Department of Defense High Performance Computing Modernization Program (HPCMP) Programming Environment and Training (PET) Activities Program. Prime Contract No. GS04T01BFC0060 Mississippi State University Subcontract No. 0606808-01090729-24 Task Order Number: N62306-01-D-7110/0009 |
ccm_init | ccm_close | ccm_bcast | ccm_barrier |
ccm_reduce | ccm_allreduce | ccm_scatter | ccm_scatterv |
ccm_gather | ccm_gatherv | ccm_alltoall | ccm_alltoallv |
ccm_info | ccm_testing | ccm_print_warning | ccm_time |
ccm_unique | ccm_clear_warning |
program ccm_init_x1 use ccm_mod call ccm_init(myid,nodes) write(*,*)"hello: ",myid," of ",nodes call ccm_close() end program |
program ccm_init_x1 include "mpif.h" call mpi_init(ierr) call mpi_com_size(mpi_comm_world,nodes,ierr) call mpi_com_rank(mpi_comm_world,myid,ierr) write(*,*)"hello: ",myid," of ",nodes call mpi_finalize(ierr) end program |
Create mpprun: #!/bin/csh -f poe $3 -nodes 1 -tasks_per_node $2 -rmpool 1 -euilib ip -euidevice en0 Tar file is in ~tkaiser/mpi_ref.tar Interactive nodes: ssh
Header | Meaning |
.false. scatter 1 3 0 3 sp real(b4) myreal put32 dp real(b8) mydouble put64 in integer(def_int) myint integer_put comp complex(c4) mycomp put64 dpcomp complex(c8) mydpcomp put128 logical logical mylogical logical_put character character mycharacter logical_put |
Input/Output ranks must match Generic name for the routine Build for Input/Output ranks One line for each data type: suffix for routine name data type variable name for data type SHMEM routine name for this type |