayde (FR), L. Desbat (FR), E. Gallopoulos (GR), L. Giraud
(FR), Z. Mahjoub (TN), G. Meurant (FR), E. Ng (USA), M. Paprzycki
(USA), B. Philippe (FR), T. Rauber (DE) JL. Roch (FR), J. Roman (FR),
D. di Serafino (IT), R. Wyrzykowsky (PL).
Local organizing committee: L. Eyraud.
Important dates:
Submission of 1-page abstracts: 16th July 2004
Notification of decision: 28th July 2004
Workshop: 18-22 October 2004
Submission of full papers: 20th November 2004
Notification of decision: 15th March 2005
Final papers: 15th June 2005
Single page abstracts should be submitted before the deadline on the
submission page.
Selected peer-review papers will be published in special issues of
"Parallel Computing" and "Applied Numerical Algorithms" after the
Sponsored by:
CIRM Centre International de Rencontres Math
From: Lothar Reichel <>
Date: Thu, 20 May 2004 08:43:17 -0400
Subject: FoCM Workshop on Numerical Linear Algebra
2005 Foundations of Computational Mathematics Conference
Workshop on Numerical Linear Algebra
July 7-9, 2005
Santander, Spain
Conference website:
We would like to draw your attention to the Workshop on Numerical Linear
Algebra, July 7-9, 2005, to be held as part of the 2005 Foundations of
Computational Mathematics Conference in Santander, Spain.
We invite members of the numerical analysis community to contribute
talks to the workshop. Talks should be in the general area of
numerical linear algebra. We are especially interested in the following
(1) fast algorithms and complexity results,
(2) structured matrix computation,
(3) applications of numerical linear algebra to other branches of
computational mathematics,
but talks in all areas of numerical linear algebra are welcome.
For full consideration, please send your name, email address,
affiliation and title of your talk to either one of the organizers by
January 15, 2005.
Yours truly,
Lothar Reichel <>
Stephen Vavasis <>
Workshop Organizers
From: Michele Benzi <>
Date: Thu, 20 May 2004 14:27:59 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Special Issue of ETNA on Saddle Point Problems
Special issue of ETNA on
"Saddle point problems: numerical solution and applications"
Dear Colleagues,
The journal Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis
(ETNA) will devote a special issue to the solution of saddle
point problems. These problems arise in systems of PDEs with
conservation laws (including Stokes and Navier-Stokes equations,
incompressible linear elasticity, magnetostatics, etc.), in
constrained optimization problems, in generalized least squares
problems, and elsewhere. Such problems pervade computational
science and engineering, and their efficient numerical
solution is of paramount importance. However, to compute
accurate solutions to saddle point problems at a reasonable cost
has proved difficult. As a consequence, a significant effort
has been devoted to define proper formulations, (stabilized)
discretizations, and fast solution methods for discretized
saddle point problems and their generalizations.
The present issue aims to attract papers on the continuous
and discrete formulation of saddle point problems in all
aspects of computational science, both for specific problems
and in general, and on efficient solution techniques for the
resulting systems of equations. Papers describing novel
applications leading to saddle point problems are also of
Manuscripts should be submitted electronically to one of the
special issue editors listed below. The deadline for submission
of papers is December 15, 2004. All submissions will undergo
the standard refereeing process used for regular ETNA papers.
The issue is expected to appear by the end of 2005. For more
information on ETNA, see the web site
If you have any questions, please contact the editors of the
special issue.
Michele Benzi (
Richard B. Lehoucq (
Eric de Sturler (
From: Brokate Martin <>
Date: Sat, 15 May 2004 17:36:07 +0200
Subject: Faculty Position at TU Munich
A full professor position entitled 'Mathematical Optimisation' is
available at the faculty of mathematics, TU Munich. Application
deadline is June 14, 2004. The complete announcement (German and
English) can be found at
From: Carrie Bannai <cbannai@pangea.Stanford.EDU>
Date: Fri, 21 May 2004 10:32:25 -0700
Subject: Faculty Position at Stanford University
Computational Seismology/Imaging/Geodynamics: The Department of
Geophysics at Stanford University seeks applicants for a tenure track
position in seismology, geophysical imaging, or geodynamics,
preferably at the global scale. Priority will be given to candidates
who use and develop advanced computational methods and apply them to
model geophysical processes or to interpret geophysical data sets.
We are looking for an individual with a commitment to excellence in
both research and teaching. Strong preference will be given to
appointments at the junior level. Stanford University has a strong
institutional commitment to the principle of diversity. In that
spirit, we particularly encourage applications from women, members of
ethnic minorities, and individuals with disabilities.
Applications, including curriculum vitae, a statement outlining
research and teaching experience and interests that would materially
contribute to related programs in the School of Earth Sciences, and
the names and addresses of three referees should be sent in either
paper or electronic (.pdf only) format to arrive by August 31, 2004.
Send paper applications to:
Chair, Geophysics Search Committee
Department of Geophysics
Stanford University
397 Panama Mall, Mitchell Bldg
Stanford, CA 94305-2215, USA
Send electronic applications to:
From: Jack Dongarra <>
Date: Sun, 16 May 2004 10:50:05 -0400
Subject: Staff Position at Universiy of Tennessee
Software Developer for Numerical Linear Algebra
Inquiries should be directed to:
The Innovative Computing Lab (ICL, of the University
of Tennessee is looking for a bright, motivated person to join as a staff
researcher. The applicant would be expected to join existing projects in
computational science, as well as showing initiative in pursuing new
research directions. Current computational science projects in ICL address
the integration of numerical algorithms and state-of-the-art hardware, with
an emphasis on distributed computing and performance optimization.
The position involves linear algebra, numerical analysis and scientific
Proven experience with C, Fortran, parallel architectures and algorithms and
performance optimization is also desired.
Degree requirements: (1) Ph.D. in Computer Sciences or related area with
demonstrable background in numerical mathematics, in particular linear
system solving and eigenvalue calculations; or (2) M.S. in Computer Sciences
and 3-5 years relevant research or work experience.
Additional benefits of the position include a competitive salary, travel
opportunities, access to state-of-the-art computational facilities
(including both parallel architectures and high-performance workstations),
and collaborative research opportunities in a very active research program
in advanced scientific computing.
Salary: $50,000 - $65,000/year, depending on experience.
Inquiries should be directed to:
From: Ashok Srinivasan <>
Date: Tue, 18 May 2004 12:20:16 -0400
Subject: Postdoctoral Position at Florida State University
We are in need of a post-doctoral research associate with a strong
academic record, with a Ph.D. in physics, chemistry, computer science
or engineering. Extensive experience in parallel computing and
implementation using MPI is essential. A strong background in
mathematics, preferably in scientific computing, is also
required. Expertise in either C or Fortran 90 and a familiarity in
the other also needed. Knowledge of molecular dynamics and discrete
algorithm will be helpful. The project involves time-parallelization
of molecular dynamics based simulation of nanomaterials as a part of
a larger effort involving multi-scale simulation of nanoscale
devices. The position is open with immediate effect; salary and
benefits commensurate with background and experience.
Email CV and a list of reference to either of
Ashok Srinivasan, Department of Computer Science, Florida State
Namas Chandra, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Florida State
From: L. Rebollo-Neira <>
Date: Wed, 19 May 2004 16:30:41 +0100
Subject: PhD Studenships at Aston University, UK
at Aston University, Birmingham, UK, is inviting applications to a number of
PhD studentships across its research areas.
Full Studentships are open to EU students.Partial support for overseas
students is also possible.
In particular, graduated or about to graduate students in mathematics,
theoretical physics or related disciplines, who could be interested in
pursuing a PhD in mathematical aspects of signal processing, involving
numerical analysis and time-frequency / time scale-techniques, are welcome
to contact
Laura Rebollo-Neira
for further details on the proposed projects in
the area.
Alternatively, a list of different project areas can be found at:
For further information on any of those projects please contact
Vicky Bond
From: Oleg Burdakov <>
Date: Fri, 21 May 2004 19:25:02 +0200 (MEST)
Subject: Contents, Optimization Methods and Software
Table of Contents
Optimization Methods and Software (OMS), Volume 19, Numbers 3-4 (June-August,
2004) Special Issue (Part II). The First International Conference on
Optimization Methods and Software (December 15-18, 2002 Hangzhou, China)
Guest Editors: Cornelis Roos and Jian-Zhong Zhang
Naiyang Deng and Haibin Zhang
Theoretical efficiency of a new inexact method of tangent hyperbolas
Giovanni Fasano
A CG-type method for the solution of Newton's equation within
optimization frameworks
Abdel-Rahman Hedar and Masao Fukushima
Heuristic pattern search and its hybridization with simulated annealing
for nonlinear global optimization
Christian Kanzow
Inexact semismooth Newton methods for large-scale complementarity problems
S. Koerkel, E. Kostina, H. Georg Bock and J.P. Schloeder
Numerical methods for optimal control problems in design of
robust optimal experiments for nonlinear dynamic processes
U. Ledzewicz, T. Brown and H. Schattler
A comparison of optimal controls for a model in cancer
chemotherapy with L1- and L2-type objectives
D. Lei and J. Mason
Minimax approximation from a least squares solution
H. Liang, X. Liu and F. Bai
An optimization problem in multi-homogeneous homotopy method
Stefano Lucidi and Veronica Piccialli
A derivative-based algorithm for a particular class of
mixed variable optimization problems
Shaohua Pan, Xingsi Li
A self-adjusting primal-dual interior point method for linear programs
M.J.D. Powell
On the use of quadratic models in unconstrained minimization
without derivatives
A. Siburian and V. Rehbock
A numerical procedure for solving a class of singular optimal
control problems
Bram Verweij and Laurence A. Wolsey
Uncapacitated lot-sizing with buying, sales and backlogging
J.L. Nazareth
On CG algorithms as objects of scientific study: An appendix
From: Science Direct <>
Date: Wed, 19 May 2004 11:00:47 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Contents, Nonlinear Analysis
Nonlinear Analysis Volume 57, Issue 4, Pages 485-637 (May 2004)
A new morse index theory for strongly indefinite functionals, Pages 485-504
Yuxia Guo, Jiaquan Liu and Pingan Zeng
Topological degree for a class of operators and applications, Pages 505-518
Duong Minh Duc, Nguyen Hoang Loc and P.V.Phan Van Tuoc
Interactions among multi-nonlinearities in a nonlinear diffusion system with
absorptions and nonlinear boundary flux, Pages 519-530
Sining Zheng and Xianfa Song
On an extension of the Fubini theorem and its applications in ODEs,
Pages 531-548
Zuzana Dola and Ivo Vrko
On nonlinear diffusion equations with x-dependent convection and absorption,
Pages 549-577
Changzheng Qu and P. G. Estevez
Boundary hemivariational inequality of parabolic type, Pages 579-596
Stanisaw Migorski and Anna Ochal
Bounce law at the corners of convex billiards, Pages 597-614
Alexandre Cabot
Multiple nodal solutions for elliptic equations, Pages 615-632
Aixia Qian and Shujie Li
Periodic and almost periodic solutions for differential equations with
reflection of the argument, Pages 633-637
Daxiong Piao
From: Communications in Math Sciences <>
Date: Wed, 19 May 2004 15:02:13 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Contents, Communications in Mathematical Sciences
Communications in Mathematical Sciences (CMS) Vol 2, No. 2, 2004
Abstract is available at
Full articles will be available at
Tian Ma and Shouhong Wang
Dynamic bifurcation and stability in the Rayleigh-Benard convection
Thomas Y. Hou, Xiao-Hu Wu and Yu Zhang
Removing the cell resonance error in the multiscale finite element method
via a Petrov-Galerkin formulation
Gerhard Rein
Global weak solutions to the relativistic Vlasov-Maxwell system revisited
F. Colimbini, Tao Luo and Jeff Rauch
Nearly Lipschitzean divergence free transport propagates neither continuity
nor BV regularity
Stanley Osher and Otmar Scherzer
G-norm properties of bounded variation regularization
Eitan Tadmor
Burgers' equation with vanishing hyper-viscosity
Philippe LeFloch and Konstantina Trivisa
Continuous Glimm-type functionals and spreading of rarefaction waves
Tiejun Li, Pingwen Zhang and Xiang Zhou
Analysis of 1+1 dimensional stochastic models of liquid crystal polymer flows
Markos A. Katsoulakis, Andrew J. Majda, Alexandros Sopasakis
Multiscale couplings in prototype hybrid deterministic/stochastic systems:
Part I, deterministic closures
From: Sibjnm <>
Date: Thu, 20 May 2004 10:38:30 +0600
Subject: Contents, Siberian Journal of Numerical Mathematics
CONTENTS, Siberian Journal of Numerical Mathematics
Volume 7, No. 2, 2004
For information to contributors and about subscriptions
Kamenskii G.A., Varfolomeyev E.M.
Approximate solution of variational problems for the mixed type
nonlocal functionals.
(in English), pp.115-123
Kargin B.A., Sabelfeld K.K., Artemiev S.S., Voytishek A.V.
On the anniversary of Gennady Alekseevich Mikhailov.
(in Russian), pp.97-101
Noskov M.V., Osipov N.N.
Minimal and almost minimal rank 1 lattice rules, exact on trigonometric
polynomials in two variables.
(in Russian), pp.125-134
Omelayeva O.S.
A version of the commutative alternating direction method.
(in Russian), pp.135-141
Palymskiy I.B.
Linear and nonlinear analysis of the numerical method for the
calculation of convective flows.
(in Russian), pp.143-163
Prigarin S.M., Martin A., Winkler G.
Numerical models of binary random fields on the basis of thresholds of
Gaussian functions.
(in English), pp.165-175
Rukavishnikov V.A., Rukavishnikova E.I.
On the error estimation of the finite element method for the third
boundary value problem with singularity in the space $L_{2,\nu+\gamma}^{*}$.
(in Russian), pp.177-185
Zadorin A.I., Harina O.V.
Numerical method for a system of linear equations of second order with a
small parameter on a semi-infinite interval.
(in Russian), pp.103-114
From: Claude Brezinski <>
Date: Thu, 20 May 2004 14:26:28 +0200
Subject: Contents, Numerical Algorithms
Numerical Algorithms
May 2004, Volume 36 (Issue: 1) ISSN: 1017 1398
CONTENTS: Page, Title, Author(s)
1 Box Valued Functions in Solving Systems of Equations and
F. Kalovics, G. Meszaros
13 Computation of Minkowski Values of Polynomials over Complex
R.T. Farouki, Chang Yong Han
31 Detailed Error Analysis for a Fractional Adams Method
K. Diethelm, N.J. Ford, A.D. Freed
53 Construction of General Linear Methods with Runge Kutta
Stability Properties
J.C. Butcher, Z. Jackiewicz
73 Iterative Methods for Image Deblurring: A Matlab
Object-Oriented Approach
J.G. Nagy, K. Palmer, L. Perrone
From: Science Direct <>
Date: Thu, 20 May 2004 10:01:03 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Contents, Linear Algebra and its Applications
Linear Algebra and its Applications Volume 383, Pages 1-247 (15 May 2004)
Special Issue in honor of Heydar Radjavi
Edited by R. Bhatia, M. Omladic, P. Rosenthal and P. Semrl
A survey of Heydar Radjavi, Pages 1-15
Rajendra Bhatia, Matjaz Omladi, Peter Rosenthal and Peter emrl
On irreducible semigroups of matrices with traces in a subfield, Pages 17-28
Bamdad R. Yahaghi
Burnside's theorem for matrix rings over division rings, Pages 29-44
M. Radjabalipour, P. Rosenthal and B. R. Yahaghi
The simplest proof of Burnside's theorem on matrix algebras, Pages 45-47
Victor Lomonosov and Peter Rosenthal
Sets of matrices with common Stein solutions and H-contractions, Pages 49-64
T. Ando
Stable rank of C*-algebras of type I, Pages 65-76
Takahiro Sudo
Conjugacy classes of involutions in the Lorentz group [Omega](V) and in SO(V),
Pages 77-83
Erich W. Ellers
Norm inequalities for sums and differences of positive operators, Pages 85-91
Fuad Kittaneh
Subspace gaps and range-kernel orthogonality of an elementary operator,
Pages 93-106
B. P. Duggal
Simultaneous symmetrization, Pages 107-112
Mirko Doboviek
Irreducible operator semigroups such that AB and BA are proportional,
Pages 113-118
R. Drnovek and T. Koir
Reduction theorems for groups of matrices, Pages 119-126
Janez Bernik, Robert Guralnick and Mitja Mastnak
Companion matrices: reducibility, numerical ranges and similarity to
contractions, Pages 127-142
Hwa-Long Gau and Pei Yuan Wu
Locally linearly dependent operators and reflexivity of operator spaces,
Pages 143-150
Roy Meshulam and Peter emrl
On polynomial numerical hulls of normal matrices, Pages 151-161
Ch. Davis and A. Salemi
On decomposability of periodic semigroups of non-negative matrices,
Pages 163-174
Leo Livshits
The smallest eigenvalue for reversible Markov chains, Pages 175-186
Xiao-Dong Zhang
A general view of multipliers and composition operators, Pages 187-211
Don Hadwin and Eric Nordgren
Completely rank-nonincreasing linear maps on spaces of operators, Pages 213-232
Don Hadwin, Jinchuan Hou and Hassan Yousefi
A variety of commuting triples, Pages 233-245
Matja Omladi
From: Science Direct <>
Date: Sat, 22 May 2004 09:47:34 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Contents, Linear Algebra and its Applications
Linear Algebra and its Applications Volume 385, (1 July 2004)
Special Issue in honor of Peter Lancaster
Edited by H. Bart, I. Koltracht, A. Markus and L. Rodman
Preface, Pages 1-6
Harm Bart, Israel Koltracht, Alexander Markus and Leiba Rodman
Personal notes, Pages 7-21
Harm Bart, Israel Koltracht, Alexander Markus and Leiba Rodman
On Hamiltonian and symplectic Lanczos processes, Pages 23-45
David S. Watkins
Max-algebra and pairwise comparison matrices, Pages 47-62
L. Elsner and P. van den Driessche
Joint zero sets and ranges of several Hermitian forms over complex and
quaternionic scalars, Pages 63-72
P. Binding and A. Markus
Lowner inequality of indefinite type, Pages 73-80
T. Ando
Digraph-based conditioning for Markov chains, Pages 81-93
S. Kirkland
Inequalities for permanents involving Perron complements, Pages 95-104
Ravindra Bapat and Michael Neumann
Drazin invertibility for matrices over an arbitrary ring, Pages 105-116
R. Puystjens and M. C. Gouveia
On the computation of the Jordan canonical form of regular matrix polynomials, Pages 117-130
G. Kalogeropoulos, P. Psarrakos and N. Karcanias
On the lengths of Jordan chains for eigenvalues on the boundary of numerical
range of quadratic operator polynomial, Pages 131-147
Naum Krupnik
Direct approach to the band completion problem, Pages 149-185
Y. Eidelman and I. Gohberg
-reflectors: analogues of Householder transformations in scalar product spaces, Pages 187-213
D. Steven Mackey, Niloufer Mackey and Francoise Tisseur
Jet functions having indefinite Caratheodory-Pick matrices, Pages 215-286
Vladimir Bolotnikov, Alexander Kheifets and Leiba Rodman
A robust solution of the generalized polynomial Bezout identity, Pages 287-303
J. C. Basilio and M. V. Moreira
Geometric means, Pages 305-334
T. Ando, Chi-Kwong Li and Roy Mathias
General isospectral flows for linear dynamic systems, Pages 335-368
Seamus D. Garvey, Uwe Prells, Michael I. Friswell and Zheng Chen
On the two conjectures of Graffiti, Pages 369-379
Xiao-Dong Zhang
On inversion of finite Toeplitz matrices with elements in an algebraic ring,
Pages 381-389
I. Gohberg, M. A. Kaashoek and F. van Schagen
Numerical solution of a quadratic eigenvalue problem, Pages 391-406
Chun-Hua Guo
Feedback invariants via output injection, Pages 407-442
A. Roca and I. Zaballa
On the spectrum of pairwise comparison matrices, Pages 443-462
Andras Farkas, Andras Gyorgy and Pal Rozsa
The spectral radius of a multivariate sampling operator, Pages 463-474
Peter Zizler
From: Science Direct <>
Date: Fri, 21 May 2004 07:48:10 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Contents, Nonlinear Analysis
Nonlinear Analysis Volume 57, Issues 5-6, Pages 639-877 (May - June 2004)
Compactness and convexity on the space of fuzzy sets II, Pages 639-653
Y.K.Yun Kyong Kim
Positive periodic solutions of a class of functional differential systems
with feedback controls, Pages 655-666
Yongkun Li, Ping Liu and Lifei Zhu
Existence of wavefronts and impulses to FitzHugh-Nagumo equations, Pages 667-676
Wenliang Gao and Jinghua Wang
Identifications of parameters in ill-posed linear parabolic equations,
Pages 677-686
Chaohua Jia and Gengsheng Wang
Insensitizing controls for a heat equation with a nonlinear term involving the
state and the gradient, Pages 687-711
O. Bodart, M. Gonzalez-Burgos and R. Perez-Garcia
Generalized quadratic mappings in several variables, Pages 713-722
C.-G.Chun-Gil Park
On the construction of global coordinate systems in Euclidean spaces,
Pages 723-742
F. G. Gascon and D. Peralta-Salas
A variational inequality approach to thermoviscoelasticity with monotone
unilateral boundaries of kinematical and thermal type, Pages 743-771
G. Foutsitzi and G. E. Stavroulakis
Lie point symmetries and exact solutions of quasilinear differential equations
with critical exponents, Pages 773-793
Yuri Bozhkov and A.C.G.Antonio Carlos Gilli Martins
Existence and equivalence with an optimization problem for some difference
inclusions, Pages 795-813
N. C. Apreutesei
Properties of the solutions to the Monge-Ampere equation, Pages 815-829
Liliana Forzani and Diego Maldonado
Approximations of Frobenius-Perron operators via interpolation, Pages 831-842
J. Ding and N. H. Rhee
Exponential attractors and inertial manifolds for singular perturbations of
the Cahn-Hilliard equations, Pages 843-877
Songmu Zheng and Albert Milani
End of NA Digest