cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc cc cc cc mnspgr : spgrid test program cc cc cc cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c ..local scalars.. real del,ermax,erf,exr0,exr1,fp,pi,sum,r0,r1,one,ai,s integer i,ier,is,j,k,kwrk,lwrk,m,mu,mv,nc,nuest,nu,nvest,nv c ..local arrays.. integer ider(4),iopt(3),iwrk(70),iw(25) real u(11),v(14),r(154),c(300),tu(25),tv(25),f(154),wk(100), * exact(154),err(14),sp(14),wrk(1500) c ..function references.. real abs,atan2,tesspg c .. c set constants one = 1 pi = atan2(0.,-one) del = pi*0.05 c we set up the number of u (latitude)-values of the grid. mu = 11 c we set up the u-coordinates of the grid. read(5,905)(iw(i),i=1,mu) do 10 i=1,mu ai = iw(i) u(i) = ai*del 10 continue c we set up the number of v (longitude)-values of the grid mv = 14 c we set up the v-coordinates of the grid. read(5,905)(iw(i),i=1,mv) do 20 i=1,mv ai = iw(i) v(i) = ai*del 20 continue c we fetch the data values at the grid points. m = mu*mv read(5,900) (r(i),i=1,m) c we print the data values at the grid points. we also compute and print c the exact value of the test function underlying the data. write(6,910) write(6,915) (j,j=1,mv,2) write(6,920) exr0 = tesspg(0.,0.) exr1 = tesspg(pi,0.) ermax = 0. sum = 0. l = 0 do 40 i=1,mu l = (i-1)*mv+1 k = 1 do 30 j=1,7 exact(l) = tesspg(u(i),v(k)) erf = abs(exact(l)-r(l)) sum = sum+erf if( ermax = erf sp(j) = exact(l) err(j) = r(l) l = l+2 k = k+2 30 continue write(6,925) i,(err(j),j=1,7) write(6,930) (sp(j),j=1,7) 40 continue write(6,915) (j,j=2,mv,2) write(6,920) do 60 i=1,mu l = (i-1)*mv+2 k = 2 do 50 j=1,7 exact(l) = tesspg(u(i),v(k)) erf = abs(exact(l)-r(l)) sum = sum+erf if( ermax = erf sp(j) = exact(l) err(j) = r(l) l = l+2 k = k+2 50 continue write(6,925) i,(err(j),j=1,7) write(6,930) (sp(j),j=1,7) 60 continue ai = m sum = sum/ai write(6,935) sum,ermax write(6,940) exr0,exr1 c we set up the dimension information nuest = 19 nvest = 21 kwrk = 70 lwrk = 1500 c main loop for the different spline approximations do 300 is=1,6 go to (110,120,130,140,150,160),is c we start computing a set of spline approximations with c only c0-continuity at the poles, 110 iopt(2) = 0 ider(2) = 0 iopt(3) = 0 ider(4) = 0 c with no data values at the poles. ider(1) = -1 ider(3) = -1 c initialisation iopt(1) = 0 c a large value for s for computing the least-squares polynomial s = 60. go to 200 c iopt(1) = 1 from the second call on 120 s = 0.05 iopt(1) = 1 go to 200 c an interpolating spline 130 s = 0. go to 200 c a second set of approximations with c1-continuity at the poles 140 iopt(2) = 1 iopt(3) = 1 c exact values at the poles. ider(1) = 1 ider(3) = 1 r0 = exr0 r1 = exr1 c reinitialization iopt(1) = 0 s = 0.05 go to 200 c vanishing derivatives at the poles 150 ider(2) = 1 ider(4) = 1 c reinitialization iopt(1) = 0 go to 200 c finally we calculate the least-squares spline according to the current c set of knots 160 iopt(1) = -1 200 call spgrid(iopt,ider,mu,u,mv,v,r,r0,r1,s,nuest,nvest, * nu,tu,nv,tv,c,fp,wrk,lwrk,iwrk,kwrk,ier) c printing of the fitting results. if(iopt(1).ge.0) go to 210 write(6,945) go to 220 210 write(6,950) s 220 write(6,955) iopt(2),iopt(3) if(ider(2).eq.1) write(6,960) if(ider(4).eq.1) write(6,965) write(6,970) fp,ier write(6,975) nu write(6,980) write(6,985) (tu(i),i=1,nu) write(6,990) nv write(6,980) write(6,985) (tv(i),i=1,nv) nc = (nu-4)*(nv-4) write(6,995) write(6,985) (c(i),i=1,nc) c evaluation of the spline approximation call bispev(tu,nu,tv,nv,c,3,3,u,mu,v,mv,f,wk,100,iw,25,ier) write(6,1000) write(6,915) (j,j=1,mv,2) write(6,920) ermax = 0. sum = 0. do 240 i=1,mu k = i do 230 j=1,mv sp(j) = f(k) err(j) = abs(exact(k)-f(k)) sum = sum+err(j) if(err(j).gt.ermax) ermax = err(j) k = k+1 230 continue if( (i/2)*2 .ne.i ) go to 240 write(6,925) i,(sp(j),j=1,mv,2) write(6,930) (err(j),j=1,mv,2) 240 continue sum = sum/ai write(6,935) sum,ermax write(6,1005) c(1),c(nc) 300 continue stop 900 format(7f8.3) 905 format(14i3) 910 format(49h1data value (exact function value) at grid points) 915 format(8h0v(j),j=,3x,7(i2,6x)) 920 format(8h u(i),i=) 925 format(1x,i5,7(2x,f6.3)) 930 format(7x,7(2h (,f5.3,1h))) 935 format(19h0mean abs. error = ,f9.3,5x,18hmax. abs. error = ,f9.3) 940 format(30h function values at the poles ,f7.3,5x,f7.3) 945 format(21h0least-squares spline) 950 format(25h0smoothing spline with s=,f7.2) 955 format(1x,34horder of continuity at the poles =,2i5) 960 format(1x,37hvanishing derivatives at the pole u=0) 965 format(1x,38hvanishing derivatives at the pole u=pi) 970 format(1x,23hsum squared residuals =,e15.6,5x,11herror flag=,i3) 975 format(1x,42htotal number of knots in the u-direction =,i3) 980 format(1x,22hposition of the knots ) 985 format(5x,8f9.4) 990 format(1x,42htotal number of knots in the v-direction =,i3) 995 format(23h0b-spline coefficients ) 1000 format(50h0spline value (approximation error) at grid points) 1005 format(28h spline values at the poles ,f7.3,5x,f7.3) end c real function tesspg(u,v) c function program tesspg calculates the value of the test function c underlying the data. real u,v,sin,cos tesspg = 2./(4.1+cos(3.*u)+3.*cos(v+v+u*0.25)*sin(u)**2) return end