SUBROUTINE QIMUDS(Q,F,MAXA,NN,LENAA) C C computes f := [Q**(-1)] * f . C C on input: C C Q is the preconditioning matrix, and contains an approximate C factorization of M. C C f is the right hand side vector, Q z = f . C C MAXA, NN, LENAA describe Q in packed skyline storage format. C C on output: C C Q, MAXA, NN, LENAA are unchanged. C C f contains the solution z of Q z = f . C C C Calls SOLVDS . C INTEGER LENAA,LENQ,NN,MAXA(NN+2),NQ DOUBLE PRECISION Q(LENAA+NN+1),F(NN+1) C NQ=NN+1 LENQ=MAXA(NN+2)-1 C CALL SOLVDS(NQ,Q,LENQ,MAXA,F) C RETURN END