subroutine jcg (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,rhs,u,iwksp,nw,wksp, * iparm,rparm,ier) c c itpackv 2d main routine jcg (jacobi conjugate gradient) c each of the main routines -- c jcg, jsi, sor, ssorcg, ssorsi, rscg, rssi c can be used independently of the others c c ... function -- c c jcg drives the jacobi conjugate gradient algorithm. c c ... parameter list -- c c n input integer. dimension of the matrix. c ndim row dimension of jcoef and coef arrays in calling c routine c maxnz maximum number of nonzeros per row c jcoef integer array for sparse matrix representation. c coef array for sparse matrix representation. c jcoef and coef use the ellpack data structure. c rhs input vector. contains the right hand side c of the matrix problem. c u input/output vector. on input, u contains the c initial guess to the solution. on output, it contains c the latest estimate to the solution. c iwksp integer vector workspace of length 3*n c nw input integer. length of available wksp. on output, c iparm(8) is amount used. c wksp vector used for working space. jacobi conjugate c gradient needs this to be in length at least c 4*n + 4*itmax. here itmax = iparm(1) is the c maximum allowable number of iterations. c iparm integer vector of length 12. allows user to specify c some integer parameters which affect the method. c rparm vector of length 12. allows user to specify some c parameters which affect the method. c ier output integer. error flag. c c ... jcg module references -- c c from itpackv chgcon, determ, dfault, echall, c eigvns, eigvss, eqrt1s, iterm , c itjcg , parcon, permat, perror, c pervec, pjac , pmult , prbndx, pstop , c sbelm , scal , sum3 , unscal, c vout , zbrent c system abs, alog10, amax0, amax1, mod, sqrt c c ... local itpackv references -- c c echall, itjcg , permat, c perror, pervec, pjac , prbndx, sbelm , scal , c unscal c c version - itpackv 2d (january 1990) c c code written by - david kincaid, roger grimes, john respess c center for numerical analysis c university of texas c austin, tx 78712 c (512) 471-1242 c c for additional details on the c (a) routine see toms article 1982 c (b) algorithm see cna report 150 c c based on theory by - david young, david kincaid, lou hageman c c reference the book - applied iterative methods c l. hageman, d. young c academic press, 1981 c c ************************************************** c * important note * c * * c * when installing itpackv routines on a * c * different computer, reset some of the values * c * in subroutne dfault. most important are * c * * c * srelpr machine relative precision * c * rparm(1) stopping criterion * c * * c * also change system-dependent routine * c * second used in timer * c * * c ************************************************** c c ... specifications for arguments c integer jcoef(ndim,1),iwksp(1),iparm(12) dimension coef(ndim,1),rhs(n),u(n),wksp(nw),rparm(12) c c *** begin -- itpackv common c common /itcom1/ in,is,isym,itmax,level,nout,numwav c logical adapt,betadt,caseii,halt,partad common /itcom2/ adapt,betadt,caseii,halt,partad c common /itcom3/ bdelnm,betab,cme,delnnm,delsnm,ff,gamma,omega,qa, * qt,rho,rrr,sige,sme,specr,spr,srelpr,stptst,udnm,zeta c c *** end -- itpackv common c c ... variables in common block - itcom1 c c in - iteration number c is - iteration number when parameters last changed c isym - symmetric/nonsymmetric case switch c itmax - maximum number of iterations allowed c level - level of output control switch c nout - output unit number c c ... variables in common block - itcom2 c c adapt - fully adaptive procedure switch c betadt - switch for adaptive determination of beta c caseii - adaptive procedure case switch c halt - stopping test switch c partad - partially adaptive procedure switch c c ... variables in common block - itcom3 c c bdelnm - two norm of b times delta-super-n c betab - estimate for the spectral radius of lu matrix c cme - estimate of largest eigenvalue c delnnm - inner product of pseudo-residual at iteration n c delsnm - inner product of pseudo-residual at iteration s c ff - adaptive procedure damping factor c gamma - acceleration parameter c omega - overrelaxation parameter for sor and ssor c qa - pseudo-residual ratio c qt - virtual spectral radius c rho - acceleration parameter c rrr - adaptive parameter c sige - parameter sigma-sub-e c sme - estimate of smallest eigenvalue c specr - spectral radius estimate for ssor c srelpr - machine relative precision c stptst - stopping parameter c udnm - two norm of u c zeta - stopping criterion c c ... initialize common blocks c ier = 0 level = iparm(2) nout = iparm(4) if ( write (nout,10) 10 format (///1x,'i t p a c k j c g ') if (iparm(1).le.0) go to 370 if (iparm(11).eq.0) timj1 = timer(0.0) call echall (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,rhs,iparm,rparm,1) temp = 500.0*srelpr if ( go to 30 if ( write (nout,20) zeta,srelpr,temp 20 format (/1x,'*** w a r n i n g ************'//1x, * ' in itpackv routine jcg'/1x, * ' rparm(1) =',e10.3,' (zeta)'/1x, * ' a value this small may hinder convergence '/1x, * ' since machine precision srelpr =',e10.3/1x, * ' zeta reset to ',e10.3) zeta = temp 30 continue time1 = rparm(9) time2 = rparm(10) digit1 = rparm(11) digit2 = rparm(12) c c ... verify n c if ( go to 50 ier = 11 if ( write (nout,40) n 40 format (/1x,'*** f a t a l e r r o r ************'//1x, * ' called from itpackv routine jcg '/1x, * ' invalid matrix dimension, n =',i8) go to 370 c c ... scale linear system, u, and rhs by the square root of the c ... diagonal elements. c 50 continue call scal (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,rhs,u,wksp,ier) if (ier.eq.0) go to 70 if ( write (nout,60) ier 60 format (/1x,'*** f a t a l e r r o r ************'//1x, * ' called from itpackv routine jcg '/1x, * ' error detected in routine scal '/1x, * ' which scales the system '/1x, * ' ier = ',i5) go to 370 c c ... remove rows and columns if requested c 70 continue if (iparm(10).eq.0) go to 80 tol = rparm(8) call sbelm (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,rhs,wksp,tol) c c ... initialize wksp base addresses. c 80 ib1 = 1 ib2 = ib1+n ib3 = ib2+n ib4 = ib3+n ib5 = ib4+n c c ... permute to red-black system if requested c nb = iparm(9) if ( go to 110 if (nb.le.-2) go to 170 n3 = n*3 do 90 i = 1,n3 iwksp(i) = 0 90 continue call prbndx (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,iwksp,iwksp(ib2),nb,level,nout, * ier) if (ier.eq.0) go to 110 if ( write (nout,100) ier,nb 100 format (/1x,'*** f a t a l e r r o r ************'//1x, * ' called from itpackv routine jcg '/1x, * ' error detected in routine prbndx'/1x, * ' which computes the red-black indexing'/1x, * ' ier = ',i5,' iparm(9) = ',i5,' (nb)') go to 350 110 if ( go to 130 ier = 14 if ( write (nout,120) ier,nb 120 format (/1x,'*** f a t a l e r r o r ************'//1x, * ' called from itpackv routine jcg '/1x, * ' error detected in red-black subsystem index'/1x, * ' ier = ',i5,' iparm(9) =',i5,' (nb)') go to 350 130 if ( go to 150 nbo = nb nb = n/2 if ( write (nout,140) nbo,nb 140 format (/10x,' nb = ',i5,' implies matrix is diagonal'/10x, * ' nb reset to ',i5) c c ... permute matrix and rhs c 150 if ( write (nout,160) nb 160 format (/10x,'order of black subsystem = ',i5,' (nb)') if (iparm(9).ge.0) go to 170 call permat (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,iwksp,wksp,iwksp(ib3)) call pervec (n,iwksp,rhs,wksp) call pervec (n,iwksp,u,wksp) c c ... check for sufficient workspace. c 170 iparm(8) = 4*n+4*itmax if ( go to 190 ier = 12 if ( write (nout,180) nw,iparm(8) 180 format (/1x,'*** f a t a l e r r o r ************'//1x, * ' called from itpackv routine jcg '/1x, * ' not enough workspace at ',i10/1x, * ' set iparm(8) =',i10,' (nw)') go to 330 c 190 continue if (level.le.2) go to 220 write (nout,200) 200 format (///1x,'in the following, rho and gamma are', * ' acceleration parameters') if (adapt) write (nout,210) 210 format (1x,'cme is the estimate of the largest eigenvalue of', * ' the jacobi matrix') 220 if (iparm(11).eq.0) timi1 = timer(0.0) c c ... compute initial pseudo-residual c do 230 i = 1,nw wksp(i) = 0.0 230 continue call scopy (n,rhs,1,wksp(ib2),1) call pjac (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,u,wksp(ib2)) do 240 i = 1,n wksp(n+i) = wksp(n+i)-u(i) 240 continue c c ... iteration sequence c itmax1 = itmax+1 do 260 loop = 1,itmax1 in = loop-1 if (mod(in,2).eq.1) go to 250 c c ... code for the even iterations. c c u = u(in) wksp(ib2) = del(in) c wksp(ib1) = u(in-1) wksp(ib3) = del(in-1) c call itjcg (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,u,wksp(ib1),wksp(ib2), * wksp(ib3),wksp(ib4),wksp(ib5)) c if (halt) go to 290 go to 260 c c ... code for the odd iterations. c c u = u(in-1) wksp(ib2) = del(in-1) c wksp(ib1) = u(in) wksp(ib3) = del(in) c 250 call itjcg (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,wksp(ib1),u,wksp(ib3), * wksp(ib2),wksp(ib4),wksp(ib5)) c if (halt) go to 290 260 continue c c ... itmax has been reached c if (iparm(11).ne.0) go to 270 timi2 = timer(0.0) time1 = timi2-timi1 270 ier = 13 if ( write (nout,280) itmax 280 format (/1x,'*** w a r n i n g ************'//1x, * ' in itpackv routine jcg'/1x, * ' failure to converge in',i5,' iterations') if (iparm(3).eq.0) rparm(1) = stptst go to 320 c c ... method has converged c 290 if (iparm(11).ne.0) go to 300 timi2 = timer(0.0) time1 = timi2-timi1 300 if ( write (nout,310) in 310 format (/1x,'jcg has converged in ',i5,' iterations') c c ... put solution into u if not already there. c 320 continue if (mod(in,2).eq.1) call scopy (n,wksp,1,u,1) c c ... un-permute matrix,rhs, and solution c 330 if (iparm(9).ne.-1) go to 340 call permat (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,iwksp(ib2),wksp(ib4), * iwksp(ib3)) call pervec (n,iwksp(ib2),rhs,wksp(ib4)) call pervec (n,iwksp(ib2),u,wksp(ib4)) if (ier.eq.12) go to 350 c c ... optional error analysis c 340 idgts = iparm(12) if ( go to 350 if (iparm(2).le.0) idgts = 0 call perror (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,rhs,u,wksp,digit1,digit2, * idgts) c c ... unscale the matrix, solution, and rhs vectors. c 350 continue call unscal (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,rhs,u,wksp) c c ... set return parameters in iparm and rparm c iparm(8) = iparm(8)-4*(itmax-in) if (iparm(11).ne.0) go to 360 timj2 = timer(0.0) time2 = timj2-timj1 360 if (iparm(3).ne.0) go to 370 iparm(1) = in iparm(9) = nb rparm(2) = cme rparm(3) = sme rparm(9) = time1 rparm(10) = time2 rparm(11) = digit1 rparm(12) = digit2 c 370 continue if ( call echall (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,rhs,iparm, * rparm,2) if ( write (nout,380) 380 format (/1x,'execution successful') c return end subroutine jsi (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,rhs,u,iwksp,nw,wksp, * iparm,rparm,ier) c c itpackv 2d main routine jsi (jacobi semi-iterative) c each of the main routines -- c jcg, jsi, sor, ssorcg, ssorsi, rscg, rssi c can be used independently of the others c c ... function -- c c jsi drives the jacobi semi-iteration algorithm. c c ... parameter list -- c c n input integer. dimension of the matrix. c ndim row dimension of jcoef and coef arrays in calling c routine c maxnz maximum number of nonzeros per row c jcoef integer array for sparse matrix representation. c coef array for sparse matrix representation. c jcoef and coef use the ellpack data structure. c rhs input vector. contains the right hand side c of the matrix problem. c u input/output vector. on input, u contains the c initial guess to the solution. on output, it contains c the latest estimate to the solution. c iwksp integer vector workspace of length 3*n c nw input integer. length of available wksp. on output, c iparm(8) is amount used. c wksp vector used for working space. jacobi si c needs this to be in length at least 2*n. c iparm integer vector of length 12. allows user to specify c some integer parameters which affect the method. c rparm vector of length 12. allows user to specify some c parameters which affect the method. c ier output integer. error flag. c c ... jsi module references -- c c from itpackv cheby , chgsi , chgsme, dfault, echall, c iterm , itjsi , c parsi , permat, perror, pervec, pjac , c pmult , prbndx, pstop , pvtbv , c sbelm , scal , sum3 , c tstchg, unscal, c vout c system abs, alog10, amax0, amax1, float, mod, sqrt c c ... local itpackv references -- c c echall, itjsi , permat, c perror, pervec, prbndx, sbelm , scal , c unscal c c version - itpackv 2d (january 1990) c c code written by - david kincaid, roger grimes, john respess c center for numerical analysis c university of texas c austin, tx 78712 c (512) 471-1242 c c for additional details on the c (a) routine see toms article 1982 c (b) algorithm see cna report 150 c c based on theory by - david young, david kincaid, lou hageman c c reference the book - applied iterative methods c l. hageman, d. young c academic press, 1981 c c ************************************************** c * important note * c * * c * when installing itpackv routines on a * c * different computer, reset some of the values * c * in subroutne dfault. most important are * c * * c * srelpr machine relative precision * c * rparm(1) stopping criterion * c * * c * also change system-dependent routine * c * second used in timer * c * * c ************************************************** c c ... specifications for arguments c integer jcoef(ndim,1),iwksp(1),iparm(12) dimension coef(ndim,1),rhs(n),u(n),wksp(nw),rparm(12) c c *** begin -- itpackv common c common /itcom1/ in,is,isym,itmax,level,nout,numwav c logical adapt,betadt,caseii,halt,partad common /itcom2/ adapt,betadt,caseii,halt,partad c common /itcom3/ bdelnm,betab,cme,delnnm,delsnm,ff,gamma,omega,qa, * qt,rho,rrr,sige,sme,specr,spr,srelpr,stptst,udnm,zeta c c *** end -- itpackv common c c ... variables in common block - itcom1 c c in - iteration number c is - iteration number when parameters last changed c isym - symmetric/nonsymmetric case switch c itmax - maximum number of iterations allowed c level - level of output control switch c nout - output unit number c c ... variables in common block - itcom2 c c adapt - fully adaptive procedure switch c betadt - switch for adaptive determination of beta c caseii - adaptive procedure case switch c halt - stopping test switch c partad - partially adaptive procedure switch c c ... variables in common block - itcom3 c c bdelnm - two norm of b times delta-super-n c betab - estimate for the spectral radius of lu matrix c cme - estimate of largest eigenvalue c delnnm - inner product of pseudo-residual at iteration n c delsnm - inner product of pseudo-residual at iteration s c ff - adaptive procedure damping factor c gamma - acceleration parameter c omega - overrelaxation parameter for sor and ssor c qa - pseudo-residual ratio c qt - virtual spectral radius c rho - acceleration parameter c rrr - adaptive parameter c sige - parameter sigma-sub-e c sme - estimate of smallest eigenvalue c specr - spectral radius estimate for ssor c srelpr - machine relative precision c stptst - stopping parameter c udnm - two norm of u c zeta - stopping criterion c c ... initialize common blocks c ier = 0 level = iparm(2) nout = iparm(4) if ( write (nout,10) 10 format (///1x,'i t p a c k j s i ') if (iparm(1).le.0) go to 350 if (iparm(11).eq.0) timj1 = timer(0.0) call echall (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,rhs,iparm,rparm,1) temp = 500.0*srelpr if ( go to 30 if ( write (nout,20) zeta,srelpr,temp 20 format (/1x,'*** w a r n i n g ************'//1x, * ' in itpackv routine jsi'/1x, * ' rparm(1) =',e10.3,' (zeta)'/1x, * ' a value this small may hinder convergence '/1x, * ' since machine precision srelpr =',e10.3/1x, * ' zeta reset to ',e10.3) zeta = temp 30 continue time1 = rparm(9) time2 = rparm(10) digit1 = rparm(11) digit2 = rparm(12) c c ... verify n c if ( go to 50 ier = 21 if ( write (nout,40) n 40 format (/1x,'*** f a t a l e r r o r ************'//1x, * ' called from itpackv routine jsi '/1x, * ' invalid matrix dimension, n =',i8) go to 350 c c ... scale linear system, u, and rhs by the square root of the c ... diagonal elements. c 50 continue call scal (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,rhs,u,wksp,ier) if (ier.eq.0) go to 70 if ( write (nout,60) ier 60 format (/1x,'*** f a t a l e r r o r ************'//1x, * ' called from itpackv routine jsi '/1x, * ' error detected in routine scal '/1x, * ' which scales the system '/1x, * ' ier = ',i5) go to 350 c c ... remove rows and columns if requested c 70 continue if (iparm(10).eq.0) go to 80 tol = rparm(8) call sbelm (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,rhs,wksp,tol) c c ... initialize wksp base addresses. c 80 ib1 = 1 ib2 = ib1+n ib3 = ib2+n c c ... permute to red-black system if requested c nb = iparm(9) if ( go to 110 if (nb.le.-2) go to 170 n3 = n*3 do 90 i = 1,n3 iwksp(i) = 0 90 continue call prbndx (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,iwksp,iwksp(ib2),nb,level,nout, * ier) if (ier.eq.0) go to 110 if ( write (nout,100) ier,nb 100 format (/1x,'*** f a t a l e r r o r ************'//1x, * ' called from itpackv routine jsi '/1x, * ' error detected in routine prbndx'/1x, * ' which computes the red-black indexing'/1x, * ' ier = ',i5,' iparm(9) = ',i5,' (nb)') go to 330 110 if ( go to 130 ier = 24 if ( write (nout,120) ier,nb 120 format (/1x,'*** f a t a l e r r o r ************'//1x, * ' called from itpackv routine jsi '/1x, * ' error detected in red-black subsystem index'/1x, * ' ier = ',i5,' iparm(9) =',i5,' (nb)') go to 330 130 if ( go to 150 nbo = nb nb = n/2 if ( write (nout,140) nbo,nb 140 format (/10x,' nb = ',i5,' implies matrix is diagonal'/10x, * ' nb reset to ',i5) c c ... permute matrix and rhs c 150 if ( write (nout,160) nb 160 format (/10x,'order of black subsystem = ',i5,' (nb)') if (iparm(9).ge.0) go to 170 call permat (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,iwksp,wksp,iwksp(ib3)) call pervec (n,iwksp,rhs,wksp) call pervec (n,iwksp,u,wksp) c c ... check for sufficient workspace. c 170 iparm(8) = 2*n if ( go to 190 ier = 22 if ( write (nout,180) nw,iparm(8) 180 format (/1x,'*** f a t a l e r r o r ************'//1x, * ' called from itpackv routine jsi '/1x, * ' not enough workspace at ',i10/1x, * ' set iparm(8) =',i10,' (nw)') go to 310 c 190 continue if (level.le.2) go to 210 write (nout,200) 200 format (///1x,'in the following, rho and gamma are', * ' acceleration parameters') 210 if (iparm(11).eq.0) timi1 = timer(0.0) do 220 i = 1,nw wksp(i) = 0.0 220 continue c c ... iteration sequence c itmax1 = itmax+1 do 240 loop = 1,itmax1 in = loop-1 if (mod(in,2).eq.1) go to 230 c c ... code for the even iterations. c c u = u(in) c wksp(ib1) = u(in-1) c call itjsi (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,rhs,u,wksp(ib1),wksp(ib2), * icnt) c if (halt) go to 270 go to 240 c c ... code for the odd iterations. c c u = u(in-1) c wksp(ib1) = u(in) c 230 call itjsi (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,rhs,wksp(ib1),u,wksp(ib2), * icnt) c if (halt) go to 270 240 continue c c ... itmax has been reached c if (iparm(11).ne.0) go to 250 timi2 = timer(0.0) time1 = timi2-timi1 250 ier = 23 if ( write (nout,260) itmax 260 format (/1x,'*** w a r n i n g ************'//1x, * ' in itpackv routine jsi'/1x, * ' failure to converge in',i5,' iterations') if (iparm(3).eq.0) rparm(1) = stptst go to 300 c c ... method has converged c 270 if (iparm(11).ne.0) go to 280 timi2 = timer(0.0) time1 = timi2-timi1 280 if ( write (nout,290) in 290 format (/1x,'jsi has converged in ',i5,' iterations') c c ... put solution into u if not already there. c 300 continue if (mod(in,2).eq.1) call scopy (n,wksp,1,u,1) c c ... un-permute matrix,rhs, and solution c 310 if (iparm(9).ne.-1) go to 320 call permat (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,iwksp(ib2),wksp(ib2), * iwksp(ib3)) call pervec (n,iwksp(ib2),rhs,wksp(ib2)) call pervec (n,iwksp(ib2),u,wksp(ib2)) if (ier.eq.22) go to 330 c c ... optional error analysis c 320 idgts = iparm(12) if ( go to 330 if (iparm(2).le.0) idgts = 0 call perror (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,rhs,u,wksp,digit1,digit2, * idgts) c c ... unscale the matrix, solution, and rhs vectors. c 330 continue call unscal (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,rhs,u,wksp) c c ... set return parameters in iparm and rparm c if (iparm(11).ne.0) go to 340 timj2 = timer(0.0) time2 = timj2-timj1 340 if (iparm(3).ne.0) go to 350 iparm(1) = in iparm(9) = nb rparm(2) = cme rparm(3) = sme rparm(9) = time1 rparm(10) = time2 rparm(11) = digit1 rparm(12) = digit2 c 350 continue if ( call echall (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,rhs,iparm, * rparm,2) if ( write (nout,360) 360 format (/1x,'execution successful') c return end subroutine sor (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,rhs,u,iwksp,nw,wksp, * iparm,rparm,ier) c c itpackv 2d main routine sor (successive overrelaxation) c each of the main routines -- c jcg, jsi, sor, ssorcg, ssorsi, rscg, rssi c can be used independently of the others c c ... function -- c c sor drives the successive overrelaxation algorithm. c c ... parameter list -- c c n input integer. dimension of the matrix. c ndim row dimension of jcoef and coef arrays in calling c routine c maxnz maximum number of nonzeros per row c jcoef integer array for sparse matrix representation. c coef array for sparse matrix representation. c jcoef and coef use the ellpack data structure. c rhs input vector. contains the right hand side c of the matrix problem. c u input/output vector. on input, u contains the c initial guess to the solution. on output, it contains c the latest estimate to the solution. c iwksp integer vector workspace of length 3*n c nw input integer. length of available wksp. on output, c iparm(8) is amount used. c wksp vector used for working space. sor c needs this to be in length at least 2*n. c iparm integer vector of length 12. allows user to specify c some integer parameters which affect the method. c rparm vector of length 12. allows user to specify some c parameters which affect the method. c ier output integer. error flag. c c ... sor module references -- c c from itpackv dfault, echall, ipstr , iterm , c itsor , move , permat, c perror, pervec, pfsor1, pmult , prbndx, c pstop , sbelm , scal , c tau , unscal, c vout c system abs, alog10, amax0, amax1, float, iabs, mod, c sqrt c c ... local itpackv references -- c c echall, itsor , move , c permat, perror, pervec, prbndx, sbelm , scal , c unscal c c version - itpackv 2d (january 1990) c c code written by - david kincaid, roger grimes, john respess c center for numerical analysis c university of texas c austin, tx 78712 c (512) 471-1242 c c for additional details on the c (a) routine see toms article 1982 c (b) algorithm see cna report 150 c c based on theory by - david young, david kincaid, lou hageman c c reference the book - applied iterative methods c l. hageman, d. young c academic press, 1981 c c ************************************************** c * important note * c * * c * when installing itpackv routines on a * c * different computer, reset some of the values * c * in subroutne dfault. most important are * c * * c * srelpr machine relative precision * c * rparm(1) stopping criterion * c * * c * also change system-dependent routine * c * second used in timer * c * * c ************************************************** c c ... specifications for arguments c integer jcoef(ndim,1),iwksp(1),iparm(12) dimension coef(ndim,1),rhs(n),u(n),wksp(nw),rparm(12) c c ... specifications for local variables c logical moved c c *** begin -- itpackv common c common /itcom1/ in,is,isym,itmax,level,nout,numwav c logical adapt,betadt,caseii,halt,partad common /itcom2/ adapt,betadt,caseii,halt,partad c common /itcom3/ bdelnm,betab,cme,delnnm,delsnm,ff,gamma,omega,qa, * qt,rho,rrr,sige,sme,specr,spr,srelpr,stptst,udnm,zeta c c *** end -- itpackv common c c ... variables in common block - itcom1 c c in - iteration number c is - iteration number when parameters last changed c isym - symmetric/nonsymmetric case switch c itmax - maximum number of iterations allowed c level - level of output control switch c nout - output unit number c c ... variables in common block - itcom2 c c adapt - fully adaptive procedure switch c betadt - switch for adaptive determination of beta c caseii - adaptive procedure case switch c halt - stopping test switch c partad - partially adaptive procedure switch c c ... variables in common block - itcom3 c c bdelnm - two norm of b times delta-super-n c betab - estimate for the spectral radius of lu matrix c cme - estimate of largest eigenvalue c delnnm - inner product of pseudo-residual at iteration n c delsnm - inner product of pseudo-residual at iteration s c ff - adaptive procedure damping factor c gamma - acceleration parameter c omega - overrelaxation parameter for sor and ssor c qa - pseudo-residual ratio c qt - virtual spectral radius c rho - acceleration parameter c rrr - adaptive parameter c sige - parameter sigma-sub-e c sme - estimate of smallest eigenvalue c specr - spectral radius estimate for ssor c srelpr - machine relative precision c stptst - stopping parameter c udnm - two norm of u c zeta - stopping criterion c c ... initialize common blocks c ier = 0 level = iparm(2) nout = iparm(4) if ( write (nout,10) 10 format (///1x,'i t p a c k s o r ') if (iparm(1).le.0) go to 360 if (iparm(11).eq.0) timj1 = timer(0.0) call echall (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,rhs,iparm,rparm,1) temp = 500.0*srelpr if ( go to 30 if ( write (nout,20) zeta,srelpr,temp 20 format (/1x,'*** w a r n i n g ************'//1x, * ' in itpackv routine sor'/1x, * ' rparm(1) =',e10.3,' (zeta)'/1x, * ' a value this small may hinder convergence '/1x, * ' since machine precision srelpr =',e10.3/1x, * ' zeta reset to ',e10.3) zeta = temp 30 continue time1 = rparm(9) time2 = rparm(10) digit1 = rparm(11) digit2 = rparm(12) c c ... verify n c if ( go to 50 ier = 31 if ( write (nout,40) n 40 format (/1x,'*** f a t a l e r r o r ************'//1x, * ' called from itpackv routine sor '/1x, * ' invalid matrix dimension, n =',i8) go to 360 c c ... scale linear system, u, and rhs by the square root of the c ... diagonal elements. c 50 continue call scal (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,rhs,u,wksp,ier) if (ier.eq.0) go to 70 if ( write (nout,60) ier 60 format (/1x,'*** f a t a l e r r o r ************'//1x, * ' called from itpackv routine sor '/1x, * ' error detected in routine scal '/1x, * ' which scales the system '/1x, * ' ier = ',i5) go to 360 c c ... remove rows and columns if requested c 70 continue if (iparm(10).eq.0) go to 80 tol = rparm(8) call sbelm (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,rhs,wksp,tol) c c ... initialize wksp base addresses. c 80 ib1 = 1 ib2 = ib1+n ib3 = ib2+n c c ... permute to red-black system if requested c nb = iparm(9) if ( go to 110 if (nb.le.-2) go to 170 n3 = n*3 do 90 i = 1,n3 iwksp(i) = 0 90 continue call prbndx (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,iwksp,iwksp(ib2),nb,level,nout, * ier) if (ier.eq.0) go to 110 if ( write (nout,100) ier,nb 100 format (/1x,'*** f a t a l e r r o r ************'//1x, * ' called from itpackv routine sor '/1x, * ' error detected in routine prbndx'/1x, * ' which computes the red-black indexing'/1x, * ' ier = ',i5,' iparm(9) = ',i5,' (nb)') go to 340 110 if ( go to 130 ier = 34 if ( write (nout,120) ier,nb 120 format (/1x,'*** f a t a l e r r o r ************'//1x, * ' called from itpackv routine sor '/1x, * ' error detected in red-black subsystem index'/1x, * ' ier = ',i5,' iparm(9) =',i5,' (nb)') go to 340 130 if ( go to 150 nbo = nb nb = n/2 if ( write (nout,140) nbo,nb 140 format (/10x,' nb = ',i5,' implies matrix is diagonal'/10x, * ' nb reset to ',i5) c c ... permute matrix and rhs c 150 if ( write (nout,160) nb 160 format (/10x,'order of black subsystem = ',i5,' (nb)') if (iparm(9).ge.0) go to 170 call permat (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,iwksp,wksp,iwksp(ib3)) call pervec (n,iwksp,rhs,wksp) call pervec (n,iwksp,u,wksp) c c ... re-arrange data structure if natural ordering is used. c 170 if ( go to 180 call move (n,ndim,maxnz,nlow,nup,jcoef,coef,level,nout,moved, * iwksp) call sorwav (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,rhs,u,iwksp,iwksp(ib2), * iwksp(ib3),wksp,numwav,1) c c ... check for sufficient workspace. c 180 iparm(8) = 2*n if ( go to 200 ier = 32 if ( write (nout,190) nw,iparm(8) 190 format (/1x,'*** f a t a l e r r o r ************'//1x, * ' called from itpackv routine sor '/1x, * ' not enough workspace at ',i10/1x, * ' set iparm(8) =',i10,' (nw)') go to 310 c 200 continue if (level.le.2) go to 230 if (adapt) write (nout,210) 210 format (///1x,'cme is the estimate of the largest eigenvalue of', * ' the jacobi matrix') write (nout,220) 220 format (1x,'omega is the relaxation factor') 230 if (iparm(11).eq.0) timi1 = timer(0.0) do 240 i = 1,nw wksp(i) = 0.0 240 continue c c ... iteration sequence c itmax1 = itmax+1 do 250 loop = 1,itmax1 in = loop-1 c c ... code for one iteration. c c u = u(in) c call itsor (n,nb,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,rhs,u,nup,moved, * wksp,iwksp(ib3)) c if (halt) go to 280 250 continue c c ... itmax has been reached c if (iparm(11).ne.0) go to 260 timi2 = timer(0.0) time1 = timi2-timi1 260 ier = 33 if ( write (nout,270) itmax 270 format (/1x,'*** w a r n i n g ************'//1x, * ' in itpackv routine sor'/1x, * ' failure to converge in',i5,' iterations') if (iparm(3).eq.0) rparm(1) = stptst go to 310 c c ... method has converged c 280 if (iparm(11).ne.0) go to 290 timi2 = timer(0.0) time1 = timi2-timi1 290 if ( write (nout,300) in 300 format (/1x,'sor has converged in ',i5,' iterations') c c ... un-permute matrix,rhs, and solution c 310 if (iparm(9).ne.-1) go to 320 call permat (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,iwksp(ib2),wksp,iwksp(ib3)) call pervec (n,iwksp(ib2),rhs,wksp(ib2)) call pervec (n,iwksp(ib2),u,wksp(ib2)) if (ier.eq.32) go to 340 c c ... undo wave front reordering. c 320 if ( go to 330 call sorwav (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,rhs,u,iwksp,iwksp(ib2), * iwksp(ib3),wksp,numwav,2) c c ... optional error analysis c 330 idgts = iparm(12) if ( go to 340 if (iparm(2).le.0) idgts = 0 call perror (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,rhs,u,wksp,digit1,digit2, * idgts) c c ... unscale the matrix, solution, and rhs vectors. c 340 continue call unscal (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,rhs,u,wksp) c c ... set return parameters in iparm and rparm c if (iparm(11).ne.0) go to 350 timj2 = timer(0.0) time2 = timj2-timj1 350 if (iparm(3).ne.0) go to 360 iparm(1) = in iparm(9) = nb rparm(2) = cme rparm(5) = omega rparm(9) = time1 rparm(10) = time2 rparm(11) = digit1 rparm(12) = digit2 c 360 continue if ( call echall (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,rhs,iparm, * rparm,2) if ( write (nout,370) 370 format (/1x,'execution successful') c return end subroutine ssorcg (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,rhs,u,iwksp,nw,wksp, * iparm,rparm,ier) c c itpackv 2d main routine ssorcg (symmetric successive over- c relaxation conjugate gradient) c each of the main routines -- c jcg, jsi, sor, ssorcg, ssorsi, rscg, rssi c can be used independently of the others c c ... function -- c c ssorcg drives the symmetric sor-cg algorithm. c c ... parameter list -- c c n input integer. dimension of the matrix. c ndim row dimension of jcoef and coef arrays in calling c routine c maxnz maximum number of nonzeros per row c jcoef integer array for sparse matrix representation. c coef array for sparse matrix representation. c jcoef and coef use the ellpack data structure. c rhs input vector. contains the right hand side c of the matrix problem. c u input/output vector. on input, u contains the c initial guess to the solution. on output, it contains c the latest estimate to the solution. c iwksp integer vector workspace of length 3*n c nw input integer. length of available wksp. on output, c iparm(8) is amount used. c wksp vector used for working space. ssorcg needs c this to be in length at least 6*n + 4*itmax. c iparm integer vector of length 12. allows user to specify c some integer parameters which affect the method. c rparm vector of length 12. allows user to specify some c parameters which affect the method. c ier output integer. error flag. c c ... ssorcg module references -- c c from itpackv chgcon, determ, dfault, echall, c eigvns, eigvss, eqrt1s, iterm , c itsrcg, move , omeg , omgchg, c omgstr, parcon, pbeta , pbsor , permat, c perror, pervec, pfsor , pjac , pmult , c prbndx, pstop , pvtbv , sbelm , scal , c sum3 , unscal, c vout , c zbrent c system abs, alog, alog10, amax0, amax1, amin1, c mod, sqrt c c ... local itpackv references -- c c echall, itsrcg, move , c omeg , pbeta , permat, perror, pervec, pfsor , c prbndx, sbelm , scal , unscal c c version - itpackv 2d (january 1990) c c code written by - david kincaid, roger grimes, john respess c center for numerical analysis c university of texas c austin, tx 78712 c (512) 471-1242 c c for additional details on the c (a) routine see toms article 1982 c (b) algorithm see cna report 150 c c based on theory by - david young, david kincaid, lou hageman c c reference the book - applied iterative methods c l. hageman, d. young c academic press, 1981 c c ************************************************** c * important note * c * * c * when installing itpackv routines on a * c * different computer, reset some of the values * c * in subroutne dfault. most important are * c * * c * srelpr machine relative precision * c * rparm(1) stopping criterion * c * * c * also change system-dependent routine * c * second used in timer * c * * c ************************************************** c c ... specifications for arguments c integer jcoef(ndim,1),iwksp(1),iparm(12) dimension coef(ndim,1),rhs(n),u(n),wksp(nw),rparm(12) c c ... specifications for local variables c logical moved c c *** begin -- itpackv common c common /itcom1/ in,is,isym,itmax,level,nout,numwav c logical adapt,betadt,caseii,halt,partad common /itcom2/ adapt,betadt,caseii,halt,partad c common /itcom3/ bdelnm,betab,cme,delnnm,delsnm,ff,gamma,omega,qa, * qt,rho,rrr,sige,sme,specr,spr,srelpr,stptst,udnm,zeta c c *** end -- itpackv common c c ... variables in common block - itcom1 c c in - iteration number c is - iteration number when parameters last changed c isym - symmetric/nonsymmetric case switch c itmax - maximum number of iterations allowed c level - level of output control switch c nout - output unit number c c ... variables in common block - itcom2 c c adapt - fully adaptive procedure switch c betadt - switch for adaptive determination of beta c caseii - adaptive procedure case switch c halt - stopping test switch c partad - partially adaptive procedure switch c c ... variables in common block - itcom3 c c bdelnm - two norm of b times delta-super-n c betab - estimate for the spectral radius of lu matrix c cme - estimate of largest eigenvalue c delnnm - inner product of pseudo-residual at iteration n c delsnm - inner product of pseudo-residual at iteration s c ff - adaptive procedure damping factor c gamma - acceleration parameter c omega - overrelaxation parameter for sor and ssor c qa - pseudo-residual ratio c qt - virtual spectral radius c rho - acceleration parameter c rrr - adaptive parameter c sige - parameter sigma-sub-e c sme - estimate of smallest eigenvalue c specr - spectral radius estimate for ssor c srelpr - machine relative precision c stptst - stopping parameter c udnm - two norm of u c zeta - stopping criterion c c ... initialize common blocks c ier = 0 level = iparm(2) nout = iparm(4) if (iparm(9).ge.-1) iparm(6) = 2 if ( write (nout,10) 10 format (///1x,'i t p a c k s s o r c g') if (iparm(1).le.0) go to 420 if (iparm(11).eq.0) timj1 = timer(0.0) call echall (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,rhs,iparm,rparm,1) temp = 500.0*srelpr if ( go to 30 if ( write (nout,20) zeta,srelpr,temp 20 format (/1x,'*** w a r n i n g ************'//1x, * ' in itpackv routine ssorcg'/1x, * ' rparm(1) =',e10.3,' (zeta)'/1x, * ' a value this small may hinder convergence '/1x, * ' since machine precision srelpr =',e10.3/1x, * ' zeta reset to ',e10.3) zeta = temp 30 continue time1 = rparm(9) time2 = rparm(10) digit1 = rparm(11) digit2 = rparm(12) c c ... verify n c if ( go to 50 ier = 41 if ( write (nout,40) n 40 format (/1x,'*** f a t a l e r r o r ************'//1x, * ' called from itpackv routine ssorcg '/1x, * ' invalid matrix dimension, n =',i8) go to 420 c c ... scale linear system, u, and rhs by the square root of the c ... diagonal elements. c 50 continue call scal (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,rhs,u,wksp,ier) if (ier.eq.0) go to 70 if ( write (nout,60) ier 60 format (/1x,'*** f a t a l e r r o r ************'//1x, * ' called from itpackv routine ssorcg '/1x, * ' error detected in routine scal '/1x, * ' which scales the system '/1x, * ' ier = ',i5) go to 420 c c ... remove rows and columns if requested c 70 continue if (iparm(10).eq.0) go to 80 tol = rparm(8) call sbelm (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,rhs,wksp,tol) c c ... initialize wksp base addresses. c 80 ib1 = 1 ib2 = ib1+n ib3 = ib2+n ib4 = ib3+n ib5 = ib4+n ib6 = ib5+n ib7 = ib6+n c c ... permute to red-black system if requested c nb = iparm(9) if ( go to 110 if (nb.le.-2) go to 170 n3 = n*3 do 90 i = 1,n3 iwksp(i) = 0 90 continue call prbndx (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,iwksp,iwksp(ib2),nb,level,nout, * ier) if (ier.eq.0) go to 110 if ( write (nout,100) ier,nb 100 format (/1x,'*** f a t a l e r r o r ************'//1x, * ' called from itpackv routine ssorcg '/1x, * ' error detected in routine prbndx'/1x, * ' which computes the red-black indexing'/1x, * ' ier = ',i5,' iparm(9) = ',i5,' (nb)') go to 400 110 if ( go to 130 ier = 44 if ( write (nout,120) ier,nb 120 format (/1x,'*** f a t a l e r r o r ************'//1x, * ' called from itpackv routine ssorcg '/1x, * ' error detected in red-black subsystem index'/1x, * ' ier = ',i5,' iparm(9) =',i5,' (nb)') go to 400 130 if ( go to 150 nbo = nb nb = n/2 if ( write (nout,140) nbo,nb 140 format (/10x,' nb = ',i5,' implies matrix is diagonal'/10x, * ' nb reset to ',i5) c c ... permute matrix and rhs c 150 if ( write (nout,160) nb 160 format (/10x,'order of black subsystem = ',i5,' (nb)') if (iparm(9).ge.0) go to 170 call permat (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,iwksp,wksp,iwksp(ib3)) call pervec (n,iwksp,rhs,wksp) call pervec (n,iwksp,u,wksp) c c ... re-arrange data structure if natural ordering is used. c 170 if ( go to 180 call move (n,ndim,maxnz,nlow,nup,jcoef,coef,level,nout,moved, * iwksp) call sorwav (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,rhs,u,iwksp,iwksp(ib2), * iwksp(ib3),wksp,numwav,1) c c ... check for sufficient workspace. c 180 iparm(8) = 6*n+4*itmax if ( go to 200 ier = 42 if ( write (nout,190) nw,iparm(8) 190 format (/1x,'*** f a t a l e r r o r ************'//1x, * ' called from itpackv routine ssorcg '/1x, * ' not enough workspace at ',i10/1x, * ' set iparm(8) =',i10,' (nw)') go to 370 c 200 continue if (level.le.2) go to 230 write (nout,210) 210 format (///1x,'in the following, rho and gamma are', * ' acceleration parameters') write (nout,220) 220 format (1x,'s-prime is an initial estimate for new cme') 230 if (iparm(11).eq.0) timi1 = timer(0.0) c c ... special procedure for fully adaptive case. c do 240 i = 1,nw wksp(i) = 0.0 240 continue if (.not.adapt) go to 270 if (.not.betadt) go to 260 do 250 i = 1,n wksp(i) = 1.0 250 continue betnew = pbeta(n,nb,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,wksp(ib1),nup,nlow,moved * ,wksp(ib2),wksp(ib3))/float(n) betab = amax1(betab,0.25,betnew) 260 call omeg (0.0,1) is = 0 c c ... initialize forward pseudo-residual c 270 call sorscl (n,ndim,maxnz,coef,rhs,omega) call scopy (n,rhs,1,wksp,1) call scopy (n,u,1,wksp(ib2),1) call pfsor (n,nb,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,wksp(ib2),wksp(ib1),nup, * moved,iwksp(ib3)) do 280 i = 1,n wksp(n+i) = wksp(n+i)-u(i) 280 continue c c ... iteration sequence c itmax1 = itmax+1 do 300 loop = 1,itmax1 in = loop-1 if (mod(in,2).eq.1) go to 290 c c ... code for the even iterations. c c u = u(in) wksp(ib2) = c(in) c wksp(ib1) = u(in-1) wksp(ib3) = c(in-1) c call itsrcg (n,nb,nup,nlow,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,rhs,u, * wksp(ib1),wksp(ib2),wksp(ib3),wksp(ib4),wksp(ib5),moved, * wksp(ib6),wksp(ib7),iwksp(ib3)) c if (halt) go to 330 go to 300 c c ... code for the odd iterations. c c u = u(in-1) wksp(ib2) = c(in-1) c wksp(ib1) = u(in) wksp(ib3) = c(in) c 290 call itsrcg (n,nb,nup,nlow,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,rhs,wksp(ib1), * u,wksp(ib3),wksp(ib2),wksp(ib4),wksp(ib5),moved,wksp(ib6), * wksp(ib7),iwksp(ib3)) c if (halt) go to 330 300 continue c c ... itmax has been reached c if (iparm(11).ne.0) go to 310 timi2 = timer(0.0) time1 = timi2-timi1 310 ier = 43 if ( write (nout,320) itmax 320 format (/1x,'*** w a r n i n g ************'//1x, * ' in itpackv routine ssorcg'/1x, * ' failure to converge in',i5,' iterations') if (iparm(3).eq.0) rparm(1) = stptst go to 360 c c ... method has converged c 330 if (iparm(11).ne.0) go to 340 timi2 = timer(0.0) time1 = timi2-timi1 340 if ( write (nout,350) in 350 format (/1x,'ssorcg has converged in ',i5,' iterations') c c ... put solution into u if not already there. c 360 factor = 1.0/omega call sorscl (n,ndim,maxnz,coef,rhs,factor) if (mod(in,2).eq.1) call scopy (n,wksp,1,u,1) c c ... un-permute matrix,rhs, and solution c 370 if (iparm(9).ne.-1) go to 380 call permat (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,iwksp(ib2),wksp,iwksp(ib3)) call pervec (n,iwksp(ib2),rhs,wksp(ib2)) call pervec (n,iwksp(ib2),u,wksp(ib2)) if (ier.eq.42) go to 400 c c ... undo wave front reordering. c 380 if ( go to 390 call sorwav (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,rhs,u,iwksp,iwksp(ib2), * iwksp(ib3),wksp,numwav,2) c c ... optional error analysis c 390 idgts = iparm(12) if ( go to 400 if (iparm(2).le.0) idgts = 0 call perror (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,rhs,u,wksp,digit1,digit2, * idgts) c c ... unscale the matrix, solution, and rhs vectors. c 400 continue call unscal (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,rhs,u,wksp) c c ... set return parameters in iparm and rparm c if (iparm(11).ne.0) go to 410 timj2 = timer(0.0) time2 = timj2-timj1 410 iparm(8) = iparm(8)-4*(itmax-in) if (iparm(3).ne.0) go to 420 iparm(1) = in iparm(9) = nb rparm(2) = cme rparm(3) = sme rparm(5) = omega rparm(6) = specr rparm(7) = betab rparm(9) = time1 rparm(10) = time2 rparm(11) = digit1 rparm(12) = digit2 c 420 continue if ( call echall (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,rhs,iparm, * rparm,2) if ( write (nout,430) 430 format (/1x,'execution successful') c return end subroutine ssorsi (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,rhs,u,iwksp,nw,wksp, * iparm,rparm,ier) c c itpackv 2d main routine ssorsi (symmetric successive over- c relaxation semi-iteration) c each of the main routines -- c jcg, jsi, sor, ssorcg, ssorsi, rscg, rssi c can be used independently of the others c c ... function -- c c ssorsi drives the symmetric sor-si algorithm. c c ... parameter list -- c c n input integer. dimension of the matrix. c ndim row dimension of jcoef and coef arrays in calling c routine c maxnz maximum number of nonzeros per row c jcoef integer array for sparse matrix representation. c coef array for sparse matrix representation. c jcoef and coef use the ellpack data structure. c rhs input vector. contains the right hand side c of the matrix problem. c u input/output vector. on input, u contains the c initial guess to the solution. on output, it contains c the latest estimate to the solution. c iwksp integer vector workspace of length 3*n c nw input integer. length of available wksp. on output, c iparm(8) is amount used. c wksp vector used for working space. ssorsi c needs this to be in length at least 5*n c iparm integer vector of length 12. allows user to specify c some integer parameters which affect the method. c rparm vector of length 12. allows user to specify some c parameters which affect the method. c ier output integer. error flag. c c ... ssorsi module references -- c c from itpackv cheby , chgsi , dfault, echall, c iterm , itsrsi, move , c omeg , omgstr, parsi , pbeta , pbsor , c permat, perror, pervec, pfsor , pjac , c pmult , prbndx, pstop , pvtbv , sbelm , c scal , sum3 , tstchg, c unscal, c vout c system abs, alog, alog10, amax0, amax1, float, c mod, sqrt c c ... local itpackv references -- c c echall, itsrsi, move , c omeg , pbeta , permat, perror, pervec, prbndx, c sbelm , scal , unscal c c version - itpackv 2d (january 1990) c c code written by - david kincaid, roger grimes, john respess c center for numerical analysis c university of texas c austin, tx 78712 c (512) 471-1242 c c for additional details on the c (a) routine see toms article 1982 c (b) algorithm see cna report 150 c c based on theory by - david young, david kincaid, lou hageman c c reference the book - applied iterative methods c l. hageman, d. young c academic press, 1981 c c ************************************************** c * important note * c * * c * when installing itpackv routines on a * c * different computer, reset some of the values * c * in subroutne dfault. most important are * c * * c * srelpr machine relative precision * c * rparm(1) stopping criterion * c * * c * also change system-dependent routine * c * second used in timer * c * * c ************************************************** c c ... specifications for arguments c integer jcoef(ndim,1),iwksp(1),iparm(12) dimension coef(ndim,1),rhs(n),u(n),wksp(nw),rparm(12) c c ... specifications for local variables c logical moved c c *** begin -- itpackv common c common /itcom1/ in,is,isym,itmax,level,nout,numwav c logical adapt,betadt,caseii,halt,partad common /itcom2/ adapt,betadt,caseii,halt,partad c common /itcom3/ bdelnm,betab,cme,delnnm,delsnm,ff,gamma,omega,qa, * qt,rho,rrr,sige,sme,specr,spr,srelpr,stptst,udnm,zeta c c *** end -- itpackv common c c ... variables in common block - itcom1 c c in - iteration number c is - iteration number when parameters last changed c isym - symmetric/nonsymmetric case switch c itmax - maximum number of iterations allowed c level - level of output control switch c nout - output unit number c c ... variables in common block - itcom2 c c adapt - fully adaptive procedure switch c betadt - switch for adaptive determination of beta c caseii - adaptive procedure case switch c halt - stopping test switch c partad - partially adaptive procedure switch c c ... variables in common block - itcom3 c c bdelnm - two norm of b times delta-super-n c betab - estimate for the spectral radius of lu matrix c cme - estimate of largest eigenvalue c delnnm - inner product of pseudo-residual at iteration n c delsnm - inner product of pseudo-residual at iteration s c ff - adaptive procedure damping factor c gamma - acceleration parameter c omega - overrelaxation parameter for sor and ssor c qa - pseudo-residual ratio c qt - virtual spectral radius c rho - acceleration parameter c rrr - adaptive parameter c sige - parameter sigma-sub-e c sme - estimate of smallest eigenvalue c specr - spectral radius estimate for ssor c srelpr - machine relative precision c stptst - stopping parameter c udnm - two norm of u c zeta - stopping criterion c c ... initialize common blocks c ier = 0 level = iparm(2) if (iparm(9).ge.-1) iparm(6) = 2 nout = iparm(4) if ( write (nout,10) 10 format (///1x,'i t p a c k s s o r s i') if (iparm(1).le.0) go to 400 if (iparm(11).eq.0) timj1 = timer(0.0) call echall (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,rhs,iparm,rparm,1) temp = 500.0*srelpr if ( go to 30 if ( write (nout,20) zeta,srelpr,temp 20 format (/1x,'*** w a r n i n g ************'//1x, * ' in itpackv routine ssorsi'/1x, * ' rparm(1) =',e10.3,' (zeta)'/1x, * ' a value this small may hinder convergence '/1x, * ' since machine precision srelpr =',e10.3/1x, * ' zeta reset to ',e10.3) zeta = temp 30 continue time1 = rparm(9) time2 = rparm(10) digit1 = rparm(11) digit2 = rparm(12) c c ... verify n c if ( go to 50 ier = 51 if ( write (nout,40) n 40 format (/1x,'*** f a t a l e r r o r ************'//1x, * ' called from itpackv routine ssorsi '/1x, * ' invalid matrix dimension, n =',i8) go to 400 c c ... scale linear system, u, and rhs by the square root of the c ... diagonal elements. c 50 continue call scal (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,rhs,u,wksp,ier) if (ier.eq.0) go to 70 if ( write (nout,60) ier 60 format (/1x,'*** f a t a l e r r o r ************'//1x, * ' called from itpackv routine ssorsi '/1x, * ' error detected in routine scal '/1x, * ' which scales the system '/1x, * ' ier = ',i5) go to 400 c c ... remove rows and columns if requested c 70 continue if (iparm(10).eq.0) go to 80 tol = rparm(8) call sbelm (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,rhs,wksp,tol) c c ... initialize wksp base addresses. c 80 ib1 = 1 ib2 = ib1+n ib3 = ib2+n ib4 = ib3+n ib5 = ib4+n c c ... permute to red-black system if requested c nb = iparm(9) if ( go to 110 if (nb.le.-2) go to 170 n3 = n*3 do 90 i = 1,n3 iwksp(i) = 0 90 continue call prbndx (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,iwksp,iwksp(ib2),nb,level,nout, * ier) if (ier.eq.0) go to 110 if ( write (nout,100) ier,nb 100 format (/1x,'*** f a t a l e r r o r ************'//1x, * ' called from itpackv routine ssorsi '/1x, * ' error detected in routine prbndx'/1x, * ' which computes the red-black indexing'/1x, * ' ier = ',i5,' iparm(9) = ',i5,' (nb)') go to 380 110 if ( go to 130 ier = 54 if ( write (nout,120) ier,nb 120 format (/1x,'*** f a t a l e r r o r ************'//1x, * ' called from itpackv routine ssorsi '/1x, * ' error detected in red-black subsystem index'/1x, * ' ier = ',i5,' iparm(9) =',i5,' (nb)') go to 380 130 if ( go to 150 nbo = nb nb = n/2 if ( write (nout,140) nbo,nb 140 format (/10x,' nb = ',i5,' implies matrix is diagonal'/10x, * ' nb reset to ',i5) c c ... permute matrix and rhs c 150 if ( write (nout,160) nb 160 format (/10x,'order of black subsystem = ',i5,' (nb)') if (iparm(9).ge.0) go to 170 call permat (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,iwksp,wksp,iwksp(ib3)) call pervec (n,iwksp,rhs,wksp) call pervec (n,iwksp,u,wksp) c c ... re-arrange data structure if natural ordering is used. c 170 if ( go to 180 call move (n,ndim,maxnz,nlow,nup,jcoef,coef,level,nout,moved, * iwksp) call sorwav (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,rhs,u,iwksp,iwksp(ib2), * iwksp(ib3),wksp,numwav,1) c c ... check for sufficient workspace. c 180 iparm(8) = 5*n if ( go to 200 ier = 52 if ( write (nout,190) nw,iparm(8) 190 format (/1x,'*** f a t a l e r r o r ************'//1x, * ' called from itpackv routine ssorsi '/1x, * ' not enough workspace at ',i10/1x, * ' set iparm(8) =',i10,' (nw)') go to 350 c 200 continue if (level.le.2) go to 220 write (nout,210) 210 format (///1x,'in the following, rho and gamma are', * ' acceleration parameters') 220 if (iparm(11).eq.0) timi1 = timer(0.0) c c ... special procedure for fully adaptive case. c do 230 i = 1,nw wksp(i) = 0.0 230 continue if (.not.adapt) go to 260 if (.not.betadt) go to 250 do 240 i = 1,n wksp(i) = 1.0 240 continue betnew = pbeta(n,nb,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,wksp(ib1),nup,nlow,moved * ,wksp(ib2),wksp(ib3))/float(n) betab = amax1(betab,0.25,betnew) 250 call omeg (0.0,1) is = 0 c c ... iteration sequence c 260 call sorscl (n,ndim,maxnz,coef,rhs,omega) itmax1 = itmax+1 do 280 loop = 1,itmax1 in = loop-1 if (mod(in,2).eq.1) go to 270 c c ... code for the even iterations. c c u = u(in) c wksp(ib1) = u(in-1) c call itsrsi (n,nb,nup,nlow,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,rhs,u, * wksp(ib1),wksp(ib2),wksp(ib3),wksp(ib4),moved,wksp(ib5), * iwksp(ib3)) c if (halt) go to 310 go to 280 c c ... code for the odd iterations. c c u = u(in-1) c wksp(ib1) = u(in) c 270 call itsrsi (n,nb,nup,nlow,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,rhs,wksp(ib1), * u,wksp(ib2),wksp(ib3),wksp(ib4),moved,wksp(ib5),iwksp(ib3)) c if (halt) go to 310 280 continue c c ... itmax has been reached c if (iparm(11).ne.0) go to 290 timi2 = timer(0.0) time1 = timi2-timi1 290 ier = 53 if ( write (nout,300) itmax 300 format (/1x,'*** w a r n i n g ************'//1x, * ' in itpackv routine ssorsi'/1x, * ' failure to converge in',i5,' iterations') if (iparm(3).eq.0) rparm(1) = stptst go to 340 c c ... method has converged c 310 if (iparm(11).ne.0) go to 320 timi2 = timer(0.0) time1 = timi2-timi1 320 if ( write (nout,330) in 330 format (/1x,'ssorsi has converged in ',i5,' iterations') c c ... put solution into u if not already there. c 340 factor = 1.0/omega call sorscl (n,ndim,maxnz,coef,rhs,factor) if (mod(in,2).eq.1) call scopy (n,wksp,1,u,1) c c ... un-permute matrix,rhs, and solution c 350 if (iparm(9).ne.-1) go to 360 call permat (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,iwksp(ib2),wksp,iwksp(ib3)) call pervec (n,iwksp(ib2),rhs,wksp(ib2)) call pervec (n,iwksp(ib2),u,wksp(ib2)) if (ier.eq.52) go to 380 c c ... undo wave front reordering. c 360 if ( go to 370 call sorwav (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,rhs,u,iwksp,iwksp(ib2), * iwksp(ib3),wksp,numwav,2) c c ... optional error analysis c 370 idgts = iparm(12) if ( go to 380 if (iparm(2).le.0) idgts = 0 call perror (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,rhs,u,wksp,digit1,digit2, * idgts) c c ... unscale the matrix, solution, and rhs vectors. c 380 continue call unscal (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,rhs,u,wksp) c c ... set return parameters in iparm and rparm c if (iparm(11).ne.0) go to 390 timj2 = timer(0.0) time2 = timj2-timj1 390 if (iparm(3).ne.0) go to 400 iparm(1) = in iparm(9) = nb rparm(2) = cme rparm(3) = sme rparm(5) = omega rparm(6) = specr rparm(7) = betab rparm(9) = time1 rparm(10) = time2 rparm(11) = digit1 rparm(12) = digit2 c 400 continue if ( call echall (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,rhs,iparm, * rparm,2) if ( write (nout,410) 410 format (/1x,'execution successful') c return end subroutine rscg (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,rhs,u,iwksp,nw,wksp, * iparm,rparm,ier) c c itpackv 2d main routine rscg (reduced system conjugate c gradient) c each of the main routines -- c jcg, jsi, sor, ssorcg, ssorsi, rscg, rssi c can be used independently of the others c c ... function -- c c rscg drives the reduced system cg algorithm. c c ... parameter list -- c c n input integer. dimension of the matrix. c ndim row dimension of jcoef and coef arrays in calling c routine c maxnz maximum number of nonzeros per row c jcoef integer array for sparse matrix representation. c coef array for sparse matrix representation. c jcoef and coef use the ellpack data structure. c rhs input vector. contains the right hand side c of the matrix problem. c u input/output vector. on input, u contains the c initial guess to the solution. on output, it contains c the latest estimate to the solution. c iwksp integer vector workspace of length 3*n c nw input integer. length of available wksp. on output, c iparm(8) is amount used. c wksp vector used for working space. rscg needs this c to be in length at least n+3*nb+4*itmax. here c itmax = iparm(1) and nb is the order of the black c subsystem. itmax is the maximum allowable number of c iterations. c iparm integer vector of length 12. allows user to specify c some integer parameters which affect the method. c rparm vector of length 12. allows user to specify some c parameters which affect the method. c ier output integer. error flag. c c ... rscg module references -- c c from itpackv chgcon, determ, dfault, echall, c eigvns, eigvss, eqrt1s, iterm , c itrscg, parcon, permat, perror, c pervec, pmult , prbndx, prsblk, prsred, c pstop , sbelm , scal , c sum3 , unscal, c vout , zbrent c system abs, alog10, amax0, amax1, mod, sqrt c c ... local itpackv references -- c c echall, itrscg, permat, c perror, pervec, prbndx, prsblk, prsred, sbelm , c scal , unscal c c version - itpackv 2d (january 1990) c c code written by - david kincaid, roger grimes, john respess c center for numerical analysis c university of texas c austin, tx 78712 c (512) 471-1242 c c for additional details on the c (a) routine see toms article 1982 c (b) algorithm see cna report 150 c c based on theory by - david young, david kincaid, lou hageman c c reference the book - applied iterative methods c l. hageman, d. young c academic press, 1981 c c ************************************************** c * important note * c * * c * when installing itpackv routines on a * c * different computer, reset some of the values * c * in subroutne dfault. most important are * c * * c * srelpr machine relative precision * c * rparm(1) stopping criterion * c * * c * also change system-dependent routine * c * second used in timer * c * * c ************************************************** c c ... specifications for arguments c integer jcoef(ndim,1),iwksp(1),iparm(12) dimension coef(ndim,1),rhs(n),u(n),wksp(nw),rparm(12) c c *** begin -- itpackv common c common /itcom1/ in,is,isym,itmax,level,nout,numwav c logical adapt,betadt,caseii,halt,partad common /itcom2/ adapt,betadt,caseii,halt,partad c common /itcom3/ bdelnm,betab,cme,delnnm,delsnm,ff,gamma,omega,qa, * qt,rho,rrr,sige,sme,specr,spr,srelpr,stptst,udnm,zeta c c *** end -- itpackv common c c ... variables in common block - itcom1 c c in - iteration number c is - iteration number when parameters last changed c isym - symmetric/nonsymmetric case switch c itmax - maximum number of iterations allowed c level - level of output control switch c nout - output unit number c c ... variables in common block - itcom2 c c adapt - fully adaptive procedure switch c betadt - switch for adaptive determination of beta c caseii - adaptive procedure case switch c halt - stopping test switch c partad - partially adaptive procedure switch c c ... variables in common block - itcom3 c c bdelnm - two norm of b times delta-super-n c betab - estimate for the spectral radius of lu matrix c cme - estimate of largest eigenvalue c delnnm - inner product of pseudo-residual at iteration n c delsnm - inner product of pseudo-residual at iteration s c ff - adaptive procedure damping factor c gamma - acceleration parameter c omega - overrelaxation parameter for sor and ssor c qa - pseudo-residual ratio c qt - virtual spectral radius c rho - acceleration parameter c rrr - adaptive parameter c sige - parameter sigma-sub-e c sme - estimate of smallest eigenvalue c specr - spectral radius estimate for ssor c srelpr - machine relative precision c stptst - stopping parameter c udnm - two norm of u c zeta - stopping criterion c c ... initialize common blocks c ier = 0 level = iparm(2) nout = iparm(4) if ( write (nout,10) 10 format (///1x,'i t p a c k r s c g ') if (iparm(1).le.0) go to 380 if (iparm(11).eq.0) timj1 = timer(0.0) call echall (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,rhs,iparm,rparm,1) temp = 500.0*srelpr if ( go to 30 if ( write (nout,20) zeta,srelpr,temp 20 format (/1x,'*** w a r n i n g ************'//1x, * ' in itpackv routine rscg'/1x, * ' rparm(1) =',e10.3,' (zeta)'/1x, * ' a value this small may hinder convergence '/1x, * ' since machine precision srelpr =',e10.3/1x, * ' zeta reset to ',e10.3) zeta = temp 30 continue time1 = rparm(9) time2 = rparm(10) digit1 = rparm(11) digit2 = rparm(12) c c ... verify n c if ( go to 50 ier = 61 if ( write (nout,40) n 40 format (/1x,'*** f a t a l e r r o r ************'//1x, * ' called from itpackv routine rscg '/1x, * ' invalid matrix dimension, n =',i8) go to 380 c c ... scale linear system, u, and rhs by the square root of the c ... diagonal elements. c 50 continue call scal (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,rhs,u,wksp,ier) if (ier.eq.0) go to 70 if ( write (nout,60) ier 60 format (/1x,'*** f a t a l e r r o r ************'//1x, * ' called from itpackv routine rscg '/1x, * ' error detected in routine scal '/1x, * ' which scales the system '/1x, * ' ier = ',i5) go to 380 c c ... remove rows and columns if requested c 70 continue if (iparm(10).eq.0) go to 80 tol = rparm(8) call sbelm (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,rhs,wksp,tol) c c ... initialize wksp base addresses. c 80 ib1 = 1 ib2 = ib1+n ib3 = ib2+n c c ... permute to red-black system if requested c nb = iparm(9) if ( go to 110 if (nb.le.-2) go to 170 n3 = n*3 do 90 i = 1,n3 iwksp(i) = 0 90 continue call prbndx (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,iwksp,iwksp(ib2),nb,level,nout, * ier) if (ier.eq.0) go to 110 if ( write (nout,100) ier,nb 100 format (/1x,'*** f a t a l e r r o r ************'//1x, * ' called from itpackv routine rscg '/1x, * ' error detected in routine prbndx'/1x, * ' which computes the red-black indexing'/1x, * ' ier = ',i5,' iparm(9) = ',i5,' (nb)') go to 360 110 if ( go to 130 ier = 64 if ( write (nout,120) ier,nb 120 format (/1x,'*** f a t a l e r r o r ************'//1x, * ' called from itpackv routine rscg '/1x, * ' error detected in red-black subsystem index'/1x, * ' ier = ',i5,' iparm(9) =',i5,' (nb)') go to 360 130 if ( go to 150 nbo = nb nb = n/2 if ( write (nout,140) nbo,nb 140 format (/10x,' nb = ',i5,' implies matrix is diagonal'/10x, * ' nb reset to ',i5) c c ... permute matrix and rhs c 150 if ( write (nout,160) nb 160 format (/10x,'order of black subsystem = ',i5,' (nb)') if (iparm(9).ge.0) go to 170 call permat (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,iwksp,wksp,iwksp(ib3)) call pervec (n,iwksp,rhs,wksp) call pervec (n,iwksp,u,wksp) c c ... finish workspace base addresses c 170 jb2 = ib1+nb jb3 = jb2+nb jb4 = jb3+nb ib5 = n+3*nb+1 nr = n-nb nrp1 = nr+1 c c ... check for sufficient workspace. c iparm(8) = n+3*nb+4*itmax if ( go to 190 ier = 62 if ( write (nout,180) nw,iparm(8) 180 format (/1x,'*** f a t a l e r r o r ************'//1x, * ' called from itpackv routine rscg '/1x, * ' not enough workspace at ',i10/1x, * ' set iparm(8) =',i10,' (nw)') go to 340 c 190 continue if (level.le.2) go to 220 write (nout,200) 200 format (///1x,'in the following, rho and gamma are', * ' acceleration parameters') if (adapt) write (nout,210) 210 format (1x,'cme is the estimate of the largest eigenvalue of', * ' the jacobi matrix') 220 if (iparm(11).eq.0) timi1 = timer(0.0) c c ... initialize forward pseudo-residual c if ( go to 230 u(1) = rhs(1) go to 300 230 do 240 i = 1,nw wksp(i) = 0.0 240 continue call scopy (nr,rhs,1,wksp,1) call prsred (nr,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,u,wksp) call scopy (nb,rhs(nrp1),1,wksp(ib2),1) call prsblk (nb,nr,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,wksp,wksp(jb2)) do 250 i = 1,nb wksp(n+i) = wksp(n+i)-u(nr+i) 250 continue c c ... iteration sequence c itmax1 = itmax+1 do 270 loop = 1,itmax1 in = loop-1 if (mod(in,2).eq.1) go to 260 c c ... code for the even iterations. c c u = u(in) wksp(jb2+nr) = d(in) c wksp(ib1) = u(in-1) wksp(jb3+nr) = d(in-1) c call itrscg (n,nb,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,u,wksp,wksp(jb2), * wksp(jb3),wksp(jb4),wksp(ib5)) c if (halt) go to 300 go to 270 c c ... code for the odd iterations. c c u = u(in-1) wksp(jb2+nr) = d(in-1) c wksp(ib1) = u(in) wksp(jb3+nr) = d(in) c 260 call itrscg (n,nb,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,wksp,u,wksp(jb3), * wksp(jb2),wksp(jb4),wksp(ib5)) c if (halt) go to 300 270 continue c c ... itmax has been reached c if (iparm(11).ne.0) go to 280 timi2 = timer(0.0) time1 = timi2-timi1 280 ier = 63 if ( write (nout,290) itmax 290 format (/1x,'*** w a r n i n g ************'//1x, * ' in itpackv routine rscg'/1x, * ' failure to converge in',i5,' iterations') if (iparm(3).eq.0) rparm(1) = stptst go to 330 c c ... method has converged c 300 if (iparm(11).ne.0) go to 310 timi2 = timer(0.0) time1 = timi2-timi1 310 if ( write (nout,320) in 320 format (/1x,'rscg has converged in ',i5,' iterations') c c ... put solution into u if not already there. c 330 continue if (n.eq.1) go to 340 if (mod(in,2).eq.1) call scopy (n,wksp,1,u,1) call scopy (nr,rhs,1,u,1) call prsred (nr,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,u,u) c c ... un-permute matrix,rhs, and solution c 340 if (iparm(9).ne.-1) go to 350 call permat (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,iwksp(ib2),wksp,iwksp(ib3)) call pervec (n,iwksp(ib2),rhs,wksp(ib2)) call pervec (n,iwksp(ib2),u,wksp(ib2)) if (ier.eq.62) go to 360 c c ... optional error analysis c 350 idgts = iparm(12) if ( go to 360 if (iparm(2).le.0) idgts = 0 call perror (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,rhs,u,wksp,digit1,digit2, * idgts) c c ... unscale the matrix, solution, and rhs vectors. c 360 continue call unscal (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,rhs,u,wksp) c c ... set return parameters in iparm and rparm c iparm(8) = iparm(8)-4*(itmax-in) if (iparm(11).ne.0) go to 370 timj2 = timer(0.0) time2 = timj2-timj1 370 if (iparm(3).ne.0) go to 380 iparm(1) = in iparm(9) = nb rparm(2) = cme rparm(3) = sme rparm(9) = time1 rparm(10) = time2 rparm(11) = digit1 rparm(12) = digit2 c 380 continue if ( call echall (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,rhs,iparm, * rparm,2) if ( write (nout,390) 390 format (/1x,'execution successful') c return end subroutine rssi (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,rhs,u,iwksp,nw,wksp, * iparm,rparm,ier) c c itpackv 2d main routine rssi (reduced system semi-iterative) c each of the main routines -- c jcg, jsi, sor, ssorcg, ssorsi, rscg, rssi c can be used independently of the others c c ... function -- c c rssi drives the reduced system si algorithm. c c ... parameter list -- c c n input integer. dimension of the matrix. c ndim row dimension of jcoef and coef arrays in calling c routine c maxnz maximum number of nonzeros per row c jcoef integer array for sparse matrix representation. c coef array for sparse matrix representation. c jcoef and coef use the ellpack data structure. c rhs input vector. contains the right hand side c of the matrix problem. c u input/output vector. on input, u contains the c initial guess to the solution. on output, it contains c the latest estimate to the solution. c iwksp integer vector workspace of length 3*n c nw input integer. length of available wksp. on output, c iparm(8) is amount used. c wksp vector used for working space. rssi c needs this to be in length at least n + nb c nb is the order of the black subsystem c iparm integer vector of length 12. allows user to specify c some integer parameters which affect the method. c rparm vector of length 12. allows user to specify some c parameters which affect the method. c ier output integer. error flag. c c ... rssi module references -- c c from itpackv cheby , chgsi , dfault, echall, c iterm , itrssi, parsi , c permat, perror, pervec, pmult , prbndx, c prsblk, prsred, pstop , sbelm , c scal , sum3 , tstchg, c unscal, c vout c system abs, alog10, amax0, amax1, float, mod, c sqrt c c ... local itpackv references -- c c echall, itrssi, permat, c perror, pervec, prbndx, prsred, sbelm , scal , c unscal c c version - itpackv 2d (january 1990) c c code written by - david kincaid, roger grimes, john respess c center for numerical analysis c university of texas c austin, tx 78712 c (512) 471-1242 c c for additional details on the c (a) routine see toms article 1982 c (b) algorithm see cna report 150 c c based on theory by - david young, david kincaid, lou hageman c c reference the book - applied iterative methods c l. hageman, d. young c academic press, 1981 c c ************************************************** c * important note * c * * c * when installing itpackv routines on a * c * different computer, reset some of the values * c * in subroutne dfault. most important are * c * * c * srelpr machine relative precision * c * rparm(1) stopping criterion * c * * c * also change system-dependent routine * c * second used in timer * c * * c ************************************************** c c ... specifications for arguments c integer jcoef(ndim,1),iwksp(1),iparm(12) dimension coef(ndim,1),rhs(n),u(n),wksp(nw),rparm(12) c c *** begin -- itpackv common c common /itcom1/ in,is,isym,itmax,level,nout,numwav c logical adapt,betadt,caseii,halt,partad common /itcom2/ adapt,betadt,caseii,halt,partad c common /itcom3/ bdelnm,betab,cme,delnnm,delsnm,ff,gamma,omega,qa, * qt,rho,rrr,sige,sme,specr,spr,srelpr,stptst,udnm,zeta c c *** end -- itpackv common c c ... variables in common block - itcom1 c c in - iteration number c is - iteration number when parameters last changed c isym - symmetric/nonsymmetric case switch c itmax - maximum number of iterations allowed c level - level of output control switch c nout - output unit number c c ... variables in common block - itcom2 c c adapt - fully adaptive procedure switch c betadt - switch for adaptive determination of beta c caseii - adaptive procedure case switch c halt - stopping test switch c partad - partially adaptive procedure switch c c ... variables in common block - itcom3 c c bdelnm - two norm of b times delta-super-n c betab - estimate for the spectral radius of lu matrix c cme - estimate of largest eigenvalue c delnnm - inner product of pseudo-residual at iteration n c delsnm - inner product of pseudo-residual at iteration s c ff - adaptive procedure damping factor c gamma - acceleration parameter c omega - overrelaxation parameter for sor and ssor c qa - pseudo-residual ratio c qt - virtual spectral radius c rho - acceleration parameter c rrr - adaptive parameter c sige - parameter sigma-sub-e c sme - estimate of smallest eigenvalue c specr - spectral radius estimate for ssor c srelpr - machine relative precision c stptst - stopping parameter c udnm - two norm of u c zeta - stopping criterion c c ... initialize common blocks c ier = 0 level = iparm(2) nout = iparm(4) if ( write (nout,10) 10 format (///1x,'i t p a c k r s s i ') if (iparm(1).le.0) go to 360 if (iparm(11).eq.0) timj1 = timer(0.0) call echall (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,rhs,iparm,rparm,1) temp = 500.0*srelpr if ( go to 30 if ( write (nout,20) zeta,srelpr,temp 20 format (/1x,'*** w a r n i n g ************'//1x, * ' in itpackv routine rssi'/1x, * ' rparm(1) =',e10.3,' (zeta)'/1x, * ' a value this small may hinder convergence '/1x, * ' since machine precision srelpr =',e10.3/1x, * ' zeta reset to ',e10.3) zeta = temp 30 continue time1 = rparm(9) time2 = rparm(10) digit1 = rparm(11) digit2 = rparm(12) c c ... verify n c if ( go to 50 ier = 71 if ( write (nout,40) n 40 format (/1x,'*** f a t a l e r r o r ************'//1x, * ' called from itpackv routine rssi '/1x, * ' invalid matrix dimension, n =',i8) go to 360 c c ... scale linear system, u, and rhs by the square root of the c ... diagonal elements. c 50 continue call scal (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,rhs,u,wksp,ier) if (ier.eq.0) go to 70 if ( write (nout,60) ier 60 format (/1x,'*** f a t a l e r r o r ************'//1x, * ' called from itpackv routine rssi '/1x, * ' error detected in routine scal '/1x, * ' which scales the system '/1x, * ' ier = ',i5) go to 360 c c ... remove rows and columns if requested c 70 continue if (iparm(10).eq.0) go to 80 tol = rparm(8) call sbelm (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,rhs,wksp,tol) c c ... initialize wksp base addresses. c 80 ib1 = 1 ib2 = ib1+n ib3 = ib2+n c c ... permute to red-black system if requested c nb = iparm(9) if ( go to 110 if (nb.le.-2) go to 170 n3 = n*3 do 90 i = 1,n3 iwksp(i) = 0 90 continue call prbndx (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,iwksp,iwksp(ib2),nb,level,nout, * ier) if (ier.eq.0) go to 110 if ( write (nout,100) ier,nb 100 format (/1x,'*** f a t a l e r r o r ************'//1x, * ' called from itpackv routine rssi '/1x, * ' error detected in routine prbndx'/1x, * ' which computes the red-black indexing'/1x, * ' ier = ',i5,' iparm(9) = ',i5,' (nb)') go to 340 110 if ( go to 130 ier = 74 if ( write (nout,120) ier,nb 120 format (/1x,'*** f a t a l e r r o r ************'//1x, * ' called from itpackv routine rssi '/1x, * ' error detected in red-black subsystem index'/1x, * ' ier = ',i5,' iparm(9) =',i5,' (nb)') go to 340 130 if ( go to 150 nbo = nb nb = n/2 if ( write (nout,140) nbo,nb 140 format (/10x,' nb = ',i5,' implies matrix is diagonal'/10x, * ' nb reset to ',i5) c c ... permute matrix and rhs c 150 if ( write (nout,160) nb 160 format (/10x,'order of black subsystem = ',i5,' (nb)') if (iparm(9).ge.0) go to 170 call permat (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,iwksp,wksp,iwksp(ib3)) call pervec (n,iwksp,rhs,wksp) call pervec (n,iwksp,u,wksp) c c ... finish workspace base addresses c 170 jb2 = ib1+nb nr = n-nb c c ... check for sufficient workspace. c iparm(8) = n+nb if ( go to 190 ier = 72 if ( write (nout,180) nw,iparm(8) 180 format (/1x,'*** f a t a l e r r o r ************'//1x, * ' called from itpackv routine rssi '/1x, * ' not enough workspace at ',i10/1x, * ' set iparm(8) =',i10,' (nw)') go to 320 c 190 continue if (level.le.2) go to 210 write (nout,200) 200 format (///1x,'in the following, rho and gamma are', * ' acceleration parameters') 210 if (iparm(11).eq.0) timi1 = timer(0.0) do 220 i = 1,nw wksp(i) = 0.0 220 continue c c ... iteration sequence c if ( go to 230 u(1) = rhs(1) go to 280 c 230 itmax1 = itmax+1 do 250 loop = 1,itmax1 in = loop-1 if (mod(in,2).eq.1) go to 240 c c ... code for the even iterations. c c u = u(in) c wksp(ib1) = u(in-1) c call itrssi (n,nb,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,rhs,u,wksp,wksp(jb2)) c if (halt) go to 280 go to 250 c c ... code for the odd iterations. c c u = u(in-1) c wksp(ib1) = u(in) c 240 call itrssi (n,nb,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,rhs,wksp,u,wksp(jb2)) c if (halt) go to 280 250 continue c c ... itmax has been reached c if (iparm(11).ne.0) go to 260 timi2 = timer(0.0) time1 = timi2-timi1 260 ier = 73 if ( write (nout,270) itmax 270 format (/1x,'*** w a r n i n g ************'//1x, * ' in itpackv routine rssi'/1x, * ' failure to converge in',i5,' iterations') if (iparm(3).eq.0) rparm(1) = stptst go to 310 c c ... method has converged c 280 if (iparm(11).ne.0) go to 290 timi2 = timer(0.0) time1 = timi2-timi1 290 if ( write (nout,300) in 300 format (/1x,'rssi has converged in ',i5,' iterations') c c ... put solution into u if not already there. c 310 continue if (n.eq.1) go to 320 if (mod(in,2).eq.1) call scopy (n,wksp,1,u,1) call scopy (nr,rhs,1,u,1) call prsred (nr,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,u,u) c c ... un-permute matrix,rhs, and solution c 320 if (iparm(9).ne.-1) go to 330 call permat (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,iwksp(ib2),wksp,iwksp(ib3)) call pervec (n,iwksp(ib2),rhs,wksp(ib2)) call pervec (n,iwksp(ib2),u,wksp(ib2)) if (ier.eq.72) go to 340 c c ... optional error analysis c 330 idgts = iparm(12) if ( go to 340 if (iparm(2).le.0) idgts = 0 call perror (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,rhs,u,wksp,digit1,digit2, * idgts) c c ... unscale the matrix, solution, and rhs vectors. c 340 continue call unscal (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,rhs,u,wksp) c c ... set return parameters in iparm and rparm c if (iparm(11).ne.0) go to 350 timj2 = timer(0.0) time2 = timj2-timj1 350 if (iparm(3).ne.0) go to 360 iparm(1) = in iparm(9) = nb rparm(2) = cme rparm(3) = sme rparm(9) = time1 rparm(10) = time2 rparm(11) = digit1 rparm(12) = digit2 c 360 continue if ( call echall (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,rhs,iparm, * rparm,2) if ( write (nout,370) 370 format (/1x,'execution successful') c return end subroutine itjcg (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,u,u1,d,d1,dtwd,tri) c c ... itjcg performs one iteration of the jacobi conjugate gradient c algorithm. it is called by jcg. c c ... parameter list -- c c n input integer. dimension of the matrix. c ndim row dimension of jcoef and coef arrays in calling c routine c maxnz maximum number of nonzeros per row c jcoef integer sparse matrix representation c coef sparse matrix representation c u input vector. contains the value of the c solution vector at the end of in iterations. c u1 input/output vector. on input, it contains c the value of the solution at the end of the in-1 c iteration. on output, it will contain the newest c estimate for the solution vector. c d input vector. contains the pseudo-residual c vector after in iterations. c d1 input/output vector. on input, d1 contains c the pseudo-residual vector after in-1 iterations. on c output, it will contain the newest pseudo-residual c vector. c dtwd array. used in the computations of the c acceleration parameter gamma and the new pseudo- c residual. c tri array. stores the tridiagonal matrix associated c with the eigenvalues of the conjugate gradient c polynomial. c c ... local itpackv references -- c c chgcon, iterm , parcon, pjac , pstop , c sum3 c c ... specifications for arguments c integer jcoef(ndim,1) dimension u(n),u1(n),d(n),d1(n),dtwd(n),tri(2,1),coef(ndim,1) c c ... specifications for local variables c logical q1 c c *** begin -- itpackv common c common /itcom1/ in,is,isym,itmax,level,nout,numwav c logical adapt,betadt,caseii,halt,partad common /itcom2/ adapt,betadt,caseii,halt,partad c common /itcom3/ bdelnm,betab,cme,delnnm,delsnm,ff,gamma,omega,qa, * qt,rho,rrr,sige,sme,specr,spr,srelpr,stptst,udnm,zeta c c *** end -- itpackv common c c description of variables in common blocks in routine jcg c c ... compute new estimate for cme if adapt = .true. c save if (adapt) call chgcon (itmax,tri,gamold,rhoold,1) c c ... test for stopping c delnnm = sdot(n,d,1,d,1) dnrm = delnnm con = cme call pstop (n,u,dnrm,con,1,q1) if (halt) go to 50 c c ... compute rho and gamma - acceleration parameters c do 10 i = 1,n dtwd(i) = 0.0 10 continue call pjac (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,d,dtwd) dtnrm = sdot(n,d,1,dtwd,1) if (isym.eq.0) go to 20 rhotmp = sdot(n,dtwd,1,d1,1) call parcon (dtnrm,c1,c2,c3,c4,gamold,rhotmp,1) rhoold = rhotmp go to 30 20 call parcon (dtnrm,c1,c2,c3,c4,gamold,rhoold,1) c c ... compute u(in+1) and d(in+1) c 30 do 40 i = 1,n u1(i) = c1*d(i)+c2*u(i)+c3*u1(i) d1(i) = c1*dtwd(i)+c4*d(i)+c3*d1(i) 40 continue c c ... output intermediate information c 50 call iterm (n,coef,u,dtwd,1) c return end subroutine itjsi (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,rhs,u,u1,d,icnt) c c ... function -- c c itjsi performs one iteration of the c jacobi semi-iterative algorithm. it is called by jsi. c c ... parameter list -- c c n input integer. dimension of the matrix. c ndim row dimension of jcoef and coef arrays in calling c routine c maxnz maximum number of nonzero entries per row c jcoef integer array for sparse matrix representation c coef array for sparse matrix representation c rhs input vector. contains the right hand side c of the matrix problem. c u input vector. contains the estimate for the c solution vector after in iterations. c u1 input/output vector. on input, u1 contains the c solution vector after in-1 iterations. on output, c it will contain the newest estimate for the solution c vector. c d array. d is used for the computation of the c pseudo-residual array for the current iteration. c icnt number of iterations since last change of sme c c ... local itpackv references -- c c chgsi , chgsme, iterm , parsi , pjac , pstop , pvtbv , c sum3 , tstchg c c ... specifications for arguments c integer jcoef(ndim,1) dimension coef(ndim,1),rhs(1),u(1),u1(1),d(1) c c ... specifications for local variables c logical q1 c c ... specifications for function subprograms c logical tstchg,chgsme c c *** begin -- itpackv common c common /itcom1/ in,is,isym,itmax,level,nout,numwav c logical adapt,betadt,caseii,halt,partad common /itcom2/ adapt,betadt,caseii,halt,partad c common /itcom3/ bdelnm,betab,cme,delnnm,delsnm,ff,gamma,omega,qa, * qt,rho,rrr,sige,sme,specr,spr,srelpr,stptst,udnm,zeta c c *** end -- itpackv common c c description of variables in common blocks in routine jsi c if (in.eq.0) icnt = 0 c c ... compute pseudo-residuals c call scopy (n,rhs,1,d,1) call pjac (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,u,d) do 10 i = 1,n d(i) = d(i)-u(i) 10 continue c c ... stopping and adaptive change tests c oldnrm = delnnm delnnm = sdot(n,d,1,d,1) dnrm = delnnm con = cme call pstop (n,u,dnrm,con,1,q1) if (halt) go to 70 if (.not.adapt) go to 50 if (.not.tstchg(1)) go to 20 c c ... change iterative parameters (cme) c dtnrm = pvtbv(n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,d) call chgsi (dtnrm,1) if (.not.adapt) go to 50 go to 30 c c ... test if sme needs to be changed and change if necessary. c 20 continue if (caseii) go to 50 if (.not.chgsme(oldnrm,icnt)) go to 50 icnt = 0 c c ... compute u(in+1) after change of parameters c 30 do 40 i = 1,n u1(i) = u(i)+gamma*d(i) 40 continue go to 70 c c ... compute u(in+1) without change of parameters c 50 call parsi (c1,c2,c3,1) do 60 i = 1,n u1(i) = c1*d(i)+c2*u(i)+c3*u1(i) 60 continue c c ... output intermediate information c 70 call iterm (n,coef,u,d,2) c return end subroutine itsor (n,nb,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,rhs,u,nup, * moved,wk,iwk) c c itsor performs one iteration of the successive c overrelaxation algorithm. it is called by sor. c c ... parameter list -- c c n input integer. dimension of the matrix. c nb dimension of the black subsystem c ndim row dimension of coef and jcoef arrays in calling c routine c maxnz maximum number of nonzeros per row c jcoef integer array of coefficient columns c coef array of coefficients c rhs input vector. contains the right hand side c of the matrix problem. c u input/output vector. on input, u contains the c solution vector after in iterations. on output, c it will contain the newest estimate for the solution c vector. c nup maximum number of nonzeros per row in upper c triangle u (for natural ordering only) c moved logical variable indicating whether or not matrix c was reshuffled c wk array. work vector of length 2*n. c iwk integer array giving wave populations. c c ... local itpackv references -- c c ipstr , iterm , pfsor1, pstop , tau c c ... specifications for arguments c integer jcoef(ndim,1),iwk(1) dimension coef(ndim,1),rhs(1),u(1),wk(1) logical moved c c ... specifications for local variables c logical change,q1 c c *** begin -- itpackv common c common /itcom1/ in,is,isym,itmax,level,nout,numwav c logical adapt,betadt,caseii,halt,partad common /itcom2/ adapt,betadt,caseii,halt,partad c common /itcom3/ bdelnm,betab,cme,delnnm,delsnm,ff,gamma,omega,qa, * qt,rho,rrr,sige,sme,specr,spr,srelpr,stptst,udnm,zeta c c *** end -- itpackv common c c description of variables in common blocks in routine sor c c ... set initial parameters not already set c save ib2 = n+1 if ( go to 20 call pstop (n,u,0.0,0.0,0,q1) if (adapt) go to 10 change = .false. ip = 0 iphat = 2 iss = 0 call sorscl (n,ndim,maxnz,coef,rhs,omega) go to 30 c 10 change = .true. ip = 0 omegap = omega omega = 1.0 iss = 0 iphat = 2 ipstar = 4 if (omegap.le.1.0) change = .false. c c ... reset omega, iphat, and ipstar (circle a in flowchart) c 20 if (.not.change) go to 30 change = .false. is = is+1 ip = 0 iss = 0 omgsav = omega omega = amin1(omegap,tau(is)) iphat = max0(3,int((omega-1.0)/(2.0-omega))) ipstar = ipstr(omega) factor = omega/omgsav call sorscl (n,ndim,maxnz,coef,rhs,factor) c c ... compute u (in + 1) and norm of del(s,p) - circle b in flow chart c 30 continue delsnm = delnnm spcrm1 = specr call scopy (n,rhs,1,wk,1) call pfsor1 (n,nb,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,u,wk,nup,moved, * wk(ib2),iwk) if (delnnm.eq.0.0) go to 40 if ( specr = delnnm/delsnm if ( go to 80 c c ... stopping test, set h c if ( go to 80 if (.not.( go to 40 h = specr go to 50 40 iss = iss+1 h = omega-1.0 c c ... perform stopping test. c 50 continue dnrm = delnnm**2 call pstop (n,u,dnrm,h,1,q1) if (.not.halt) go to 60 factor = 1.0/omega call sorscl (n,ndim,maxnz,coef,rhs,factor) go to 80 c c ... method has not converged yet, test for changing omega c 60 if (.not.adapt) go to 80 if ( go to 80 if ( go to 70 cme = sqrt(abs(specr)) omegap = 2.0/(1.0+sqrt(abs(1.0-specr))) change = .true. go to 80 70 if ( go to 80 if (specr.le.(omega-1.0)**ff) go to 80 if ((specr+0.00005).le.spcrm1) go to 80 c c ... change parameters c cme = (specr+omega-1.0)/(sqrt(abs(specr))*omega) omegap = 2.0/(1.0+sqrt(abs(1.0-cme*cme))) change = .true. c c ... output intermediate information c 80 call iterm (n,coef,u,wk,3) ip = ip+1 c return end subroutine itsrcg (n,nb,nup,nlow,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,rhs,u, * u1,c,c1,d,dl,moved,wk,tri,iwk) c c ... function -- c c itsrcg performs one iteration of the symmetric sor c conjugate gradient algorithm. it is called by ssorcg. c c ... parameter list -- c c n input integer. dimension of the matrix. c nb order of the black subsystem c nup maximum number of nonzeros per row in the upper c triangle u (input for natural ordering only) c nlow maximum number of nonzeros per row in the lower c triangle l (input for natural ordering only) c ndim row dimension of jcoef and coef arrays in calling c routine c maxnz maximum number of nonzeros per row in the entire c array c jcoef integer array for coefficient columns c coef array for coefficients c rhs input vector. contains the right hand side c of the matrix problem. c u input vector. contains the estimate of the c solution vector after in iterations. c u1 input/output vector. on input, u1 contains the c the estimate for the solution after in-1 iterations. c on output, u1 contains the updated estimate. c c input vector. contains the forward residual c after in iterations. c c1 input/output vector. on input, c1 contains c the forward residual after in-1 iterations. on c output, c1 contains the updated forward residual. c d vector. is used to compute the backward pseudo- c residual vector for the current iteration. c dl vector. is used in the computations of the c acceleration parameters. c moved logical constant indicating whether or not matrix c has been reshuffled c wk workspace vector of length n. c tri vector. stores the tridiagonal matrix associated c with the conjugate gradient acceleration. c iwk integer vector giving wave population counts c c ... local itpackv references -- c c chgcon, iterm , omeg , omgchg, omgstr, parcon, pbeta , c pbsor , pfsor , pjac , pstop , pvtbv , c sum3 c c ... specifications for arguments c integer jcoef(ndim,1),iwk(1) dimension coef(ndim,1),rhs(1),u(1),u1(1),c(1),c1(1),d(1),dl(1), * wk(1),tri(2,1) c c ... specifications for local variables c logical q1,moved c c ... specifications for function subprograms c logical omgchg,omgstr c c *** begin -- itpackv common c common /itcom1/ in,is,isym,itmax,level,nout,numwav c logical adapt,betadt,caseii,halt,partad common /itcom2/ adapt,betadt,caseii,halt,partad c common /itcom3/ bdelnm,betab,cme,delnnm,delsnm,ff,gamma,omega,qa, * qt,rho,rrr,sige,sme,specr,spr,srelpr,stptst,udnm,zeta c c *** end -- itpackv common c c description of variables in common blocks in routine ssorcg c c ... calculate s-prime for adaptive procedure. c save if (adapt.or.partad) call chgcon (itmax,tri,gamold,rhoold,3) c c ... compute backward residual c call scopy (n,rhs,1,wk,1) do 10 i = 1,n d(i) = c(i)+u(i) 10 continue call pbsor (n,nb,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,d,wk,nup,nlow,moved,iwk) do 20 i = 1,n d(i) = d(i)-u(i) 20 continue c c ... compute acceleration parameters and then u(in+1) (in u1) c call scopy (n,d,1,dl,1) do 30 i = 1,n wk(i) = 0.0 30 continue call pfsor (n,nb,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,dl,wk,nup,moved,iwk) do 40 i = 1,n dl(i) = d(i)-dl(i) 40 continue delnnm = sdot(n,c,1,c,1) if (delnnm.eq.0.0) go to 80 dnrm = sdot(n,c,1,dl,1) if (dnrm.eq.0.0) go to 80 if (isym.eq.0) go to 50 rhotmp = sdot(n,c,1,c1,1)-sdot(n,dl,1,c1,1) call parcon (dnrm,t1,t2,t3,t4,gamold,rhotmp,3) rhoold = rhotmp go to 60 50 call parcon (dnrm,t1,t2,t3,t4,gamold,rhoold,3) 60 do 70 i = 1,n u1(i) = t1*d(i)+t2*u(i)+t3*u1(i) 70 continue c c ... test for stopping c 80 bdelnm = sdot(n,d,1,d,1) dnrm = bdelnm con = specr call pstop (n,u,dnrm,con,1,q1) if (halt) go to 190 c c ... if non- or partially-adaptive, compute c(in+1) and exit. c if (adapt) go to 100 do 90 i = 1,n c1(i) = -t1*dl(i)+t2*c(i)+t3*c1(i) 90 continue go to 190 c c ... fully adaptive procedure c 100 continue omgsav = omega if (omgstr(1)) go to 170 if (omgchg(1)) go to 120 c c ... parameters have been unchanged. compute c(in+1) and exit. c do 110 i = 1,n c1(i) = -t1*dl(i)+t2*c(i)+t3*c1(i) 110 continue go to 190 c c ... it has been decided to change parameters c (1) compute new betab if betadt = .true. c 120 continue if (.not.betadt) go to 130 betnew = pbeta(n,nb,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,d,nup,nlow,moved,wk,c1)/ * (bdelnm*omega**2) betab = amax1(betab,0.25,betnew) c c ... (2) compute new cme, omega, and specr c 130 continue if (caseii) go to 140 dnrm = pvtbv(n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,d)/omega go to 160 140 do 150 i = 1,n wk(i) = 0.0 150 continue call pjac (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,d,wk) dnrm = sdot(n,wk,1,wk,1)/(omega**2) 160 call omeg (dnrm,3) c c ... (3) compute new forward residual since omega has been changed. c 170 continue factor = omega/omgsav call sorscl (n,ndim,maxnz,coef,rhs,factor) call scopy (n,rhs,1,wk,1) call scopy (n,u1,1,c1,1) call pfsor (n,nb,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,c1,wk,nup,moved,iwk) do 180 i = 1,n c1(i) = c1(i)-u1(i) 180 continue c c ... output intermediate results. c 190 call iterm (n,coef,u,wk,4) c return end subroutine itsrsi (n,nb,nup,nlow,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,rhs,u, * u1,c,d,ctwd,moved,wk,iwk) c c ... function -- c c itsrsi performs one iteration of the symmetric sor c semi-iteration algorithm. it is called by ssorsi. c c ... parameter list -- c c n input integer. dimension of the matrix. c nb order of the black subsystem (for red-black order- c ing only) c nup maximum number of nonzeros per row in the upper c triangle u (for natural ordering only) c nlow maximum number of nonzeros per row in the lower c triangle l (for natural ordering only) c ndim row dimension of coef and jcoef arrays in calling c routine c maxnz maximum number of nonzeros per row c jcoef integer array for coefficient columns c coef array for coefficients c rhs input vector. contains the right hand side c of the matrix problem. c u input vector. contains the estimate of the c solution vector after in iterations. c u1 input/output vector. on input, u1 contains the c the estimate for the solution after in-1 iterations. c on output, u1 contains the updated estimate. c c vector. is used to compute the forward pseudo- c residual vector for the current iteration. c d vector. is used to compute the backward pseudo- c residual vector for the current iteration. c ctwd vector. is used in the computations of the c acceleration parameters. c moved logical constant indicating whether or not matrix c has been reshuffled c wk workspace vector of length n. c iwk integer vector giving wave population counts c c ... local itpackv references -- c c chgsi , iterm , omeg , omgstr, parsi , pbeta , pbsor , c pfsor , pjac , pstop , pvtbv , sum3 , c tstchg c c ... specifications for arguments c integer jcoef(ndim,1),iwk(1) dimension coef(ndim,1),rhs(1),u(1),u1(1),c(1),d(1),ctwd(1),wk(1) c c ... specifications for local variables c logical q1,moved c c ... specifications for function subprograms c logical omgstr,tstchg c c *** begin -- itpackv common c common /itcom1/ in,is,isym,itmax,level,nout,numwav c logical adapt,betadt,caseii,halt,partad common /itcom2/ adapt,betadt,caseii,halt,partad c common /itcom3/ bdelnm,betab,cme,delnnm,delsnm,ff,gamma,omega,qa, * qt,rho,rrr,sige,sme,specr,spr,srelpr,stptst,udnm,zeta c c *** end -- itpackv common c c description of variables in common blocks in routine ssorsi c c ... compute pseudo-residuals (forward and backward) c call scopy (n,rhs,1,wk,1) call scopy (n,u,1,ctwd,1) call pfsor (n,nb,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,ctwd,wk,nup,moved,iwk) do 10 i = 1,n c(i) = ctwd(i)-u(i) 10 continue call scopy (n,rhs,1,wk,1) call pbsor (n,nb,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,ctwd,wk,nup,nlow,moved,iwk) do 20 i = 1,n d(i) = ctwd(i)-u(i) 20 continue c c ... compute u(in+1) -- contained in the vector u1. c call parsi (c1,c2,c3,3) do 30 i = 1,n u1(i) = c1*d(i)+c2*u(i)+c3*u1(i) 30 continue c c ... test for stopping c bdelnm = sdot(n,d,1,d,1) dnrm = bdelnm con = specr call pstop (n,u,dnrm,con,1,q1) if (halt.or..not.(adapt.or.partad)) go to 100 c c ... adaptive procedure c omgsav = omega if (omgstr(1)) go to 100 delnnm = sdot(n,c,1,c,1) if ( delsnm = delnnm if (in.eq.0.or..not.tstchg(1)) go to 100 c c ... it has been decided to change parameters. c ... (1) compute ctwd c call scopy (n,d,1,ctwd,1) do 40 i = 1,n wk(i) = 0.0 40 continue call pfsor (n,nb,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,ctwd,wk,nup,moved,iwk) do 50 i = 1,n ctwd(i) = ctwd(i)+c(i)-d(i) 50 continue c c ... (2) compute new spectral radius for current omega. c dnrm = sdot(n,c,1,ctwd,1) call chgsi (dnrm,3) if (.not.adapt) go to 100 c c ... (3) compute new betab if betadt = .true. c if (.not.betadt) go to 60 betnew = pbeta(n,nb,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,d,nup,nlow,moved,wk, * ctwd)/(bdelnm*omega**2) betab = amax1(betab,0.25,betnew) c c ... (4) compute new cme, omega, and specr. c 60 continue if (caseii) go to 70 dnrm = pvtbv(n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,d)/omega go to 90 70 do 80 i = 1,n wk(i) = 0.0 80 continue call pjac (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,d,wk) dnrm = sdot(n,wk,1,wk,1)/(omega**2) 90 call omeg (dnrm,3) factor = omega/omgsav call sorscl (n,ndim,maxnz,coef,rhs,factor) c c ... output intermediate information c 100 call iterm (n,coef,u,wk,5) c return end subroutine itrscg (n,nb,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,ub,ub1, * db,db1,wb,tri) c c ... itrscg performs one iteration of the reduced system conjugate c ... gradient algorithm. it is called by rscg. c c ... parameter list -- c c n input integer. dimension of the matrix. c nb input integer. contains the number of black points c in the red-black matrix. c ndim row dimension of jcoef and coef arrays in calling c routine c maxnz maximum number of nonzeros per row c jcoef integer data structure for coefficient columns c coef data structure for matrix coefficients c ub input vector. contains the estimate for the c solution on the black points after in iterations. c ub1 input/output vector. on input, ub1 contains c the solution vector after in-1 iterations. on c output, it will contain the newest estimate for c the solution vector. this is only for the black c points. c db input array. db(nrp1) contains the value of c the current pseudo-residual on the black points. c db1 input/output array. db1(nrp1) contains the c pseudo-residual on the black points for the in-1 c iteration. c on input. on output, it is for the in+1 iteration. c wb array. wb is used for computations involving c black vectors. c tri array. stores the tridiagonal matrix associated c with conjugate gradient acceleration. c c ... local itpackv references -- c c chgcon, iterm , parcon, prsblk, prsred, pstop , c sum3 c c ... specifications for arguments c integer jcoef(ndim,1) dimension coef(ndim,1),ub(1),ub1(1),db(1),db1(1),wb(1),tri(2,1) c c ... specifications for local variables c logical q1 c c *** begin -- itpackv common c common /itcom1/ in,is,isym,itmax,level,nout,numwav c logical adapt,betadt,caseii,halt,partad common /itcom2/ adapt,betadt,caseii,halt,partad c common /itcom3/ bdelnm,betab,cme,delnnm,delsnm,ff,gamma,omega,qa, * qt,rho,rrr,sige,sme,specr,spr,srelpr,stptst,udnm,zeta c c *** end -- itpackv common c c description of variables in common blocks in routine rscg c c ... compute new estimate for cme if adapt = .true. c save nr = n-nb nrp1 = nr+1 if (adapt) call chgcon (itmax,tri,gamold,rhoold,2) c c ... test for stopping c delnnm = sdot(nb,db(nrp1),1,db(nrp1),1) dnrm = delnnm con = cme call pstop (nb,ub(nrp1),dnrm,con,2,q1) if (halt) go to 70 c c ... compute acceleration parameters c do 10 i = 1,nr ub1(i) = 0.0 10 continue call prsred (nr,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,db,ub1) do 20 i = nrp1,n wb(i) = 0.0 20 continue call prsblk (nb,nr,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,ub1,wb) dnrm = sdot(nb,db(nrp1),1,wb(nrp1),1) if (isym.eq.0) go to 30 rhotmp = sdot(nb,wb(nrp1),1,db1(nrp1),1) call parcon (dnrm,c1,c2,c3,c4,gamold,rhotmp,2) rhoold = rhotmp go to 40 30 call parcon (dnrm,c1,c2,c3,c4,gamold,rhoold,2) c c ... compute ub(in+1) and db(in+1) c 40 do 50 i = nrp1,n ub1(i) = c1*db(i)+c2*ub(i)+c3*ub1(i) 50 continue do 60 i = nrp1,n db1(i) = c1*wb(i)+c4*db(i)+c3*db1(i) 60 continue c c ... output intermediate information c 70 call iterm (nb,coef(nrp1,1),ub(nrp1),wb(nrp1),6) return c end subroutine itrssi (n,nb,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,rhs,ub,ub1,db) c c ... itrssi performs one iteration of the reduced system semi- c ... iteration algorithm. it is called by rssi. c c ... parameter list -- c c n input integer. dimension of the matrix. c nb input integer. contains the number of black points c in the red-black matrix. c ndim row dimension of jcoef and coef arrays in calling c routine c maxnz maximum number of nonzeros per row c jcoef integer data structure for coefficient columns c coef data structure for matrix coefficients c rhs input vector. contains the right hand side c of the matrix problem. c ub input vector. contains the estimate for the c solution on the black points after in iterations. c ub1 input/output vector. on input, ub1 contains c the solution vector after in-1 iterations. on c output, it will contain the newest estimate for c the solution vector. this is only for the black c points. c db input array. db(nrp1) contains the value of c the current pseudo-residual on the black points. c c ... local itpackv references -- c c chgsi , iterm , parsi , prsblk, prsred, pstop , c sum3 , tstchg c c ... specifications for arguments c integer jcoef(ndim,1) dimension coef(ndim,1),rhs(1),ub(1),ub1(1),db(1) c c ... specifications for local variables c logical q1 c c ... specifications for function subprograms c logical tstchg c c *** begin -- itpackv common c common /itcom1/ in,is,isym,itmax,level,nout,numwav c logical adapt,betadt,caseii,halt,partad common /itcom2/ adapt,betadt,caseii,halt,partad c common /itcom3/ bdelnm,betab,cme,delnnm,delsnm,ff,gamma,omega,qa, * qt,rho,rrr,sige,sme,specr,spr,srelpr,stptst,udnm,zeta c c *** end -- itpackv common c c description of variables in common blocks in routine rssi c c ... compute ur(in) into ub c nr = n-nb nrp1 = nr+1 call scopy (nr,rhs,1,ub,1) call prsred (nr,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,ub,ub) c c ... compute pseudo-residual, db(in) c call scopy (nb,rhs(nrp1),1,db(nrp1),1) call prsblk (nb,nr,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,ub,db) do 10 i = nrp1,n db(i) = db(i)-ub(i) 10 continue c c ... test for stopping c delnnm = sdot(nb,db(nrp1),1,db(nrp1),1) dnrm = delnnm const = cme call pstop (nb,ub(nrp1),dnrm,const,2,q1) if (halt) go to 60 if (.not.adapt) go to 40 c c ... test to change parameters c if (.not.tstchg(2)) go to 40 c c ... change parameters c do 20 i = 1,nr ub1(i) = 0.0 20 continue call prsred (nr,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,db,ub1) dnrm = sdot(nr,ub1,1,ub1,1) call chgsi (dnrm,2) if (.not.adapt) go to 40 c c ... compute ub(n+1) after changing parameters c do 30 i = nrp1,n ub1(i) = ub(i)+gamma*db(i) 30 continue go to 60 c c ... compute ub(n+1) without change of parameters c 40 call parsi (c1,c2,c3,2) do 50 i = nrp1,n ub1(i) = c1*db(i)+c2*ub(i)+c3*ub1(i) 50 continue c c ... output intermediate information c 60 call iterm (nb,coef(nrp1,1),ub(nrp1),db(nrp1),7) return c end function cheby (qa,qt,rrr,ip,cme,sme) c c ... cheby computes the solution to the chebyshev equation c c ... parameter list -- c c qa ratio of pseudo-residuals c qt virtual spectral radius c rrr adaptive parameter c ip number of iterations since last change of c parameters c cme, estimates for the largest and smallest eigen- c sme values of the iteration matrix c z = 0.5*(qa+sqrt(abs(qa**2-qt**2)))*(1.0+rrr**ip) x = z**(1.0/float(ip)) y = (x+rrr/x)/(1.0+rrr) c cheby = 0.5*(cme+sme+y*(2.0-cme-sme)) c return end subroutine chgcon (ldt,tri,gamold,rhoold,ibmth) c c ... chgcon computes the new estimate for the largest eigenvalue c for conjugate gradient acceleration. c c ... parameter list -- c c ldt leading dimension of tri c tri tridiagonal matrix associated with the eigenvalues c of the conjugate gradient polynomial c gamold c and c rhoold previous values of acceleration parameters c ibmth indicator of basic method being accelerated by cg c ibmth = 1, jacobi c = 2, reduced system c = 3, ssor c c ... local itpackv references -- c c eigvns, eigvss c c ... specifications for arguments c dimension tri(ldt,4) c c *** begin -- itpackv common c common /itcom1/ in,is,isym,itmax,level,nout,numwav c logical adapt,betadt,caseii,halt,partad common /itcom2/ adapt,betadt,caseii,halt,partad c common /itcom3/ bdelnm,betab,cme,delnnm,delsnm,ff,gamma,omega,qa, * qt,rho,rrr,sige,sme,specr,spr,srelpr,stptst,udnm,zeta c c *** end -- itpackv common c c description of variables in common blocks in main routine c save go to (10,20,30), ibmth c c ... jacobi conjugate gradient c 10 start = cme ip = in go to 40 c c ... reduced system cg c 20 start = cme**2 ip = in go to 40 c c ... ssor cg c 30 if (adapt) start = spr if (.not.adapt) start = specr ip = in-is c c ... define the matrix c 40 if ( go to 60 if (ip.eq.1) go to 50 c c ... ip = 0 c end = 0.0 cmold = 0.0 go to 110 c c ... ip = 1 c 50 end = 1.0-1.0/gamma tri(1,1) = end tri(1,2) = 0.0 go to 110 c c ... ip > 1 c 60 if (abs(start-cmold).le.zeta*start) go to 120 cmold = start c c ... compute the largest eigenvalue c tri(ip,1) = 1.0-1.0/gamma tri(ip,2) = (1.0-rho)/(rho*rhoold*gamma*gamold) if ( go to 80 end = eigvss(ip,tri,start,zeta,itmax,ier) if (ier.eq.0) go to 100 if ( write (nout,70) ier 70 format (/10x,'difficulty in computation of maximum eigenvalue'/ * 15x,'of iteration matrix'/ * 10x,'routine zbrent returned ier =',i5) go to 100 80 continue end = eigvns(ldt,ip,tri,tri(1,3),tri(1,4),ier) if (ier.eq.0) go to 100 if ( write (nout,90) ier 90 format (/10x,'difficulty in computation of maximum eigenvalue'/ * 15x,'of iteration matrix'/ * 10x,'routine eqrt1s returned ier =',i5) 100 continue if ( go to 130 c c ... set spectral radius for the various methods c 110 if (ibmth.eq.1) cme = end if (ibmth.eq.2) cme = sqrt(abs(end)) if (ibmth.eq.3.and.adapt) spr = end if (ibmth.eq.3.and..not.adapt) specr = end return c c ... relative change in cme is less than zeta. therefore stop c changing. c 120 adapt = .false. partad = .false. return c c ... estimate for cme > one. therefore need to stop adaptive c procedure and keep old value of cme. c 130 adapt = .false. partad = .false. if ( write (nout,140) in,start 140 format (/10x,'estimate of maximum eigenvalue of jacobi '/15x, * 'matrix (cme) not accurate'/10x, * 'adaptive procedure turned off at iteration ',i5/10x, * 'final estimate of maximum eigenvalue =',e15.7/) c return end subroutine chgsi (dtnrm,ibmth) c c ... chgsi computes new chebyshev acceleration parameters adaptively. c c ... parameter list -- c c dtnrm numerator of rayleigh quotient c ibmth indicator of basic method being accelerated by si c ibmth = 1, jacobi c = 2, reduced system c = 3, symmetric sor c c ... local itpackv references -- c c cheby c c *** begin -- itpackv common c common /itcom1/ in,is,isym,itmax,level,nout,numwav c logical adapt,betadt,caseii,halt,partad common /itcom2/ adapt,betadt,caseii,halt,partad c common /itcom3/ bdelnm,betab,cme,delnnm,delsnm,ff,gamma,omega,qa, * qt,rho,rrr,sige,sme,specr,spr,srelpr,stptst,udnm,zeta c c *** end -- itpackv common c c description of variables in common blocks in main routine c go to (10,30,50), ibmth c c --------------------- c ... jacobi semi-iterative c --------------------- c c ... chebyshev equation c 10 continue if (in.eq.0) zm1 = cme if ( zm1 = cheby(qa,qt,rrr,in-is,cme,sme) c c ... rayleigh quotient c zm2 = dtnrm/delnnm c c ... computation of iterative parameters c cmold = cme cme = amax1(zm1,zm2,cmold) if ( go to 20 if (caseii) sme = -cme sige = (cme-sme)/(2.0-cme-sme) gamma = 2.0/(2.0-cme-sme) rrr = (1.0-sqrt(abs(1.0-sige*sige)))/(1.0+sqrt(abs(1.0-sige*sige)) * ) is = in delsnm = delnnm rho = 1.0 if ( write (nout,90) in,zm1,zm2,cme,gamma,cme return c c ... adaptive procedure failed for jacobi si c 20 cme = cmold adapt = .false. if ( write (nout,110) in,cme return c c ----------------------------- c ... reduced system semi-iterative c ----------------------------- c c ... chebyshev equation c 30 continue if (in.eq.0) zm1 = cme if ( zm1 = cheby(qa,qt,rrr,2*(in-is),0.0,0.0) c c ... rayleigh quotient c zm2 = sqrt(abs(dtnrm/delnnm)) c c ... computation of new iterative parameters c cmold = cme cme = amax1(zm1,zm2,cmold) if ( go to 40 sige = cme*cme/(2.0-cme*cme) gamma = 2.0/(2.0-cme*cme) rrr = (1.0-sqrt(abs(1.0-cme*cme)))/(1.0+sqrt(abs(1.0-cme*cme))) is = in delsnm = delnnm rho = 1.0 if ( write (nout,90) in,zm1,zm2,cme,gamma,cme return c c ... adaptive procedure failed for reduced system si c 40 cme = cmold adapt = .false. if ( write (nout,110) in,cme return c c ----------------------------- c ... symmetric sor semi-iterative c ---------------------------- c 50 continue if (specr.eq.0.0) specr = .171572875 if (in.eq.0) go to 60 zm1 = cheby(qa,qt,rrr,in-is,specr,0.0) go to 70 60 zm1 = specr spr = specr c c ... rayleigh quotient c 70 zm2 = dtnrm/delnnm c c ... computation of new estimate for spectral radius c if (adapt) go to 80 c c ... partially adaptive ssor si c specr = amax1(zm1,zm2,specr) is = in+1 delsnm = delnnm if ( write (nout,100) in,zm1,zm2,cme,specr return c c ... fully adaptive ssor si c 80 spr = amax1(zm1,zm2,spr) return c c ... format statements c 90 format (/5x,'parameters were changed at iteration no.',i5/10x, * 'solution to chebyshev eqn. =',e15.7/10x, * 'solution to rayleigh quotient =',e15.7/10x, * 'new estimate for cme =',e15.7/10x, * 'new estimate for gamma =',e15.7/10x, * 'new estimate for spectral radius =',e15.7/) c 100 format (/5x,'parameters were changed at iteration no.',i5/10x, * 'solution to chebyshev eqn. =',e15.7/10x, * 'solution to rayleigh quotient =',e15.7/10x, * 'new estimate for cme =',e15.7/10x, * 'new estimate for spectral radius =',e15.7/) c 110 format (/10x,'estimate of maximum eigenvalue of jacobi '/10x, * 'matrix (cme) too large'/10x, * 'adaptive procedure turned off at iteration ',i5/10x, * 'final estimate of maximum eigenvalue =',e15.7/) c end logical function chgsme (oldnrm,icnt) c c ... chgsme tests for jacobi si whether sme should be changed c ... when caseii = .false.. if the test is positive the new value c ... of sme is computed. c c ... parameter list -- c c oldnrm square of the norm of the pseudo-residual c at the last iteration c icnt number of iterations since last change of c parameters c c *** begin -- itpackv common c common /itcom1/ in,is,isym,itmax,level,nout,numwav c logical adapt,betadt,caseii,halt,partad common /itcom2/ adapt,betadt,caseii,halt,partad c common /itcom3/ bdelnm,betab,cme,delnnm,delsnm,ff,gamma,omega,qa, * qt,rho,rrr,sige,sme,specr,spr,srelpr,stptst,udnm,zeta c c *** end -- itpackv common c c description of variables in common blocks in main routine c chgsme = .false. rn = sqrt(delnnm/oldnrm) if (.not.( return if ( return c icnt = icnt+1 if ( return c c ... change sme in j-si adaptive procedure c chgsme = .true. sm1 = 0.0 sm2 = 0.0 if ( go to 10 c c ... compute sm1 c ip = in-is q = qa*(1.0+rrr**ip)/(2.0*sqrt(rrr**ip)) z = (q+sqrt(q**2-1.0))**(1.0/float(ip)) wp = (z**2+1.0)/(2.0*z) sm1 = 0.5*(cme+sme-wp*(cme-sme)) c c ... compute sm2 c q = rn*(1.0+rrr**ip)/((1.0+rrr**(ip-1))*sqrt(rrr)) wp = (q**2+1.0)/(2.0*q) sm2 = 0.5*(cme+sme-wp*(cme-sme)) c 10 sme = amin1(1.25*sm1,1.25*sm2,sme,-1.0) sige = (cme-sme)/(2.0-cme-sme) gamma = 2.0/(2.0-cme-sme) rrr = (1.0-sqrt(1.0-sige**2))/(1.0+sqrt(1.0-sige**2)) is = in delsnm = delnnm rho = 1.0 c if ( write (nout,20) in,sm1,sm2,sme c 20 format (/5x,'estimate of smallest eigenvalue of jacobi'/10x, * 'matrix (sme) changed at iteration ',i5/10x, * 'first estimate of sme =',e15.7/10x, * 'second estimate of sme =',e15.7/10x, * 'new estimate of sme =',e15.7/) c return end function determ (ldt,n,tri,wk1,wk2,xlmda) c c determ computes the determinant of a symmetric c tridiagonal matrix given by tri. det(tri - xlmda*i) = 0 c c ... parameter list -- c c ldt leading dimension of array tri c n order of tridiagonal system c tri symmetric tridiagonal matrix of order n c wk1, workspace vectors of length n c wk2 c xlmda argument for characteristic equation c c ... specifications for arguments c dimension tri(ldt,2),wk1(1),wk2(1) c do 10 i = 1,n wk1(i) = tri(i,1)-xlmda 10 continue wk2(n) = wk1(n) wk2(n-1) = wk1(n-1)*wk2(n)+tri(n,2) if (n.eq.2) go to 30 c c ... beginning of loop c do 20 l = n-2,1,-1 wk2(l) = wk1(l)*wk2(l+1)+tri(l+1,2)*wk2(l+2) 20 continue c c wk2(1) = solrn (n,wk1(-1),-1,tri(0,2),-1,wk2,-1) c c ... determinant computed c 30 determ = wk2(1) c return end subroutine dfault (iparm,rparm) c c ... dfault sets the default values of iparm and rparm. c c ... parameter list -- c c iparm c and c rparm arrays specifying options and tolerances c c ... specifications for arguments c integer iparm(12) dimension rparm(12) c c *** begin -- itpackv common c common /itcom1/ in,is,isym,itmax,level,nout,numwav c logical adapt,betadt,caseii,halt,partad common /itcom2/ adapt,betadt,caseii,halt,partad c common /itcom3/ bdelnm,betab,cme,delnnm,delsnm,ff,gamma,omega,qa, * qt,rho,rrr,sige,sme,specr,spr,srelpr,stptst,udnm,zeta c c *** end -- itpackv common c c description of variables in common blocks in main routine c c srelpr - computer precision (approx.) c if installer of package does not know srelpr value, c an approximate value can be determined from a simple c fortran program such as c c srelpr = 1.0 c 2 srelpr = 0.5*srelpr c temp = srelpr + 1.0 c if (temp .gt. 1.0) go to 2 c srelpr = 2.0*srelpr c write (6,3) srelpr c 3 format (5x,e15.8) c stop c end c c some values are- c c srelpr = 7.1e-15 for cray x-mp (approx.) 2**-47 c = 1.49e-8 for dec 10 (approx.) 2**-26 c = 1.192e-7 for vax 11/780 (approx) 2**-23 c = 4.768e-7 for ibm 370/158 c c *** should be changed for other machines *** c c to facilitate convergence, rparm(1) should be set to c 500.*srelpr or larger c srelpr = 2.0**(-47) c iparm(1) = 100 iparm(2) = 0 iparm(3) = 0 iparm(4) = 6 iparm(5) = 0 iparm(6) = 1 iparm(7) = 1 iparm(8) = 0 iparm(9) = -2 iparm(10) = 0 iparm(11) = 0 iparm(12) = 0 c rparm(1) = 0.5e-5 rparm(2) = 0.0 rparm(3) = 0.0 rparm(4) = .75 rparm(5) = 1.0 rparm(6) = 0.0 rparm(7) = .25 rparm(8) = 100.0*srelpr rparm(9) = 0.0 rparm(10) = 0.0 rparm(11) = 0.0 rparm(12) = 0.0 c return end subroutine echall (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,rhs,iparm,rparm,icall) c c ... echall initializes the itpackv common blocks from the c ... information contained in iparm and rparm. echall also prints the c ... values of all the parameters in iparm and rparm. c c ... parameter list -- c c iparm c and c rparm arrays of parameters specifying options and c tolerances c icall indicator of which parameters are being printed c icall = 1, initial parameters c icall = 2, final parameters c c ... specifications for arguments c integer jcoef(ndim,1),iparm(12) dimension coef(ndim,1),rhs(n),rparm(12) c c *** begin -- itpackv common c common /itcom1/ in,is,isym,itmax,level,nout,numwav c logical adapt,betadt,caseii,halt,partad common /itcom2/ adapt,betadt,caseii,halt,partad c common /itcom3/ bdelnm,betab,cme,delnnm,delsnm,ff,gamma,omega,qa, * qt,rho,rrr,sige,sme,specr,spr,srelpr,stptst,udnm,zeta c c *** end -- itpackv common c c description of variables in common blocks in main routine c if ( go to 120 c c ... initialize itpackv common c zeta = rparm(1) cme = rparm(2) sme = rparm(3) ff = rparm(4) omega = rparm(5) specr = rparm(6) betab = rparm(7) itmax = iparm(1) level = iparm(2) isym = iparm(5) c adapt = .false. partad = .false. betadt = .false. if (iparm(6).eq.1.or.iparm(6).eq.3) adapt = .true. if (iparm(6).eq.1) betadt = .true. if (iparm(6).eq.2) partad = .true. c caseii = .false. if (iparm(7).eq.2) caseii = .true. if (caseii) sme = -cme if (.not.caseii.and.sme.eq.0.0) sme = -1.0 spr = sme c c ... set rest of common variables to zero c in = 0 is = 0 halt = .false. bdelnm = 0.0 delnnm = 0.0 delsnm = 0.0 gamma = 0.0 qa = 0.0 qt = 0.0 rho = 0.0 rrr = 0.0 sige = 0.0 stptst = 0.0 udnm = 0.0 c if (level.le.4) go to 100 c c this section of echall causes printing of the linear system and c the iterative parameters c write (nout,10) 10 format (///5x,'the linear system is as follows') write (nout,20) 20 format (/2x,'jcoef array') do 30 i = 1,n write (nout,40) (jcoef(i,j),j=1,maxnz) 30 continue 40 format (1x,8(1x,i8)) write (nout,50) 50 format (/2x,'coef array') do 60 i = 1,n write (nout,70) (coef(i,j),j=1,maxnz) 60 continue 70 format (1x,5(2x,g14.6)) write (nout,80) 80 format (/2x,'rhs array') write (nout,90) (rhs(i),i=1,n) 90 format (1x,5g16.6) 100 if (level.le.2) return write (nout,110) 110 format (///5x,'initial iterative parameters'/) go to 140 120 write (nout,130) 130 format (///5x,'final iterative parameters'/) 140 write (nout,150) iparm(1),level,iparm(3),nout,isym,iparm(6) 150 format (10x,'iparm(1) =',i15,4x,'(itmax)'/ * 10x,'iparm(2) =',i15,4x,'(level)'/ * 10x,'iparm(3) =',i15,4x,'(ireset)'/ * 10x,'iparm(4) =',i15,4x,'(nout)'/ * 10x,'iparm(5) =',i15,4x,'(isym)'/ * 10x,'iparm(6) =',i15,4x,'(iadapt)') write (nout,160) iparm(7),iparm(8),iparm(9),iparm(10),iparm(11), * iparm(12) 160 format (10x,'iparm(7) =',i15,4x,'(icase)'/ * 10x,'iparm(8) =',i15,4x,'(nwksp)'/ * 10x,'iparm(9) =',i15,4x,'(nb)'/ * 10x,'iparm(10) =',i15,4x,'(iremove)'/ * 10x,'iparm(11) =',i15,4x,'(itime)'/ * 10x,'iparm(12) =',i15,4x,'(idgts)') write (nout,170) zeta,cme,sme,ff,omega,specr 170 format (10x,'rparm(1) =',e15.8,4x,'(zeta)'/ * 10x,'rparm(2) =',e15.8,4x,'(cme)'/ * 10x,'rparm(3) =',e15.8,4x,'(sme)'/ * 10x,'rparm(4) =',e15.8,4x,'(ff)'/ * 10x,'rparm(5) =',e15.8,4x,'(omega)'/ * 10x,'rparm(6) =',e15.8,4x,'(specr)') write (nout,180) betab,rparm(8),rparm(9),rparm(10),rparm(11), * rparm(12) 180 format (10x,'rparm(7) =',e15.8,4x,'(betab)'/ * 10x,'rparm(8) =',e15.8,4x,'(tol)'/ * 10x,'rparm(9) =',e15.8,4x,'(time1)'/ * 10x,'rparm(10) =',e15.8,4x,'(time2)'/ * 10x,'rparm(11) =',e15.8,4x,'(digit1)'/ * 10x,'rparm(12) =',e15.8,4x,'(digit2)') c return end function eigvns (ldt,n,tri,d,e2,ier) c c ... eigvns computes the largest eigenvalue of a symmetric c tridiagonal matrix for conjugate gradient acceleration. c c ... parameter list -- c c ldt leading dimension of tri c n order of tridiagonal system c tri symmetric tridiagonal matrix of order n c d array for eqrt1s (negative diagonal elements) c e2 array for eqrt1s (super diagonal elements) c ier error flag -- on return, ier=0 indicates that c the largest eigenvalue of tri was found. c c ... local itpackv references -- c c eqrt1s c c ... specifications for arguments c dimension tri(ldt,2),d(n),e2(n) c eigvns = 0.0 c d(1) = -tri(1,1) do 10 i = 2,n d(i) = -tri(i,1) e2(i) = abs(tri(i,2)) 10 continue c call eqrt1s (d,e2,n,1,0,ier) eigvns = -d(1) c return end function eigvss (n,tri,start,zeta,itmax,ier) c c ... eigvss computes the largest eigenvalue of a symmetric c tridiagonal matrix for conjugate gradient acceleration. c modified imsl routine zbrent used. c c ... parameter list -- c c n order of tridiagonal system c tri symmetric tridiagonal matrix of order n c start initial lower bound of interval containing root c zeta stopping criteria c ier error flag -- on return, ier = 0 indicates that c the largest eigenvalue of tri was found. c c ... local itpackv references -- c c zbrent c c ... specifications for arguments c dimension tri(1) c eigvss = 0.0 itmp = int(-alog10(abs(zeta))) nsig = max0(itmp,4) maxfn = max0(itmax,50) eps = 0.0 a = start b = 1.0 call zbrent (n,tri,eps,nsig,a,b,maxfn,ier) eigvss = b c return end subroutine eqrt1s (d,e2,n,m,isw,ier) c c modified imsl routine name - eqrt1s c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c c computer - cdc/single c c latest revision - june 1, 1980 c c purpose - smallest or largest m eigenvalues of a c symmetric tridiagonal matrix c c usage - call eqrt1s (d,e2,n,m,isw,ier) c c arguments d - input vector of length n containing c the diagonal elements of the matrix. the c computed eigenvalues replace the first m c components of the vector d in non- c decreasing sequence, while the remaining c components are lost. c e2 - input vector of length n containing c the squares of the off-diagonal elements c of the matrix. input e2 is destroyed. c n - input scalar containing the order of the c matrix. c m - input scalar containing the number of c smallest eigenvalues desired (m is c less than or equal to n). c isw - input scalar meaning as follows - c isw=1 means that the matrix is known to be c positive definite. c isw=0 means that the matrix is not known c to be positive definite. c ier - error parameter. (output) c warning error c ier = 601 indicates that successive c iterates to the k-th eigenvalue were not c monotone increasing. the value k is c stored in e2(1). c terminal error c ier = 602 indicates that isw=1 but matrix c is not positive definite c c precision/hardware - single and double/h32 c - single/h36,h48,h60 c c notation - information on special notation and c conventions is available in the manual c introduction or through imsl routine uhelp c c remarks as written, the routine computes the m smallest c eigenvalues. to compute the m largest eigenvalues, c reverse the sign of each element of d before and c after calling the routine. in this case, isw must c equal zero. c c copyright - 1980 by imsl, inc. all rights reserved. c c warranty - imsl warrants only that imsl testing has been c applied to this code. no other warranty, c expressed or implied, is applicable. c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c c *** begin -- itpackv common c common /itcom1/ in,is,isym,itmax,level,nout,numwav c logical adapt,betadt,caseii,halt,partad common /itcom2/ adapt,betadt,caseii,halt,partad c common /itcom3/ bdelnm,betab,cme,delnnm,delsnm,ff,gamma,omega,qa, * qt,rho,rrr,sige,sme,specr,spr,srelpr,stptst,udnm,zeta c c *** end -- itpackv common c c description of variables in common block in main routine c c ... specifications for arguments c dimension d(n),e2(n) c c srelpr = machine precision c first executable statement c ier = 0 dlam = 0.0 err = 0.0 s = 0.0 c c look for small sub-diagonal entries c define initial shift from lower c gerschgorin bound. c tot = d(1) q = 0.0 j = 0 do 30 i = 1,n p = q if (i.eq.1) go to 10 if (*(abs(d(i))+abs(d(i-1)))) go to 20 10 e2(i) = 0.0 c c count if e2(i) has underflowed c 20 if (e2(i).eq.0.0) j = j+1 q = 0.0 if ( q = sqrt(abs(e2(i+1))) tot = amin1(d(i)-p-q,tot) 30 continue if ( go to 50 do 40 i = 1,n d(i) = d(i)-tot 40 continue go to 60 50 tot = 0.0 60 do 190 k = 1,m c c next qr transformation c 70 tot = tot+s delta = d(n)-s i = n f = abs(srelpr*tot) if ( dlam = f if ( go to 90 if ( go to 160 ier = 602 if ( write (nout,80) 80 format (/1x,'*** w a r n i n g ************'/1x, * ' in itpackv routine eqrt1s'/1x, * ' parameter isw = 1 but matrix'/1x, * ' not positive definite') go to 200 c c replace small sub-diagonal squares c by zero to reduce the incidence of c underflows c 90 if (k.eq.n) go to 110 k1 = k+1 do 100 j = k1,n if (e2(j).le.(srelpr*(d(j)+d(j-1)))**2) e2(j) = 0.0 100 continue 110 f = e2(n)/delta qp = delta+f p = 1.0 if (k.eq.n) go to 140 k1 = n-k do 130 ii = 1,k1 i = n-ii q = d(i)-s-f r = q/qp p = p*r+1.0 ep = f*r d(i+1) = qp+ep delta = q-ep if ( go to 120 if ( go to 160 ier = 602 if ( write (nout,80) go to 200 120 f = e2(i)/q qp = delta+f e2(i+1) = qp*ep 130 continue 140 d(k) = qp s = qp/p if ( go to 70 ier = 601 e2(1) = k if ( write (nout,150) k 150 format (/1x,'*** w a r n i n g ************'//1x, * ' in itpackv routine eqrt1s'/1x, * ' successive iterates to the',i10/1x, * ' eigenvalue were not monotone increasing') c c set error -- irregular end c deflate minimum diagonal element c s = 0.0 i = ismin(n-k+1,d(k),1) delta = amin1(qp,d(i)) c c convergence c 160 if ( e2(i+1) = e2(i)*f/qp if (i.eq.k) go to 180 do 170 j = i-1,k,-1 d(j+1) = d(j)-s e2(j+1) = e2(j) 170 continue 180 d(k) = tot err = err+abs(delta) e2(k) = err 190 continue if (ier.eq.0) go to 210 200 continue 210 return end integer function ipstr (omega) c c ipstr finds the smallest integer, ipstr, greater than 5 such c that ipstr * (omega-1)**(ipstr-1) .le. 0.50. ipstr will be c set in loop. c c ... parameter list -- c c omega relaxation factor for sor method c wm1 = omega-1.0 factor = wm1**5 c do 10 ip = 6,940 if (float(ip)*factor.le.0.5) go to 20 factor = factor*wm1 10 continue ip = 940 20 ipstr = ip return c end subroutine iterm (n,coef,u,wk,imthd) c c iterm produces the iteration summary line at the end c of each iteration. if level .ge. 4, the latest approximation c to the solution will be printed. c c ... parameter list -- c c n order of system or, for reduced system c routines, order of black subsystem c coef iteration matrix c u solution estimate c wk work array of length n c imthd indicator of method c imthd = 1, jcg c imthd = 2, jsi c imthd = 3, sor c imthd = 4, ssorcg c imthd = 5, ssorsi c imthd = 6, rscg c imthd = 7, rssi c c ... specifications for arguments c dimension coef(n,1),u(n),wk(n) c c *** begin -- itpackv common c common /itcom1/ in,is,isym,itmax,level,nout,numwav c logical adapt,betadt,caseii,halt,partad common /itcom2/ adapt,betadt,caseii,halt,partad c common /itcom3/ bdelnm,betab,cme,delnnm,delsnm,ff,gamma,omega,qa, * qt,rho,rrr,sige,sme,specr,spr,srelpr,stptst,udnm,zeta c c *** end -- itpackv common c c ... print various parameters after each iteration c if ( return go to (10,100,140,170,50,10,100), imthd 10 if ( go to 30 c c ... print header for jcg and rscg c write (nout,20) 20 format (////5x,'intermediate output after each iteration'// * ' number of',3x,'convergence',5x,'cme ',10x,'rho',8x,'gamma'/ * ' iterations',5x,'test '//) c c ... print summary line c 30 write (nout,40) in,stptst,cme,rho,gamma 40 format (3x,i5,3x,5e13.5) if ( go to 200 c return c 50 if ( go to 70 c c ... print header for ssor-si c write (nout,60) 60 format (////5x,'intermediate output after each iteration'// * ' number of',3x,'convergence',3x,'parameter change test',8x, * 'rho',8x,'gamma'/' iterations',5x,'test ',6x,'lhs(qa)',4x, * 'rhs(qt**ff)'//) c c ... print summary line c 70 ip = in-is if (imthd.eq.7) ip = 2*ip if ( go to 80 qtff = qt**ff write (nout,40) in,stptst,qa,qtff,rho,gamma if ( go to 200 return c 80 write (nout,90) in,stptst,rho,gamma 90 format (3x,i5,3x,e13.5,26x,2e13.5) if ( go to 200 return c 100 if ( go to 120 c c ... print header for j-si and rs-si c write (nout,110) 110 format (////5x,'intermediate output after each iteration'// * ' number of',3x,'convergence',3x,'parameter change test',8x, * 'rho'/' iterations',5x,'test ',6x,'lhs(qa)',4x,'rhs(qt**ff)'//) c c ... print summary line c 120 ip = in-is if (imthd.eq.7) ip = 2*ip if ( go to 130 qtff = qt**ff write (nout,40) in,stptst,qa,qtff,rho if ( go to 200 return c 130 write (nout,90) in,stptst,rho if ( go to 200 return c c ... print various parameters after each iteration for sor. c 140 if ( go to 160 c c ... print header for sor c write (nout,150) 150 format (////5x,'intermediate output after each iteration'// * ' number of',3x,'convergence',5x,'cme ',8x,'omega',7x, * 'spectral'/' iterations',5x,'test',34x,'radius'//) c c ... print summary line for sor c 160 continue write (nout,40) in,stptst,cme,omega,specr if ( go to 200 c return c c ... print various parameters after each iteration for ssor-cg. c 170 if ( go to 190 c c ... print header for ssor-cg c write (nout,180) 180 format (////5x,'intermediate output after each iteration'// * ' number of',3x,'convergence',2x,' spectral',5x,'s-prime',9x, * 'rho',8x,'gamma'/' iterations',5x,'test ',7x,'radius'//) c c ... print summary line for ssor-cg c 190 continue write (nout,40) in,stptst,specr,spr,rho,gamma if ( go to 200 return c 200 if ( go to 220 write (nout,210) in 210 format (/1x,2x,'estimate of solution at iteration ',i5) go to 240 220 write (nout,230) in 230 format (/1x,2x,'estimate of solution at black points ', * 'at iteration ',i5) 240 do 250 i = 1,n wk(i) = u(i)*coef(i,1) 250 continue write (nout,260) (wk(i),i=1,n) 260 format (1x,5g16.7) write (nout,270) 270 format (//) c return end subroutine move (n,ndim,maxnz,nlow,nup,jcoef,coef, * level,nout,moved,iwksp) c c ... move sets up the i-u-l data structure for the sor and ssor c ... methods when natural ordering is used. c c ... parameter list -- c c n order of matrix c ndim row dimension of coef and jcoef arrays in calling c routine c maxnz maximum number of nonzeros per row c nlow maximum number of nonzeros per row in lower c triangle l (output) c nup maximum number of nonzeros per row in upper c triangle u (output) c jcoef integer data structure for coefficient columns c coef data structure for coefficients c level level of output c nout output device number c moved logical constant indicating whether or not data c structure has been reshuffled c iwksp integer workspace c c ... specifications for arguments c integer jcoef(ndim,1),iwksp(1) dimension coef(ndim,1) logical moved c moved = .false. c c ... determine maximum number of nonzeros per row in l and u. c nup = 0 nlow = 0 if ( return do 10 i = 1,n iwksp(i) = 0 10 continue do 30 j = 1,maxnz do 20 i = 1,n if (jcoef(i,j).lt.i) iwksp(i) = iwksp(i)+1 20 continue 30 continue do 40 i = 1,n nlow = max0(nlow,iwksp(i)) 40 continue do 50 i = 1,n iwksp(i) = 0 50 continue do 70 j = 1,maxnz do 60 i = 1,n if (jcoef(i,j).gt.i) iwksp(i) = iwksp(i)+1 60 continue 70 continue do 80 i = 1,n nup = max0(nup,iwksp(i)) 80 continue c c ... shuffle matrix so that u is first. c nlpu = nup+nlow+1 if (nlpu.le.maxnz) go to 100 c c ... note -- maxnz is too small. c if ( write (nout,90) nlpu 90 format (//1x,'*** p l e a s e n o t e ***'//1x, * 'maxnz should be increased to ',i5/1x, * 'for increased vectorization'/) return c c ... permute elements of each row. c 100 moved = .true. if (nup.le.0) return nu2 = nup+1 nl1 = nu2+1 do 130 j1 = 2,nu2 do 120 j2 = nl1,maxnz do 110 i = 1,n if (jcoef(i,j1).gt.i.or.jcoef(i,j2).lt.i.or.jcoef(i,j1) * .eq.jcoef(i,j2)) go to 110 itemp = jcoef(i,j1) jcoef(i,j1) = jcoef(i,j2) jcoef(i,j2) = itemp temp = coef(i,j1) coef(i,j1) = coef(i,j2) coef(i,j2) = temp 110 continue 120 continue 130 continue return end subroutine omeg (dnrm,iflag) c c omeg computes new values for cme, omega, and specr for c fully adaptive ssor methods. c c ... parameter list -- c c dnrm numerator of rayleigh quotient c iflag indicator of appropriate entry point c c *** begin -- itpackv common c common /itcom1/ in,is,isym,itmax,level,nout,numwav c logical adapt,betadt,caseii,halt,partad common /itcom2/ adapt,betadt,caseii,halt,partad c common /itcom3/ bdelnm,betab,cme,delnnm,delsnm,ff,gamma,omega,qa, * qt,rho,rrr,sige,sme,specr,spr,srelpr,stptst,udnm,zeta c c *** end -- itpackv common c c description of variables in common blocks in main routine c zm1 = 0.0 zm2 = 0.0 if (iflag.eq.1) go to 10 c c ... iflag .ne. 1, compute new estimate for cme c zm1 = ((1.0-spr)*(1.0+betab*omega**2)-omega*(2.0-omega))/(omega* * (omega-1.0-spr)) c if (.not.caseii) zm2 = dnrm/bdelnm if (caseii) zm2 = sqrt(abs(dnrm/bdelnm)) cme = amax1(cme,zm1,zm2) c c ... iflag = 1, or continuation of iflag .ne. 1 c c compute new values of omega and specr based on cme and betab c 10 is = in+1 delsnm = delnnm if (*betab)) go to 30 c c ... cme .lt. 4.*betab c temp = sqrt(abs(1.0-2.0*cme+4.0*betab)) omega = amax1((2.0/(1.0+temp)),1.0) temp = (1.0-cme)/temp specr = (1.0-temp)/(1.0+temp) if (abs(omega-1.0).lt.srelpr) specr = 0.0 if ( write (nout,20) in,betab,zm1,zm2,cme,omega,specr 20 format (/5x,'parameters were changed at iteration no.',i5/10x, * 'new estimate of betab =',e15.7/10x, * 'solution to chebyshev eqn. =',e15.7/10x, * 'solution to rayleigh quotient =',e15.7/10x, * 'new estimate for cme =',e15.7/10x, * 'new estimate for omega =',e15.7/10x, * 'new estimate for spectral radius =',e15.7/) c return c c ... cme .ge. 4.*betab c c ... omega-star will be chosen c 30 cme = 2.0*sqrt(abs(betab)) omega = 2.0/(1.0+sqrt(abs(1.0-4.0*betab))) specr = omega-1.0 adapt = .false. partad = .false. if ( write (nout,20) in,betab,zm1,zm2,cme,omega,specr c return end logical function omgchg (ndummy) c c ... omgchg tests to see whether omega should be changed c ... for ssor cg method. c c ... parameter list -- c c ndummy arbitrary integer parameter c c *** begin -- itpackv common c common /itcom1/ in,is,isym,itmax,level,nout,numwav c logical adapt,betadt,caseii,halt,partad common /itcom2/ adapt,betadt,caseii,halt,partad c common /itcom3/ bdelnm,betab,cme,delnnm,delsnm,ff,gamma,omega,qa, * qt,rho,rrr,sige,sme,specr,spr,srelpr,stptst,udnm,zeta c c *** end -- itpackv common c c description of variables in common blocks in main routine c c ... statement function phi(x) c phi(x) = (1.0-sqrt(abs(1.0-x)))/(1.0+sqrt(abs(1.0-x))) c omgchg = .false. if ( return if (specr.eq.0.0) go to 10 if ( return del1 = -alog(abs(phi(specr)/phi(specr/spr))) del2 = -alog(abs(phi(spr))) if ((del1/del2).ge.ff) return c 10 omgchg = .true. c return end logical function omgstr (ndummy) c c omgstr tests for fully adaptive ssor methods whether c omega-star should be used for omega and the adaptive process c turned off. c c ... parameter list -- c c ndummy arbitrary integer parameter c c *** begin -- itpackv common c common /itcom1/ in,is,isym,itmax,level,nout,numwav c logical adapt,betadt,caseii,halt,partad common /itcom2/ adapt,betadt,caseii,halt,partad c common /itcom3/ bdelnm,betab,cme,delnnm,delsnm,ff,gamma,omega,qa, * qt,rho,rrr,sige,sme,specr,spr,srelpr,stptst,udnm,zeta c c *** end -- itpackv common c c description of variables in common blocks in main routine c c ... statement function phi(x) c phi(x) = (1.0-sqrt(abs(1.0-x)))/(1.0+sqrt(abs(1.0-x))) c omgstr = .false. if ( return omstar = 2.0/(1.0+sqrt(abs(1.0-4.0*betab))) c c ... test to choose omega-star c if ((omstar.le.1.0).or.(specr.le.0.0)) go to 10 temp = alog(abs(phi(omstar-1.0))) temp1 = alog(abs(phi(specr))) if ((temp/temp1).lt.ff) return c c ... omega-star was chosen c 10 omega = omstar specr = omega-1.0 omgstr = .true. adapt = .false. partad = .false. cme = 2.0*sqrt(abs(betab)) rrr = phi(1.0-specr)**2 gamma = 2.0/(2.0-specr) sige = specr/(2.0-specr) rho = 1.0 is = in+1 delsnm = delnnm if ( write (nout,20) in,cme,omega,specr 20 format (/5x,'omega-star, an alternate estimate of', * ' omega, was chosen at iteration',i5/10x, * 'new estimate for cme =',e15.7/10x, * 'new estimate for omega =',e15.7/10x, * 'new estimate for spectral radius =',e15.7/) c return end subroutine parcon (dtnrm,c1,c2,c3,c4,gamold,rhotmp,ibmth) c c ... parcon computes acceleration parameters for conjugate gradient c acceleration methods. c c ... parameter list -- c c dtnrm inner product of residuals c c1 output -- rho*gamma c c2 output -- rho c c3 output -- 1-rho c c4 output -- rho*(1-gamma) c gamold output -- value of gamma at preceding iteration c rhotmp last estimate for value of rho c ibmth indicator of basic method being accelerated by cg c ibmth = 1, jacobi c = 2, reduced system c = 3, ssor c c *** begin -- itpackv common c common /itcom1/ in,is,isym,itmax,level,nout,numwav c logical adapt,betadt,caseii,halt,partad common /itcom2/ adapt,betadt,caseii,halt,partad c common /itcom3/ bdelnm,betab,cme,delnnm,delsnm,ff,gamma,omega,qa, * qt,rho,rrr,sige,sme,specr,spr,srelpr,stptst,udnm,zeta c c *** end -- itpackv common c c description of variables in common blocks in main routine c ip = in-is c c ... set rhoold and gamold c rhoold = rho gamold = gamma c c ... compute gamma (in+1) c c ... for jacobi or reduced system cg c if (ibmth.le.2) gamma = 1.0/(1.0-dtnrm/delnnm) c c ... for ssor cg c if (ibmth.eq.3) gamma = delnnm/dtnrm c c ... compute rho (in+1) c rho = 1.0 if (ip.eq.0) go to 20 if (isym.eq.0) go to 10 rho = 1.0/(1.0-gamma*rhotmp/delsnm) go to 20 10 rho = 1.0/(1.0-gamma*delnnm/(gamold*delsnm*rhoold)) c c ... compute constants c1, c2, c3, and c4 c 20 delsnm = delnnm rhotmp = rhoold c1 = rho*gamma c2 = rho c3 = 1.0-rho c4 = rho*(1.0-gamma) c return end subroutine parsi (c1,c2,c3,ibmth) c c parsi computes acceleration parameters for semi-iterative c accelerated methods. c c ... parameter list -- c c c1,c2 c and c c3 output acceleration parameters c ibmth indicator of basic method being accelerated by si c ibmth = 1, jacobi c = 2, reduced system c = 3, ssor c c *** begin -- itpackv common c common /itcom1/ in,is,isym,itmax,level,nout,numwav c logical adapt,betadt,caseii,halt,partad common /itcom2/ adapt,betadt,caseii,halt,partad c common /itcom3/ bdelnm,betab,cme,delnnm,delsnm,ff,gamma,omega,qa, * qt,rho,rrr,sige,sme,specr,spr,srelpr,stptst,udnm,zeta c c *** end -- itpackv common c c description of variables in common blocks in main routine c ip = in-is if (ip.eq.0) go to 30 if (ip.eq.1) go to 10 rho = 1.0/(1.0-sige*sige*rho*0.25) go to 20 10 rho = 1.0/(1.0-sige*sige*0.5) c 20 c1 = rho*gamma c2 = rho c3 = 1.0-rho c return c c ... nonadaptive initialization for semi-iterative methods c 30 continue go to (40,50,60), ibmth c c ... jsi c 40 if (caseii) sme = -cme gamma = 2.0/(2.0-cme-sme) sige = (cme-sme)/(2.0-cme-sme) go to 70 c c ... reduced system si c 50 gamma = 2.0/(2.0-cme*cme) sige = cme*cme/(2.0-cme*cme) rrr = (1.0-sqrt(abs(1.0-cme*cme)))/(1.0+sqrt(abs(1.0-cme*cme))) go to 70 c c ... ssorsi c 60 gamma = 2.0/(2.0-specr) sige = specr/(2.0-specr) rrr = (1.0-sqrt(abs(1.0-sige*sige)))/(1.0+sqrt(abs(1.0-sige*sige)) * ) c 70 rho = 1.0 c1 = gamma c2 = 1.0 c3 = 0.0 c return end function pbeta (n,nb,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,v,nup,nlow,moved,wl,wu) c c ... pbeta computes the numerator for the computation of betab c ... in the ssor methods. pbeta = (v,lu*v). c c ... parameter list -- c c n dimension of matrix c nb order of black subsystem c ndim row dimension of jcoef and coef arrays in calling c routine c maxnz maximum number of nonzeros per row c jcoef integer array for coefficient columns c coef array for coefficients c v input array of length n c nup maximum number of nonzeros per row for upper c triangle u (input for natural ordering only) c nlow maximum number of nonzeros per row for lower c triangle l (input for natural ordering only) c moved logical constant indicating whether the data c structure has been reshuffled. c wl,wu workspace vectors of length n each c c ... specifications for arguments c integer jcoef(ndim,2) dimension coef(ndim,2),v(1),wl(1),wu(1) logical moved c c *** begin -- itpackv common c common /itcom1/ in,is,isym,itmax,level,nout,numwav c logical adapt,betadt,caseii,halt,partad common /itcom2/ adapt,betadt,caseii,halt,partad c common /itcom3/ bdelnm,betab,cme,delnnm,delsnm,ff,gamma,omega,qa, * qt,rho,rrr,sige,sme,specr,spr,srelpr,stptst,udnm,zeta c c *** end -- itpackv common c c description of variables in common block in main routine c if ( go to 120 c c ... natural ordering. c if (.not.moved) go to 40 do 10 i = 1,n wu(i) = 0.0 10 continue call ypasx2 (ndim,n,nup,coef(1,2),jcoef(1,2),wu,v) if ( go to 20 c c ... symmetric matrix so (v,lu*v) = (u*v,u*v) c pbeta = sdot(n,wu,1,wu,1) return c c ... nonsymmetric section c 20 nup2 = nup+2 do 30 i = 1,n wl(i) = 0.0 30 continue call ypasx2 (ndim,n,nlow,coef(1,nup2),jcoef(1,nup2),wl,wu) pbeta = sdot(n,v,1,wl,1) return c c ... natural ordering -- unshuffled data structure c 40 continue do 50 i = 1,n wu(i) = 0.0 50 continue do 70 j = 2,maxnz do 60 i = 1,n jcol = jcoef(i,j) if ( wu(i) = wu(i)+coef(i,j)*v(jcol) 60 continue 70 continue if ( go to 80 pbeta = sdot(n,wu,1,wu,1) return c c ... nonsymmetric case -- unshuffled data structure c 80 do 90 i = 1,n wl(i) = 0.0 90 continue do 110 j = 2,maxnz do 100 i = 1,n jcol = jcoef(i,j) if ( wl(i) = wl(i)+coef(i,j)*wu(jcol) 100 continue 110 continue pbeta = sdot(n,v,1,wl,1) return c c ... red/black ordering. c 120 nr = n-nb nrp1 = nr+1 maxm1 = maxnz-1 do 130 i = 1,n wl(i) = 0.0 130 continue call ypasx2 (ndim,nr,maxm1,coef(1,2),jcoef(1,2),wl,v) if ( go to 140 c c ... symmetric case so (v,lu*v) = (fr*vb,fr*vb) . c pbeta = sdot(nr,wl,1,wl,1) return c c ... nonsymmetric section c 140 call ypasx2 (ndim,nb,maxm1,coef(nrp1,2),jcoef(nrp1,2),wl(nrp1),wl) pbeta = sdot(nb,v(nrp1),1,wl(nrp1),1) return end subroutine pbsor (n,nb,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,u,rhs, * nup,nlow,moved,ipop) c c pbsor computes a backward sor sweep on u. c c ... parameter list -- c c n order of system c nb order of black subsystem c ndim row dimension of coef and jcoef arrays in calling c routine c maxnz maximum number of nonzeros per row c jcoef integer array of coefficient columns c coef array of coefficients c u latest estimate of solution c rhs right hand side of matrix problem c nup maximum number of nonzeros per row in lower c triangle l (input for natural order only) c nlow maximum number of nonzeros per row in upper triangle c u (input for natural order only) c moved logical variable indicating whether or not matrix c has been reshuffled c ipop integer vector giving the wave populations c c ... specifications for arguments c integer jcoef(ndim,2),ipop(1) dimension coef(ndim,2),u(1),rhs(1) logical moved c c *** begin -- itpackv common c common /itcom1/ in,is,isym,itmax,level,nout,numwav c common /itcom3/ bdelnm,betab,cme,delnnm,delsnm,ff,gamma,omega,qa, * qt,rho,rrr,sige,sme,specr,spr,srelpr,stptst,udnm,zeta c c *** end -- itpackv common c c description of variables in common block in main routine c fac = 1.0-omega if ( go to 60 c c ... natural ordering c if (.not.moved) go to 30 c c ... compute omega * (l*un + c) + (1-w) * un c call ymasx2 (ndim,n,nlow,coef(1,nup+2),jcoef(1,nup+2),rhs,u) do 10 i = 1,n u(i) = rhs(i)+fac*u(i) 10 continue c c ... compute u(n+1) = inv(i - omega*u) * rhs c ist = n+1 do 20 k = numwav,1,-1 nlen = ipop(k) ied = ist-1 ist = ist-nlen do 18 j = 2,nup+1 cdir$ ivdep do 15 i = ist,ied u(i) = u(i) - coef(i,j)*u(jcoef(i,j)) 15 continue 18 continue 20 continue return c c ... natural ordering -- unshuffled matrix c 30 continue ist = n+1 do 50 k = numwav,1,-1 nlen = ipop(k) ied = ist-1 ist = ist-nlen do 38 j = 2,maxnz do 35 i = ist,ied rhs(i) = rhs(i) - coef(i,j)*u(jcoef(i,j)) 35 continue 38 continue do 40 i = ist,ied u(i) = rhs(i)+fac*u(i) 40 continue 50 continue return c c ... red-black ordering c 60 nr = n-nb nrp1 = nr+1 maxm1 = maxnz-1 call ymasx2 (ndim,nb,maxm1,coef(nrp1,2),jcoef(nrp1,2),rhs(nrp1),u) do 70 i = nrp1,n u(i) = rhs(i)+fac*u(i) 70 continue call ymasx2 (ndim,nr,maxm1,coef(1,2),jcoef(1,2),rhs,u) do 80 i = 1,nr u(i) = rhs(i)+fac*u(i) 80 continue c return end subroutine permat (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,p,work,iwork) c c ... permat takes the sparse matrix representation c of the matrix stored in the arrays jcoef and coef and c permutes both rows and columns, overwriting the previous c structure. c c ... parameter list -- c c n order of system c ndim row dimension of arrays jcoef and coef in c the calling routine c maxnz maximum number of nonzero entries per row c jcoef integer array for data c coef array for data structure coefficients c p permutation vector c work workspace of length n c iwork integer workspace of length n c c ... it is assumed that the i-th entry of the permutation vector c p indicates the row the i-th row gets mapped into. (i.e. c if ( p(i) = j ) row i gets mapped into row j) c c *** note *** this routine is to be called after routine scal. c c ... specifications for arguments c integer jcoef(ndim,1),p(1),iwork(1) dimension coef(ndim,1),work(1) c if (n.le.0) return do 50 j = 1,maxnz call scopy (n,coef(1,j),1,work,1) do 10 i = 1,n iwork(i) = jcoef(i,j) 10 continue do 20 i = 1,n coef(p(i),j) = work(i) 20 continue do 30 i = 1,n jcoef(p(i),j) = iwork(i) 30 continue do 40 i = 1,n jcoef(i,j) = p(jcoef(i,j)) 40 continue 50 continue return end subroutine perror (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,rhs,u,work, * digit1,digit2,idgts) c c perror computes the residual, r = rhs - a*u. the user c also has the option of printing the residual and/or the c unknown vector depending on idgts. c c ... parameter list -- c c n dimension of matrix c ndim row dimension of jcoef and coef in calling routine c maxnz maximum number of nonzeros per row c jcoef integer array of sparse matrix representation c coef array of sparse matrix representation c rhs right hand side of matrix problem c u latest estimate of solution c work workspace vector of length 2*n c digit1 output - measure of accuracy of stopping test c digit2 output - measure of accuracy of solution c idgts parameter controlling level of output c if idgts < 1 or idgts > 4, then no output. c = 1, then number of digits is printed, pro- c vided level .ge. 1 c = 2, then solution vector is printed, pro- c vided level .ge. 1 c = 3, then residual vector is printed, pro- c vided level .ge. 1 c = 4, then both vectors are printed, pro- c vided level .ge. 1 c c ... local itpackv references -- c c pmult , vout c c ... specifications for arguments c integer jcoef(ndim,1) dimension coef(ndim,1),rhs(1),u(1),work(1) c c *** begin -- itpackv common c common /itcom1/ in,is,isym,itmax,level,nout,numwav c logical adapt,betadt,caseii,halt,partad common /itcom2/ adapt,betadt,caseii,halt,partad c common /itcom3/ bdelnm,betab,cme,delnnm,delsnm,ff,gamma,omega,qa, * qt,rho,rrr,sige,sme,specr,spr,srelpr,stptst,udnm,zeta c c *** end -- itpackv common c c description of variables in common block in main routine c digit1 = 0.0 digit2 = 0.0 if (n.le.0) go to 70 c digit1 = -alog10(abs(srelpr)) if ( digit1 = -alog10(abs(stptst)) do 10 i = 1,n work(i) = rhs(i)/coef(i,1) 10 continue bnrm = sdot(n,work,1,work,1) if (bnrm.eq.0.0) go to 30 call pmult (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,u,work) do 20 i = 1,n work(i) = (rhs(i)-work(i))/coef(i,1) 20 continue rnrm = sdot(n,work,1,work,1) temp = rnrm/bnrm if (temp.eq.0.0) go to 30 digit2 = -alog10(abs(temp))/2.0 go to 40 c 30 digit2 = -alog10(abs(srelpr)) c 40 if (( go to 70 write (nout,50) digit1,digit2 50 format (/10x,'approx. no. of digits in stopping test =', * f5.1,' (digit1)' * /10x,'approx. no. of digits in ratio test =', * f5.1,' (digit2)') c if ( go to 70 if ( call vout (n,work,1,nout) do 60 i = 1,n work(i) = u(i)*coef(i,1) 60 continue if ( call vout (n,work,2,nout) c 70 continue return end subroutine pervec (n,p,v,work) c c ... pervec permutes a vector as dictated by the permutation c ... vector p. if p(i) = j, then v(j) gets v(i). c c ... parameter list -- c c n length of vectors p, v, and work c p integer permutation vector c v vector to be permuted c work workspace vector of length n c c ... specifications for arguments c integer p(1) dimension v(1),work(1) c call scopy (n,v,1,work,1) do 10 i = 1,n v(p(i)) = work(i) 10 continue return end subroutine pfsor (n,nb,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,u,rhs, * nup,moved,ipop) c c pfsor computes a forward sor sweep on u. c c ... parameter list -- c c n order of system c nb order of black subsystem c ndim row dimension of coef and jcoef arrays in calling c routine c maxnz maximum number of nonzeros per row c jcoef integer array of coefficient columns c coef array of coefficients c u latest estimate of solution c rhs right hand side of matrix problem c nup maximum number of nonzeros per row in lower c triangle l (input for natural order only) c moved logical variable indicating whether or not matrix c has been reshuffled c ipop integer vector giving the wave populations c c ... specifications for arguments c integer jcoef(ndim,2),ipop(1) dimension coef(ndim,2),u(1),rhs(1) logical moved c c *** begin -- itpackv common c common /itcom1/ in,is,isym,itmax,level,nout,numwav c common /itcom3/ bdelnm,betab,cme,delnnm,delsnm,ff,gamma,omega,qa, * qt,rho,rrr,sige,sme,specr,spr,srelpr,stptst,udnm,zeta c c *** end -- itpackv common c c description of variables in common block in main routine c fac = 1.0-omega if ( go to 60 c c ... natural ordering c if (.not.moved) go to 30 c c ... compute omega * (u*un + c) + (1-w) * un c call ymasx2 (ndim,n,nup,coef(1,2),jcoef(1,2),rhs,u) do 10 i = 1,n u(i) = rhs(i)+fac*u(i) 10 continue c c ... compute u(n+1) = inv(i - omega*l) * rhs c nup2 = nup+2 ied = 0 do 20 k = 1,numwav nlen = ipop(k) ist = ied+1 ied = ied+nlen do 18 j = nup2,maxnz cdir$ ivdep do 15 i = ist,ied u(i) = u(i) - coef(i,j)*u(jcoef(i,j)) 15 continue 18 continue 20 continue return c c ... natural ordering -- unshuffled matrix. c 30 ied = 0 do 50 k = 1,numwav nlen = ipop(k) ist = ied+1 ied = ied+nlen do 38 j = 2,maxnz do 35 i = ist,ied rhs(i) = rhs(i) - coef(i,j)*u(jcoef(i,j)) 35 continue 38 continue do 40 i = ist,ied u(i) = rhs(i)+fac*u(i) 40 continue 50 continue return c c ... red-black ordering c 60 nr = n-nb nrp1 = nr+1 maxm1 = maxnz-1 call ymasx2 (ndim,nr,maxm1,coef(1,2),jcoef(1,2),rhs,u) do 70 i = 1,nr u(i) = rhs(i)+fac*u(i) 70 continue call ymasx2 (ndim,nb,maxm1,coef(nrp1,2),jcoef(nrp1,2),rhs(nrp1),u) do 80 i = nrp1,n u(i) = rhs(i)+fac*u(i) 80 continue c return end subroutine pfsor1 (n,nb,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,u,rhs, * nup,moved,work,ipop) c c pfsor1 computes a forward sor sweep on u and c computes the norm of the pseudo-residual vector. c c ... parameter list -- c c n order of system c nb order of black subsystem c ndim row dimension of coef and jcoef arrays in calling c routine c maxnz maximum number of nonzeros per row c jcoef integer array of coefficient columns c coef array of coefficients c u latest estimate of solution c rhs right hand side of matrix problem c nup maximum number of nonzeros per row in lower c triangle l (input for natural order only) c moved logical variable indicating whether or not matrix c has been reshuffled c work workspace vector of length n c ipop integer vector giving the wave populations c c ... specifications for arguments c integer jcoef(ndim,2),ipop(1) dimension coef(ndim,2),u(1),rhs(1),work(1) logical moved c c *** begin -- itpackv common c common /itcom1/ in,is,isym,itmax,level,nout,numwav c common /itcom3/ bdelnm,betab,cme,delnnm,delsnm,ff,gamma,omega,qa, * qt,rho,rrr,sige,sme,specr,spr,srelpr,stptst,udnm,zeta c c *** end -- itpackv common c c description of variables in common block in main routine c fac = 1.0-omega if ( go to 70 c c ... natural ordering c if (.not.moved) go to 30 c c ... compute omega * (u*un + c) + (1-w) * un c call ymasx2 (ndim,n,nup,coef(1,2),jcoef(1,2),rhs,u) call saxpy (n,fac,u,1,rhs,1) c c ... compute u(n+1) = inv(i - omega*l) * rhs c nup2 = nup+2 ied = 0 do 10 k = 1,numwav nlen = ipop(k) ist = ied+1 ied = ied+nlen do 8 j = nup2,maxnz cdir$ ivdep do 5 i = ist,ied rhs(i) = rhs(i) - coef(i,j)*rhs(jcoef(i,j)) 5 continue 8 continue 10 continue do 20 i = 1,n u(i) = rhs(i)-u(i) 20 continue delnnm = snrm2(n,u,1) call scopy (n,rhs,1,u,1) return c c ... natural ordering -- unshuffled matrix. c 30 continue call scopy (n,u,1,work,1) ied = 0 do 50 k = 1,numwav nlen = ipop(k) ist = ied+1 ied = ied+nlen do 38 j = 2,maxnz do 35 i = ist,ied rhs(i) = rhs(i) - coef(i,j)*work(jcoef(i,j)) 35 continue 38 continue do 40 i = ist,ied work(i) = rhs(i)+fac*u(i) 40 continue 50 continue do 60 i = 1,n u(i) = work(i)-u(i) 60 continue delnnm = snrm2(n,u,1) call scopy (n,work,1,u,1) return c c ... red-black ordering c 70 nr = n-nb nrp1 = nr+1 maxm1 = maxnz-1 call ymasx2 (ndim,nr,maxm1,coef(1,2),jcoef(1,2),rhs,u) do 80 i = 1,nr work(i) = rhs(i)+fac*u(i) 80 continue call ymasx2 (ndim,nb,maxm1,coef(nrp1,2),jcoef(nrp1,2),rhs(nrp1), * work) do 90 i = nrp1,n work(i) = rhs(i)+fac*u(i) 90 continue do 100 i = 1,n u(i) = work(i)-u(i) 100 continue delnnm = snrm2(n,u,1) call scopy (n,work,1,u,1) c return end subroutine pjac (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,u,rhs) c c ... pjac performs one jacobi iteration. c c ... parameter list -- c c n dimension of matrix c ndim row dimension of jcoef and coef arrays in calling c routine c maxnz maximum number of nonzeros per row c jcoef integer data structure for coefficient columns c coef data structure for array coefficients c u estimate of solution of a matrix problem c rhs on input -- contains the right hand side of the c matrix problem c on output -- contains b*u + rhs where b = i - a c and a has been scaled to have a unit c diagonal c c ... specifications for arguments c integer jcoef(ndim,2) dimension coef(ndim,2),u(1),rhs(1) c maxm1 = maxnz-1 call ymasx2 (ndim,n,maxm1,coef(1,2),jcoef(1,2),rhs,u) return end subroutine pmult (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,b,c) c c ... pmult computes c = a*b, a matrix-vector product. matrix c a is assumed to be stored in the coef, jcoef ellpack c data structure and all entries in the column array jcoef c are assumed to be between 1 and n, inclusive. c a is assumed to have a unit diagonal. c c ... parameter list -- c c n dimension of matrix c ndim row dimension of coef and jcoef in calling routine c maxnz maximum number of nonzeros per row c jcoef integer array for coefficient columns c coef array for coefficients c b multiplying vector of length n c c product vector of length n c c ... specifications for arguments c integer jcoef(ndim,2) dimension coef(ndim,2),b(1),c(1) c call scopy (n,b,1,c,1) maxm1 = maxnz-1 call ypasx2 (ndim,n,maxm1,coef(1,2),jcoef(1,2),c,b) return end subroutine prbndx (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,p,ip,nblack,level,nout,ier) c c************************************************************** c c prbndx computes the red-black permutation c vectors p ( and its inverse ip ) if possible. c c the algorithm is to mark the first node as red (arbitrary). c all of its adjacent nodes are marked black and placed in c a stack. the remainder of the code pulls the first node c off the top of the stack and tries to type its adjacent nodes. c the typing of the adjacent point is a five way case statement c which is well commented below (see do loop 100). c c the array p is used both to keep track of the color of a node c (red node is positive, black is negative) but also the father c node that caused the color marking of that point. since c complete information on the adjacency structure is hard to come c by this forms a link to enable the color change of a partial c tree when a recoverable color conflict occurs. c c the array ip is used as a stack to point to the set of nodes c left to be typed that are known to be adjacent to the current c father node. c c *** note *** this routine is to be called after routine scal. c c********************************************************************* c c input parameters -- c c n number of nodes. (integer, scalar) c c ndim row dimension of jcoef in calling routine. c c maxnz maximum number of nonzeros per row c c jcoef array of column indices. it is assumed c that for every row where only one element is c stored that element corresponds to the diagonal c entry. the diagonal must be the first entry stored. c (integer, arrays) c c level switch for printing c c nout output tape number c c output parameters -- c c nblack number of black nodes. number of red nodes is c n - nblack. (integer, scalar) c c p, ip permutation and inverse permutation vectors. c (integer, arrays each of length n) c c ier error flag. (integer, scalar) c c ier = 0, normal return. indexing performed c successfully c ier = 201, red-black indexing not possible. c c******************************************************************** c c ... specifications for arguments c integer jcoef(ndim,1),p(1),ip(1) c c ... specifications for local variables c integer first,old,young,curtyp,type c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c ier = 0 if (n.le.0) return do 10 i = 1,n p(i) = 0 ip(i) = 0 10 continue c c ... handle the first set of points until some adjacent points c ... are found c first = 1 c 20 p(first) = first if ( go to 40 c c ... search for next entry that has not been marked c if (first.eq.n) go to 120 ibgn = first+1 do 30 i = ibgn,n if (p(i).ne.0) go to 30 first = i go to 20 30 continue go to 120 c c ... first set of adjacent points found c 40 next = 1 last = 1 ip(1) = first c c ... loop over labeled points indicated in the stack stored in c ... the array ip c 50 k = ip(next) curtyp = p(k) nxttyp = -curtyp do 100 j = 2,maxnz jcol = jcoef(k,j) if (jcol.eq.k) go to 100 type = p(jcol) c c================================================================== c c the following is a five way case statement dealing with the c labeling of the adjacent node. c c ... case i. if the adjacent node has already been labeled with c label equal to nxttyp, then skip to the next adjacent c node. c if (type.eq.nxttyp) go to 100 c c ... case ii. if the adjacent node has not been labeled yet label c it with nxttyp and enter it in the stack c if ( go to 60 last = last+1 ip(last) = jcol p(jcol) = nxttyp go to 100 c c ... case iii. if the adjacent node has already been labeled with c opposite color and the same father seed, then there c is an irrecoverable color conflict. c 60 if (type.eq.curtyp) go to 140 c c ... case iv. if the adjacent node has the right color and a different c father node, then change all nodes of the youngest fathe c node to point to the oldest father seed and retain the c same colors. c if (type* go to 80 old = min0(iabs(type),iabs(nxttyp)) young = max0(iabs(type),iabs(nxttyp)) do 70 l = young,n if (iabs(p(l)).eq.young) p(l) = isign(old,p(l)) 70 continue curtyp = p(k) nxttyp = -curtyp go to 100 c c ... case v. if the adjacent node has the wrong color and a different c father node, then change all nodes of the youngest father c node to point to the oldest father node along with c changing their colors. since until this time the c youngest father node tree has been independent no other c color conflicts will arise from this change. c 80 old = min0(iabs(type),iabs(nxttyp)) young = max0(iabs(type),iabs(nxttyp)) do 90 l = young,n if (iabs(p(l)).eq.young) p(l) = isign(old,-p(l)) 90 continue curtyp = p(k) nxttyp = -curtyp c c ... end of case statement c c================================================================== c 100 continue c c ... advance to next node in the stack c next = next+1 if (next.le.last) go to 50 c c ... all nodes in the stack have been removed c c ... check for nodes not labeled. if any are found c ... start the labeling process again at the first c ... node found that is not labeled. c ibgn = first+1 do 110 i = ibgn,n if (p(i).ne.0) go to 110 first = i go to 20 110 continue c c=================================================================== c c ... all nodes are now typed either red or black c c ... generate permutation vectors c 120 call whenige (n,p,1,0,ip,nred) call whenilt (n,p,1,0,ip(nred+1),nblack) do 130 i = 1,n p(ip(i)) = i 130 continue c c ... successful red-black ordering completed c return c c ...... type conflict c 140 ier = 201 if ( write (nout,150) 150 format (//1x,'*** f a t a l e r r o r ************'//1x, * ' in itpackv routine prbndx '/1x, * ' red-black indexing not possible') return end subroutine prsblk (nb,nr,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,u,v) c c ... prsblk computes a black-rs sweep on a red vector into a black c ... vector. c c ... parameter list -- c c nb number of black points c nr number of red points c ndim row dimension of jcoef and coef arrays in calling c routine c maxnz maximum number of nonzeros per row c jcoef integer data structure for coefficient columns c coef data structure for array coefficients c u latest estimate of the solution c v on input -- contains the right hand side c on output -- v(nr+1,...n) contains (fr**t)*ur+cb c c ... specifications for arguments c integer jcoef(ndim,2) dimension coef(ndim,2),u(1),v(1) c if (nb.le.0.or.maxnz.le.1) return nrp1 = nr+1 maxm1 = maxnz-1 call ymasx2 (ndim,nb,maxm1,coef(nrp1,2),jcoef(nrp1,2),v(nrp1),u) return end subroutine prsred (nr,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,u,vr) c c ... prsred computes a red-rs sweep on a black vector into a red c ... vector. c c ... parameter list -- c c nr number of red points c ndim row dimension of jcoef and coef arrays in calling c routine c maxnz maximum number of nonzeros per row c jcoef integer data structure for coefficient columns c coef data structure for array coefficients c u latest estimate of solution c vr on input -- contains the right hand side c on output -- contains fr*ub + cr c c ... specifications for arguments c integer jcoef(ndim,2) dimension coef(ndim,2),u(1),vr(1) c if (nr.le.0.or.maxnz.le.1) return maxm1 = maxnz-1 call ymasx2 (ndim,nr,maxm1,coef(1,2),jcoef(1,2),vr,u) return end subroutine pstop (n,u,dnrm,ccon,iflag,q1) c c pstop performs a test to see if the iterative c method has converged to a solution inside the error c tolerance, zeta. c c ... parameter list -- c c n order of system c u present solution estimate c dnrm inner product of pseudo-residuals at preceding c iteration c con stopping test parameter (= ccon) c iflag stopping test integer flag c iflag = 0, sor iteration zero c iflag = 1, non-rs method c iflag = 2, rs method c q1 stopping test logical flag c c ... specifications for arguments c dimension u(n) logical q1 c c *** begin -- itpackv common c common /itcom1/ in,is,isym,itmax,level,nout,numwav c logical adapt,betadt,caseii,halt,partad common /itcom2/ adapt,betadt,caseii,halt,partad c common /itcom3/ bdelnm,betab,cme,delnnm,delsnm,ff,gamma,omega,qa, * qt,rho,rrr,sige,sme,specr,spr,srelpr,stptst,udnm,zeta c c *** end -- itpackv common c c description of variables in common block in main routine c con = ccon halt = .false. c c special procedure for zeroth iteration c if ( go to 10 q1 = .false. udnm = 1.0 stptst = 1000.0 if (iflag.le.0) return c c ... test if udnm needs to be recomputed c 10 continue if (q1) go to 20 if ((,5).ne.0)) go to 20 uold = udnm udnm = sdot(n,u,1,u,1) if (udnm.eq.0.0) udnm = 1.0 if ((*zeta)) q1 = .true. c c ... compute stopping test c 20 tr = sqrt(udnm) tl = 1.0 if (con.eq.1.0) go to 40 if (iflag.eq.2) go to 30 tl = sqrt(dnrm) tr = tr*(1.0-con) go to 40 30 tl = sqrt(2.0*dnrm) tr = tr*(1.0-con*con) 40 stptst = tl/tr if (*zeta) return halt = .true. c return end function pvtbv (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,v) c c ... pvtbv computes (v**t)*b*v where b = i - a. c c ... parameter list -- c c n dimension of matrix c ndim row dimension of jcoef and coef in calling routine c maxnz maximum number of nonzeros per row c jcoef integer data structure for coefficient columns c coef data structure for equation coefficients c v array of length n c c ... specifications for arguments c integer jcoef(ndim,1) dimension coef(ndim,1),v(1) c pvtbv = 0.0 if (maxnz.le.1) return do 20 j = 2,maxnz do 10 i = 1,n pvtbv = pvtbv-v(i)*coef(i,j)*v(jcoef(i,j)) 10 continue 20 continue return end subroutine sbelm (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,rhs,work,tol) c c ... sbelm is designed to remove rows of the matrix for which c ... all off-diagonal elements are very small (less than tol). c ... this is to take care of matrices arising from finite c ... element discretizations of partial differential equations c ... with dirichlet boundary conditions. any such rows and c ... corresponding columns are then eliminated (set to the c ... identity after correcting the rhs). c ... *** note *** this routine is to be called after routine scal. c c ... parameter list -- c c n dimension of matrix c ndim row dimension of arrays jcoef and coef in the c calling program c maxnz maximum number of nonzero entries per row c jcoef integer array of matrix representation c coef array of sparse matrix representation c rhs right hand side of matrix problem c work work array of length n c tol tolerance factor c c ... specifications for arguments c integer jcoef(ndim,1) dimension coef(ndim,1),rhs(1),work(1) c if ( return c c ... find maximum off-diagonal elements in absolute value. c do 10 i = 1,n work(i) = 0.0 10 continue do 30 j = 2,maxnz do 20 i = 1,n work(i) = amax1(work(i),abs(coef(i,j))) 20 continue 30 continue c c ... eliminate desired rows and columns. c do 60 j = 2,maxnz do 50 i = 1,n if (work(i).lt.tol) go to 40 jcol = jcoef(i,j) if (work(jcol).ge.tol) go to 50 rhs(i) = rhs(i)-coef(i,j)*rhs(jcol) 40 coef(i,j) = 0.0 jcoef(i,j) = i 50 continue 60 continue return end subroutine scal (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,rhs,u,work,ier) c c ... scal scales original matrix to a unit diagonal matrix. rhs c ... and u vectors are scaled accordingly. the data c ... structure is adjusted to have diagonal entries in c ... column 1. zero entries in jcoef array are changed to c ... positive integers between 1 and n. c c ... parameter list -- c c n dimension of matrix c ndim row dimension of arrays jcoef and coef in the c calling program c maxnz maximum number of nonzero entries per row c jcoef integer array of matrix representation c coef array of sparse matrix representation c rhs right hand side of matrix problem c u latest estimate of solution c work work array of length n c ier error flag -- on return, nonzero values mean c 401 -- zero diagonal element c 402 -- nonexistent diagonal element c c ... specifications for arguments c integer jcoef(ndim,1) dimension coef(ndim,1),rhs(1),u(1),work(1) c c *** begin -- itpackv common c common /itcom1/ in,is,isym,itmax,level,nout,numwav c logical adapt,betadt,caseii,halt,partad common /itcom2/ adapt,betadt,caseii,halt,partad c common /itcom3/ bdelnm,betab,cme,delnnm,delsnm,ff,gamma,omega,qa, * qt,rho,rrr,sige,sme,specr,spr,srelpr,stptst,udnm,zeta c c *** end -- itpackv common c c description of variables in common block in main routine c c ... check for positive diagonal entries for each row. c ... put diagonal entries in column 1. replace zeros in c ... row i of jcoef with i. c ier = 0 nsgncg = 0 if (n.le.0) return do 110 i = 1,n if (jcoef(i,1).eq.i) go to 50 if ( go to 20 do 10 j = 2,maxnz if (jcoef(i,j).eq.i) go to 40 10 continue c c ... fatal error -- no diagonal entry for row i. c 20 ier = 402 if ( write (nout,30) i 30 format (//1x,'*** f a t a l e r r o r ************'//1x, * ' in itpackv routine scal '/1x, * ' no diagonal entry in row',i10) return c c ... shift row i so that diagonal element is in column 1. c 40 save = coef(i,j) coef(i,j) = coef(i,1) jcoef(i,j) = jcoef(i,1) coef(i,1) = save jcoef(i,1) = i c c ... check sign of diagonal entry. if negative, change signs of c ... all row coefficients and corresponding rhs element. c 50 if (coef(i,1)) 60 , 90 , 110 60 do 70 j = 1,maxnz coef(i,j) = -coef(i,j) 70 continue rhs(i) = -rhs(i) nsgncg = nsgncg+1 if ( write (nout,80) i 80 format (//1x,'*** n o t e ***'//1x, * ' in itpackv routine scal'/1x, * ' equation ',i10,' has been negated') go to 110 c c ... fatal error -- zero diagonal element for row i. c 90 ier = 401 if ( write (nout,100) i 100 format (//1x,'*** f a t a l e r r o r ************'//1x, * ' in itpackv routine scal '/1x, * ' diagonal entry in row ',i10,' is zero') return 110 continue c c ... change zero elements of jcoef array. c if ( go to 140 do 130 j = 2,maxnz do 120 i = 1,n if (jcoef(i,j).le.0) jcoef(i,j) = i 120 continue 130 continue c c ... scale rhs and u arrays. store reciprocal square roots c ... of diagonal entries in column 1 of coef. c 140 do 150 i = 1,n work(i) = sqrt(coef(i,1)) 150 continue do 160 i = 1,n u(i) = u(i)*work(i) 160 continue do 170 i = 1,n work(i) = 1.0/work(i) 170 continue call scopy (n,work,1,coef,1) do 180 i = 1,n rhs(i) = rhs(i)*work(i) 180 continue c c ... scale matrix. c if ( return do 200 j = 2,maxnz do 190 i = 1,n coef(i,j) = coef(i,j)*work(i)*work(jcoef(i,j)) 190 continue 200 continue c c ... adjust isym if the 0 .lt. nsgncg .lt. n c if ( isym = 1 c return end subroutine sorscl (n,ndim,maxnz,coef,rhs,factor) c c ... sorscl scales the matrix and rhs vector by factor. c c ... parameter list -- c c n dimension of matrix c ndim row dimension of array coef c maxnz maximum number of nonzero entries per row c coef array of sparse matrix representation c rhs right hand side of matrix problem c factor scaling factor c c ... specifications for arguments c dimension coef(ndim,1),rhs(1) c c ... scale matrix and rhs. c do 10 j = 2,maxnz call sscal (n,factor,coef(1,j),1) 10 continue call sscal (n,factor,rhs,1) return end subroutine sorwav (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,rhs,u,p,ip, * iwork,work,numwav,icall) c c ... sorwav determines the wave front reordering for a forward c and back sor pass. the permutation vector corresponding to c a wave front ordering is constructed. the matrix and rhs c are permuted accordingly. c c ... parameter list -- c c n order of system c ndim row dimension of arrays jcoef and coef in c the calling routine c maxnz maximum number of nonzero entries per row c jcoef integer array for data c coef array for data structure coefficients c rhs right-hand-side c u solution vector c p permutation vector c ip inverse permutation vector c iwork integer workspace of length n c work real workspace of length n c numwav number of wave fronts c icall switch for calling c = 1 for initial call c = 2 for second call c c ... specifications for arguments c integer jcoef(ndim,1),p(1),ip(1),iwork(1) dimension coef(ndim,1),rhs(1),u(1),work(1) c if (maxnz.le.1) return if (icall.eq.2) go to 90 do 10 i = 1,n p(i) = 1 iwork(i) = 0 10 continue do 40 i = 1,n do 20 j = 2,maxnz jcol = jcoef(i,j) if ( go to 20 if (coef(i,j).eq.0.0) go to 20 p(i) = max0(p(i),p(jcol)+1) 20 continue do 30 j = 2,maxnz jcol = jcoef(i,j) if (jcol.le.i) go to 30 if (coef(i,j).eq.0.0) go to 30 p(jcol) = max0(p(jcol),p(i)+1) 30 continue 40 continue c c ... determine number of wave fronts and populations. c numwav = 0 do 50 i = 1,n numwav = max0(numwav,p(i)) 50 continue do 60 i = 1,n iw = p(i) iwork(iw) = iwork(iw)+1 60 continue c c ... construct permutation vector. c ip(1) = 1 do 70 i = 2,numwav ip(i) = ip(i-1)+iwork(i-1) 70 continue do 80 i = 1,n iw = p(i) p(i) = ip(iw) ip(iw) = ip(iw)+1 80 continue c c ... permute matrix, rhs, and u. c call permat (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,p,work,ip) call pervec (n,p,rhs,work) call pervec (n,p,u,work) return c c ... construct inverse permutation vector. c 90 do 100 i = 1,n ip(p(i)) = i 100 continue c c ... unpermute matrix, rhs, and u. c call permat (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,ip,work,p) call pervec (n,ip,rhs,work) call pervec (n,ip,u,work) return end function tau (i) c c ... tau sets tau(i) for the sor method. c c ... parameter list -- c c i number of times parameters have been changed c c ... specifications for arguments c c ... specifications for local variables c dimension t(8) c data t(1),t(2),t(3),t(4),t(5),t(6),t(7),t(8) / 1.5,1.8,1.85,1.9, * 1.94,1.96,1.975,1.985 / c tau = 1.992 if (i.le.8) tau = t(i) c return end real function timer (timdmy) c c ... timer is a routine to return the execution time in c seconds. c c ... parameter list -- c c timdmy dummy argument c timer = second() c c real tarray(2) c call etime (tarray) c timer = tarray(1) c return end logical function tstchg (ibmth) c c tstchg performs a test to determine if parameters c should be changed for semi-iteration accelerated methods. c c ... parameter list -- c c ibmth indicator of basic method being accelerated by si c ibmth = 1, jacobi c = 2, reduced system c = 3, ssor c c *** begin -- itpackv common c common /itcom1/ in,is,isym,itmax,level,nout,numwav c logical adapt,betadt,caseii,halt,partad common /itcom2/ adapt,betadt,caseii,halt,partad c common /itcom3/ bdelnm,betab,cme,delnnm,delsnm,ff,gamma,omega,qa, * qt,rho,rrr,sige,sme,specr,spr,srelpr,stptst,udnm,zeta c c *** end -- itpackv common c c description of variables in common blocks in main routine c ip = in-is if (ibmth.eq.2) ip = 2*ip c if (in.eq.0) go to 10 if ( go to 20 c qa = sqrt(abs(delnnm/delsnm)) qt = 2.0*sqrt(abs(rrr**ip))/(1.0+rrr**ip) if ((**ff)) go to 20 c c ... test passes -- change parameters c 10 tstchg = .true. return c c ... test fails -- do not change parameters c 20 tstchg = .false. return c end subroutine unscal (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,rhs,u,work) c c ... unscal reverses the scaling done in routine scal. c c ... parameter list -- c c n dimension of matrix c ndim row dimension of arrays jcoef and coef in the c calling program c maxnz maximum number of nonzero entries per row c jcoef integer array of matrix representation c coef array of sparse matrix representation c rhs right hand side of matrix problem c u latest estimate of solution c work work array of length n c c ... specifications for arguments c integer jcoef(ndim,1) dimension coef(ndim,1),rhs(1),u(1),work(1) c c ... unscale u and rhs arrays. c call scopy (n,coef,1,work,1) do 10 i = 1,n u(i) = u(i)*work(i) 10 continue do 20 i = 1,n work(i) = 1.0/work(i) 20 continue do 30 i = 1,n rhs(i) = rhs(i)*work(i) 30 continue c c ... unscale matrix. c if ( go to 80 do 50 j = 2,maxnz do 40 i = 1,n coef(i,j) = coef(i,j)*work(i)*work(jcoef(i,j)) 40 continue 50 continue c c ... put original zeros back in icoef array and restore unscaled c ... diagonal entries to column one. c do 70 j = 2,maxnz do 60 i = 1,n if (jcoef(i,j).eq.i) jcoef(i,j) = 0 60 continue 70 continue 80 do 90 i = 1,n coef(i,1) = work(i)**2 90 continue return end subroutine ypasx2 (ndim,n,m,a,ja,y,x) c c ... ypasx2 does the loop c c do 20 j = 1,m c do 10 i = 1,n c y(i) = y(i) + a(i,j)*x(ja(i,j)) c 10 continue c 20 continue c c ... parameters -- c c ndim row dimension of a and ja arrays c n order of system c m number of columns in a and ja arrays c a real array of active size n by m c ja integer array of active size n by m c y accumulation vector c x right-hand-side vector c c ... specifications for parameters c dimension a(ndim,3),ja(ndim,3),x(1),y(1) c if (n.le.0 .or. m.le.0) return l = mod(m,4) if (l.eq.0) go to 80 c c ... initial short computations c go to (10,30,50), l 10 do 20 i = 1,n y(i) = y(i)+a(i,1)*x(ja(i,1)) 20 continue go to 70 30 do 40 i = 1,n y(i) = y(i)+a(i,1)*x(ja(i,1))+a(i,2)*x(ja(i,2)) 40 continue go to 70 50 do 60 i = 1,n y(i) = y(i)+a(i,1)*x(ja(i,1))+a(i,2)*x(ja(i,2))+a(i,3)*x(ja(i, * 3)) 60 continue 70 if (m.le.4) return c c ... loop unrolling to a level of 4. c 80 lp1 = l+1 do 100 j = lp1,m,4 do 90 i = 1,n y(i) = y(i)+a(i,j)*x(ja(i,j))+a(i,j+1)*x(ja(i,j+1))+a(i,j+2) * *x(ja(i,j+2))+a(i,j+3)*x(ja(i,j+3)) 90 continue 100 continue return end subroutine ymasx2 (ndim,n,m,a,ja,y,x) c c ... ymasx2 does the loop c c do 20 j = 1,m c do 10 i = 1,n c y(i) = y(i) - a(i,j)*x(ja(i,j)) c 10 continue c 20 continue c c ... parameters -- c c ndim row dimension of a and ja arrays c n order of system c m number of columns in a and ja arrays c a real array of active size n by m c ja integer array of active size n by m c y accumulation vector c x right-hand-side vector c c ... specifications for parameters c dimension a(ndim,3),ja(ndim,3),x(1),y(1) c if (n.le.0 .or. m.le.0) return l = mod(m,4) if (l.eq.0) go to 80 c c ... initial short computations c go to (10,30,50), l 10 do 20 i = 1,n y(i) = y(i)-a(i,1)*x(ja(i,1)) 20 continue go to 70 30 do 40 i = 1,n y(i) = y(i)-a(i,1)*x(ja(i,1))-a(i,2)*x(ja(i,2)) 40 continue go to 70 50 do 60 i = 1,n y(i) = y(i)-a(i,1)*x(ja(i,1))-a(i,2)*x(ja(i,2))-a(i,3)*x(ja(i, * 3)) 60 continue 70 if (m.le.4) return c c ... loop unrolling to a level of 4. c 80 lp1 = l+1 do 100 j = lp1,m,4 do 90 i = 1,n y(i) = y(i)-a(i,j)*x(ja(i,j))-a(i,j+1)*x(ja(i,j+1))-a(i,j+2) * *x(ja(i,j+2))-a(i,j+3)*x(ja(i,j+3)) 90 continue 100 continue return end subroutine vfill (n,v,val) c c vfill fills a vector, v, with a constant value, val. c c ... parameter list -- c c n integer length of vector v c v vector c val constant that fills first n locations of v c c ... specifications for arguments c dimension v(n) c if (n.le.0) return do 10 i = 1,n v(i) = val 10 continue return end subroutine vout (n,v,iswt,nout) c c vout effects printing of residual and solution c vectors - called from perror c c ... parameter list -- c c v vector of length n c iswt labelling information c nout output device number c c ... specifications for arguments c dimension v(n) c c if (n .le. 0) return c kupper = min0(n,4) if (iswt.eq.1) write (nout,10) 10 format (//5x,'residual vector') if (iswt.eq.2) write (nout,20) 20 format (//5x,'solution vector') write (nout,30) (i,i=1,kupper) 30 format (10x,4i15) write (nout,40) 40 format (10x,65('-')/) c do 60 j = 1,n,4 kupper = min0(j+3,n) jm1 = j-1 write (nout,50) jm1,(v(k),k=j,kupper) 50 format (4x,i5,'+ ',4e15.5) 60 continue c return end subroutine zbrent (n,tri,eps,nsig,a,b,maxfn,ier) c c modified imsl routine name - zbrent c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c c computer - cdc/single c c latest revision - january 1, 1978 c c purpose - zero of a function which changes sign in a c given interval (brent algorithm) c c usage - call zbrent (f,eps,nsig,a,b,maxfn,ier) c c arguments tri - a tridiagonal matrix of order n c eps - first convergence criterion (input). a root, c b, is accepted if abs(f(b)) is less than or c equal to eps. eps may be set to zero. c nsig - second convergence criterion (input). a root, c b, is accepted if the current approximation c agrees with the true solution to nsig c significant digits. c a,b - on input, the user must supply two points, a c and b, such that f(a) and f(b) are opposite c in sign. c on output, both a and b are altered. b c will contain the best approximation to the c root of f. see remark 1. c maxfn - on input, maxfn should contain an upper bound c on the number of function evaluations c required for convergence. on output, maxfn c will contain the actual number of function c evaluations used. c ier - error parameter. (output) c terminal error c ier = 501 indicates the algorithm failed to c converge in maxfn evaluations. c ier = 502 indicates f(a) and f(b) have the c same sign. c c precision/hardware - single and double/h32 c - single/h36,h48,h60 c c notation - information on special notation and c conventions is available in the manual c introduction or through imsl routine uhelp c c remarks 1. let f(x) be the characteristic function of the matrix c tri evaluated at x. function determ evaluates f(x). c on exit from zbrent, when ier=0, a and b satisfy the c following, c f(a)*f(b) .le. 0, c abs(f(b)) .le. abs(f(a)), and c either abs(f(b)) .le. eps or c abs(a-b) .le. max(abs(b),0.1)*10.0**(-nsig). c the presence of 0.1 in this error criterion causes c leading zeroes to the right of the decimal point to be c counted as significant digits. scaling may be required c in order to accurately determine a zero of small c magnitude. c 2. zbrent is guaranteed to reach convergence within c k = (alog((b-a)/d)+1.0)**2 function evaluations where c d=min(over x in (a,b) of c max(abs(x),0.1)*10.0**(-nsig)). c this is an upper bound on the number of evaluations. c rarely does the actual number of evaluations used by c zbrent exceed sqrt(k). d can be computed as follows, c p = amin1(abs(a),abs(b)) c p = amax1 (0.1,p) c if ((a-0.1)*(b-0.1).lt.0.0) p = 0.1 c d = p*10.0**(-nsig) c c copyright - 1977 by imsl, inc. all rights reserved. c c warranty - imsl warrants only that imsl testing has been c applied to this code. no other warranty, c expressed or implied, is applicable. c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c c ... specifications for arguments c dimension tri(1) c c *** begin -- itpackv common c common /itcom1/ in,is,isym,itmax,level,nout,numwav c logical adapt,betadt,caseii,halt,partad common /itcom2/ adapt,betadt,caseii,halt,partad c common /itcom3/ bdelnm,betab,cme,delnnm,delsnm,ff,gamma,omega,qa, * qt,rho,rrr,sige,sme,specr,spr,srelpr,stptst,udnm,zeta c c *** end -- itpackv common c c description of variables in common block in main routine c c ... local itpackv references -- c c determ c c first executable statement c ier = 0 ib3 = 2*itmax+1 ib4 = 3*itmax+1 t = 10.0**(-nsig) ic = 2 fa = determ(itmax,n,tri,tri(ib3),tri(ib4),a) fb = determ(itmax,n,tri,tri(ib3),tri(ib4),b) s = b c c test for same sign c if (fa* go to 110 10 c = a fc = fa d = b-c e = d 20 if (abs(fc).ge.abs(fb)) go to 30 a = b b = c c = a fa = fb fb = fc fc = fa 30 continue tol = t*amax1(abs(b),0.1) rm = (c-b)*0.5 c c test for first convergence criteria c if (abs(fb).le.eps) go to 80 c c test for second convergence criteria c if (abs(c-b).le.tol) go to 80 c c check evaluation counter c if ( go to 90 c c is bisection forced c if (abs(e).lt.tol) go to 60 if (abs(fa).le.abs(fb)) go to 60 s = fb/fa if ( go to 40 c c linear interpolation c p = (c-b)*s q = 1.0-s go to 50 c c inverse quadratic interpolation c 40 q = fa/fc r = fb/fc rone = r-1.0 p = s*((c-b)*q*(q-r)-(b-a)*rone) q = (q-1.0)*rone*(s-1.0) 50 if ( q = -q if ( p = -p s = e e = d c c if abs(p/q).ge.75*abs(c-b) then c force bisection c if (*rm*q) go to 60 c c if abs(p/q).ge..5*abs(s) then force c bisection. s = the value of p/q c on the step before the last one c if (*q)) go to 60 d = p/q go to 70 c c bisection c 60 e = rm d = e c c increment b c 70 a = b fa = fb temp = d if (abs(temp).le.0.5*tol) temp = sign(0.5*tol,rm) b = b+temp s = b fb = determ(itmax,n,tri,tri(ib3),tri(ib4),s) ic = ic+1 if (fb*fc.le.0.0) go to 20 go to 10 c c convergence of b c 80 a = c maxfn = ic go to 130 c c maxfn evaluations c 90 ier = 501 a = c maxfn = ic if ( write (nout,100) maxfn 100 format (/1x,'*** w a r n i n g ************'//1x, * ' in itpackv routine zbrent'/1x, * ' algorithm failed to converge'/1x, * ' in',i6,' iterations ') go to 130 c c terminal error - f(a) and f(b) have c the same sign c 110 ier = 502 maxfn = ic if ( write (nout,120) 120 format (/1x,'*** w a r n i n g ************'//1x, * ' in itpackv routine zbrent '/1x, * ' f(a) and f(b) have same sign ') 130 continue return end integer function ismin (n,sx,incx) c c find smallest index of minimum value of single precision sx. c real sx(1),smin,xval ismin = 0 if (n.le.0) return ismin = 1 if (n.le.1) return if (incx.eq.1) go to 30 c c code for increments not equal to 1. c smin = sx(1) ns = n*incx ii = 1 do 20 i = 1,ns,incx xval = sx(i) if ( go to 10 ismin = ii smin = xval 10 ii = ii+1 20 continue return c c code for increments equal to 1. c 30 smin = sx(1) do 40 i = 2,n xval = sx(i) if ( go to 40 ismin = i smin = xval 40 continue return end subroutine whenige (n,p,inc,itarg,ip,npt) integer p(n), ip(n) npt = 0 do 10 i = 1,n if (p(i) .lt. itarg) go to 10 npt = npt + 1 ip(npt) = i 10 continue return end subroutine whenilt (n,p,inc,itarg,ip,npt) integer p(n), ip(n) npt = 0 do 10 i = 1,n if (p(i) .ge. itarg) go to 10 npt = npt + 1 ip(npt) = i 10 continue return end subroutine saxpy(n,sa,sx,incx,sy,incy) c c overwrite single precision sy with single precision sa*sx +sy. c real sx(1),sy(1),sa if( return if(incx.eq.incy) if(incx-1) 5,20,60 5 continue c c code for nonequal or nonpositive increments. c ix = 1 iy = 1 if( = (-n+1)*incx + 1 if( = (-n+1)*incy + 1 do 10 i = 1,n sy(iy) = sy(iy) + sa*sx(ix) ix = ix + incx iy = iy + incy 10 continue return c c code for both increments equal to 1 c c c clean-up loop so remaining vector length is a multiple of 4. c 20 m = n - (n/4)*4 if( m .eq. 0 ) go to 40 do 30 i = 1,m sy(i) = sy(i) + sa*sx(i) 30 continue if( n .lt. 4 ) return 40 mp1 = m + 1 do 50 i = mp1,n,4 sy(i) = sy(i) + sa*sx(i) sy(i + 1) = sy(i + 1) + sa*sx(i + 1) sy(i + 2) = sy(i + 2) + sa*sx(i + 2) sy(i + 3) = sy(i + 3) + sa*sx(i + 3) 50 continue return c c code for equal, positive, nonunit increments. c 60 continue ns = n*incx do 70 i=1,ns,incx sy(i) = sa*sx(i) + sy(i) 70 continue return end subroutine scopy(n,sx,incx,sy,incy) c c copy single precision sx to single precision sy. c real sx(1),sy(1) if(n.le.0)return if(incx.eq.incy) if(incx-1) 5,20,60 5 continue c c code for unequal or nonpositive increments. c ix = 1 iy = 1 if( = (-n+1)*incx + 1 if( = (-n+1)*incy + 1 do 10 i = 1,n sy(iy) = sx(ix) ix = ix + incx iy = iy + incy 10 continue return c c code for both increments equal to 1 c c c clean-up loop so remaining vector length is a multiple of 7. c 20 m = n - (n/7)*7 if( m .eq. 0 ) go to 40 do 30 i = 1,m sy(i) = sx(i) 30 continue if( n .lt. 7 ) return 40 mp1 = m + 1 do 50 i = mp1,n,7 sy(i) = sx(i) sy(i + 1) = sx(i + 1) sy(i + 2) = sx(i + 2) sy(i + 3) = sx(i + 3) sy(i + 4) = sx(i + 4) sy(i + 5) = sx(i + 5) sy(i + 6) = sx(i + 6) 50 continue return c c code for equal, positive, nonunit increments. c 60 continue ns = n*incx do 70 i=1,ns,incx sy(i) = sx(i) 70 continue return end real function sdot(n,sx,incx,sy,incy) c c returns the dot product of single precision sx and sy. c real sx(1),sy(1) sdot = 0.0e0 if(n.le.0)return if(incx.eq.incy) if(incx-1)5,20,60 5 continue c c code for unequal increments or nonpositive increments. c ix = 1 iy = 1 if( = (-n+1)*incx + 1 if( = (-n+1)*incy + 1 do 10 i = 1,n sdot = sdot + sx(ix)*sy(iy) ix = ix + incx iy = iy + incy 10 continue return c c code for both increments equal to 1 c c c clean-up loop so remaining vector length is a multiple of 5. c 20 m = n - (n/5)*5 if( m .eq. 0 ) go to 40 do 30 i = 1,m sdot = sdot + sx(i)*sy(i) 30 continue if( n .lt. 5 ) return 40 mp1 = m + 1 do 50 i = mp1,n,5 sdot = sdot + sx(i)*sy(i) + sx(i + 1)*sy(i + 1) + $ sx(i + 2)*sy(i + 2) + sx(i + 3)*sy(i + 3) + sx(i + 4)*sy(i + 4) 50 continue return c c code for positive equal increments .ne.1. c 60 continue ns=n*incx do 70 i=1,ns,incx sdot = sdot + sx(i)*sy(i) 70 continue return end real function snrm2 ( n, sx, incx) integer next real sx(1), cutlo, cuthi, hitest, sum, xmax, zero, one data zero, one /0.0e0, 1.0e0/ c c euclidean norm of the n-vector stored in sx() with storage c increment incx . c if n .le. 0 return with result = 0. c if n .ge. 1 then incx must be .ge. 1 c c c.l.lawson, 1978 jan 08 c c four phase method using two built-in constants that are c hopefully applicable to all machines. c cutlo = maximum of sqrt(u/eps) over all known machines. c cuthi = minimum of sqrt(v) over all known machines. c where c eps = smallest no. such that eps + 1. .gt. 1. c u = smallest positive no. (underflow limit) c v = largest no. (overflow limit) c c brief outline of algorithm.. c c phase 1 scans zero components. c move to phase 2 when a component is nonzero and .le. cutlo c move to phase 3 when a component is .gt. cutlo c move to phase 4 when a component is .ge. cuthi/m c where m = n for x() real and m = 2*n for complex. c c values for cutlo and cuthi.. c from the environmental parameters listed in the imsl converter c document the limiting values are as follows.. c cutlo, s.p. u/eps = 2**(-102) for honeywell. close seconds are c univac and dec at 2**(-103) c thus cutlo = 2**(-51) = 4.44089e-16 c cuthi, s.p. v = 2**127 for univac, honeywell, and dec. c thus cuthi = 2**(63.5) = 1.30438e19 c cutlo, d.p. u/eps = 2**(-67) for honeywell and dec. c thus cutlo = 2**(-33.5) = 8.23181d-11 c cuthi, d.p. same as s.p. cuthi = 1.30438d19 c data cutlo, cuthi / 8.232d-11, 1.304d19 / c data cutlo, cuthi / 4.441e-16, 1.304e19 / data cutlo, cuthi / 4.441e-16, 1.304e19 / c if(n .gt. 0) go to 10 snrm2 = zero go to 300 c 10 assign 30 to next sum = zero nn = n * incx c begin main loop i = 1 20 go to next,(30, 50, 70, 110) 30 if( abs(sx(i)) .gt. cutlo) go to 85 assign 50 to next xmax = zero c c phase 1. sum is zero c 50 if( sx(i) .eq. zero) go to 200 if( abs(sx(i)) .gt. cutlo) go to 85 c c prepare for phase 2. assign 70 to next go to 105 c c prepare for phase 4. c 100 i = j assign 110 to next sum = (sum / sx(i)) / sx(i) 105 xmax = abs(sx(i)) go to 115 c c phase 2. sum is small. c scale to avoid destructive underflow. c 70 if( abs(sx(i)) .gt. cutlo ) go to 75 c c common code for phases 2 and 4. c in phase 4 sum is large. scale to avoid overflow. c 110 if( abs(sx(i)) .le. xmax ) go to 115 sum = one + sum * (xmax / sx(i))**2 xmax = abs(sx(i)) go to 200 c 115 sum = sum + (sx(i)/xmax)**2 go to 200 c c c prepare for phase 3. c 75 sum = (sum * xmax) * xmax c c c for real or d.p. set hitest = cuthi/n c for complex set hitest = cuthi/(2*n) c 85 hitest = cuthi/float( n ) c c phase 3. sum is mid-range. no scaling. c do 95 j =i,nn,incx if(abs(sx(j)) .ge. hitest) go to 100 95 sum = sum + sx(j)**2 snrm2 = sqrt( sum ) go to 300 c 200 continue i = i + incx if ( i .le. nn ) go to 20 c c end of main loop. c c compute square root and adjust for scaling. c snrm2 = xmax * sqrt(sum) 300 continue return end subroutine sscal(n,sa,sx,incx) c c replace single precision sx by single precision sa*sx. c real sa,sx(1) if(n.le.0)return if(incx.eq.1)goto 20 c c code for increments not equal to 1. c ns = n*incx do 10 i = 1,ns,incx sx(i) = sa*sx(i) 10 continue return c c code for increments equal to 1. c c c clean-up loop so remaining vector length is a multiple of 5. c 20 m = n - (n/5)*5 if( m .eq. 0 ) go to 40 do 30 i = 1,m sx(i) = sa*sx(i) 30 continue if( n .lt. 5 ) return 40 mp1 = m + 1 do 50 i = mp1,n,5 sx(i) = sa*sx(i) sx(i + 1) = sa*sx(i + 1) sx(i + 2) = sa*sx(i + 2) sx(i + 3) = sa*sx(i + 3) sx(i + 4) = sa*sx(i + 4) 50 continue return end