program pcg3d implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) common hx(202),hy(202),resd(751),x(281000), 1 nxp(10),nyp(10),nzp(10),ibc(6),epsp(10),nitp(10),ibcp(6,10) common /inde/ li(281000),liw(281000),lin(500),liw2(500) common /matrix/ a(-7000:281000,10) common /proble/ iprobl common /method/ imet,caa external dc,zc,cc,fc,mbnds,mbndw,mbndn,mbnde ******************************************************************** * 1 march 1990, h.a. van der vorst (delft university) * This program has been designed to demonstrate the possibilities * for vectorization of ICCG when solving discretized elliptic pde's. * The implementations of the algorithms are straight-forward and no * care has been taken to check parameters or to take care of round-off * errors. * * Those who are familiar with the algorithms and vectorization approaches * described in the book by Dongarra, Duff, Sorenson and Van der Vorst * (in particular chapter 7) will recognize these elements in the * Fortran source. Explicit references to chapters of that book are * made throughout the source text of this program * * The present version of the code contains vector and parallel comment- * directives for the Convex C-2 series. Also the measurement of CPU-time * and Wall Clock Time is done by Convex timing routines. The adaptation * to other vector supercomputers is straight-forward. * * This program solves 3d partial differential equations, discretised * by finite differences. * Boundary conditions are specified as follows: * ibc(1)=1 dirichlet on lower y-boundary * ibc(1)=2 neumann ,,, * ibc(2)=1 dirichlet on lower x-boundary * ibc(2)=2 neumann ,,, * ibc(3)=1 dirichlet on upper y-boundary * ibc(3)=2 neumann ,,, * ibc(4)=1 dirichlet on upper x-boundary * ibc(4)=2 neumann ,,, * ibc(5)=1 dirichlet u=0 on lower z-boundary * ibc(5)=2 neumann du/dn=0 on ,,, * ibc(6)=1 dirichlet u=0 on upper z-boundary * ibc(6)=2 neumann du/dn=0 on ,,, * * nxp, nyp and nzp denote the number of gridpoints * in the respective directions. * nxp and nyp should be less than 203, the product of * nxp, nyp and nzp should not exceed 281000. For larger * values the appropriate dimensions should be specified. * * The discretised systems are iteratively solved by * the following 10 methods: * imet=1 standard iccg * imet=2 iccg, parallel in z, 2-term neumann in x,y * imet=3 standard miccg (alpha=1.) * imet=4 miccg with vectorised 2-term neumann in x,y-plane * imet=5 miccg with diagonal-ordering scheme in x,y-plane * imet=6 iccg, parallel in z, diag ordering in x,y-plane * imet=7 cg with diagonal scaling * imet=8 miccg, nested truncation in (x,y)-plane * imet=9 eisenstat's implementation of method 10 * imet=10 miccg vectorized by hyperplane approach (ushiro) ******************************************************************* nc=281000 c initialization do 2 i=1,281000 2 x(i)=0. do 3 j=1,9 do 3 i=-7000,281000 3 a(i,j)=0. c number of gridpoints (including boundary points) in x, y, and z nxp(1)=60 nyp(1)=60 nzp(1)=60 nxp(2)=102 nyp(2)=102 nzp(2)=27 do 1 i=1,2 c epsp(i) specifies the desired error reduction for problem i epsp(i)=1.e-6 c nitp(i) specifies the maximum number of iteration steps nitp(i)=750 c boundary conditions for problem i ibcp(1,i)=1 ibcp(2,i)=2 ibcp(3,i)=2 ibcp(4,i)=2 ibcp(5,i)=1 ibcp(6,i)=1 1 continue ibcp(2,1)=1 ibcp(3,1)=1 ibcp(4,1)=1 do 100 ip=1,2 iprobl=ip c specification of x interval: [a1,b1] a1=0. b1=1. c specification of y interval: [c1,d1] c1=0. d1=1. c specification of z interval: [e1,f1] e1=0. f1=1. c computation of the number of unknowns in each direction nx=nxp(ip) nxx=nx-2 if (ibcp(2,ip).eq.2) nxx=nxx+1 if (ibcp(4,ip).eq.2) nxx=nxx+1 ny=nyp(ip) nyy=ny-2 if (ibcp(1,ip).eq.2) nyy=nyy+1 if (ibcp(3,ip).eq.2) nyy=nyy+1 nz=nzp(ip)-2 if (ibcp(5,ip).eq.2) nz=nz+1 if (ibcp(6,ip).eq.2) nz=nz+1 nxny=nx*ny nxnynz=nz*nxny c specification of the mesh sizes do 10 i=1,nx 10 hx(i)=(b1-a1)/float(nx-1) do 20 i=1,ny 20 hy(i)=(d1-c1)/float(ny-1) hzz=(f1-e1)/(nzp(ip)-1.) ibc(1)=ibcp(1,ip) ibc(2)=ibcp(2,ip) ibc(3)=ibcp(3,ip) ibc(4)=ibcp(4,ip) ibc(5)=ibcp(5,ip) ibc(6)=ibcp(6,ip) eps=epsp(ip) nit=nitp(ip) if (ip.eq.1) print 1001 1001 format(/////' problem nr 1: '/ 1 ' poisson equation with dirichlet bound. cond.:'/ 2 ' in x and y direction sinus values,'/ 3 ' in z-direction u=0.'/ 4 ' right-hand side: 0. ') if (ip.eq.2) print 1002,ip 1002 format(/////' problem nr',i2,':'/ 1 ' inner cubic part (.25,.75)x'/ 2 ' (.25,.75)x(.25,.75) with diffusion 100., outer'/ 3 ' region with diffusion 1., linear term=0.'/ 4 ' right-hand side inner: 100, outer: 0'/ 5 ' south dirichlet=1.0, others neumann.'/ 6 ' in z-direction dirichlet: u=0.') print 1000,nxx,nyy,nz 1000 format(' number of unknowns in the x-direction',i4,/ 1 ' number of unknowns in the y-direction',i4,/ 2 ' number of unknowns in the z-direction',i4) c c driver routine for creation of the linear system and its solution c call epsd3d(a1,b1,nx,hx,c1,d1,ny,hy,e1,f1,nz,hzz,nxny,nxnynz, 1 dc,dc,zc,cc,fc,ibc,mbnds,mbndw,mbndn,mbnde,x, 2 nit,eps,ierr,resd) 100 continue stop end subroutine epsd3d(xl,xu,nx,hx,yl,yu,ny,hy,zl,zu,nz,hzz,nxny,n, 1 dc,ec,zc,cc,fc,ibc,mbnds,mbndw,mbndn,mbnde, 2 x,nitc,epsc,ier,resd) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) dimension resd(1),x(*),ibc(6),hx(1),hy(1) common /matrix/ a(-7000:281000,9) common /inde/ li(281000),liw1(281000),lin(500),liw2(500) common /method/ imet,ca real mflops external dc,ec,zc,cc,fc,mbnds,mbndw,mbndn,mbnde do 1000 ik=1,10 imet=ik nit=nitc eps=epsc nxc=nx nyc=ny nzc=nz nxnyc=nxny nnc=n c initialization do 3 i=1,281000 3 x(i)=0. do 4 j=1,9 do 4 i=-7000,281000 4 a(i,j)=0. time=wall(t) c c construction of linear system. The system has a nonzero structure c similar to the structure in the 2D case (as in Chapter 7.2.1). The c nonzero diagonals of the upper triangular part of A are given by c a(i,1) (main diagonal), a(i,2), a(i,3) and a(i,4). The right-hand c side is delivered in a(i,5). c call pdedi3(nxc,nyc,nzc,nxnyc,nnc,xl,xu,yl,yu,zl,zu,a(1,1),a(1,2), 1 a(1,3),a(1,4),a(1,5),hx,hy,hzz,ibc,dc,ec,zc,cc,fc,mbnds, 2 mbndw,mbndn,mbnde) time=wall(t)-time if ( goto 2 print 10,time 2 continue c c construction of various incomplete decompositions of A (of the form c as in Chapter 7.3. The inverse of the diagonal D is delivered in a(i,6). c time=wall(t) if (imet.eq.1) then ca=0. call minch0(a(1,6),nxc,nxnyc,nnc) endif if (imet.eq.4.or.imet.eq.5.or.imet.eq.8.or.imet.eq.9 1 .or.imet.eq.10) then ca=.95 call minch0(a(1,6),nxc,nxnyc,nnc) endif if (imet.eq.2.or.imet.eq.6) 1 call inc3p(nzc,nyc,nxc,a(1,1),a(1,2),a(1,3),a(1,4),a(1,6)) if (imet.eq.3) then ca=1. call minch0(a(1,6),nxc,nxnyc,nnc) endif if (imet.eq.7) then do 35 i=1,nnc 35 a(i,6)=1./a(i,1) endif if ( call indeks(nxc,nyc,nzc,nnc,m1,m2,li,lin, 1 liw1,liw2,n0) tima=wall(t)-time if (imet.eq.1) print 40 40 format(///,' standard iccg with recursions ') if (imet.eq.2) print 50 50 format(///' iccg, parallel in z, neumann in x,y ') if (imet.eq.3) print 60 60 format(///' standard miccg with recursions ') if (imet.eq.4) print 70,ca 70 format(///' miccg(0) with neumann-series, alfa=',f8.4) if (imet.eq.5) print 80,ca 80 format(///' miccg(0), diagonal-ordered prec alfa=',f8.4) if (imet.eq.6) print 90 90 format(///' iccg, parallel in z, diag ord. in x,y ') if (imet.eq.7) print 95 95 format(///' cg with diagonal scaling ') if (imet.eq.8) print 96,ca 96 format(///' miccg, nested truncation in x,y-plane, alfa= ',f8.4) if (imet.eq.9) print 97 97 format(///' miccg(0), hyperplane-ordering+eisenstat trick ') if (imet.eq.10) print 98,ca 98 format(///' miccg(0) with hyperplanes method, alfa= ',f8.4) print 20,tima do 99 i=1,nnc 99 a(i,10)=sqrt(a(i,6)) time=wall(t) tijd=second(t) c c scaling of the system by the diagonal of the inc. dec. c this has the effect that the inc. dec. of the scaled system c has a unit diagonal. See chapter 7.3.1 c do 100 i=1,nnc a(i,1)=a(i,1)*a(i,6) a(i,6)=sqrt(a(i,6)) 100 a(i,5)=a(i,5)*a(i,6) do 200 i=2,nnc 200 a(i-1,2)=a(i-1,2)*a(i,6)*a(i-1,6) nxc1=nxc+1 do 300 i=nxc1,nnc 300 a(i-nxc,3)=a(i-nxc,3)*a(i,6)*a(i-nxc,6) nxnyc1=nxnyc+1 do 350 i=nxnyc1,nnc 350 a(i-nxnyc,4)=a(i-nxnyc,4)*a(i,6)*a(i-nxnyc,6) if (imet.eq.9) then do 360 i=1,nnc a(i,1)=2.-a(i,1) 360 continue endif if (imet.eq.10) then call iccgu(nxc,nyc,nzc,a(1,5),x,a(1,7),a(1,8),a(1,9),eps, 1 nit,resd) else call iccg3d(nnc,a(1,5),x(1),a(1,6),nxc,nyc,nzc,nit,ier, 1 eps,resd,a(1,7),a(1,8),a(1,9)) endif c back scaling of the solution do 400 i=1,nnc 400 x(i)=x(i)*a(i,10) time=wall(t)-time tijd=second(t)-tijd c nflops gives the number of flops per method nflops=((nit+1)*35+14)*nnc if (imet.eq.9) nflops=((nit+1)*24+14)*nnc if (imet.eq.4.or.imet.eq.2) 1 nflops=nflops+4*(nit+1)*nnc if (imet.eq.8) nflops=nflops+12*(nit+1)*nnc if (imet.eq.7) nflops=((nit+1)*23+14)*nnc mflops=nflops*1.e-6/time print 30,time,mflops,nit mflops=nflops*1.e-6/tijd print 303,tijd,mflops,nit print 510 510 format(' first 5 residuals: ') print 1505,(i-1,resd(i),i=1,5) print 520 520 format(' last 5 residuals: ') nitp4=nit-3 nitp5=nit+1 print 1505,(i-1,resd(i),i=nitp4,nitp5) 1505 format(5(' ',i4,3x,e10.3)) 999 continue 1000 continue 10 format(/' time for discretisation ',f8.3) 20 format(' time for inc. dec. ',f8.3) 30 format(/' wct time for iccg/inc.dec. ',f10.3, 1 ' mflops=',f8.3,' nit= ',i5) 303 format(' cpu time for iccg//inc.dec. ',f10.3, 1 ' mflops=',f8.3,' nit= ',i5) return end subroutine iccg3d(n,b,x,diag,nx,ny,nz,nit,ierr,eps,res, 1 r,p,ap) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) dimension b(1),x(1),r(1),p(1),ap(1),res(1), 1 diag(1) common /matrix/ a(-7000:281000,9) common /method/ imet c this routine does a number of iccg iteration steps nxny=nx*ny epe=eps*eps if (imet.eq.9) call eislow(b,n,nx,ny,nz) do 10 i=1,n x(i)=0. 10 r(i)=b(i) kk=0 if (imet.eq.1.or.imet.eq.3) 1 call prec3s(r,p,n,nxny,nx) if (imet.eq.2.or.imet.eq.6) 1 call prec3p(r,p,n,nx,ny,nz,a(1,1),a(1,2),a(1,3),a(1,4)) if (imet.eq.4.or.imet.eq.5.or.imet.eq.8) 1 call prec3d(r,p,n,nx,ny,nz) if (imet.eq.7.or.imet.eq.9) then do 15 i=1,n 15 p(i)=r(i) endif rkr=0. do 16 i=1,n 16 rkr=rkr+r(i)*p(i) if ( goto 20 ierr=2 return 20 rrz=rkr res(1)=sqrt(rkr) nn=nit do 130 kk=1,nn c for Eisenstat's implementation, see Chapter 7.3.1 if (imet.eq.9) then call eisup(p(1),diag(1),n,nx,ny,nz) do 85 i=1,n 85 ap(i)=p(i)-a(i,1)*diag(i) call eislow(ap(1),n,nx,ny,nz) do 86 i=1,n 86 ap(i)=ap(i)+diag(i) pap=ddot(n,p,1,ap,1) else call a3x(p,ap,n,nx,ny) pap=ddot(n,p,1,ap,1) endif if ( goto 90 ierr=1 return 90 alfa=rkr/pap if (imet.eq.9) then do 95 i=1,n x(i)=x(i)+alfa*diag(i) 95 r(i)=r(i)-alfa*ap(i) else call upd(n,alfa,x,p,r,ap) endif if (imet.eq.1.or.imet.eq.3) 1 call prec3s(r,ap,n,nxny,nx) if (imet.eq.2.or.imet.eq.6) 1 call prec3p(r,ap,n,nx,ny,nz,a(1,1),a(1,2),a(1,3),a(1,4)) if (imet.eq.4.or.imet.eq.5.or.imet.eq.8) 1 call prec3d(r,ap,n,nx,ny,nz) if (imet.eq.7.or.imet.eq.9) then rkrn=0. do 96 i=1,n 96 rkrn=rkrn+r(i)*r(i) else rkrn=0. do 97 i=1,n 97 rkrn=rkrn+r(i)*ap(i) endif res(kk+1)=sqrt(rkrn) if (*rrz) nit=kk if (kk.eq.nit) return if ( goto 110 ierr=2 return 110 beta=rkrn/rkr rkr=rkrn if (imet.eq.7.or.imet.eq.9) then do 115 i=1,n 115 p(i)=r(i)+beta*p(i) else do 120 i=1,n 120 p(i)=ap(i)+beta*p(i) endif 130 continue return end subroutine upd(n,alfa,x,p,r,ap) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) dimension x(*),p(*),r(*),ap(*) c parallel updating of x and r in iccg process c$dir begin_tasks call daxpy(n,alfa,p,1,x,1) c$dir next_task call daxpy(n,-alfa,ap,1,r,1) c$dir end_tasks return end subroutine a3x(x, b, n, nx, ny) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) dimension x(*), b(*) common /matrix/ a(-7000:281000,9) * * matrix multiplication for 7-point difference scheme. * for 3D problems * nxny=nx*ny b(1)=a(1,1)*x(1)+a(1,2)*x(2)+a(1,3)*x(nx+1)+ 1 a(1,4)*x(1+nxny) do 10 i=2,nx 10 b(i)=a(i-1,2)*x(i-1)+a(i,1)*x(i)+a(i,2)*x(i+1)+ 1 a(i,3)*x(i+nx)+a(i,4)*x(i+nxny) do 20 i=nx+1,nxny 20 b(i)=a(i-nx,3)*x(i-nx)+a(i-1,2)*x(i-1)+a(i,1)*x(i)+ 1 a(i,2)*x(i+1)+a(i,3)*x(i+nx)+a(i,4)*x(i+nxny) do 30 i=nxny+1,n-nxny b(i)=a(i-nxny,4)*x(i-nxny)+a(i-nx,3)*x(i-nx)+ 1 a(i-1,2)*x(i-1)+a(i,1)*x(i)+a(i,2)*x(i+1)+ 2 a(i,3)*x(i+nx)+a(i,4)*x(i+nxny) 30 continue do 40 i=n-nxny+1,n-nx 40 b(i)=a(i-nxny,4)*x(i-nxny)+a(i-nx,3)*x(i-nx)+a(i-1,2)*x(i-1) 1 +a(i,1)*x(i)+a(i,2)*x(i+1)+a(i,3)*x(i+nx) do 50 i=n-nx+1,n-1 50 b(i)=a(i-nxny,4)*x(i-nxny)+a(i-nx,3)*x(i-nx)+a(i-1,2)*x(i-1) 1 +a(i,1)*x(i)+a(i,2)*x(i+1) b(n)=a(n-nxny,4)*x(n-nxny)+a(n-nx,3)*x(n-nx)+a(n-1,2)*x(n-1)+ 1 a(n,1)*x(n) return end subroutine minch0(d,nx,nxny,n) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) dimension d(n) common /matrix/ a(-7000:281000,9) common /method/ imet,t * modified iccg(0), 3d-version with relaxation parameter t, * in d the elements of the inverse of D are delivered (Chapter 7.3) d(1)=1./a(1,1) do 10 i=2,nx 10 d(i)=1./(a(i,1)-a(i-1,2)*(a(i-1,2)+t*a(i-1,3)+t*a(i-1,4))*d(i-1)) nx1=nx+1 do 20 i=nx1,nxny inx=i-nx 20 d(i)=1./(a(i,1)-a(i-1,2)*(a(i-1,2)+t*a(i-1,3)+t*a(i-1,4))*d(i-1) 1 -a(inx,3)*(t*a(inx,4)+a(inx,3)+t*a(inx,2))*d(inx)) nxny1=nxny+1 do 30 i=nxny1,n inx=i-nx imx=i-nxny 30 d(i)=1./(a(i,1)-a(i-1,2)*(a(i-1,2)+t*a(i-1,3)+t*a(i-1,4))*d(i-1) 1 -a(inx,3)*(t*a(inx,2)+a(inx,3)+t*a(inx,4))*d(inx) 2 -a(imx,4)*(t*a(imx,2)+t*a(imx,3)+a(imx,4))*d(imx)) return end subroutine inc3p(nz,ny,nx,a,b,c,d,di) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) dimension a(*),b(*),c(*),d(*),di(*) * incomplete decomposition for 3-dim case * nz planes, ny lines, nx points. * parallel splitting in plane direction assumed * inverse diag of inc. parallel dec. is delivered in di(*) * see Chapter 7.3.6 nz2=nz/2 nxny=nx*ny do 10 j=1,nxny 10 di(j)=a(j) call inc2ps(ny,nx,di,b,c,di,0) iprev=(nz-1)*nxny il=iprev+1 iu=iprev+nxny do 20 j=il,iu 20 di(j)=a(j) call inc2ps(ny,nx,di,b,c,di,iprev) do 40 k=2,nz2 iprev=(k-1)*nxny il=iprev+1 iu=iprev+nxny c$dir no_recurrence do 30 j=il,iu 30 di(j)=a(j)-d(j-nxny)**2*di(j-nxny) call inc2ps(ny,nx,di,b,c,di,iprev) 40 continue nz22=nz2+2 do 60 k=nz-1,nz22,-1 iprev=(k-1)*nxny il=iprev+1 iu=iprev+nxny c$dir no_recurrence do 50 j=il,iu 50 di(j)=a(j)-d(j)**2*di(j+nxny) call inc2ps(ny,nx,di,b,c,di,iprev) 60 continue iprev=nz2*nxny il=iprev+1 iu=iprev+nxny c$dir no_recurrence do 70 j=il,iu 70 di(j)=a(j)-d(j-nxny)**2*di(j-nxny)-d(j)**2*di(j+nxny) call inc2ps(ny,nx,di,b,c,di,iprev) return end subroutine inc2ps(ny,nx,a,b,c,di,iprev) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) dimension a(*),b(*),c(*),di(*) j=iprev+1 di(j)=1./a(j) do 10 j=iprev+2,iprev+nx 10 di(j)=1./(a(j)-b(j-1)**2*di(j-1)) m1=iprev+nx+1 m2=iprev+nx*ny do 20 j=m1,m2 20 di(j)=1./(a(j)-b(j-1)**2*di(j-1)-c(j-nx)**2*di(j-nx)) return end subroutine prec3s(x,px,n,nxny,nx) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) dimension x(n),px(n) common /matrix/ a(-7000:281000,9) * standard preconditioning iccg(0) . px(1) = x(1) do 10 i=2,nx px(i) = x(i)-a(i-1,2)*px(i-1) 10 continue nx1 = nx + 1 do 20 i=nx1,nxny px(i)=x(i)-a(i-1,2)*px(i-1)-a(i-nx,3)*px(i-nx) 20 continue nxny1=nxny+1 do 25 i=nxny1,n px(i)=x(i)-a(i-1,2)*px(i-1)-a(i-nx,3)*px(i-nx)- 1 a(i-nxny,4)*px(i-nxny) 25 continue * * lower triangular part has been solved * ij = n - 1 do 30 i=2,nx px(ij) = px(ij) - a(ij,2)*px(ij+1) ij = ij - 1 30 continue do 40 i=nx1,nxny px(ij)=px(ij)-(a(ij,2)*px(ij+1)+a(ij,3)*px(ij+nx)) ij = ij - 1 40 continue do 50 i=nxny1,n px(ij)=px(ij)-(a(ij,2)*px(ij+1)+a(ij,3)*px(ij+nx)+ 1 a(ij,4)*px(ij+nxny)) ij=ij-1 50 continue * * diagonal and uppertriangular part has been solved * return end subroutine prec3d(x,px,n,nx,ny,nz) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) dimension x(n),px(n) common /matrix/ a(-7000:281000,9) logical left common /method/ imet c preconditioning for iccg c imet.eq.4: truncated neumann series in (x,y)-plane (Chapter 7.3.5) c imet.eq.5: vectorization by diagonalwise ordering of computations c in (x,y) plane (Chapter 7.3.4) c imet.eq.8: nested truncated neumann series (Chapter 7.3.5) nxny=nx*ny left=.true. do 10 i=1,nxny 10 px(i)=x(i) if (imet.eq.4) 1 call precv(px(1),nxny,a(1,2),a(1,3),nx,left) if (imet.eq.5) 1 call precd(px(1),nxny,a(1,2),a(1,3),nx,left) if (imet.eq.8) 1 call precvv(px(1),nxny,a(1,2),a(1,3),nx,left) do 30 j=2,nz jl=(j-1)*nxny+1 ju=j*nxny c$dir no_recurrence do 20 i=jl,ju 20 px(i)=x(i)-a(i-nxny,4)*px(i-nxny) if (imet.eq.4) 1 call precv(px(jl),nxny,a(jl,2),a(jl,3),nx,left) if (imet.eq.5) 1 call precd(px(jl),nxny,a(jl,2),a(jl,3),nx,left) if (imet.eq.8) 1 call precvv(px(jl),nxny,a(jl,2),a(jl,3),nx,left) 30 continue left=.false. jl=(nz-1)*nxny+1 if (imet.eq.4) 1 call precv(px(jl),nxny,a(jl,2),a(jl,3),nx,left) if (imet.eq.5) 1 call precd(px(jl),nxny,a(jl,2),a(jl,3),nx,left) if (imet.eq.8) 1 call precvv(px(jl),nxny,a(jl,2),a(jl,3),nx,left) do 50 j=nz-1,1,-1 jl=(j-1)*nxny+1 ju=j*nxny c$dir no_recurrence do 40 i=jl,ju 40 px(i)=px(i)-a(i,4)*px(i+nxny) if (imet.eq.4) 1 call precv(px(jl),nxny,a(jl,2),a(jl,3),nx,left) if (imet.eq.5) 1 call precd(px(jl),nxny,a(jl,2),a(jl,3),nx,left) if (imet.eq.8) 1 call precvv(px(jl),nxny,a(jl,2),a(jl,3),nx,left) 50 continue return end subroutine precd(px,nxny,a2,a3,nx,left) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) dimension px(*),a2(*),a3(*) logical left * diagonalwise computation in preconditioning over x,y-plane * (Chapter 7.3.4) ny=nxny/nx if (.not.left) goto 15 do 10 ii=2,nx+ny-1 jjmin=max(1,ii-nx+1) jjmax=min(ii,ny) is=(jjmin-1)*(nx-1)+ii c$dir no_recurrence do 5 j=jjmin,jjmax px(is)=px(is)-a2(is-1)*px(is-1)- 1 a3(is-nx)*px(is-nx) 5 is=is+nx-1 10 continue return 15 continue do 30 ii=nx+ny-1,2,-1 jjmin=max(1,ii-nx+1) jjmax=min(ii,ny) is=(jjmin-1)*(nx-1)+ii c$dir no_recurrence do 20 j=jjmin,jjmax px(is)=px(is)-a2(is)*px(is+1)- 1 a3(is)*px(is+nx) 20 is=is+nx-1 30 continue px(1)=px(1)-a2(1)*px(2)-a3(1)*px(nx+1) return end subroutine precv(px,nxny,a2,a3,nx,left) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) dimension px(nxny),a2(nxny),a3(nxny) logical left * two term truncated Neumann series preconditioner (Chapter 7.3.5) ny=nxny/nx if (.not.left) goto 33 px(nx+1)=px(nx+1)-a3(1)*px(1) px(2)=px(2)-a2(1)*px(1) px(nx+2)=px(nx+2)-a3(2)*px(2) c$dir no_recurrence do 10 i=nx,3,-1 px(i)=px(i)-a2(i-1)*(px(i-1)-a2(i-2)*px(i-2)) 10 px(nx+i)=px(nx+i)-a3(i)*px(i) il=1 iu=nx do 30 j=3,ny il=il+nx iu=iu+nx il1=il+1 c$dir no_recurrence do 25 i=iu,il1,-1 px(i)=px(i)-a2(i-1)*(px(i-1)-a2(i-2)*px(i-2)) 25 px(i+nx)=px(i+nx)-a3(i)*px(i) px(nx+il)=px(nx+il)-a3(il)*px(il) * assuming a2(il-1)=0. 30 continue il1=il+nx+1 c$dir no_recurrence do 31 i=nxny,il1,-1 31 px(i)=px(i)-a2(i-1)*(px(i-1)-a2(i-2)*px(i-2)) return 33 continue il=nxny-nx+1 iu=nxny iu2=iu-2 c$dir no_recurrence do 35 i=il,iu2 px(i)=px(i)-a2(i)*(px(i+1)-a2(i+1)*px(i+2)) 35 px(i-nx)=px(i-nx)-a3(i-nx)*px(i) px(iu-1)=px(iu-1)-a2(iu-1)*px(iu) px(iu-1-nx)=px(iu-1-nx)-a3(iu-nx-1)*px(iu-1) px(iu-nx)=px(iu-nx)-a3(iu-nx)*px(iu) do 50 j=3,ny il=il-nx iu=iu-nx iu1=iu-1 c$dir no_recurrence do 45 i=il,iu1 px(i)=px(i)-a2(i)*(px(i+1)-a2(i+1)*px(i+2)) 45 px(i-nx)=px(i-nx)-a3(i-nx)*px(i) px(iu-nx)=px(iu-nx)-a3(iu-nx)*px(iu) * assuming a2(iu)=0. 50 continue iu=nx-1 c$dir no_recurrence do 51 i=1,iu 51 px(i)=px(i)-a2(i)*(px(i+1)-a2(i+1)*px(i+2)) return end subroutine precvv(px,nxny,a2,a3,nx,left) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) dimension px(nxny),a2(nxny),a3(nxny) logical left * nested truncated Neumann series (Chapter 7.3.5) if (.not.left) goto 30 c$dir no_recurrence do 10 j=nxny,nx*2+1,-1 px(j)=px(j)-a3(j-nx)*(px(j-nx)-a2(j-nx-1)*px(j-nx-1)- 1 a3(j-2*nx)*px(j-2*nx)) 10 continue c$dir no_recurrence do 11 j=2*nx,nx+2,-1 11 px(j)=px(j)-a3(j-nx)*(px(j-nx)-a2(j-nx-1)*px(j-nx-1)) j=nx+1 px(j)=px(j)-a3(j-nx)*px(j-nx) do 20 j=nxny,3,-1 20 px(j)=px(j)-a2(j-1)*(px(j-1)-a2(j-2)*px(j-2)) px(2)=px(2)-a2(1)*px(1) return 30 continue c$dir no_recurrence do 40 j=1,nxny-2*nx px(j)=px(j)-a3(j)*(px(j+nx)-a2(j+nx)*px(j+nx+1)- 1 a3(j+nx)*px(j+2*nx)) 40 continue c$dir no_recurrence do 41 j=nxny-2*nx+1,nxny-nx-1 41 px(j)=px(j)-a3(j)*(px(j+nx)-a2(j+nx)*px(j+nx+1)) j=nxny-nx px(j)=px(j)-a3(j)*px(j+nx) do 50 j=1,nxny-2 50 px(j)=px(j)-a2(j)*(px(j+1)-a2(j+1)*px(j+2)) j=nxny-1 px(j)=px(j)-a2(j)*px(j+1) return end subroutine eislow(px,n,nx,ny,nz) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) dimension px(*) common /matrix/ a(-7000:281000,9) common /inde/ l(281000),lw1(281000),ln(500),lw2(500) c lower triangular part of preconditioner for Hyperplane ordering c Chapter 7.3.4 (indirect addressing version) n0=nx+ny+nz-2 m1=nx m2=nx*ny do 100 j=2,n0 is=ln(j)+1 ie=ln(j+1) c$dir no_recurrence do 50 k=is,ie i=l(k) px(i)=px(i)-a(i-1,2)*px(i-1)-a(i-m1,3)*px(i-m1) 1 -a(i-m2,4)*px(i-m2) 50 continue 100 continue return end subroutine eisup(x,px,n,nx,ny,nz) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) dimension x(*),px(*) common /matrix/ a(-7000:281000,9) common /inde/ l(281000),lw1(281000),ln(500),lw2(500) c upper triangular part of preconditioner for Hyperplane ordering c Chapter 7.3.4 (indirect addressing version) n0=nx+ny+nz-2 m1=nx m2=nx*ny do 200 j=n0,1,-1 is=ln(j)+1 ie=ln(j+1) c$dir no_recurrence do 150 k=is,ie i=l(k) 150 px(i)=x(i)-a(i,2)*px(i+1)-a(i,3)*px(i+m1) 1 -a(i,4)*px(i+m2) 200 continue return end subroutine pre3pl(nz,ny,nx,x,px,b,c,d) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) dimension x(*),px(*),b(*),c(*),d(*) common /method/ imet * pre3pl solves for the left factor of a 3-d parallel splitting * diagonal scaling of prec to 1.0 has been assumed. c chapter 7.3.6: twisted in z-direction, and either Neumann series c (imet.eq.2) or diagonalwise computation (imet.eq.6) in (x,y) direction nz2=nz/2 nxny=nx*ny c$dir begin_tasks il=1 iu=nxny do 10 j=il,iu 10 px(j)=x(j) if (imet.eq.2) call precv(px,nxny,b,c,nx,.true.) if (imet.eq.6) call precd(px,nxny,b,c,nx,.true.) do 40 k=2,nz2 ip=(k-1)*nxny il=ip+1 iu=ip+nxny c$dir no_recurrence do 30 j=il,iu 30 px(j)=x(j)-d(j-nxny)*px(j-nxny) if (imet.eq.2) 1 call precv(px(ip+1),nxny,b(ip+1),c(ip+1),nx,.true.) if (imet.eq.6) 1 call precd(px(ip+1),nxny,b(ip+1),c(ip+1),nx,.true.) 40 continue c$dir next_task ip=(nz-1)*nxny il=ip+1 iu=ip+nxny do 20 j=il,iu 20 px(j)=x(j) if (imet.eq.2) 1 call precv(px(ip+1),nxny,b(ip+1),c(ip+1),nx,.true.) if (imet.eq.6) 1 call precd(px(ip+1),nxny,b(ip+1),c(ip+1),nx,.true.) nz22=nz2+2 do 60 k=nz-1,nz22,-1 ip=(k-1)*nxny il=ip+1 iu=ip+nxny c$dir no_recurrence do 50 j=il,iu 50 px(j)=x(j)-d(j)*px(j+nxny) if (imet.eq.2) 1 call precv(px(ip+1),nxny,b(ip+1),c(ip+1),nx,.true.) if (imet.eq.6) 1 call precd(px(ip+1),nxny,b(ip+1),c(ip+1),nx,.true.) 60 continue c$dir end_tasks ip=nz2*nxny il=ip+1 iu=ip+nxny c$dir no_recurrence do 70 j=il,iu 70 px(j)=x(j)-d(j)*px(j+nxny)-d(j-nxny)*px(j-nxny) if (imet.eq.2) 1 call precv(px(ip+1),nxny,b(ip+1),c(ip+1),nx,.true.) if (imet.eq.6) 1 call precd(px(ip+1),nxny,b(ip+1),c(ip+1),nx,.true.) return end subroutine pre3pr(nz,ny,nx,px,b,c,d) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) dimension px(*),b(*),c(*),d(*) common /method/ imet * pre3pr solves for the right factor of a 3-d parallel splitting, * diagonal of splitting is assumed to be scaled to 1.0 * chapter 7.3.6: twisted in z-direction, and either Neumann series * (imet.eq.2) or diagonalwise computation (imet.eq.6) in (x,y) direction nxny=nx*ny nz2=nz/2 ip=nz2*nxny if (imet.eq.2) 1 call precv(px(ip+1),nxny,b(ip+1),c(ip+1),nx,.false.) if (imet.eq.6) 1 call precd(px(ip+1),nxny,b(ip+1),c(ip+1),nx,.false.) c$dir begin_tasks do 20 k=nz2,1,-1 ip=(k-1)*nxny il=ip+1 iu=ip+nxny c$dir no_recurrence do 10 j=il,iu 10 px(j)=px(j)-d(j)*px(j+nxny) if (imet.eq.2) 1 call precv(px(ip+1),nxny,b(ip+1),c(ip+1),nx,.false.) if (imet.eq.6) 1 call precd(px(ip+1),nxny,b(ip+1),c(ip+1),nx,.false.) 20 continue c$dir next_task do 40 k=nz2+2,nz ip=(k-1)*nxny il=ip+1 iu=ip+nxny c$dir no_recurrence do 30 j=il,iu 30 px(j)=px(j)-d(j-nxny)*px(j-nxny) if (imet.eq.2) 1 call precv(px(ip+1),nxny,b(ip+1),c(ip+1),nx,.false.) if (imet.eq.6) 1 call precd(px(ip+1),nxny,b(ip+1),c(ip+1),nx,.false.) 40 continue c$dir end_tasks return end subroutine prec3p(x,px,n,nx,ny,nz,a,b,c,d) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) dimension x(*),px(*),a(*),b(*),c(*),d(*) * preconditioning for 3-d case, parallel splitting in z-direction call pre3pl(nz,ny,nx,x,px,b,c,d) call pre3pr(nz,ny,nx,px,b,c,d) return end subroutine pdedi3(nx,ny,nz,nxny,n,xl,xu,yl,yu,zl,zu,diag,diagx, 1 diagy,diagz,rhs,hx,hy,hzz,ibc,dc,ec,zc,cc,fc,mbnds,mbndw, 2 mbndn,mbnde) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) dimension diag(*),diagx(*),diagy(*),diagz(*),rhs(*),ibc(6), 1 hx(*),hy(*) external dc,ec,cc,fc,mbnds,mbndw,mbndn,mbnde * discretisation of 3d pde. * mesh-sizes are assumed to be uniform * zc( ) represents the coefficient of the second * derivative in z. ip=1 n=nx*ny*nz do 10 i=1,n diag(i)=0. diagx(i)=0. diagy(i)=0. diagz(i)=0. rhs(i)=0. 10 continue z=zl if (ibc(5).eq.1) z=zl+hzz do 1000 iz=1,nz nxc=nx nyc=ny nxnyc=nxny call pdees3(nxc,nyc,nxnyc,xl,xu,yl,yu,hx,hy,mbnds,mbndw, 1 mbndn,mbnde,ibc,dc,ec,cc,fc,diag(ip),diagx(ip),diagy(ip), 2 rhs(ip),z) call compr(nxc,nyc,nxnyc,ibc,diag(ip),diagx(ip),diagy(ip), 1 rhs(ip)) ij=ip zzl=z-hzz/2. zzu=z+hzz/2. yy=yl if (ibc(1).eq.1) yy=yl+hy(1) do 100 iy=1,nyc dy=hy(1) if (ibc(1).eq.2.and.iy.eq.1) dy=dy/2. if (ibc(3) dy=dy/2. xx=xl if (ibc(2).eq.1) xx=xl+hx(1) do 20 ix=1,nxc if (ibc(5).eq.2.and.iz.eq.1) then d1=0. else d1=zc(xx,yy,zzl) endif if (ibc(6) then d2=0. else d2=zc(xx,yy,zzu) endif dx=hx(1) if (ibc(2).eq.2.and.ix.eq.1) dx=hx(1)/2. if (ibc(4).eq.2.and.ix.eq.nxc) dx=hx(1)/2. opp=dx*dy/(hzz*hzz) diag (ij)=diag(ij)+opp*(d1+d2) if ( diagz(ij)=-opp*d2 ij=ij+1 xx=xx+hx(1) 20 continue yy=yy+hy(1) 100 continue ip=ip+nxc*nyc z=z+hzz 1000 continue nx=nxc ny=nyc nxny=nxnyc n=nx*ny*nz return end subroutine mbnds(alp,bet,gam,xij,z) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) common /proble/ iprobl * boundary y=ylower (c1) * dirichlet u=sin(xij) if (iprobl.eq.1) then alp=1. bet=0. gam=sin(xij) endif * dirichlet u=1 if (iprobl.eq.2) then alp=1. bet=0. gam=1. endif return end subroutine mbndw(alp,bet,gam,yij,z) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) common /proble/ iprobl * boundary x=xlower (a1) * dirichlet u=sin(yij) if (iprobl.eq.1) then alp=1. bet=0. gam=sin(yij) endif * neumann du/dn=0. if (iprobl.eq.2) then alp=0. bet=1. gam=0. endif return end subroutine mbndn(alp,bet,gam,xij,z) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) common /proble/ iprobl * boundary y=yupper (d1) * dirichlet u=sin(xij) if (iprobl.eq.1) then alp=1. bet=0. gam=sin(xij) endif * neumann du/dn=0. if (iprobl.eq.2) then alp=0. bet=1. gam=0. endif return end subroutine mbnde(alp,bet,gam,yij,z) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) common /proble/ iprobl * boundary x=xupper (b1) * dirichlet u=sin(yij) if (iprobl.eq.1) then alp=1. bet=0. gam=sin(yij) endif * neumann du/dn=0. if (iprobl.eq.2) then alp=0. bet=1. gam=0. endif return end function dc(x,y,z) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) common /proble/ iprobl if (iprobl.eq.1) dc=1. if (iprobl.eq.2) then dc=1. if( 1 dc=100. endif return end function zc(x,y,z) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) zc=dc(x,y,z) return end function cc(x,y,z) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) cc=0. return end function fc(x,y,z) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) common/proble/ iprobl if (iprobl.eq.1) fc=0. if (iprobl.eq.2) then fc=0. if( 1 fc=100. endif return end subroutine pdees3(nx, ny, nxny, a, b, c, d, hx, hy, mbnds, mbndw, 1 mbndn, mbnde, bc, dc, ec, cc, fc, diag, sdiag, bsdiag, rhs, 2 z) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) dimension hx(1), hy(1), bc(4), diag(1), sdiag(1), bsdiag(1), 1 rhs(1) integer bc yij = c ij = 0 do 120 j=1,ny h1 = 1.0 h3 = 1.0 if ( h1 = hy(j-1) if ( h3 = hy(j) xij = a do 110 i=1,nx ij = ij + 1 if ( go to 50 xij = a d1 = 0. d2 = 0. e1 = 0. e2 = 0. f1 = 0. f2 = 0. coef1 = 0. coef2 = 0. h2 = 1. 50 if ( go to 60 yij = c d1 = 0. d4 = 0. e1 = 0. e4 = 0. f1 = 0. f4 = 0. coef1 = 0. coef4 = 0. h1 = 1. 60 if ( go to 70 e3 = 0. e4 = 0. d3 = 0. d4 = 0. f3 = 0. f4 = 0. coef3 = 0. coef4 = 0. h4 = 1. 70 if ( go to 80 e2 = 0. e3 = 0. d2 = 0. d3 = 0. f2 = 0. f3 = 0. coef2 = 0. coef3 = 0. h3 = 1. 80 continue if (.not.( .and. go to 90 h4 = hx(i) e3 = ec(xij+h4/2.,yij+h3/2.,z) d3 = dc(xij+h4/2.,yij+h3/2.,z) f3 = fc(xij+h4/2.,yij+h3/2.,z) coef3 = cc(xij+h4/2.,yij+h3/2.,z) diag(ij+nx) = e3 sdiag(ij+nx) = d3 bsdiag(ij+nx) = f3 rhs(ij+nx) = coef3 90 if (.not.( .and. go to 100 h4 = hx(i) e4 = diag(ij) d4 = sdiag(ij) f4 = bsdiag(ij) coef4 = rhs(ij) 100 continue diag(ij) = ((h4*e4+h2*e1)/h1+(h2*e2+h4*e3)/h3+(h1*d1+h3*d2)/ 1 h2+(h3*d3+h1*d4)/h4)*0.5 + (coef1*h1*h2+coef2*h2*h3+coef3* 2 h3*h4+coef4*h4*h1)*0.25 sdiag(ij) = -(h3*d3+h1*d4)*0.5/h4 bsdiag(ij) = -(h2*e2+h4*e3)*0.5/h3 rhs(ij) = (f1*h1*h2+f2*h2*h3+f3*h3*h4+f4*h4*h1)*0.25 xij = xij + h4 h2 = h4 e2 = e3 d2 = d3 f2 = f3 coef2 = coef3 e1 = e4 d1 = d4 f1 = f4 coef1 = coef4 110 continue yij = yij + h3 120 continue * s-boundary. * if (bc(1).eq.1) go to 140 xij = a yij = c h2 = 1. h3 = hy(1) e2 = 0. do 130 i=1,nx call mbnds(alp, bet, gam, xij,z) h4 = 1. if ( h4 = hx(i) e3 = 0. if ( e3 = ec(xij+h4/2.,yij+h3/2.,z) diag(i) = diag(i) + (h2/2.*e2+h4/2.*e3)*alp/bet rhs(i) = rhs(i) + (h2/2.*e2+h4/2.*e3)*gam/bet e2 = e3 h2 = h4 xij = xij + h4 130 continue go to 160 140 continue * * dirichlet-condition for s-boundary. * ij = nx xij = a do 150 i=1,nx ij = ij + 1 call mbnds(alp, bet, gam, xij,z) rhs(ij) = rhs(ij) - bsdiag(i)*gam if (i.eq.nx) go to 150 xij = xij + hx(i) 150 continue 160 continue * * w-boundary. * xij = a yij = c d4 = 0.0 h1 = 1.0 h4 = hx(1) if (bc(2).eq.1) go to 180 iw = 1 do 170 i=1,ny call mbndw(alp, bet, gam, yij,z) h3 = 1. if ( h3 = hy(i) d3 = 0.0 if ( d3 = dc(xij+h4/2.,yij+h3/2.,z) diag(iw) = diag(iw) + (h1/2.*d4+h3/2.*d3)*alp/bet rhs(iw) = rhs(iw) + (h1/2.*d4+h3/2.*d3)*gam/bet iw = iw + nx d4 = d3 h1 = h3 yij = yij + h3 170 continue go to 200 180 continue * * dirichlet-condition for w-boundary. * iw = 2 do 190 i=1,ny call mbndw(alp, bet, gam, yij,z) rhs(iw) = rhs(iw) - sdiag(iw-1)*gam iw = iw + nx if (i.eq.ny) go to 190 yij = yij + hy(i) 190 continue 200 continue * * the north-boundary.. * xij = a yij = d h1 = hy(ny-1) e1 = 0.0 h2 = 1.0 if (bc(3).eq.1) go to 220 ij = nx*(ny-1) + 1 do 210 i=1,nx call mbndn(alp, bet, gam, xij,z) h4 = 1. if ( h4 = hx(i) e4 = 0.0 if ( e4 = ec(xij+h4/2.,yij-h1/2.,z) diag(ij) = diag(ij) + (h2/2.*e1+h4/2.*e4)*alp/bet rhs(ij) = rhs(ij) + (h2/2.*e1+h4/2.*e4)*gam/bet ij = ij + 1 h2 = h4 e1 = e4 xij = xij + h4 210 continue go to 240 220 continue ij = nx*(ny-2) do 230 i=1,nx ij = ij + 1 call mbndn(alp, bet, gam, xij, z) rhs(ij) = rhs(ij) - bsdiag(ij)*gam bsdiag(ij) = 0.0 if (i.eq.nx) go to 230 xij = xij + hx(i) 230 continue 240 continue * * east-boundary.. * xij = b yij = c d1 = 0.0 h1 = 1.0 h2 = hx(nx-1) if (bc(4).eq.1) go to 260 ie = nx do 250 i=1,ny call mbnde(alp, bet, gam, yij, z) h3 = 1. if ( h3 = hy(i) d2 = 0.0 if (( .or. ((bc(3).eq.1) .and. (bc(1).ne.3))) d2 = 1 dc(xij-h2/2.,yij+h3/2.,z) diag(ie) = diag(ie) + (h1/2.*d1+h3/2.*d2)*alp/bet rhs(ie) = rhs(ie) + (h1/2.*d1+h3/2.*d2)*gam/bet ie = ie + nx d1 = d2 h1 = h3 yij = yij + h3 250 continue go to 290 * dirichlet-condition on east-boundary.. * 260 continue * ie = nx - 1 do 270 i=1,ny call mbnde(alp, bet, gam, yij, z) rhs(ie) = rhs(ie) - sdiag(ie)*gam sdiag(ie) = 0.0 ie = ie + nx if (i.eq.ny) go to 270 yij = yij + hy(i) 270 continue 290 continue nxny = nx*ny return end subroutine compr(nx, ny, nxny, ibc, diag, sdiag, bsdiag, rhs) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) dimension ibc(4), diag(1), sdiag(1), bsdiag(1), rhs(1) if (ibc(1).ne.1) go to 20 * * elimination of south-boundary. system becomes nx smaller. * ny = ny - 1 nxny = nx*ny do 10 i=1,nxny inx = i + nx diag(i) = diag(inx) sdiag(i) = sdiag(inx) bsdiag(i) = bsdiag(inx) rhs(i) = rhs(inx) 10 continue 20 continue if (ibc(2).ne.1) go to 70 * * west-boundary eliminated, system becomes ny smaller.. * isch = 1 nx = nx - 1 ij = 1 do 60 i=1,ny do 50 j=1,nx ijisch = ij + isch diag(ij) = diag(ijisch) sdiag(ij) = sdiag(ijisch) bsdiag(ij) = bsdiag(ijisch) rhs(ij) = rhs(ijisch) ij = ij + 1 50 continue isch = isch + 1 60 continue 70 continue if (.not.((ibc(1).eq.3) .or. (ibc(3).eq.1))) go to 100 * * dirichlet-condition on north-boundary.. * ny = ny - 1 100 continue if (.not.((ibc(2).eq.3) .or. (ibc(4).eq.1))) go to 130 * * east-boundary is eliminated, system becomes ny smaller.. * nx = nx - 1 isch = 1 ij = nx + 1 do 120 i=2,ny do 110 j=1,nx ijisch = ij + isch diag(ij) = diag(ijisch) sdiag(ij) = sdiag(ijisch) bsdiag(ij) = bsdiag(ijisch) rhs(ij) = rhs(ijisch) ij = ij + 1 110 continue isch = isch + 1 120 continue 130 continue nxny = nx*ny return end subroutine indeks(mx,my,mz,n,m1,m2,l,ln,lw1,lw2,n0) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) * written by ushiro * l(n),lw1(n),ln(n0),lw2(n0) dimension l(1),ln(1),lw1(1),lw2(1) n=mx*my*mz m1=mx m2=mx*my ln(1)=0 n0=mx+my+mz-2 do 20 i=1,n0 20 lw2(i)=0 do 60 k=0,mz-1 do 60 j=0,my-1 ind=k*m2+j*m1 do 40 i=1,mx 40 lw1(ind+i)=i+j+k 60 continue do 100 j=1,n 100 lw2(lw1(j))=lw2(lw1(j))+1 ln(2)=ln(1)+lw2(1) lw2(1)=ln(1) do 120 i=2,n0 ln(i+1)=ln(i)+lw2(i) 120 lw2(i)=ln(i) do 140 j=1,n lw2(lw1(j))=lw2(lw1(j))+1 140 l(lw2(lw1(j)))=j return end subroutine iccgu(mx,my,mz,b,x,r,p,ap,eps,nit,res) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) dimension x(1),r(1),p(1),ap(1),b(1) dimension res(*) common /matrix/ a(-7000:281000,9) common /inde/ l(281000),lw1(281000),ln(500),lw2(500) c subroutine written by Ushiro n=mx*my*mz m1=mx m2=mx*my n0=mx+my+mz-2 epe=eps*eps do 20 i=1,m2 p(i)=0. 20 ap(i)=0. do 19 i=1,m2 p(i+n+m2)=0. 19 ap(i+n+m2)=0. do 60 i=1,n x(i)=0. 60 r(i+m2)=b(i) bnorm=0. do 65 i=1,n 65 bnorm=bnorm+b(i)**2 res(1)=sqrt(bnorm) call ldlt(n,m1,m2,r(1),p(1),l,ln,n0) r1=0. do 80 i=m2+1,n+m2 80 r1=r1+r(i)*p(i) nn=nit do 200 k=1,nn call axsub(n,m1,m2,p(1),ap(1)) r2=0. do 120 i=m2+1,n+m2 120 r2=r2+p(i)*ap(i) alp=r1/r2 do 140 i=1,n x(i)=x(i)+alp*p(i+m2) 140 r(i+m2)=r(i+m2)-alp*ap(i+m2) serr=0. do 150 i=1,n 150 serr=serr+r(i+m2)**2 if (*bnorm) nit=k res(k+1)=sqrt(serr) if (k.eq.nit) return call ldlt(n,m1,m2,r(1),ap(1),l,ln,n0) r3=0. do 160 i=1+m2,n+m2 160 r3=r3+r(i)*ap(i) beta=r3/r1 r1=r3 do 180 i=1+m2,n+m2 180 p(i)=ap(i)+beta*p(i) 200 continue return end subroutine axsub(n,m1,m2,x,y) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) dimension x(1-m2:n+m2),y(1-m2:n+m2) common /matrix/ a(-7000:281000,9) c subroutine written by Ushiro do 100 i=1,n 100 y(i)=a(i-m2,4)*x(i-m2)+a(i-m1,3)*x(i-m1)+a(i-1,2)*x(i-1)+ 1 a(i,1)*x(i)+a(i,2)*x(i+1)+a(i,3)*x(i+m1)+a(i,4)*x(i+m2) return end subroutine ldlt(n,m1,m2,r,px,l,ln,n0) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) dimension r(1-m2:n+m2),px(1-m2:n+m2) dimension l(*),ln(*) common /matrix/ a(-7000:281000,9) c subroutine written by Ushiro do 100 j=1,n0 is=ln(j)+1 ie=ln(j+1) c$dir no_recurrence do 50 k=is,ie i=l(k) 50 px(i)=r(i)-a(i-1,2)*px(i-1)-a(i-m1,3)*px(i-m1)-a(i-m2,4)*px(i-m2) 100 continue do 200 j=n0-1,1,-1 is=ln(j)+1 ie=ln(j+1) c$dir no_recurrence do 150 k=is,ie i=l(k) 150 px(i)=px(i)-a(i,2)*px(i+1)-a(i,3)*px(i+m1)-a(i,4)*px(i+m2) 200 continue return end function second(t) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) c second(t) should deliver the accumulated CPU-time in seconds. c to be replaced by appropriate function or call second=cputime(0.) return end function wall(t) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) real *4 time c wct delivers the accumulated wall clock time in seconds (for CONVEX C-2) c to be replaced by appropriate call call wct(time) wall=time return end