# To unbundle, sh this file
echo bandred.m 1>&2
cat >bandred.m <<'End of bandred.m'
function A = bandred(A, kl, ku)
%BANDRED  B = BANDRED(A, KL, KU) is a matrix orthogonally equivalent to A
%         with lower bandwidth KL and upper bandwidth KU
%         (i.e. B(i,j) = 0 if i>j+KL or j>i+KU).
%         The reduction is performed using Householder transformations.
%         If KU is omitted it defaults to KL.

%         This is a `standard' reduction.  Cf. reduction to bidiagonal form
%         prior to computing the SVD.  This code is a little wasteful in that
%         it computes certain elements which are immediately set to zero!

if nargin == 2, ku = kl; end

if kl == 0 & ku == 0
   error('You''ve asked for a diagonal matrix.  In that case use the SVD!')

% Check for special case where order of left/right transformations matters.
% Easiest approach is to work on the transpose, flipping back at the end.
flip = 0;
if ku == 0
   A = A';
   temp = kl; kl = ku; ku = temp; flip = 1;

[m, n] = size(A);

for j=1 : min( min(m,n), max(m-kl-1,n-ku-1) )

    if j+kl+1 <= m
       [v, beta] = house(A(j+kl:m,j));
       temp = A(j+kl:m,j:n);
       A(j+kl:m,j:n) = temp - beta*v*(v'*temp);
       A(j+kl+1:m,j) = zeros(m-j-kl,1);

    if j+ku+1 <= n
       [v, beta] = house(A(j,j+ku:n)');
       temp = A(j:m,j+ku:n);
       A(j:m,j+ku:n) = temp - beta*(temp*v)*v';
       A(j,j+ku+1:n) = zeros(1,n-j-ku);


if flip
   A = A';
End of bandred.m
echo cauchy.m 1>&2
cat >cauchy.m <<'End of cauchy.m'
function C = cauchy(x, y)
%CAUCHY  C = CAUCHY(X,Y), where X,Y are N-vectors, is the N-by-N matrix
%        with C(i,j) = 1/(X(i)+Y(j)).   By default, Y = X.
%        Special case: if X is a scalar CAUCHY(X) is the same as CAUCHY(1:X).
%        Explicit formulas are known for DET(C) (which is nonzero if X and Y
%        both have distinct elements) and the elements of INV(C).

%        Reference: D.E. Knuth, The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 1,
%        Fundamental Algorithms, Second Edition, Addison-Wesley, Reading,
%        Massachusetts, 1973, p. 36.

n = max(size(x));
%  Handle scalar x.
if n == 1
   n = x;
   x = 1:n;

if nargin == 1, y = x; end

x = x(:); y = y(:);   % Ensure x and y are column vectors.
if any(size(x) ~= size(y))
   error('Parameter vectors must be of same dimension.')

C = x*ones(1,n) + ones(n,1)*y.';
C = ones(n) ./ C;
End of cauchy.m
echo chebspec.m 1>&2
cat >chebspec.m <<'End of chebspec.m'
function C = chebspec(n, k)
%CHEBSPEC  C = CHEBSPEC(N, K) is a Chebyshev spectral differentiation
%          matrix of order N.  K = 0 (the default) or 1.
%          For K=0 (`no boundary conditions'), C is nilpotent, with
%              C^N=0 and it has the null vector ONES(N,1).  C is similar to a
%              Jordan block of size N with eigenvalue zero.
%          For K=1, C is nonsingular and well-conditioned, and its eigenvalues
%              have negative real parts.
%          For both K, the computed eigenvector matrix X from EIG is
%              ill-conditioned (MESH(X) is interesting).

%          References:
%          C. Canuto, M.Y. Hussaini, A. Quarteroni, T.A. Zang, Spectral
%          Methods in Fluid Dynamics, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1987; p. 69.
%          L.N. Trefethen, M.R. Trummer, An instability phenomenon in spectral
%          methods, SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 24 (1987), pp. 1008-1023.
%          D. Funaro, Computing the inverse of the Chebyshev collocation
%          derivative, SIAM J. Sci. Stat. Comput., 9 (1988), pp. 1050-1057.

if nargin == 1, k = 0; end

% k = 1 case obtained from k = 0 case with one bigger n.
if k == 1, n = n + 1; end

n = n-1;
C = zeros(n+1);

one = ones(n+1,1);
x = cos( (0:n)' * (pi/n) );
d = ones(n+1,1); d(1) = 2; d(n+1) = 2;

C = (d * (one./d)') ./ (x*one'-one*x' +eye(C));  % eye(C) avoids div by zero

%  Now fix diagonal and signs.

C(1,1) = (2*n^2+1)/6;
for i=2:n+1
    if rem(i,2) == 0
       C(:,i) = -C(:,i);
       C(i,:) = -C(i,:);
    if i < n+1
       C(i,i) = -x(i)/(2*(1-x(i)^2));
       C(n+1,n+1) = -C(1,1);

if k == 1
   C = C(2:n+1,2:n+1);
End of chebspec.m
echo chebvand.m 1>&2
cat >chebvand.m <<'End of chebvand.m'
function C = chebvand(m,p)
%CHEBVAND  Vandermonde-like matrix for the Chebyshev polynomials.
%          C = CHEBVAND(P), where P is a vector, produces the (primal)
%          Chebyshev Vandermonde matrix based on the points P,
%          i.e. C(i,j) = T_{i-1}(P(j)), where T_{i-1} is the Chebyshev
%          polynomial of degree i-1.
%          CHEBVAND(M,P) is a rectangular version of CHEBVAND(P) with M rows.
%          Special case: If P is a scalar then P equally spaced points on
%                        [0,1] are used.

%   Reference:  N.J. Higham, Stability analysis of algorithms for solving
%   confluent Vandermonde-like systems, to appear in SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl.

if nargin == 1, p = m; end
n = max(size(p));

%  Handle scalar p.
if n == 1
   n = p;
   p = seqa(0,1,n);

p = p(:).';                    % Ensure p is a row vector.
C = ones(m,n);
if m == 1, return, end
C(2,:) = p;
%      Use Chebyshev polynomial recurrence.
for i=3:m
    C(i,:) = 2.*p.*C(i-1,:) - C(i-2,:);
End of chebvand.m
echo chop.m 1>&2
cat >chop.m <<'End of chop.m'
function c = chop(x, t)
%CHOP    Rounds matrix x to t significant binary places.
%        Default is t=23, corresponding to IEEE single precision.

if nargin < 2, t = 23; end
[m, n] = size(x);

%  Use the representation:
%  x(i,j) = 2^e(i,j) * .d(1)d(2)...d(s) * sign(x(i,j))

%  On the next line `+(x==0)' avoids passing a zero argument to LOG, which
%  would cause a warning message to be generated.

y = abs(x) + (x==0);
e = floor(log(y)./log(2) + 1);
p = (2.*ones(m,n)).^(t-e);
c = round(p.*x)./p;
End of chop.m
echo chow.m 1>&2
cat >chow.m <<'End of chow.m'
function A = chow(n, alpha, delta)
%CHOW    A = CHOW(N, ALPHA, DELTA) is a Toeplitz lower Hessenberg matrix
%        A = H(ALPHA) + DELTA*EYE, where H(i,j) = ALPHA^(i-j+1).
%        H(ALPHA) has p=FLOOR((N+1)/2) zero eigenvalues, the rest being
%        4*ALPHA*COS( k*PI/(N+2) )^2, k=1:N-p.
%        Defaults: ALPHA = 1, DELTA = 0.

%        References:
%        T.S. Chow, A class of Hessenberg matrices with known
%        eigenvalues and inverses, SIAM Review, 11 (1969), pp. 391-395.
%        G. Fairweather, On the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a class of
%        Hessenberg matrices, SIAM Review, 13 (1971), pp. 220-221.

if nargin < 3, delta = 0; end
if nargin < 2, alpha = 1; end

A = toeplitz( alpha.^(1:n)', [alpha 1 zeros(1,n-2)] ) + delta*eye(n);
End of chow.m
echo circul.m 1>&2
cat >circul.m <<'End of circul.m'
function C = circul(v)
%CIRCUL  C = CIRCUL(V) is the circulant matrix whose first row is V.
%        (A circulant matrix has the property that each row is obtained
%        from the previous one by cyclically permuting the entries one step
%        forward; it is a special Toeplitz matrix in which the diagonals
%        `wrap round'.)
%        Special case: if V is a scalar then C = CIRCUL(1:V).
%        The eigensystem of C (N-by-N) is known explicitly.   If t is an Nth
%        root of unity, then the inner product of V with W = [1 t t^2 ... t^N]
%        is an eigenvalue of C, and W(N:-1:1) is an eigenvector of C.

%   Reference: P.J. Davis, Circulant Matrices, John Wiley, 1977.

n = max(size(v));

if n == 1
   n = v;
   v = 1:n;

v = v(:).';   % Make sure v is a row vector.

C = toeplitz( [ v(1) v(n:-1:2) ], v );
End of circul.m
echo clement.m 1>&2
cat >clement.m <<'End of clement.m'
function A = clement(n, k)
%CLEMENT   CLEMENT(N, K) is a tridiagonal matrix with zero diagonal entries
%          and known eigenvalues.  It is singular if N is odd.  About 64
%          percent of the entries of the inverse are zero.  The eigenvalues
%          are plus and minus the numbers N-1, N-3, N-5, ..., (1 or 0).
%          For K=0 (the default) the matrix is nonsymmetric, while for K=1 it
%          is symmetric.

%          Similar properties hold for TRIDIAG(X,Y,Z) where Y = ZEROS(N,1).
%          The eigenvalues still come in plus/minus pairs but they are not
%          known explicitly.

%   Reference: P.A. Clement, A class of triple-diagonal matrices for test
%   purposes, SIAM Review, 1 (1959), pp. 50-52.

if nargin == 1, k = 0; end

n = n-1;

x = n:-1:1;
z = 1:n;

if k == 0
   A = diag(x, -1) + diag(z, 1);
   y = sqrt(x.*z);
   A = diag(y, -1) + diag(y, 1);
End of clement.m
echo comp.m 1>&2
cat >comp.m <<'End of comp.m'
function C = comp(A, k)
%COMP    Comparison matrices.
%        COMP(A) is DIAG(B) - TRIL(B,-1) - TRIU(B,1), where B = ABS(A).
%        COMP(A, 1) is A with each diagonal element replaced by its
%        absolute value, and each off-diagonal element replaced by minus
%        the absolute value of the largest element in absolute value in
%        its row.  However, if A is triangular COMP(A, 1) is too.
%        COMP(A, 0) is the same as COMP(A).
%        COMP(A) is often denoted by M(A) in the literature.

%   Reference (e.g.): N.J. Higham, A survey of condition number estimation for
%   triangular matrices, SIAM Review, 29 (1987), pp. 575-596.

if nargin == 1, k = 0; end
[m, n] = size(A);
p = min(m, n);

if k == 0

% This code uses less temporary storage than the `high level' definition above.
   C = -abs(A);
   for j=1:p
     C(j,j) = abs(A(j,j));

elseif k == 1

   C = A';
   for j=1:p
       C(k,k) = 0;
   mx = max(abs(C));
   C = -mx'*ones(1,n);
   for j=1:p
       C(j,j) = abs(A(j,j));
   if all( A == tril(A) ), C = tril(C); end
   if all( A == triu(A) ), C = triu(C); end

End of comp.m
echo compan.m 1>&2
cat >compan.m <<'End of compan.m'
function A = compan(p)
%COMPAN  COMPAN(P), where P is an (n+1)-vector, is the n-by-n companion matrix
%        whose first row is -P(2:n+1)/P(1).
%        Special case: if P is a scalar then COMPAN(P) is the P-by-P matrix
%                      COMPAN(1:P+1).

%  Reference:  J.H. Wilkinson, The Algebraic Eigenvalue Problem, Oxford
%  University Press, 1965, p. 12.

n = max(size(p));

%  Handle scalar p.
if n == 1
   n = p+1;
   p = 1:n;

p = p(:)';                    % Ensure p is a row vector.

% Construct matrix of order n-1.
if n == 2
   A = 1;
    A = diag(ones(1,n-2),-1);
    A(1,:) = -p(2:n)/p(1);
End of compan.m
echo condex.m 1>&2
cat >condex.m <<'End of condex.m'
function A = condex(n, k, theta)
%CONDEX   CONDEX(N, K, THETA) is a `counter-example' matrix to a condition
%         estimator.  It has order N and scalar parameter THETA (default 100).
%         If N is not equal to the `natural' size of the matrix then
%         the matrix is padded out with an identity matrix to order N.
%         The matrix, its natural size, and the estimator to which it applies
%         are specified by K (default K = 4) as follows:
%             K=1:   4-by-4,     LINPACK (RCOND)
%             K=2:   3-by-3,     LINPACK (RCOND)
%             K=3:   arbitrary,  LINPACK (RCOND)
%             K=4:   N >= 4,     SONEST (Higham 1988)
%         (Note that in practice the K=4 matrix is not usually a
%          counter-example because of the rounding errors in forming it.)

%  References:
%  A.K. Cline and R.K. Rew, A set of counter-examples to three condition number
%       estimators, SIAM J. Sci. Stat. Comput., 4 (1983), pp. 602-611.
%  N.J. Higham, FORTRAN codes for estimating the one-norm of a real or complex
%       matrix, with applications to condition estimation, ACM Trans. Math.
%       Soft., 14 (1988), pp. 381-396.

if nargin < 3, theta = 100; end
if nargin < 2, k = 4; end

if k == 1    % Cline and Rew (1983), Example B.

   A = [1  -1  -2*theta     0
        0   1     theta  -theta
        0   1   1+theta  -(theta+1)
        0   0   0         theta];

elseif k == 2   % Cline and Rew (1983), Example C.

   A = [1   1-1/theta^2  -2
        0   1/theta      -1/theta
        0   0             1];

elseif k == 3    % Cline and Rew (1983), Example D.

    A = triw(n,-1)';
    A(n,n) = -1;

elseif k == 4    % Higham (1988), p. 390.

    x = ones(n,3);            %  First col is e
    x(2:n,2) = zeros(n-1,1);  %  Second col is e(1)

    % Third col is special vector b in SONEST
    x(:, 3) = (-1).^[0:n-1]' .* ( 1 + [0:n-1]'/(n-1) );

    Q = orth(x);  %  Q*Q' is now the orthogonal projector onto span(e(1),e,b)).
    P = eye(n) - Q*Q';
    A = eye(n) + theta*P;


% Pad out with identity as necessary.
[m, m] = size(A);
if m < n
   for i=n:-1:m+1, A(i,i) = 1; end
End of condex.m
echo cycol.m 1>&2
cat >cycol.m <<'End of cycol.m'
function A = cycol(n, k)
%CYCOL   A = CYCOL([M N], K) is an M-by-N matrix of the form A = B(1:M,1:N)
%        where B = [C C C...] and C=RAND(M,K).  Thus A's columns repeat
%        cyclically, and A has rank at most K.   K need not divide N.
%        K defaults to ROUND(N/4).
%        CYCOL(N,K), where N is a scalar, is the same as CYCOL([N N], K).
%        This type of matrix can lead to underflow problems for Gaussian
%        elimination: see NA Digest Volume 89, Issue 3 (January 22, 1989).

m = n(1);              % Parameter n specifies dimension: m-by-n.
n = n(max(size(n)));

if nargin < 2, k = max(round(n/4),1); end

A = rand(m, k);
for i=2:ceil(n/k)
    A = [A A(:,1:k)];

A = A(:, 1:n);
End of cycol.m
echo dingdong.m 1>&2
cat >dingdong.m <<'End of dingdong.m'
function A = dingdong(n)
%DINGDONG  A = DINGDONG(N) is the symmetric n-by-n matrix with
%                         A(i,j) = 0.5/(n-i-j+1.5).
%          The eigenvalues of A cluster around PI/2 and -PI/2.

%   Invented by F.N. Ris.

%   Reference:  J.C. Nash, Compact Numerical Methods for Computers: Linear
%   Algebra and Function Minimisation, Adam Hilger, Bristol, and John Wiley,
%   New York, 1979, p. 210.

p= -2*(1:n) + (n+1.5);
A = cauchy(p);
End of dingdong.m
echo dorr.m 1>&2
cat >dorr.m <<'End of dorr.m'
function [c, d, e] = dorr(n, theta)
%DORR  [C, D, E] = DORR(N, THETA) returns the vectors defining a diagonally
%      dominant, tridiagonal M-matrix which is ill-conditioned for small
%      values of the parameter THETA>=0.  If only one output parameter is
%      supplied then C = TRIDIAG(C,D,E), i.e. the full matrix is returned.
%      The columns of INV(C) vary greatly in norm.  THETA defaults to 0.01.

%      Reference:  F.W. Dorr, An example of ill-conditioning in the numerical
%      solution of singular perturbation problems, Math. Comp., 25 (1971),
%      pp. 271-283.

if nargin < 2, theta = 0.01; end

c = zeros(n,1); e = c; d = c;
% All length n for convenience.  Make c,e of length n-1 later.

h = 1/(n+1);
m = floor( (n+1)/2 );
term = theta/h^2;

i = (1:m)';
    c(i) = -term*ones(i);
    e(i) = c(i) - (0.5-i*h)/h;
    d(i) = -(c(i) + e(i));

i = (m+1:n)';
    e(i) = -term*ones(n-m,1);
    c(i) = e(i) + (0.5-i*h)/h;
    d(i) = -(c(i) + e(i));

c = c(2:n);
e = e(1:n-1);

if nargout <= 1
   c = tridiag(c, d, e);
End of dorr.m
echo dramadah.m 1>&2
cat >dramadah.m <<'End of dramadah.m'
function A = dramadah(n, k)
%DRAMADAH  An anti-Hadamard matrix A is a matrix with elements 0 or 1 for
%          which MU(A) := NORM(INV(A),'FRO') is maximal.
%          A = DRAMADAH(N, K) is an N-by-N (0,1) matrix for which MU(A) is
%          relatively large, although not necessarily maximal.
%          Available types (the default is K=1):
%          K = 1: A is Toeplitz, with ABS(DET(A)) = 1, and MU(A) > c(1.75)^N,
%                 where c is a constant.
%          K = 2: A is upper triangular and Toeplitz.
%          The inverses of both types have integer entries.

%          Reference: R.L. Graham and N.J.A. Sloane, Anti-Hadamard matrices,
%          Linear Algebra and Appl., 62 (1984), pp. 113-137.

if nargin < 2, k = 1; end

if k == 1  % Toeplitz

   c = ones(n,1);
   for i=2:4:n
       m = min(1,n-i);
       c(i:i+m) = zeros(m+1,1);
   r = zeros(n,1);
   r(1:4) = [1 1 0 1];
   if n < 4, r = r(1:n); end
   A = toeplitz(c,r);

else  % Upper triangular and Toeplitz

   c = zeros(n,1);
   c(1) = 1;
   r = ones(n,1);
   for i = 3:2:n
       r(i) = 0;
   A = toeplitz(c,r);

End of dramadah.m
echo fiedler.m 1>&2
cat >fiedler.m <<'End of fiedler.m'
function A = fiedler(c)
%FIEDLER  A = FIEDLER(C), where C is an n-vector, is the n-by-n symmetric 
%         matrix with elements ABS(C(i)-C(j)).
%         Special case: if C is a scalar, then A = FIEDLER(1:C)
%                       (i.e. A(i,j) = ABS(i-j)).
%         Properties:
%           INV(A) is tridiagonal except for nonzero (1,n) and (n,1) elements.
%           DET(A) = (-1)^(n-1)*2^(n-2)*PROD( C(2:n)-C(1:n-1) )
%           FIEDLER(N) has a dominant positive eigenvalue and all the other
%                      eigenvalues are negative (Szego 1936).

%    Reference: G. Szego, Solution to problem 3705, Amer. Math. Monthly,
%    43 (1936), pp. 246-259.

n = max(size(c));

%  Handle scalar c.
if n == 1
   n = c;
   c = 1:n;

c = c(:).';                    % Ensure c is a row vector.

A = ones(n,1)*c;
A = abs(A-A.');                % NB. array transpose
End of fiedler.m
echo forsythe.m 1>&2
cat >forsythe.m <<'End of forsythe.m'
function A = forsythe(n, alpha, lambda)
%FORSYTHE  FORSYTHE(N, ALPHA, LAMBDA) is the N-by-N matrix equal to
%          JORDAN(N, LAMBDA) except it has an ALPHA in the (N,1) position.
%          It has the characteristic equation
%                  DET(A-t*EYE) = (LAMBDA-t)^N - (-1)^N ALPHA.
%          ALPHA defaults to SQRT(EPS) and LAMBDA to 0.

if nargin < 2, alpha = sqrt(eps); end
if nargin < 3, lambda = 0; end

A = jordan(n, lambda);
A(n,1) = alpha;
End of forsythe.m
echo frank.m 1>&2
cat >frank.m <<'End of frank.m'
function F = frank(n, k)
%FRANK   F = FRANK(N, K) is the Frank matrix of order n.  It is upper
%        Hessenberg with determinant 1.  K = 0 is the default; if K = 1 the
%        elements are reflected about the anti-diagonal (1,n)--(n,1).
%        The eigenvalues of F may be obtained in terms of the zeros of the
%        Hermite polynomials.  They are positive and occur in reciprocal 
%        pairs.  Thus if N is odd, 1 is an eigenvalue.
%        F has floor(n/2) ill-conditioned eigenvalues---the smaller ones.

%        For large N, DET(FRANK(N)') comes out far from 1---see Frank (1958)
%        for an explanation.

%    References:
%    W.L. Frank, Computing eigenvalues of complex matrices by determinant
%         evaluation and by methods of Danilewski and Wielandt, J. Soc. Indust.
%         Appl. Math., 6 (1958), pp. 378-392 (see pp. 385, 388).
%    J.H. Wilkinson, Error analysis of floating-point computation,
%         Numer. Math., 2 (1960), pp. 319-340 (section 8).
%    J.H. Wilkinson, The Algebraic Eigenvalue Problem, Oxford University
%         Press, 1965 (pp. 92-93).
%    G.H. Golub and J.H. Wilkinson, Ill-conditioned eigensystems and the
%         computation of the Jordan canonical form, SIAM Review, 18 (1976),
%         pp. 578-619 (section 13).
%         The next two references give details of the eigensystem:
%    P.J. Eberlein, A note on the matrices denoted by $B_n$, SIAM J. Appl.
%         Math., 20 (1971), pp. 87-92.
%    J.M. Varah, A generalization of the Frank matrix, SIAM J. Sci. Stat.
%         Comput., 7 (1986), pp. 835-839.

if nargin == 1, k = 0; end

F = min( ones(n,1)*(1:n), (1:n)'*ones(1,n) );
%   Take upper Hessenberg part.
F = triu(F,-1);
if k == 0
   F = F(p,p)';
End of frank.m
echo fv.m 1>&2
cat >fv.m <<'End of fv.m'
function [f, e] = fv(b, nk, thmax, noplot)
%FV     Field of values (or numerical range).
%       FV(A, NK, THMAX); evaluates and plots the field of values of the NK
%       largest leading principal submatrices of A, using THMAX equally spaced
%       angles in the complex plane.  The defaults are NK = 1 and THMAX = 20.
%       The eigenvalues of A are displayed as 'x'.
%       Alternative usage: [F, E] = FV(A, NK, THMAX, 1) suppresses the plot
%       and returns the field of values plot data in F, with A's eigenvalues
%       in E.

%       Theory:
%       Field of values FV(A) = set of all Rayleigh quotients. FV(A) is a
%       convex set containing the eigenvalues of A.  When A is normal FV(A) is
%       the convex hull of the eigenvalues of A (but not vice versa).
%               z = x'Ax/(x'x),  z' = x'A'x/(x'x)
%               => REAL(z) = x'Hx/(x'x),   H = (A+A')/2
%       so      MIN(EIG(H)) <= REAL(z) <= MAX(EIG(H))
%       with equality for x = corresponding eigenvectors of H.  For these x,
%       RQ(A,x) is on the boundary of FV(A).

%       Reference: A.S. Householder, The Theory of Matrices in Numerical
%       Analysis, Blaisdell, New York, 1964, section 3.3.

%       Original version by A. Ruhe.  Modified by N.J. Higham.
%       The plot is `incorrect' for skew-symmetric matrices!

if nargin < 2, nk = 1; end
if nargin < 3, thmax = 20; end

iu = sqrt(-1);
[n, p] = size(b);
f = [];
z = zeros(2*thmax+1,1);

for m = 1:nk

   ns = n+1-m;
   a = b(1:ns, 1:ns);

   for i = 0:thmax
      th = i/thmax*pi;
      ath = exp(iu*th)*a;               % Rotate A through angle th.
      h = 0.5*(ath + ath');             % Hermitian part of rotated A.
      [x, d] = eig(h);
      [lmbh, k] = sort(real(diag(d)));
      z(1+i) = rq(a,x(:,k(1)));         % RQ's of A corr. to eigenvalues of H
      z(1+i+thmax) = rq(a,x(:,k(ns)));  % with smallest/largest real part.

   f = [f; z];


if nargin < 4
   if norm(imag(f),1) == 0
      % In  case of real f (e.g. Hermitian A) choose [-1,1] for y-range.
      axis([ min(f) max(f) -1 1]);
   plot(real(f), imag(f),'w')      % Plot the field of values
   hold on
   e = eig(b);
   plot(real(e), imag(e), 'xg')    % Plot the eigenvalues too.
   axis('normal'), hold off
   if norm(imag(f),1) == 0
      % Return to auto-scaling
End of fv.m
echo gallery.m 1>&2
cat >gallery.m <<'End of gallery.m'
function [A, e] = gallery(n)
%GALLERY    Famous, and not so famous, test matrices.
%       A = GALLERY(N) is an N-by-N matrix with some special property.
%       Only the following values of N are currently available:
%         N = 3 is badly conditioned.
%         N = 4 is the Wilson matrix.  Symmetric pos def, integer inverse.
%         N = 5 is an interesting ei'value problem: defective, nilpotent.
%         N = 8 is the Rosser matrix, a classic symmetric eigenvalue problem.
%               [A, e] = GALLERY(8) returns the exact eigenvalues in e.
%         N = 21 is Wilkinson's tridiagonal W21+, another eigenvalue problem.

%       Original version supplied with MATLAB.  Modified by N.J. Higham.

%       References:
%       J.R. Westlake, A Handbook of Numerical Matrix Inversion and Solution
%       of Linear Equations, John Wiley, New York, 1968.
%       J.H. Wilkinson, The Algebraic Eigenvalue Problem, Oxford University
%       Press, 1965.

if n == 3
   A = [ -149   -50  -154
          537   180   546
          -27    -9   -25 ];

elseif n == 4
   A = [10     7     8     7
         7     5     6     5
         8     6    10     9
         7     5     9    10];

elseif n == 5
%   disp('Try to find the EXACT eigenvalues and eigenvectors.')
%   Matrix devised by Cleve Moler.  Its Jordan form has just one block, with
%   eigenvalue zero.  Proof: A^k is nonzero for k<5, zero for k=5.
%   TRACE(A)=0.  No simple form for null vector.
   A = [  -9     11    -21     63    -252
          70    -69    141   -421    1684
        -575    575  -1149   3451  -13801
        3891  -3891   7782 -23345   93365
        1024  -1024   2048  -6144   24572 ];

elseif n == 8
   A  = [ 611.  196. -192.  407.   -8.  -52.  -49.   29.
          196.  899.  113. -192.  -71.  -43.   -8.  -44.
         -192.  113.  899.  196.   61.   49.    8.   52.
          407. -192.  196.  611.    8.   44.   59.  -23.
           -8.  -71.   61.    8.  411. -599.  208.  208.
          -52.  -43.   49.   44. -599.  411.  208.  208.
          -49.   -8.    8.   59.  208.  208.   99. -911.
           29.  -44.   52.  -23.  208.  208. -911.   99.  ];

   %  Exact eigenvalues from Westlake (1968), p.150 (ei'vectors given too):
   a = sqrt(10405); b = sqrt(26);
   e = [-10*a,   0,   510-100*b,  1000,   1000,   510+100*b, ...
        1020,   10*a]';

elseif n == 21
   % W21+, Wilkinson (1965), p.308.
   E = diag(ones(n-1,1),1);
   m = (n-1)/2;
   A = diag(abs(-m:m)) + E + E';

   error('Sorry, that value of N is not available.')
End of gallery.m
echo gear.m 1>&2
cat >gear.m <<'End of gear.m'
function A = gear(n, i, j)
%GEAR    A = GEAR(N,I,J) is the N-by-N matrix with ones on the sub- and
%        super-diagonals, SIGN(I) in the (1,ABS(I)) position, SIGN(J)
%        in the (N,N+1-ABS(J)) position, and zeros everywhere else.
%        Defaults: I=N, j=-N.
%        All eigenvalues are of the form 2*COS(a) and the eigenvectors
%        are of the form [SIN(w+a), SIN(w+2a), ..., SIN(w+Na)].
%        The values of a and w are given in the reference below.
%        A can have double and triple eigenvalues and can be defective.
%        GEAR(N) is singular.

%        Reference: C.W. Gear, A simple set of test matrices for eigenvalue
%        programs, Math. Comp., 23 (1969), pp. 119-125.

if nargin == 1, i = n; j = -n; end

if ~(i~=0 & abs(i)<=n & j~=0 & abs(j)<=n)
     error('Invalid I and J parameters')

A = diag(ones(n-1,1),-1) + diag(ones(n-1,1),1);
A(1, abs(i)) = sign(i);
A(n, n+1-abs(j)) = sign(j);
End of gear.m
echo gfpp.m 1>&2
cat >gfpp.m <<'End of gfpp.m'
function A = gfpp(T, c)
%GFPP   GFPP(T) is a matrix of order N for which Gaussian elimination
%       with partial pivoting yields a growth factor 2^(N-1).
%       T is an arbitrary nonsingular upper triangular matrix of order N-1.
%       GFPP(T, C) sets all the multipliers to C  (0 <= C <= 1)
%       and gives growth factor (1+C)^(N-1).
%       GFPP(N, C) (a special case) is the same as GFPP(EYE(N-1), C) and
%       generates the well-known example of Wilkinson.

%       Reference: N.J. Higham and D.J. Higham, Large growth factors in
%       Gaussian elimination with pivoting, SIAM J. Matrix Analysis and
%       Appl., 10 (1989), pp. 155-164.

if T ~= triu(T) | any(~diag(T))
   error('First argument must be a nonsingular upper triangular matrix.')

if nargin == 1, c = 1; end

if c < 0 | c > 1
   error('Second parameter must be a scalar between 0 and 1 inclusive.')

[m, m] = size(T);
if m == 1    % Handle the special case T = scalar
   n = T;
   m = n-1;
   T = eye(n-1);
   n = m+1;

d = 1+c;
L =  eye(n) - c*tril(ones(n), -1);
U = [T  (d.^[0:n-2])'; zeros(1,m) d^(n-1)];
A = L*U;
theta = max(abs(A(:)));
A(:,n) = (theta/norm(A(:,n),inf)) * A(:,n);
End of gfpp.m
echo hadamard.m 1>&2
cat >hadamard.m <<'End of hadamard.m'
function H = hadamard(n)
%HADAMARD  HADAMARD(N) is a Hadamard matrix of order N.
%          An N-by-N Hadamard matrix exists only if N=2 or REM(N,4)=0.
%          This function handles only the cases where N, N/12 or N/20
%          is a power of 2.

%          This is an expanded version of a routine supplied with MATLAB.

%          Reference: S.W. Golomb and L.D. Baumert, The search for Hadamard
%          matrices, Amer. Math. Monthly, 70 (1963) pp. 12-17.

if n ~= 2 & rem(n,4) ~= 0
 error('For an NxN Hadamard matrix to exist, N must be 2 or a multiple of 4.')

k2 = log(n)/log(2);
k12 = log(n/12)/log(2);
k20 = log(n/20)/log(2);

if k2 == fix(k2)
   H = [1  1
        1 -1];
   k = k2-1;

elseif k12 == fix(k12)
   H = toeplitz( [-1 -1 1 -1 -1 -1 1 1 1 -1 1 ], ...
                 [-1 1 -1 1 1 1 -1 -1 -1 1 -1] );
   H = [ones(1,12); ones(11,1)  H];
   k = k12;

elseif k20 == fix(k20)
   H = hankel( [ -1 -1 1 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 1 -1 1 -1 1 1 1 1 -1 -1 1], ...
               [1 -1 -1 1 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 1 -1 1 -1 1 1 1 1 -1 -1] );
   H = [ones(1,20); ones(19,1)  H];
   k = k20;

   error('Sorry, can''t handle that value of N.')

%  Kronecker product construction.
for i=1:k
    H = [H  H
         H -H];
End of hadamard.m
echo hanowa.m 1>&2
cat >hanowa.m <<'End of hanowa.m'
function A = hanowa(n, d)
%HANOWA  HANOWA(N, d) is the N-by-N block 2x2 matrix (thus N must be even)
%                      [d*EYE(N)   -DIAG(1:N)
%                       DIAG(1:N)   d*EYE(N)]
%        It has complex eigenvalues lambda(k) = d +/- k*i  (1 <= k <= n/2).
%        Parameter d defaults to -1.

%        Reference: E. Hairer, S.P. Norsett and G. Wanner, Solving Ordinary
%        Differential Equations I: Nonstiff Problems, Springer-Verlag,
%        Berlin, 1987. (pp. 86-87)

if nargin == 1, d = -1; end

m = n/2;
if round(m) ~= m
   error('N must be even.')

A = [ d*eye(m) -diag(1:m)
      diag(1:m)  d*eye(m)];
End of hanowa.m
echo hilb.m 1>&2
cat >hilb.m <<'End of hilb.m'
function H = hilb(n)
%HILB   HILB(N) is the N-by-N Hilbert matrix with elements 1/(i+j-1),
%       which is a famous example of a badly conditioned matrix.
%       See INVHILB (standard MATLAB routine) for the exact inverse, which
%       has integer entries.
%       HILB(N) is symmetric positive definite and totally positive.

%       This routine is shorter and faster than the one supplied with MATLAB.

%       References: D.E. Knuth, The Art of Computer Programming,
%       Volume 1, Fundamental Algorithms, Second Edition, Addison-Wesley,
%       Reading, Massachusetts, 1973, p. 37.
%       M.-D. Choi, Tricks or treats with the Hilbert matrix, Amer. Math.
%       Monthly, 90 (1983), pp. 301-312.

if n == 1
   H = 1;
    H = cauchy( (1:n) - .5);
End of hilb.m
echo house.m 1>&2
cat >house.m <<'End of house.m'
function [v, beta] = house(x)
%HOUSE   Householder matrix.
%        If [v, beta] = HOUSE(x) then H = EYE - beta*v*v' is a Householder
%        matrix such that Hx = -sign(x(1))*norm(x)*e_1.
%        NB: x is assumed to be nonzero.  x can be real or complex.
%            sign(x) := exp(i*arg(x)) ( = x./abs(x) when x ~= 0).

%        Theory: (textbook references Golub & Van Loan 1983, 38-43;
%                 Stewart 1973, 231-234, 262; Wilkinson 1965, 48-50).
%        Hx = y: (I - beta*v*v')x = -s*e_1.
%        Must have |s| = norm(x), v = x+s*e_1, and
%        x'y = x'Hx =(x'Hx)' real => arg(s) = arg(x(1)).
%        So take s = sign(x(1))*norm(x) (which avoids cancellation).
%        v'v = (x(1)+s)^2 + x(2)^2 + ... + x(n)^2
%            = 2*norm(x)*(norm(x) + |x(1)|).
s = norm(x) * (sign(x(1)) + (x(1)==0));    % Modification for sign(0)=1.
v = x;
v(1) = v(1) + s;
beta = 1/(s'*v(1));  % NB the conjugated s.

% beta = 1/(abs(s)*(abs(s)+abs(x(1)) would guarantee beta real.
% But beta as above can be non-real (due to rounding) only when x is complex.
End of house.m
echo invol.m 1>&2
cat >invol.m <<'End of invol.m'
function A = invol(n)
%INVOL   A = INVOL(N) is an N-by-N involutory (A*A=EYE(N)) and
%        ill-conditioned matrix.
%        It is a diagonally scaled version of HILB(N).
%        NB. B=(EYE(N)-A)/2 and B=(EYE(N)+A)/2 are idempotent (B*B=B).

%        Reference: A.S. Householder and J.A. Carpenter, The singular values
%        of involutory and of idempotent matrices, Numer. Math. 5 (1963),
%        pp. 234-237.

A = hilb(n);

d = -n;
A(:, 1) = d*A(:, 1);

for i = 1:n-1
    d = -(n+i)*(n-i)*d/(i*i);
    A(i+1, :) = d*A(i+1, :);
End of invol.m
echo ipjfact.m 1>&2
cat >ipjfact.m <<'End of ipjfact.m'
function A = ipjfact(n, k)
%IPJFACT   A = IPJFACT(N, K) is the matrix with
%                    a(i,j) = (i+j)!    (K=0, default)
%                    a(i,j) = 1/(i+j)!  (K=1)
%          Both are  Hankel matrices.

%          Suggested by P.R. Graves-Morris.

if nargin == 1, k = 0; end

c = cumprod(2:n+1);
d = cumprod(n+1:2*n) * c(n-1);

A = hankel(c, d);

if k == 1
   A = ones(A)./A;
End of ipjfact.m
echo jordan.m 1>&2
cat >jordan.m <<'End of jordan.m'
function J = jordan(n, lambda)
%JORDAN  JORDAN(N, LAMBDA) is the N-by-N Jordan block with eigenvalue LAMBDA.
%        LAMBDA = 1 is the default.

if nargin == 1, lambda = 1; end

J = lambda*eye(n) + diag(ones(n-1,1),1);
End of jordan.m
echo kahan.m 1>&2
cat >kahan.m <<'End of kahan.m'
function U = kahan(n, theta)
%KAHAN  KAHAN(N, THETA) is an upper trapezoidal matrix
%       involving a parameter THETA, which has some interesting
%       properties regarding estimation of condition and rank.
%       The matrix is N-by-N unless N is a 2-vector, in which case it
%       is N(1)-by-N(2).  THETA defaults to 0.25.

%       The inverse of KAHAN(N, THETA) is known explicitly: see
%       Higham (1987, p. 588), for example.

%       References: 
%       W. Kahan, Numerical linear algebra, Canadian Math. Bulletin, 
%       9 (1966), pp. 757-801.
%       N.J. Higham, A survey of condition number estimation for 
%       triangular matrices, SIAM Review, 29 (1987), pp. 575-596.

if nargin < 2, theta = 0.25; end

r = n(1);              % Parameter n specifies dimension: r-by-n.
n = n(max(size(n)));

s = sin(theta);
c = cos(theta);

U = eye(n) - c*triu(ones(n), 1);
U = diag(s.^[1:n])*U;
if r > n
   U(r,n) = 0;         % Extend to an r-by-n matrix.
   U = U(1:r,:);       % Reduce to an r-by-n matrix.
End of kahan.m
echo kms.m 1>&2
cat >kms.m <<'End of kms.m'
function A = kms(n, rho)
%KMS   A = KMS(N, RHO) is the N-by-N Kac-Murdock-Szego Toeplitz matrix with
%      A(i,j) = RHO^(ABS((i-j))) (for real RHO).
%      If RHO is complex, then the same formula holds except that elements
%      below the diagonal are conjugated.
%      RHO defaults to 0.5.
%      Properties:
%         A has an LDL' factorization with
%                  L = INV(TRIW(N,-RHO,1)'),
%                  D(i,i) = (1-ABS(RHO)^2)*EYE(N) except D(1,1) = 1.
%         A is positive definite if and only if 0 < ABS(RHO) < 1.
%         INV(A) is tridiagonal.

%       Reference: W.F. Trench, Numerical solution of the eigenvalue problem
%       for Hermitian Toeplitz matrices, SIAM J. Matrix Analysis and Appl.,
%       10 (1989), pp. 135-146 (and see the references therein).

if nargin < 2, rho = 0.5; end

A = (1:n)'*ones(1,n);
A = abs(A - A');
A = rho .^ A;
if imag(rho)
   A = conj(tril(A,-1)) + triu(A);
End of kms.m
echo krylov.m 1>&2
cat >krylov.m <<'End of krylov.m'
function B = krylov(A, x, j)
%KRYLOV    KRYLOV(A, x, j) is the Krylov matrix
%          [x, Ax, A^2x, ..., A^(j-1)x], where A is an n-by-n matrix and
%          x is an n-vector.
%          Defaults: x = ONES(n,1), j = n.
%          KRYLOV(n) is the same as KRYLOV(RAND(n)).

%  Reference: G.H. Golub and C.F. Van Loan, Matrix Computations, Johns Hopkins
%  University Press, Baltimore, Maryland, 1983, p. 224.

[n, n] = size(A);

if n == 1   % Handle special case A = scalar.
   n = A;
   A = rand(n);

if nargin < 3, j = n; end
if nargin < 2, x = ones(n,1); end

B = ones(n,j);
B(:,1) = x(:);
for i=2:j
    B(:,i) = A*B(:,i-1);
End of krylov.m
echo lauchli.m 1>&2
cat >lauchli.m <<'End of lauchli.m'
function A = lauchli(n, mu)
%LAUCHLI   LAUCHLI(N, MU) is the (N+1)-by-N matrix [ONES(1,N); MU*EYE(N))].
%          It is a well-known example in least squares and other problems
%          that indicates the dangers of forming A'*A.
%          MU defaults to SQRT(EPS).

%          Reference: P. Lauchli, Jordan-Elimination und Ausgleichung nach
%          kleinsten Quadraten, Numer. Math, 3 (1961), pp. 226-240.

if nargin < 2, mu = sqrt(eps); end
A = [ones(1,n);
End of lauchli.m
echo lehmer.m 1>&2
cat >lehmer.m <<'End of lehmer.m'
function A = lehmer(n)
%LEHMER  A = LEHMER(N) is the symmetric positive definite N-by-N matrix with
%                         A(i,j) = i/j for j>=i.
%        A is totally nonnegative.  INV(A) is tridiagonal, and explicit
%        formulas are known for its entries.
%        N <= COND(A) <= 4*N*N.

%        References:
%        M. Newman and J. Todd, The evaluation of matrix inversion
%        programs, J. Soc. Indust. Appl. Math., 6 (1958), pp. 466-476.
%        Solutions to problem E710 (proposed by D.H. Lehmer): The inverse
%        of a matrix, Amer. Math. Monthly, 53 (1946), pp. 534-535.

A = ones(n,1)*(1:n);
A = A./A';
A = tril(A) + tril(A,-1)';
End of lehmer.m
echo lotkin.m 1>&2
cat >lotkin.m <<'End of lotkin.m'
function A = lotkin(n)
%LOTKIN  A = LOTKIN(N) is the Hilbert matrix with its first row altered to
%        all ones.  A is unsymmetric, ill-conditioned, and has many negative
%        eigenvalues of small magnitude.  The inverse has integer entries
%        and is known explicitly.

%        Reference: M. Lotkin, A set of test matrices, MTAC, 9 (1955),
%        pp. 153-161.

A = hilb(n);
A(1,:) = ones(1,n);
End of lotkin.m
echo matrix.m 1>&2
cat >matrix.m <<'End of matrix.m'
function A = matrix(k, n)
%MATRIX     MATRIX(K, N) is the N-by-N instance of the matrix number K
%           in the collection [1] (including some of the matrices provided
%           with MATLAB), with all other parameters set to their default.
%           N.B. Only those matrices which take an arbitrary dimension N
%                are included (thus GALLERY is omitted, for example).
%           MATRIX(K) is a string containing the name of the K'th matrix.
%           MATRIX(0) is the number of matrices, i.e. the upper limit for K.
%           Thus to set A to each N-by-N test matrix in turn use a loop like
%                 for k=1:matrix(0)
%                     A = matrix(k, N);
%                     Aname = matrix(k);   % The name of the matrix
%                 end
%           MATRIX(-1) returns the version number and date of the collection.

%  [1] N.J. Higham, A collection of test matrices in MATLAB, Technical Report,
%      Department of Computer Science, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853,
%      1989; also Numerical Analysis Report, Department of Mathematics,
%      University of Manchester, Manchester, M13 9PL, England, 1989.

% Matrices omitted are: gallery, hadamard, hanowa, lauchli, wathen, wilk.
% Matrices provided with MATLAB that are included here: invhilb, magic.

% Set up string array a few lines at a time to avoid `input buffer line
% overflow'.

matrices = [
'cauchy  '; 'chebspec'; 'chebvand'; 'chow    '; 'circul  '; ...
'clement '; 'compan  '; 'condex  '; 'cycol   '; 'dingdong'; ...
'dorr    '; 'dramadah'; 'fiedler '; 'forsythe'; 'frank   '; ...
'gear    '; 'gfpp    '; 'hilb    '; 'invhilb '; 'invol   ';];

matrices = [matrices
'ipjfact '; 'jordan  '; 'kahan   '; 'kms     '; 'krylov  '; ...
'lehmer  '; 'lotkin  '; 'magic   '; 'minij   '; 'moler   '; ...
'ohess   '; 'orthog  '; 'pascal  '; 'pei     '; 'rando   '; ...
'randsvd '; 'riemann '; 'tridiag '; 'triw    '; 'vand    ';];

if nargin == 1
   if k == 0
      [A, temp] = size(matrices);
   elseif k > 0
      A = matrices(k,:);
      A = 'Version 1.0, July 4 1989'; % Version number and date of collection.
   A = eval( [matrices(k,:) '(n)'] );
End of matrix.m
echo minij.m 1>&2
cat >minij.m <<'End of minij.m'
function A = minij(n)
%MINIJ   A = MINIJ(N) is the N-by-N symmetric positive definite matrix with
%        A(i,j) = min(i,j).
%        Properties, variations:
%        INV(A) is tridiagonal: it is minus the second difference matrix
%                    except its (N,N) element is 1.
%        2*A-ONES(A) (Givens' matrix) has tridiagonal inverse and
%                    eigenvalues .5*sec^2([2r-1)PI/4N], r=1:N.
%        (N+1)ONES(A)-A has elements max(i,j), and also has a tridiagonal
%                    inverse.

A = min( ones(n,1)*(1:n), (1:n)'*ones(1,n) );
End of minij.m
echo moler.m 1>&2
cat >moler.m <<'End of moler.m'
function A = moler(n, alpha)
%MOLER   A = MOLER(N, ALPHA) is the symmetric positive definite N-by-N matrix
%        U'*U where U = TRIW(N,-1, ALPHA).
%        For ALPHA = -1 (the default) A(i,j) = min(i,j)-2, A(i,i) = i.
%        A has one small eigenvalue.

%   Nash (1979) attributes the ALPHA = -1 matrix to Moler.

%   Reference:  J.C. Nash, Compact Numerical Methods for Computers: Linear
%   Algebra and Function Minimisation, Adam Hilger, Bristol, and John Wiley,
%   New York, 1979.   pp. 76, 210.

if nargin == 1, alpha = -1; end

A = triw(n, alpha)'*triw(n, alpha);
End of moler.m
echo ohess.m 1>&2
cat >ohess.m <<'End of ohess.m'
function H = ohess(x)
%OHESS  H = OHESS(N) is an N-by-N real, random, orthogonal upper Hessenberg
%       matrix.
%       Alternatively, H = OHESS(X), where X is an arbitrary real N-vector
%       (N>1) constructs H non-randomly using the elements of X as parameters.
%       In both cases H is constructed via a product of N-1 Givens rotations.

%       Note: See Gragg (1986) for how to represent an N-by-N (complex)
%       unitary Hessenberg matrix with positive subdiagonal elements in terms
%       of 2N-1 real parameters (the Schur parametrization).
%       This M-file handles the real case only and is intended simply as a
%       convenient way to generate random or non-random orthogonal Hessenberg
%       matrices.

%   Reference: W.B. Gragg, The QR algorithm for unitary Hessenberg matrices,
%   J. Comp. Appl. Math., 16 (1986), pp. 1-8.

if any(imag(x)), error('Parameter must be real.'), end

n = max(size(x));

if n == 1
%  Handle scalar x.
   n = x;
   x = rand(n-1,1)*2*pi;
   H = eye(n);
   H(n,n) = sign(rand);
   H = eye(n);
   H(n,n) = sign(x(n)) + (x(n)==0);   % Second term ensures H(n,n) nonzero.

for i=n:-1:2
    % Apply Givens rotation through angle x(i-1).
    theta = x(i-1);
    c = cos(theta);
    s = sin(theta);
    H( [i-1 i], : ) = [ c*H(i-1,:)+s*H(i,:)
                       -s*H(i-1,:)+c*H(i,:) ];
End of ohess.m
echo orthog.m 1>&2
cat >orthog.m <<'End of orthog.m'
function q = orthog(n, k)
%ORTHOG Orthogonal and nearly orthogonal matrices.
%       Q = ORTHOG(N, K) selects the K'th type of matrix of order N.
%       K > 0 for exactly orthogonal matrices, K < 0 for diagonal scalings of
%       orthogonal matrices.
%       Available types: (K = 1 is the default)
%       K = 1:  q(i,j) = SQRT(2/(n+1)) * SIN( i*j*PI/(n+1) )
%               Symmetric eigenvector matrix for second difference matrix.
%       K = 2:  q(i,j) = 2/SQRT(2*n+1)) * SIN( 2*i*j*PI/(2*n+1) )
%               Symmetric.
%       K = 3:  q(r,s) = EXP(2*PI*i*(r-1)*(s-1)/n) / SQRT(n)  (i=SQRT(-1))
%               Unitary, the Fourier matrix.
%       K = -1: q(i,j) = COS( (i-1)*(j-1)*PI/(n-1) )
%               Chebyshev Vandermonde-like matrix, based on extrema of T(n-1).
%       K = -2: q(i,j) = COS( (i-1)*(j-1/2)*PI/n) )
%               Chebyshev Vandermonde-like matrix, based on zeros of T(n).

%       Reference: N.J. Higham and D.J. Higham, Large growth factors in
%       Gaussian elimination with pivoting, SIAM J. Matrix Analysis and
%       Appl., 10 (1989), pp. 155-164.

if nargin == 1, k = 1; end

if k == 1
                                       % E'vectors second difference matrix
   m = (1:n)'*(1:n) * (pi/(n+1));
   q = sin(m) * sqrt(2/(n+1));

elseif k == 2

   m = (1:n)'*(1:n) * (2*pi/(2*n+1));
   q = sin(m) * (2/sqrt(2*n+1));

elseif k == 3                          %  Vandermonde based on roots of unity

   m = 0:n-1;
   q = exp(m'*m*2*pi*sqrt(-1)/n) / sqrt(n);

elseif k == -1
                                       %  extrema of T(n-1)
   m = (0:n-1)'*(0:n-1) * (pi/(n-1));
   q = cos(m);

elseif k == -2
                                       % zeros of T(n)
   m = (0:n-1)'*(.5:n-.5) * (pi/n);
   q = cos(m);

End of orthog.m
echo pascal.m 1>&2
cat >pascal.m <<'End of pascal.m'
function P = pascal(n, k)
%PASCAL  PASCAL(N) is the Pascal matrix of order N: a symmetric positive
%        definite matrix with integer entries, made up from Pascal's
%        triangle.  Its inverse has integer entries.
%        [Conjecture by NJH: the Pascal matrix is totally positive.]
%        PASCAL(N,1) is the lower triangular Cholesky factor (up to signs
%        of columns) of the Pascal matrix.   It is involutary (is its own
%        inverse).
%        PASCAL(N,2) is a transposed and permuted version of PASCAL(N,1)
%        which is a cube root of the identity.

if nargin == 1, k = 0; end

P = diag( (-1).^[0:n-1] );
P(:, 1) = ones(n,1);

%  Generate the Pascal Cholesky factor (up to signs).
for j=2:n-1
    for i=j+1:n
        P(i,j) = P(i-1,j) - P(i-1,j-1);

if k == 0
   P = P*P';

elseif k == 2
   P = P';
   P = P(n:-1:1,:);
   for i=1:n-1
       P(i,:) = -P(i,:);
       P(:,i) = -P(:,i);
   if n/2 == round(n/2), P = -P; end

End of pascal.m
echo pei.m 1>&2
cat >pei.m <<'End of pei.m'
function P = pei(n, alpha)
%PEI    PEI(N, ALPHA), where ALPHA is a scalar, is the Pei matrix with
%       parameter ALPHA, i.e. the symmetric matrix ALPHA*EYE(N) + ONES(N).
%       If ALPHA is omitted then ALPHA = 1 is used.
%       The matrix is symmetric, and singular for ALPHA = 0, -N.

%       Reference: M.L. Pei, A test matrix for inversion procedures,
%       Comm. ACM, 5 (1962), p. 508.

if nargin == 1, alpha = 1; end

P = alpha*eye(n) + ones(n);
End of pei.m
echo qmult.m 1>&2
cat >qmult.m <<'End of qmult.m'
function B = qmult(A)
%QMULT  QMULT(A) is Q*A where Q is a random real orthogonal matrix from the
%       Haar distribution, of dimension the number of rows in A.
%       Special case: if A is a scalar then QMULT(A) is the same as 
%       QMULT(EYE(A)).  N.B. This routine sets RAND('NORMAL').

%       Reference: G.W. Stewart, The efficient generation of random
%       orthogonal matrices with an application to condition estimators,
%       SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 17 (1980), 403-409.

[n, m] = size(A);

%  Handle scalar A.
if max(n,m) == 1
   n = A;
   A = eye(n);

d = zeros(n);

for k = n-1:-1:1

    % Generate random Householder transformation.
    x = rand(n-k+1,1);
    s = norm(x);
    sgn = sign(x(1)) + (x(1)==0);    % Modification for sign(1)=1.
    s = sgn*s;
    d(k) = -sgn;
    x(1) = x(1) + s;
    beta = s*x(1);

    % Apply the transformation to A.
    y = x'*A(k:n,:);
    A(k:n,:) = A(k:n,:) - x*(y/beta);


% Tidy up signs.
for i=1:n-1
    A(i,:) = d(i)*A(i,:);
A(n,:) = A(n,:)*sign(rand);
B = A;
End of qmult.m
echo rando.m 1>&2
cat >rando.m <<'End of rando.m'
function A = rando(n, k)
%RANDO   A = RANDO(N, K) is a random N-by-N matrix with elements from one of
%        the following discrete distributions (default K=1):
%          K=1:  A(i,j) =  0 or 1    with equal probability,
%          K=2:  A(i,j) = -1 or 1    with equal probability,
%          K=3:  A(i,j) = -1, 0 or 1 with equal probability.
%        N may be a 2-vector, in which case the matrix is N(1)-by-N(2).

if nargin < 2, k = 1; end

m = n(1);                    % Parameter n specifies dimension: m-by-n.
n = n(max(size(n)));

if k == 1                    % {0, 1}
   A = floor( rand(m,n) + .5 );
elseif k == 2                % {-1, 1}
   A = 2*floor( rand(m,n) + .5 ) - 1;
elseif k == 3                % {-1, 0, 1}
   A = round( 3*rand(m,n) - 1.5 );
End of rando.m
echo randsvd.m 1>&2
cat >randsvd.m <<'End of randsvd.m'
function A = randsvd(n, kappa, mode, kl, ku)
%RANDSVD  Random matrices with pre-assigned singular values.
%      RANDSVD(N, KAPPA, MODE, KL, KU) is a (banded) random matrix of order N
%      with COND(A) = KAPPA and singular values from the distribution MODE.
%      N may be a 2-vector, in which case the matrix is N(1)-by-N(2).
%      Available types:
%             MODE = 1:   one large singular value,
%             MODE = 2:   one small singular value,
%             MODE = 3:   geometrically distributed singular values,
%             MODE = 4:   arithmetically distributed singular values,
%             MODE = 5:   random singular values with unif. dist. logarithm.
%      If omitted, MODE defaults to 3, and KAPPA defaults to SQRT(1/EPS).
%      If MODE < 0 then the effect is as for ABS(MODE) except that in the
%      original matrix of singular values the order of the diagonal entries is
%      reversed: small to large instead of large to small.
%      KL and KU are the lower and upper bandwidths respectively; if they are
%      omitted a full matrix is produced.   If only KL is present, KU defaults
%      to KL.

%      This routine is similar to the more comprehensive Fortran routine xLATMS
%      in the following reference:
%      J.W. Demmel and A. McKenney, A test matrix generation suite,
%      LAPACK Working Note #9, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences,
%      New York, 1989.

if nargin < 2, kappa = sqrt(1/eps); end
if nargin < 3, mode = 3; end
if nargin < 4, kl = n-1; end  % Full matrix.
if nargin < 5, ku = kl; end   % Same upper and lower bandwidths.

if kappa < 1
   error('Condition number must be at least 1!')

p = min(n);
m = n(1);              % Parameter n specifies dimension: m-by-n.
n = n(max(size(n)));

if p == 1              % Handle case where A is a vector.
   A = rand(m, n);
   A = A/norm(A);

j = abs(mode);

% Set up vector sigma of singular values.
if j == 3
   factor = kappa^(-1/(p-1));
   sigma = factor.^[0:p-1];

elseif j == 4
   sigma = ones(p,1) - (0:p-1)'/(p-1)*(1-1/kappa);

elseif j == 5
   sigma = exp( -rand(p,1)*log(kappa) );

elseif j == 2
   sigma = ones(p,1);
   sigma(p) = 1/kappa;

elseif j == 1
   sigma = ones(p,1)./kappa;
   sigma(1) = 1;

% Convert to diagonal matrix of singular values.
if mode < 0
  sigma = sigma(p:-1:1)
sigma = diag(sigma);
if m ~= n
   sigma(m, n) = 0;      % Expand to m-by-n diagonal matrix.

if kl == 0 & ku == 0  % Diagonal matrix requested - nothing more to do.
   A = sigma;

% A = U*sigma*V, where U, V are random orthogonal matrices from the
% Haar distribution.
A = qmult(sigma');
A = qmult(A');

if kl < n-1 | ku < n-1  % Bandwidth reduction.
   A = bandred(A, kl, ku);
End of randsvd.m
echo riemann.m 1>&2
cat >riemann.m <<'End of riemann.m'
function A = riemann(n)
%RIEMANN    A = RIEMANN(N) is a N-by-N matrix associated with the
%           Riemann hypothesis, which is true if and only if
%           DET(A) = O( N! N^(-1/2+epsilon) ) for every epsilon>0
%                                             ('!' denotes factorial).
%           A = B(2:N+1, 2:N+1), where B(i,j) = i-1 if i divides j and
%           -1 otherwise.
%           Properties include, with M = N+1:
%              Each eigenvalue E(i) satisfies ABS(E(i)) <= M - 1/M.
%              i <= E(i) <= i+1 with at most M-SQRT(M) exceptions.
%              All integers in the interval (M/3, M/2] are eigenvalues.

%           Reference:  F. Roesler, Riemann's hypothesis as an
%           eigenvalue problem, Linear Algebra and Appl., 81 (1986),
%           pp. 153-198.
n = n+1;
i = (2:n)'*ones(1,n-1);
j = i';
A = i .* (~rem(j,i)) - ones(n-1);
End of riemann.m
echo rq.m 1>&2
cat >rq.m <<'End of rq.m'
function z = rq(a,x)
%RQ      RQ(A,x) is the Rayleigh quotient of A and x, x'*A*x/(x'*x).

z = x'*a*x/(x'*x);
End of rq.m
echo see.m 1>&2
cat >see.m <<'End of see.m'
function see(a, k)
%SEE    Pictures of a matrix and its inverse.
%       SEE(A) displays MESH(A), MESH(INV(A)), PLOT(A), and FV((A))
%       in four subplot windows.
%       SEE(A,1) uses the full screen for each picture, with a PAUSE in
%       between each one.

if nargin < 2, k = 0; end


if k == 1,
   mesh(a),         pause
   b = inv(a);
   mesh(b),         pause
   plot(a),         pause
   b = inv(a);
%   subplot
End of see.m
echo seqa.m 1>&2
cat >seqa.m <<'End of seqa.m'
function y = seqa(a, b, n)
%SEQA   Generate an additive sequence.
%       Y = SEQA(A, B, N) produces a row vector comprising N equally
%       spaced numbers starting at A and finishing at B.
%       If N is omitted then 10 points are generated.

if nargin == 2, n = 10; end

if n <= 1
   y = a;
y = [a+(0:n-2)*(b-a)/(n-1), b];
End of seqa.m
echo seqcheb.m 1>&2
cat >seqcheb.m <<'End of seqcheb.m'
function x = seqcheb(n, k)
%SEQCHEB   Sequence of points related to Chebyshev polynomials, T_N.
%          X = SEQCHEB(N, K) produces a row vector of length N.
%          K = 1:  zeros of T_N,         (the default)
%          K = 2:  extrema of T_{N-1}.

if nargin == 1, k = 1; end

if k == 1                     %  Zeros of T_n
   i = 1:n; j = .5*ones(i);
   x = cos( (i-j) * (pi/n) );
elseif k == 2                 %  Extrema of T_(n-1)
   i = 0:n-1;
   x = cos( i * (pi/(n-1)) );
End of seqcheb.m
echo seqm.m 1>&2
cat >seqm.m <<'End of seqm.m'
function y = seqm(a, b, n)
%SEQM   Generate a multiplicative sequence.
%       Y = SEQM(A, B, N) produces a row vector comprising N
%       logarithmically equally spaced numbers, starting at A~=0
%       and finishing at B~=0.
%       If A*B < 0 and N > 2 then complex results are produced.
%       If N is omitted then 10 points are generated.

if nargin == 2, n = 10; end

if n <= 1
   y = a;
p = [0:n-2]/(n-1);
r = (b/a).^p;
y = [a*r, b];
End of seqm.m
echo show.m 1>&2
cat >show.m <<'End of show.m'
function show(x)
%SHOW   SHOW(X) displays X in 'FORMAT +' form.

format +
End of show.m
echo skew.m 1>&2
cat >skew.m <<'End of skew.m'
function S = skew(A)
%SKEW  SKEW(A) is the skew-symmetric (Hermitian) part of A, (A-A')/2.
%      It is the nearest skew-symmetric (Hermitian) matrix to A in both the
%      2- and the Frobenius norms.

S = (A - A')./2;
End of skew.m
echo sparse.m 1>&2
cat >sparse.m <<'End of sparse.m'
function sparse(A, s, x, y)
% SPARSE  SPARSE(A, s) plots the sparsity pattern of a matrix A, showing
%         s = 'x', 'o', '+' or '.' for every nonzero element.
%         SPARSE(A,s,x,y) overlays the current graphics screen taking (x,y)
%         as the origin.

if nargin <= 2
   x = 1; y = 1;
if nargin == 1, s = 'x'; end

[m, n] = size(A);
A = A(m:-1:1,:)';

[m, n] = size(A);
if nargin <= 2
   hold off
   axis( [1, m, 1, n])
   hold on

for j=n:-1:1
    plot( (j+y-1) .* [zeros(x-1,1); (A(:,j)~=0)], ['w' s] );
    hold on
hold off
End of sparse.m
echo sparsify.m 1>&2
cat >sparsify.m <<'End of sparsify.m'
function A = sparsify(A, p)
%SPARSIFY   S = SPARSIFY(A, P) is A with elements randomly set to zero
%           (S = S' if A = A', i.e. symmetry is preserved).
%           Each element has probability P of being zeroed.
%           Thus on average 100*P percent of the elements of A will be zeroed.
%           Default: P = 0.25.

if nargin < 2, p = 0.25; end
if p<0 | p>1, error('Second parameter must be between 0 and 1 inclusive'), end

if norm(A-A',1)
   A = A .* (rand(A) > p);        % Unsymmetric case
   A = triu(A) .* (rand(A) > p);  % Preserve symmetry
   A = (A + A')/2;
End of sparsify.m
echo sub.m 1>&2
cat >sub.m <<'End of sub.m'
function S = sub(A, i, j)
%SUB     Principal submatrix of A.
%        SUB(A,i,j) is A(i:j,i:j).
%        SUB(A,i)  is the leading principal submatrix of order i, A(1:i,1:i),
%        if i>0, and the trailing principal submatrix of order ABS(i) if i<0.

if nargin == 2
   if i >= 0
      S = A(1:i, 1:i);
      n = min(size(A));
      S = A(n+i+1:n, n+i+1:n);
   S = A(i:j, i:j);
End of sub.m
echo symm.m 1>&2
cat >symm.m <<'End of symm.m'
function S = symm(A)
%SYMM  SYMM(A) is the symmetric (Hermitian) part of A, (A+A')/2.
%      It is the nearest symmetric (Hermitian) matrix to A in both the
%      2- and the Frobenius norms.

S = (A + A')./2;
End of symm.m
echo tridiag.m 1>&2
cat >tridiag.m <<'End of tridiag.m'
function T = tridiag(n, x, y, z)
%TRIDIAG  TRIDIAG(X,Y,Z) is the tridiagonal matrix with subdiagonal X,
%         diagonal Y, and superdiagonal Z.
%         X and Z must be vectors of dimension one less than Y.
%         Alternatively TRIDAG(N,C,D,E), where C, D, and E are all
%         scalars, yields the Toeplitz tridiagonal matrix of order N
%         with subdiagonal elements C, diagonal elements D, and superdiagonal
%         elements E.   This matrix has eigenvalues (Todd 1978)
%                  D + 2*SQRT(C*E)*COS(k*PI/(N+1)), k=1:N.
%         TRIDIAG(N) is the same as TRIDIAG(N,-1,2,-1), which is
%         a symmetric positive definite M-matrix (the negative of the
%         second difference matrix).

%  Reference: J. Todd, Basic Numerical Mathematics, Vol.2: Numerical Algebra,
%  Academic Press, New York, 1978, p. 155.

if nargin == 1, x = -1; y = 2; z = -1; end
if nargin == 3, z = y; y = x; x = n; end

x = x(:); y = y(:); z = z(:);   % Force column vectors.

if max( [ size(x) size(y) size(z) ]' ) == 1
   x = x*ones(n-1,1);
   z = z*ones(n-1,1);
   y = y*ones(n,1);
   [nx, m] = size(x);
   [ny, m] = size(y);
   [nz, m] = size(z);
   if (ny - nx - 1) | (ny - nz -1)
      error('Dimensions of vector arguments are incorrect.')

T = diag(x, -1) + diag(y) + diag(z, 1);
End of tridiag.m
echo triw.m 1>&2
cat >triw.m <<'End of triw.m'
function t = triw(n, alpha, k)
%TRIW   TRIW(N, ALPHA, K) is the upper triangular matrix with ones on
%       the diagonal and ALPHAs on the first K >= 0 superdiagonals.
%       N may be a 2-vector, in which case the matrix is N(1)-by-N(2) and
%       upper trapezoidal.
%       Defaults: ALPHA = -1,
%                 K = N-1     (full upper triangle).
%       TRIW(N) is a matrix discussed by Wilkinson.

m = n(1);              % Parameter n specifies dimension: m-by-n.
n = n(max(size(n)));

if nargin < 3, k = n-1; end
if nargin < 2, alpha = -1; end

if max(size(alpha)) ~= 1
   error('Second argument must be a scalar.')

t = tril( eye(m,n) + alpha*triu(ones(m,n), 1), k);
End of triw.m
echo vand.m 1>&2
cat >vand.m <<'End of vand.m'
function V = vand(m, p)
%VAND   V = VAND(P), where P is a vector, produces the (primal)
%       Vandermonde matrix based on the points P, i.e. V(i,j) = P(j)^(i-1).
%       VAND(M,P) is a rectangular version of VAND(P) with M rows.
%       Special case: If P is a scalar then P equally spaced points on [0,1]
%                     are used.

%   Reference:  N.J. Higham, Stability analysis of algorithms for solving
%   confluent Vandermonde-like systems, to appear in SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl.

if nargin == 1, p = m; end
n = max(size(p));

%  Handle scalar p.
if n == 1
   n = p;
   p = seqa(0,1,n);

if nargin == 1, m = n; end

p = p(:).';                    % Ensure p is a row vector.
V = ones(m,n);
for i=2:m
    V(i,:) = p.*V(i-1,:);
End of vand.m
echo wathen.m 1>&2
cat >wathen.m <<'End of wathen.m'
function A = wathen(nx, ny, k)
%WATHEN  A = WATHEN(NX,NY) is a random N-by-N finite element matrix
%        where N = 3*NX*NY + 2*NX + 2*NY + 1.
%        A is precisely the "consistent mass matrix" for a regular NX-by-NY
%        grid of 8-node (serendipity) elements in 2 space dimensions.
%        A is symmetric positive definite for any (positive) values of 
%        the "density", RHO(NX,NY), which is chosen randomly in this routine.
%        In particular, if D=DIAG(DIAG(A)), then 
%              0.25 <= EIG(INV(D)*A) <= 4.5
%        for any positive integers NX and NY and any densities RHO(NX,NY).
%        This diagonally scaled matrix is returned by WATHEN(NX,NY,1).

%        Reference: A.J.Wathen, Realistic eigenvalue bounds for the Galerkin
%        mass matrix, IMA J. Numer. Anal., 7 (1987), pp. 449-457.

%        BEWARE - this is a sparse matrix and it quickly gets large!

if nargin < 2, error('Two dimensioning arguments must be specified.'), end
if nargin < 3, k = 0; end

e1 = [6,-6,2,-8;-6,32,-6,20;2,-6,6,-6;-8,20,-6,32];
e2 = [3,-8,2,-6;-8,16,-8,20;2,-8,3,-8;-6,20,-8,16];
e = [e1,e2;e2',e1]/45;
n = 3*nx*ny+2*nx+2*ny+1;
A = zeros(n);
RHO = 100*rand(nx,ny);

 for j=1:ny
     for i=1:nx

      nn(1) = 3*j*nx+2*i+2*j+1;
      nn(2) = nn(1)-1;
      nn(3) = nn(2)-1;
      nn(4) = (3*j-1)*nx+2*j+i-1;
      nn(5) = 3*(j-1)*nx+2*i+2*j-3;
      nn(6) = nn(5)+1;
      nn(7) = nn(6)+1;
      nn(8) = nn(4)+1;

      em = e*RHO(i,j);

         for krow=1:8
             for kcol=1:8
                 A(nn(krow),nn(kcol)) = A(nn(krow),nn(kcol))+em(krow,kcol);


if k == 1
   A = diag(diag(A)) \ A;
End of wathen.m
echo wilk.m 1>&2
cat >wilk.m <<'End of wilk.m'
function [A, b] = wilk(n)
%WILK   Various specific matrices devised/discussed by Wilkinson.
%       [A, b] = WILK(N) is the matrix or system of order N.
%       N=3: upper triangular system Ux=b illustrating inaccurate solution.
%       N=4: lower triangular system Lx=b, ill-conditioned.
%       N=5: HILB(6)(1:5,2:6)*1.8144.  Symmetric positive definite.
%       N=21: W21+, tridiagonal.   Eigenvalue problem.

%       References:
%       J.H. Wilkinson, Error analysis of direct methods of matrix inversion,
%       J. Assoc. Comput. Mach., 8 (1961),  pp. 281-330.
%       J.H. Wilkinson, Rounding Errors in Algebraic Processes, Notes on Applied
%       Science No. 32, Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1963.
%       J.H. Wilkinson, The Algebraic Eigenvalue Problem, Oxford University
%       Press, 1965.

if n == 3
   % Wilkinson (1961) p.323.
   A = [ 1e-10   .9  -.4
           0     .9  -.4
           0      0  1e-10];
   b = [   0      0    1]';

elseif n == 4
   % Wilkinson (1963) p.105.
   A = [0.9143e-4  0          0          0
        0.8762     0.7156e-4  0          0
        0.7943     0.8143     0.9504e-4  0
        0.8017     0.6123     0.7165     0.7123e-4];
   b = [0.6524     0.3127     0.4186     0.7853]';

elseif n == 5
   % Wilkinson (1965), p.234.
   A = hilb(6);
   A = A(1:5, 2:6)*1.8144;

elseif n == 21
   % Taken from gallery.m.  Wilkinson (1965), p.308.
   E = diag(ones(n-1,1),1);
   m = (n-1)/2;
   A = diag(abs(-m:m)) + E + E';

   error('Sorry, that value of N is not available.')
End of wilk.m