c To get r1mach, mail netlib c send r1mach from core c To get gamma, "send gamma from fnlib". c subroutine sgausq(kind, n, alpha, beta, kpts, endpts, b, t, w) c c this set of routines computes the nodes t(j) and weights c w(j) for gaussian-type quadrature rules with pre-assigned c nodes. these are used when one wishes to approximate c c integral (from a to b) f(x) w(x) dx c c n c by sum w f(t ) c j=1 j j c c (note w(x) and w(j) have no connection with each other.) c here w(x) is one of six possible non-negative weight c functions (listed below), and f(x) is the c function to be integrated. gaussian quadrature is particularly c useful on infinite intervals (with appropriate weight c functions), since then other techniques often fail. c c associated with each weight function w(x) is a set of c orthogonal polynomials. the nodes t(j) are just the zeroes c of the proper n-th degree polynomial. c c input parameters (all real numbers are in real) c c kind an integer between 1 and 6 giving the type of c quadrature rule: c c kind = 1: legendre quadrature, w(x) = 1 on (-1, 1) c kind = 2: chebyshev quadrature of the first kind c w(x) = 1/sqrt(1 - x*x) on (-1, +1) c kind = 3: chebyshev quadrature of the second kind c w(x) = sqrt(1 - x*x) on (-1, 1) c kind = 4: hermite quadrature, w(x) = exp(-x*x) on c (-infinity, +infinity) c kind = 5: jacobi quadrature, w(x) = (1-x)**alpha * (1+x)** c beta on (-1, 1), alpha, beta .gt. -1. c note: kind=2 and 3 are a special case of this. c kind = 6: generalized laguerre quadrature, w(x) = exp(-x)* c x**alpha on (0, +infinity), alpha .gt. -1 c c n the number of points used for the quadrature rule c alpha real parameter used only for gauss-jacobi and gauss- c laguerre quadrature (otherwise use 0.e0). c beta real parameter used only for gauss-jacobi quadrature-- c (otherwise use 0.e0) c kpts (integer) normally 0, unless the left or right end- c point (or both) of the interval is required to be a c node (this is called gauss-radau or gauss-lobatto c quadrature). then kpts is the number of fixed c endpoints (1 or 2). c endpts real array of length 2. contains the values of c any fixed endpoints, if kpts = 1 or 2. c b real scratch array of length n c c output parameters (both real arrays of length n) c c t will contain the desired nodes. c w will contain the desired weights w(j). c c underflow may sometimes occur, but is harmless. c c references c 1. golub, g. h., and welsch, j. h., "calculation of gaussian c quadrature rules," mathematics of computation 23 (april, c 1969), pp. 221-230. c 2. golub, g. h., "some modified matrix eigenvalue problems," c siam review 15 (april, 1973), pp. 318-334 (section 7). c 3. stroud and secrest, gaussian quadrature formulas, prentice- c hall, englewood cliffs, n.j., 1966. c c original version 20 jan 1975 from stanford c modified 21 dec 1983 by eric grosse c imtql2 => gausq1 c hex constant => r1mach (from core library) c compute pi using atan c removed accuracy claims, description of method c added single precision version c real b(n), t(n), w(n), endpts(2), muzero, t1, x gam, ssolve, sqrt, alpha, beta c call sclass (kind, n, alpha, beta, b, t, muzero) c c the matrix of coefficients is assumed to be symmetric. c the array t contains the diagonal elements, the array c b the off-diagonal elements. c make appropriate changes in the lower right 2 by 2 c submatrix. c if (kpts.eq.0) go to 100 if (kpts.eq.2) go to 50 c c if kpts=1, only t(n) must be changed c t(n) = ssolve(endpts(1), n, t, b)*b(n-1)**2 + endpts(1) go to 100 c c if kpts=2, t(n) and b(n-1) must be recomputed c 50 gam = ssolve(endpts(1), n, t, b) t1 = ((endpts(1) - endpts(2))/(ssolve(endpts(2), n, t, b) - gam)) b(n-1) = sqrt(t1) t(n) = endpts(1) + gam*t1 c c note that the indices of the elements of b run from 1 to n-1 c and thus the value of b(n) is arbitrary. c now compute the eigenvalues of the symmetric tridiagonal c matrix, which has been modified as necessary. c the method used is a ql-type method with origin shifting c 100 w(1) = 1.0e0 do 105 i = 2, n 105 w(i) = 0.0e0 c call gausq1 (n, t, b, w, ierr) do 110 i = 1, n 110 w(i) = muzero * w(i) * w(i) c return end c c c real function ssolve(shift, n, a, b) c c this procedure performs elimination to ssolve for the c n-th component of the solution delta to the equation c c (jn - shift*identity) * delta = en, c c where en is the vector of all zeroes except for 1 in c the n-th position. c c the matrix jn is symmetric tridiagonal, with diagonal c elements a(i), off-diagonal elements b(i). this equation c must be solved to obtain the appropriate changes in the lower c 2 by 2 submatrix of coefficients for orthogonal polynomials. c c real shift, a(n), b(n), alpha c alpha = a(1) - shift nm1 = n - 1 do 10 i = 2, nm1 10 alpha = a(i) - shift - b(i-1)**2/alpha ssolve = 1.0e0/alpha return end c c c subroutine sclass(kind, n, alpha, beta, b, a, muzero) c c this procedure supplies the coefficients a(j), b(j) of the c recurrence relation c c b p (x) = (x - a ) p (x) - b p (x) c j j j j-1 j-1 j-2 c c for the various classical (normalized) orthogonal polynomials, c and the zero-th moment c c muzero = integral w(x) dx c c of the given polynomial's weight function w(x). since the c polynomials are orthonormalized, the tridiagonal matrix is c guaranteed to be symmetric. c c the input parameter alpha is used only for laguerre and c jacobi polynomials, and the parameter beta is used only for c jacobi polynomials. the laguerre and jacobi polynomials c require the gamma function. c real a(n), b(n), muzero, alpha, beta real abi, a2b2, gamma, pi, sqrt, ab c pi = 4.0e0 * atan(1.0e0) nm1 = n - 1 go to (10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60), kind c c kind = 1: legendre polynomials p(x) c on (-1, +1), w(x) = 1. c 10 muzero = 2.0e0 do 11 i = 1, nm1 a(i) = 0.0e0 abi = i 11 b(i) = abi/ sqrt(4*abi*abi - 1.0e0) a(n) = 0.0e0 return c c kind = 2: chebyshev polynomials of the first kind t(x) c on (-1, +1), w(x) = 1 / sqrt(1 - x*x) c 20 muzero = pi do 21 i = 1, nm1 a(i) = 0.0e0 21 b(i) = 0.5e0 b(1) = sqrt(0.5e0) a(n) = 0.0e0 return c c kind = 3: chebyshev polynomials of the second kind u(x) c on (-1, +1), w(x) = sqrt(1 - x*x) c 30 muzero = pi/2.0e0 do 31 i = 1, nm1 a(i) = 0.0e0 31 b(i) = 0.5e0 a(n) = 0.0e0 return c c kind = 4: hermite polynomials h(x) on (-infinity, c +infinity), w(x) = exp(-x**2) c 40 muzero = sqrt(pi) do 41 i = 1, nm1 a(i) = 0.0e0 41 b(i) = sqrt(i/2.0e0) a(n) = 0.0e0 return c c kind = 5: jacobi polynomials p(alpha, beta)(x) on c (-1, +1), w(x) = (1-x)**alpha + (1+x)**beta, alpha and c beta greater than -1 c 50 ab = alpha + beta abi = 2.0e0 + ab muzero = 2.0e0 ** (ab + 1.0e0) * gamma(alpha + 1.0e0) * gamma( x beta + 1.0e0) / gamma(abi) a(1) = (beta - alpha)/abi b(1) = sqrt(4.0e0*(1.0e0 + alpha)*(1.0e0 + beta)/((abi + 1.0e0)* 1 abi*abi)) a2b2 = beta*beta - alpha*alpha do 51 i = 2, nm1 abi = 2.0e0*i + ab a(i) = a2b2/((abi - 2.0e0)*abi) 51 b(i) = sqrt (4.0e0*i*(i + alpha)*(i + beta)*(i + ab)/ 1 ((abi*abi - 1)*abi*abi)) abi = 2.0e0*n + ab a(n) = a2b2/((abi - 2.0e0)*abi) return c c kind = 6: laguerre polynomials l(alpha)(x) on c (0, +infinity), w(x) = exp(-x) * x**alpha, alpha greater c than -1. c 60 muzero = gamma(alpha + 1.0e0) do 61 i = 1, nm1 a(i) = 2.0e0*i - 1.0e0 + alpha 61 b(i) = sqrt(i*(i + alpha)) a(n) = 2.0e0*n - 1 + alpha return end c c subroutine gausq1(n, d, e, z, ierr) c c this subroutine is a translation of an algol procedure, c num. math. 12, 377-383(1968) by martin and wilkinson, c as modified in num. math. 15, 450(1970) by dubrulle. c handbook for auto. comp., vol.ii-linear algebra, 241-248(1971). c this is a modified version of the 'eispack' routine imtql2. c c this subroutine finds the eigenvalues and first components of the c eigenvectors of a symmetric tridiagonal matrix by the implicit ql c method. c c on input: c c n is the order of the matrix; c c d contains the diagonal elements of the input matrix; c c e contains the subdiagonal elements of the input matrix c in its first n-1 positions. e(n) is arbitrary; c c z contains the first row of the identity matrix. c c on output: c c d contains the eigenvalues in ascending order. if an c error exit is made, the eigenvalues are correct but c unordered for indices 1, 2, ..., ierr-1; c c e has been destroyed; c c z contains the first components of the orthonormal eigenvectors c of the symmetric tridiagonal matrix. if an error exit is c made, z contains the eigenvectors associated with the stored c eigenvalues; c c ierr is set to c zero for normal return, c j if the j-th eigenvalue has not been c determined after 30 iterations. c c ------------------------------------------------------------------ c integer i, j, k, l, m, n, ii, mml, ierr real d(n), e(n), z(n), b, c, f, g, p, r, s, machep real sqrt, abs, sign, r1mach c machep=r1mach(4) c ierr = 0 if (n .eq. 1) go to 1001 c e(n) = 0.0e0 do 240 l = 1, n j = 0 c :::::::::: look for small sub-diagonal element :::::::::: 105 do 110 m = l, n if (m .eq. n) go to 120 if ( abs(e(m)) .le. machep * ( abs(d(m)) + abs(d(m+1)))) x go to 120 110 continue c 120 p = d(l) if (m .eq. l) go to 240 if (j .eq. 30) go to 1000 j = j + 1 c :::::::::: form shift :::::::::: g = (d(l+1) - p) / (2.0e0 * e(l)) r = sqrt(g*g+1.0e0) g = d(m) - p + e(l) / (g + sign(r, g)) s = 1.0e0 c = 1.0e0 p = 0.0e0 mml = m - l c c :::::::::: for i=m-1 step -1 until l do -- :::::::::: do 200 ii = 1, mml i = m - ii f = s * e(i) b = c * e(i) if ( abs(f) .lt. abs(g)) go to 150 c = g / f r = sqrt(c*c+1.0e0) e(i+1) = f * r s = 1.0e0 / r c = c * s go to 160 150 s = f / g r = sqrt(s*s+1.0e0) e(i+1) = g * r c = 1.0e0 / r s = s * c 160 g = d(i+1) - p r = (d(i) - g) * s + 2.0e0 * c * b p = s * r d(i+1) = g + p g = c * r - b c :::::::::: form first component of vector :::::::::: f = z(i+1) z(i+1) = s * z(i) + c * f 200 z(i) = c * z(i) - s * f c d(l) = d(l) - p e(l) = g e(m) = 0.0e0 go to 105 240 continue c c :::::::::: order eigenvalues and eigenvectors :::::::::: do 300 ii = 2, n i = ii - 1 k = i p = d(i) c do 260 j = ii, n if (d(j) .ge. p) go to 260 k = j p = d(j) 260 continue c if (k .eq. i) go to 300 d(k) = d(i) d(i) = p p = z(i) z(i) = z(k) z(k) = p 300 continue c go to 1001 c :::::::::: set error -- no convergence to an c eigenvalue after 30 iterations :::::::::: 1000 ierr = l 1001 return c :::::::::: last card of gausq1 :::::::::: end