HPL Software

Download and Installation

  1. Download the tar-gzipped file, issue then "gunzip hpl-2.3.tar.gz; tar -xvf hpl-2.3.tar" and this should create an hpl-2.3 directory containing the distribution. We call this directory the top level directory.
  2. Create a file Make.<arch> in the top-level directory. For this purpose, you may want to re-use one contained in the setup directory. This Make.<arch> file essentially contains the compilers, libraries, and their paths to be used on your system.
  3. Type "make arch=<arch>". This should create an executable in the bin/<arch> directory called xhpl. For example, on our Linux PII cluster, I create a file called Make.Linux_PII in the top-level directory. Then, I type "make arch=Linux_PII". This creates the executable file bin/Linux_PII/xhpl.
  4. Quick check: run a few tests (assuming you have 4 nodes for interactive use) by issuing the following commands from the top level directory: "cd bin/<arch> ; mpirun -np 4 xhpl". This should produce quite a bit of meaningful output on the screen.
  5. Most of the performance parameters can be tuned, by modifying the input file bin/<arch>/HPL.dat. See the tuning page or the TUNING file in the top-level directory.

Compile Time Options

At the end of the "model" Make.<arch>, the user is given the opportunity to override some default compile options of this software. The list of these options and their meaning is:

-DHPL_COPY_L force the copy of the panel L before bcast
-DHPL_CALL_CBLAS call the BLAS C interface
-DHPL_CALL_VSIPL call the vsip library
-DHPL_DETAILED_TIMING enable detailed timers

The user must choose between either the BLAS Fortran 77 interface, or the BLAS C interface, or the VSIPL library depending on which computational kernels are available on his system. Only one of these options should be selected. If you choose the BLAS Fortran 77 interface, it is necessary to fill out the machine-specific C to Fortran 77 interface section of the Make.<arch> file. To do this, please refer to the Make.<arch> examples contained in the setup directory.

By default HPL will: As an example, suppose one wants this software to copy the panel of columns into a contiguous buffer before broadcasting. It should be more efficient to let the software create the appropriate MPI user-defined data type since this may avoid the data copy. So, it is a strange idea, but one insists. To achieve this one would add -DHPL_COPY_L to the definition of HPL_OPTS at the end of the file Make.<arch>. Issue then a "make clean arch=<arch> ; make build arch=<arch>" and the executable will be re-build with that feature in.

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