program dquad c driver for quadpack implicit double precision (a-h, o-z) external f parameter (limit=50, lenw=4*limit) dimension iwork(limit), work(lenw) open (unit=8, file='outquad', iostat=ios, err=100) c lower limit of itegration a=-1.0d+00 c upper limit of integration b=2.0d+00 c absolute accuracy requested epsabs=1.0d-15 c relative accuracy requested epsrel=1.0d-09 do 20 l=1, 3000 c key for choice of local integration rule: c a Gauss-Kronrod pair is used with c 7 - 15 points if key .lt. 2, c 10 - 21 points if key = 2, c 15 - 31 points if key = 3, c 20 - 41 points if key = 4, c 25 - 51 points if key = 5, c 30 - 61 points if key .gt. 5 do 10 key=1, 6 call dqag (f, a, b, epsabs, epsrel, key, result, abserr, neval, * ier, limit, lenw, last, iwork, work) if (l .eq. 1) then write (8, *) 'integral =', result write (8, *) 'absolute error =', abserr write (8, *) 'number of integrand evaluations=', neval end if 10 continue 20 continue stop 100 write (8, *) 'ios=', ios stop end