cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc cc cc cc mnsphe : sphere test program cc cc cc cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc real teta(192),phi(192),r(192),w(192),tp(30),tt(30),c(300), * p(9),t(9),f(81),wrk1(12000),wrk2(72) integer iwrk(300) real eps,fp,pi,pi2,pi4,s,scale,scp,sct,ai integer i,ier,iopt,j,kwrk,lwrk1,lwrk2,l1,l2,l,m,np,npest,nt,ntest * ,is,i1,i2,nc,ntt,npp real atan,testsp c set constants pi4 = atan(0.1e+01) pi = pi4*4 pi2 = pi+pi scale = pi4/0.45e+02 c we fetch the number of data points. m = 192 c we fetch and print the latitude - longitude coordinates of the data c points (in degrees). write(6,900) write(6,905) l2 = 0 do 10 i=1,48 l1 = l2+1 l2 = l2+4 read(5,910) (teta(l),phi(l),l=l1,l2) write(6,915)(teta(l),phi(l),l=l1,l2) 10 continue c we set up the weights, scale into radians the latitude-longitude c coordinates and calculate the function values. do 20 i=1,m w(i) = 0.1e+01 teta(i) = teta(i)*scale phi(i) = phi(i)*scale if(teta(i).gt.pi) teta(i) = pi if(phi(i).gt.pi2) phi(i) = pi2 r(i) = testsp(teta(i),phi(i)) 20 continue c we set up the coordinates of the grid points for the evaluation of c the spline approximations. sct = pi/8 scp = pi2/8 do 30 i=1,8 ai = i-1 t(i) = ai*sct p(i) = ai*scp 30 continue t(9) = pi p(9) = pi2 c we set up the dimension information ntest = 15 npest = 19 lwrk1 = 12000 lwrk2 = 72 kwrk = 300 c we choose a value for eps eps = 0.1e-05 c main loop for the different spline approximations do 300 is=1,4 go to (110,120,130,140),is c we start computing the least-squares constrained polynomial (large s) 110 iopt = 0 s = 500. go to 200 c iopt = 1 from the second call on. 120 iopt = 1 s = 135. go to 200 130 s = 15. go to 200 c a least-squares spherical spline with specified knots. 140 iopt = -1 c we set up the number of knots. nt = 11 np = 15 c we set up the position of the interior knots of the spline. ntt = nt-8 do 150 i=1,ntt ai = i j = i+4 tt(j) = ai*pi4 150 continue npp = np-8 do 160 i=1,npp ai = i j = i+4 tp(j) = ai*pi4 160 continue c determination of the spline approximation. 200 call sphere(iopt,m,teta,phi,r,w,s,ntest,npest,eps,nt,tt, * np,tp,c,fp,wrk1,lwrk1,wrk2,lwrk2,iwrk,kwrk,ier) c printing of the fitting results. if( go to 210 write(6,920) go to 220 210 write(6,925) write(6,930) s 220 write(6,935) fp,ier write(6,940) nt write(6,945) write(6,950) (tt(i),i=1,nt) write(6,955) np write(6,945) write(6,950) (tp(i),i=1,np) nc = (nt-4)*(np-4) write(6,960) write(6,965) (c(i),i=1,nc) c evaluation of the spline approximation. call bispev(tt,nt,tp,np,c,3,3,t,9,p,9,f,wrk2,lwrk2, * iwrk,kwrk,ier) write(6,970) (p(i),i=1,9) write(6,975) i2 = 0 do 230 i=1,9 i1 = i2+1 i2 = i2+9 write(6,980) t(i),(f(j),j=i1,i2) 230 continue 300 continue stop c format statements. 900 format(55h1latitude-longitude values of the data points (degrees)) 905 format(1h0,4(3x,10hteta phi,3x)) 910 format(8f6.0) 915 format(1h ,4(3x,f4.0,2x,f4.0,3x)) 920 format(50h0least-squares spline approximation on the sphere.) 925 format(32h0smoothing spline on the sphere.) 930 format(20h smoothing factor s=,f9.0) 935 format(1x,23hsum squared residuals =,e15.6,5x,11herror flag=,i3) 940 format(1x,45htotal number of knots in the teta-direction =,i3) 945 format(1x,22hposition of the knots ) 950 format(5x,8f8.4) 955 format(1x,44htotal number of knots in the phi-direction =,i3) 960 format(23h0b-spline coefficients ) 965 format(5x,8f9.4) 970 format(9h phi,9f7.3) 975 format(6h teta) 980 format(1h ,f6.3,2x,9f7.3) end real function testsp(v,u) c function program testsp calculates the value of a test function for c the sphere package. c .. real cos,cu,cv,rad1,rad2,rad3,sin,sqrt,su,sv,u,v cu = cos(u) cv = cos(v) su = sin(u) sv = sin(v) rad1 = (cu*sv*0.2)**2+(su*sv)**2+(cv*0.5)**2 rad2 = (cu*sv)**2+(su*sv*0.5)**2+(cv*0.2)**2 rad3 = (cu*sv*0.5)**2+(su*sv*0.2)**2+cv**2 testsp = 1./sqrt(rad1) + 1./sqrt(rad2) + 1./sqrt(rad3) return end