Mon Apr 21 22:47:59 EDT 1997 Update for revised amplsolver.a and "Hooking Your Solver to AMPL". Fri Apr 3 14:10:05 EST 1998 npsol.c: updated to return solve_result_num to AMPL. makefile: omit $S/funcadd0.o; on most systems, $S/amplsolver.a now provides a recommended default funcadd: see ampl/solvers/funclink/README for details. Tue Jul 28 22:33:33 EDT 1998 README: add table of possible solve_result_num values. Tue Apr 3 16:16:02 EDT 2001 Rename makefile makefile.u (for Unix systems); add (for Microsoft VC++), src/ and src/npsol.lbc. 20010411 npsol.c: "return 0;" added to send of obj0fun() to banish a compiler warning; version.c not changed. 20081203 makefile.u: add mention of the need to add -ldl or -ldld on some systems.