cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc cc cc cc mnsurf : surfit test program cc cc cc cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc real x(80),y(80),z(80),w(80),tx(15),ty(15),c(200),wrk1(12000), * wrk2(6000),xx(11),yy(11),zz(121) integer iwrk(300) integer i,ier,iopt,is,j,kwrk,kx,ky,lwrk1,lwrk2,m,mx,my,nc, * nmax,nx,nxest,ny,nyest real ai,delta,eps,fp,s,ww,xb,xe,yb,ye c we fetch the number of data points read(5,900) m write(6,905) m c we fetch the co-ordinate and function values of each data point. write(6,910) do 10 i=1,m read(5,915) x(i),y(i),z(i) if((i/2)* go to 10 j = i-1 write(6,920) j,x(j),y(j),z(j),i,x(i),y(i),z(i) 10 continue c we fetch an estimate of the standard deviation of the data values. read(5,925) delta write(6,930) delta c the weights are set equal to delta**(-1) ww = 1./delta do 20 i=1,m w(i) = ww 20 continue c we set up the boundaries of the approximation domain. xb = -2. xe = 2. yb = -2. ye = 2. c we generate a rectangular grid for evaluating the splines. mx = 11 my = 11 do 30 i=1,11 ai = i-6 xx(i) = ai*0.4 yy(i) = xx(i) 30 continue c we set up the dimension information nxest = 15 nyest = 15 nmax = 15 kwrk = 300 lwrk1 = 12000 lwrk2 = 6000 c we choose a value for eps eps=0.1e-05 c main loop for the different spline approximations. do 300 is=1,6 go to (110,120,130,140,150,160),is c we start computing the least-squares bicubic polynomial (large s) 110 iopt = 0 kx = 3 ky = 3 s = 900000. go to 200 c iopt=1 from the second call on. 120 iopt = 1 s = 200. go to 200 c a value for s within its confidence interval 130 s = m go to 200 c overfitting (s too small) 140 s = 20. go to 200 c we change the degrees of the spline 150 iopt = 0 kx = 5 ky = 5 s = m go to 200 c finally, we also calculate a least-squares spline approximation c with specified knots. 160 iopt = -1 kx = 3 ky = 3 nx = 11 ny = 11 j = kx+2 do 170 i=1,3 ai = i-2 tx(j) = ai ty(j) = ai j = j+1 170 continue c determination of the spline approximation. 200 call surfit(iopt,m,x,y,z,w,xb,xe,yb,ye,kx,ky,s,nxest,nyest, * nmax,eps,nx,tx,ny,ty,c,fp,wrk1,lwrk1,wrk2,lwrk2,iwrk,kwrk,ier) c printing of the fitting results. if( go to 210 write(6,935) kx,ky go to 220 210 write(6,940) kx,ky write(6,945) s 220 write(6,950) fp,ier write(6,955) nx write(6,960) write(6,965) (tx(i),i=1,nx) write(6,970) ny write(6,960) write(6,965) (ty(i),i=1,ny) nc = (nx-kx-1)*(ny-ky-1) write(6,975) write(6,980) (c(i),i=1,nc) c evaluation of the spline approximation. call bispev(tx,nx,ty,ny,c,kx,ky,xx,mx,yy,my,zz, * wrk2,lwrk2,iwrk,kwrk,ier) write(6,1000) write(6,985) (xx(i),i=1,mx) write(6,990) do 230 j=1,my write(6,995) yy(j),(zz(i),i=j,121,11) 230 continue 300 continue stop c format statements. 900 format(i3) 905 format(1h1,i3,12h data points) 910 format(1h0,2(2x,1hi,5x,4hx(i),6x,4hy(i),6x,4hz(i),6x)) 915 format(3f10.4) 920 format(1x,2(i3,3f10.4,5x)) 925 format(e20.6) 930 format(1x,40hestimate of standard deviation of z(i) =,e15.6) 935 format(32h0least-squares spline of degrees,2i3) 940 format(28h0smoothing spline of degrees,2i3) 945 format(20h smoothing factor s=,f9.0) 950 format(1x,23hsum squared residuals =,e15.6,5x,11herror flag=,i3) 955 format(1x,42htotal number of knots in the x-direction =,i3) 960 format(1x,22hposition of the knots ) 965 format(5x,10f7.3) 970 format(1x,42htotal number of knots in the y-direction =,i3) 975 format(23h0b-spline coefficients ) 980 format(5x,8f9.4) 985 format(1h0,1hx,2x,11f7.1) 990 format(3x,1hy) 995 format(1x,f4.1,11f7.3) 1000 format(1h0,33hspline evaluation on a given grid) end